Books by "Rowan Speedwell" (17)

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An Aster Story

Noah Hitchens loves the New York City life he worked hard to build. But when his father dies and leaves him a bankrupt bookstore in their sleepy Georgia hometown, Noah knows he has to save it. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know anything about business. He finds unlikely help in Henry, the man who owned Stardust Books before his 1966 murder, and Kyle St. James, a shy but kind-hearted out-of-towner with a past almost as mysterious as Henry's.

Kyle came to Aster, Georgia, looking for redemption. On the run and out of hope, he’s just trying to get on with his life. Then he meets Noah, a ghost, and a big sloppy lab named Jake who redefine his idea of living. But his past is closing in, and when it finds him, they could lose everything.


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Drei  Jahre als verdeckter Ermittler in einer der übelsten Banden des Landes haben FBI Agenten Joshua Chastain gebrochen. Im Kampf gegen Albträume und Abhängigkeit verlässt er den Asphaltdschungel und reist ins Pferdeland New Mexico, wo er hofft, auf der Ranch seines Onkels neu anzufangen. 

Vorarbeiter Eli Kelly verbringt sein Leben damit, misshandelte Tiere zu rehabilitieren, und Joshua ist für ihn nur eine weitere, verlorene Seele. Aber als Joshua langsam beginnt, sein Leben wieder aufzubauen, erkennt Eli, dass Joshua sehr viel mehr ist als nur sein neustes Projekt. 

Joshuas Plan scheint aufzugehen – vielleicht war ein Neuanfang wirklich genau das, was er gebraucht hat. Dann, gerade, als er endlich Frieden gefunden hat, zerstören Gewalt und Hass beinahe all seine harte Arbeit und zwingen ihn dazu, darüber nachzudenken, was er sich eigentlich erhofft – von der Freundschaft mit Eli und vom Leben.


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$6.99 $5.24

Trois ans d’infiltration dans l’un des pires gangs du pays ont laissé l’agent du FBI, Joshua Chastain, complètement bouleversé. Luttant contre les cauchemars et l’addiction, il quitte la jungle bétonnée pour le Nouveau-Mexique, le pays des chevaux, en espérant recommencer à zéro dans le ranch de son oncle.

Le contremaître Eli Kelly passe sa vie à réhabiliter des animaux maltraités, et Joshua est juste une autre âme perdue. Mais quand Joshua commence doucement à reconstruire sa vie, Eli réalise que Joshua représente beaucoup plus qu’un nouveau projet.

Le plan de Joshua semble fonctionner – peut-être qu’un nouveau départ était exactement ce dont il avait besoin. Puis, au moment où il commence à peine à trouver un semblant de paix, le crime et la haine détruisent presque tout ce pour quoi il a travaillé, le forçant à réévaluer ce qu’il veut vraiment faire ressortir de sa relation avec Eli et de sa propre vie.


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$6.99 $5.24

Tre anni sotto copertura con una delle peggiori gang del paese hanno lasciato dei segni profondi nell’agente dell’FBI Joshua Chastain. Accompagnato dagli incubi e dalla sua battaglia contro la tossicodipendenza, Josh lascia la giungla di cemento per la campagna del Nuovo Messico, nella speranza di poter cominciare una nuova vita nell’allevamento di cavalli dello zio.

Il sovrintendente Eli Kelly trascorre le giornate a recuperare cavalli maltrattati e considera Joshua nient’altro che l’ennesima anima in pena. Ma non appena il giovane comincia a rimettere insieme i pezzi della propria vita, Eli si accorge che in realtà rappresenta molto di più che la sua ultima sfida.

Il piano di Joshua sembra funzionare e, forse, un nuovo inizio è davvero tutto ciò di cui ha bisogno. Poi, quando finalmente sembra cominciare a ritrovare la pace, violenza e odio lo portano vicino a distruggere tutto ciò che ha costruito e lo costringono a mettere in discussione il proprio futuro con Eli e la propria vita.


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$3.99 $2.99

Nate Pederowski is about as far down as he can go when he’s tipped to a job as a singer in a speakeasy. Dishonorably discharged for being queer, broke and homeless during the Great Depression, Nate is embittered and lonely. The club’s handsome owner, Rick Bellevue, and his sister Corinna are wowed by Nate’s voice and offer him the job.

But the Starlight Lounge is much more than an ordinary supper club, and Rick and his sister much more than just the owners. It’s not ’til Nate gets caught up in a gangster’s plot that he discovers just what secrets they’re hiding. Nate’s life is going to change in ways he can scarcely imagine, let alone believe.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2010, in the Myths and Magic: Legends of Love anthology.


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$6.99 $5.24

Le très charmant flambeur Tristan Northwood semble avoir tout pour lui dans la vie : un nom de famille ancien, un héritage noble, une femme merveilleuse et un fils qu’il aime par-dessus tout. Les femmes l’adorent, les hommes l’admirent et il semble que rien ne lui soit impossible, qu’il s’agisse de séduire une femme mariée ou de remporter une course d’attelage. La bonne société est loin de soupçonner que son nom ne signifie rien pour lui, que sa fortune est retenue dans les mains toutes puissantes de son père et qu’il ne porte aucun intérêt à sa femme si ce n’est une amitié réservée. La Société l’ennuie et il accepte les défis les plus fous dans le but de se sentir vivant à la pointe du danger. Jusqu’à ce que le frère de sa femme rentre de guerre pour s’installer avec eux.

Le Major Charles Mountjoy est un héros de guerre médaillé qui vient sortir Tris de sa misère et insuffler en lui des sentiments passionnés qu’il n’aurait jamais cru possible d’éprouver. Et presque aussi terrifiants que les sentiments que Tristan nourrit à l’égard de son beau-frère, seront pour lui les signes de l’affection partagée de Charles – ou même pire, que Charles parvienne à lire en lui et ne voit l’homme que Tristan avait si vaillamment essayé de masquer au reste du monde.


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$6.99 $5.24

Pendant cinq ans, Zach Tyler, le fils d’un des plus riches magnats de l’informatique au monde, a été retenu en otage, torturé et abusé. Quand il est enfin secouru de la jungle Vénézuélienne, il est traumatisé à la fois physiquement et psychologiquement, mais il commence doucement à reconstruire la vie qu’il aurait dû avoir si un baiser innocent ne l’avait pas envoyé en enfer.

Son meilleur ami d’enfance, David, a vécu ces années avec un bouleversant sentiment de culpabilité et de chagrin. Chaque tentative de relation amoureuse a été un fiasco à cause des sentiments qu’il portait à un homme qu’il pensait mort. Quand Zach est retrouvé, David est fou de joie mais ensuite anéanti quand Zach le repousse.

Deux ans plus tard, David retourne dans sa ville natale. Zach et lui doivent faire face aux désaccords entre eux, à ce qu’ils ressentent l’un pour l’autre et au futur qu’ils pourraient avoir. Mais Zach a des secrets, et l’un d’eux pourrait bien détruire leur amour encore fragile.


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$6.99 $5.24

Three years undercover with one of the worst gangs in the country left FBI agent Joshua Chastain shattered. Battling nightmares and addiction, he leaves the concrete jungle for New Mexico horse country, hoping to start over on his uncle’s ranch.

Foreman Eli Kelly spends his life rehabilitating abused animals, and Joshua is just another lost soul. But as Joshua slowly begins to put his life back together, Eli realizes that Joshua is a lot more than his newest project.

Joshua’s plan seems to work—maybe a fresh start was just what he needed. Then, just when he has finally found a sense of peace, crime and hatred nearly destroy all his hard work, forcing him to reevaluate what he wants out his relationship with Eli and his own life.


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$6.99 $5.24

Fünf Jahre lang war Zach Tyler, Sohn eines der reichsten Software - Mogulen der Welt, als Geisel gefangen, gefoltert und missbraucht worden. Als er endlich aus dem venezolanischen Dschungel befreit wird, ist er physisch und psychisch zerrüttet. Doch langsam beginnt er das Leben aufzubauen, das er hätte haben sollen, wenn ihn nicht ein unschuldiger Kuss in diese Hölle geschickt hätte.

Sein bester Freund aus der Kindheit, David, hat diese Jahre mit überwältigenden Schuldgefühlen und Trauer verbracht. Jede Beziehung die David einging fiel auseinander, wegen seiner Gefühle für einen Jungen, von dem er glaubte, dass er tot sei. Als Zach gerettet wird, ist David überglücklich – und dann am Boden zerstört, als Zach ihn zurückweist.

Zwei Jahre später kehrt David nach Hause zurück, und er und Zach müssen sich mit der Kluft zwischen ihnen auseinander setzen, mit dem, was sie füreinander empfinden und dem, was ihnen die Zukunft bieten könnte. Aber Zach hat Geheimnisse, und eines von denen könnte sehr wohl ihre zerbrechliche Liebe zerstören.


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$6.99 $5.24

El encantador granuja Tristan Northwood parece tenerlo todo: un nombre con solera, una herencia noble, una encantadora mujer y un hijo al que adora. Las mujeres le aman y parece que no hay nada que no pueda hacer, tanto si es seducir a una mujer de la alta sociedad como si se trata de ganar una carrera de carruajes. Poco se imaginan los que le conocen que el nombre no significa nada para él, que la fortuna está en las firmes manos de su padre y que no siente pasión por su esposa, a la que sólo le une una cordial amistad. La sociedad le aburre y acepta desafíos porque sólo se siente vivo cuando vive al límite... Hasta que el hermano de su mujer vuelve a casa desde el campo de batalla.

El comandante Charles Mountjoy, héroe condecorado de la guerra, saca a Tristan de su desesperación inspirando en él sentimientos de pasión que nunca sospechó que fuera capaz de tener. Casi tan terroríficos como esos sentimientos por Charles, son los indicios de que su cuñado puede que corresponda a su afecto... O incluso peor, que Charles ve al hombre que Tristan ha intentado tan valientemente esconder del mundo.


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$6.99 $5.24

L’affascinante mascalzone Tristan Northwood sembra avere tutto: un nome antico, un titolo ereditario, un’amabile moglie, e un figlio che adora. Le donne lo amano, gli uomini lo ammirano, e sembra che non ci sia niente che non possa fare, che sia sedurre una moglie dell’alta società, o vincere una corsa con i carri. La Società non sospetta affatto che il nome non significhi niente per lui, la sua fortuna sia sotto il controllo di suo padre, e che lui non abbia interesse nella moglie tranne per un’amicizia davvero distante. La Società lo annoia, e accetta le sfide perché si sente vivo solo quando si trova sul limite… fino a quando il fratello di sua moglie torna a casa dalla guerra.

Charles Mountjoy, decorato eroe di guerra, tira fuori Tris dalla sua disperazione, inspirandogli sentimenti di passione che non aveva mai sospettato di essere in grado di provare.

Quasi terrificanti quanto questi sentimenti per Charles sono i segni che Charles potrebbe ricambiare il suo affetto – o anche peggio, che Charles vede l’uomo che Tristan ha cercato così tanto di nascondere al mondo.


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$6.99 $5.24

Per cinque anni, Zach Tyler, figlio di uno dei più ricchi produttori di software del mondo, è stato tenuto in ostaggio, torturato e violentato. Quando finalmente viene soccorso dalle profondità della giungla venezuelana, è fisicamente e psicologicamente distrutto; ma, lentamente, comincia a ricostruire la vita che avrebbe dovuto vivere, prima che un bacio innocente lo spedisse all’inferno.

David, il suo migliore amico, ha vissuto questi ultimi anni nel senso di colpa e nel dolore. Ogni relazione in cui si è imbarcato è andata in pezzi, a causa dei sentimenti che non riesce a smettere di provare per un ragazzo che credeva morto. Quando Zach viene riportato a casa, David è fuori di sé dalla gioia – e poi devastato, quando Zach lo taglia fuori dalla sua vita.

Due anni dopo, David ritorna a casa, e lui e Zach devono fare i conti con il vuoto che si è aperto fra di loro, con ciò che provano l’uno per l’altro, e con quello che il futuro ha in serbo per loro. Ma Zach nasconde dei segreti, e uno di essi potrebbe anche distruggere il loro fragile amore.


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The Florentine Treasure

2012 Daily Dose | Time is Eternity
$3.99 $2.99

Art history professor Daniel Wollek is delighted to assist the Uffizi Gallery in Florence in cataloguing a cache of Renaissance artworks uncovered by an earthquake. But when a second earthquake pitches him headlong into the fifteenth century, Daniel finds himself more involved than he expected in rescuing precious artifacts from a fanatic’s bonfires. Then he meets Leonardo di Vinci’s assistant, Giacopo di Careggi, and finds in the beautiful young model a treasure even greater than art from the past.


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$6.99 $5.24

Zach Tyler, hijo de uno de los magnates de software más ricos del mundo, ha sido mantenido como rehén durante cinco años, en medio de torturas y todo tipo de abusos.

Cuando por fin es rescatado de la jungla venezolana, se encuentra física y psicológicamente destrozado. Lentamente y con mucho esfuerzo, intenta reconstruir la vida que debería haber llevado antes de que un inocente beso transformara su existencia en un infierno.

David, su mejor amigo de la infancia, ha vivido todos esos años con una pena y culpa abrumadoras. Los sentimientos que alberga su corazón por ese joven que cree muerto han hecho que todas sus relaciones fracasen. Cuando Zach es rescatado, David se siente dichoso. Sin embargo, no puede soportar que el joven lo excluya de su vida.

Dos años después, David regresa a casa. Él y Zach deben llegar a un acuerdo para derribar la barrera que los separa, poner en claro lo que sienten e intentar mirar hacia el futuro.

Pero Zach guarda muchos secretos… y uno de ellos podría romper su frágil amor en pedazos.


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$6.99 $5.24

Charming rascal Tristan Northwood seems to have it all: an ancient name, a noble inheritance, a lovely wife, and a son he adores. Women love him, men admire him, and it seems there is nothing he can’t do, whether it’s seducing a society wife or winning a carriage race. Little does Society suspect that the name means nothing to him, the fortune is in his father’s controlling hands, and he has no interest in his wife except a very distant friendship. Society bores him, and he takes dares because he only feels alive when he’s dancing on the edge... until his wife’s brother comes home from the wars.

Decorated war hero Major Charles Mountjoy jerks Tris out of his despair by inspiring feelings of passion Tris had never suspected himself capable of. Almost as terrifying as those feelings for Charles are the signs Charles might return his affection—or, even worse, that Charles sees the man Tristan has been trying so valiantly to hide from the world.


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Hopes and Fears

2010 Advent Calendar | Naughty or Nice
$3.99 $2.99

A spin-off of Finding Zach

Brian McCarthy is a cynic who hates Christmas, doesn't keep in touch with his family, and likes quick hookups and faster goodbyes. The only real relationship he's ever been in was with the subject of his best-selling book, "Caged," a young man held hostage for five years. Unfortunately, it was entirely one-sided, since Zach was already involved with someone else.

So the last thing Brian expects when he goes in for treatment for an injured knee is to develop feelings for his physical therapist. But Jerry seems intent on either avoiding Brian or demanding more than he is willing to give, and Brian doesn’t know if he has the courage to face his past to forge a future.


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$6.99 $5.24

For five years, Zach Tyler, son of one of the world’s richest software moguls, was held hostage, tortured, and abused. When he is rescued at last from the Venezuelan jungle, he is physically and psychologically shattered, but he slowly begins to rebuild the life he should have had before an innocent kiss sent him into hell.

His childhood best friend David has lived those years with overwhelming guilt and grief. Every relationship David has tried has fallen apart because of his feelings for a boy he thought dead. When Zach is rescued, David is overjoyed—and then crushed when Zach shuts him out.

Two years later, David returns home, and he and Zach must come to terms with the rift between them, what they feel for each other, and what their future could hold. But Zach has secrets, and one of them might well destroy their fragile love.


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