Results for "andrew grey" (350)


Legal Artistry

Art Series
$6.99 $5.24

An Art Series novel

Years ago, Dieter Krumpf’s grandmother died and left him everything, including a photo album containing pictures of the art collection she left behind when her family fled the Nazis. Now, Dieter is calling on the services of a lawyer, Gerald Young, to determine whether his family’s legacy might be returned to him.

Gerald doesn’t hold out much hope that the paintings will be returned, but Dieter’s earnestness speaks to him and he agrees to help. At first he concludes that while Dieter has a case, suing in Austria isn’t practical.  But Gerald is a good lawyer, and as his feelings for Dieter develop, so does his determination to win the case. Together, Gerald and Dieter navigate research, hearings, and a dysfunctional family in the pursuit of fine art—and discover the art of love along the way.


$6.99 $5.24

A Helping of Love

Taste of Love Stories
$6.99 $1.00

A Taste of Love Story

If Peter Christopoulos has learned one thing from his last three years in a wheelchair, it’s that people have a hard time seeing past the hardware. When he asks out Russ Baker after giving him a quote on equipment for a new Greek restaurant, he’s disappointed but not surprised to be turned down.

Russ has been covering for his abusive boyfriend for so long it’s almost automatic, but with a little help from his friends, he finds the courage to break it off. To his surprise, Peter is still interested, and soon they’re falling hard and fast. But then their world is thrown into turmoil: Peter finds an old letter indicating he has a half sister he's never met, and Russ's past interferes when his ex makes it clear he'll do anything to get him back.


$6.99 $1.00
$6.99 $5.24

Brighton McKenzie  vient d’hériter d’un des derniers domaines agricoles de la banlieue de Baltimore. Cette petite ferme du Maryland a été dans sa famille depuis le temps des premiers colons. La vendre à des développeurs immobiliers serait la solution de facilité, mais Brighton veut honorer les dernières volontés de son grand-père et la travailler à nouveau. Malheureusement, depuis quelques mois, un accident l’oblige à utiliser une canne au quotidien : il a donc besoin d’aide. Tanner Houghton avait l’habitude de travailler dans un ranch du Montana jusqu’à ce que son ex le fasse virer à cause de sa sexualité. Invité par son cousin, il débarque dans le Maryland, où il est ravi de se voir offrir une nouvelle opportunité de travail.

Immédiatement, Brighton se trouve attiré par la beauté sauvage de Tanner, qui est tout ce qu’il cherche chez un homme, mais il se retient, car Tanner est un employé… Et aussi parce qu’il ne comprend pas pourquoi un homme aussi viril serait intéressé par lui. Mais ce n’est pas le pire de leurs problèmes. Ils vont devoir faire face aux machinations d’une tante, au retour inattendu d’un ex et à la nécessité de trouver un moyen de rentabiliser la ferme, s’ils ne veulent pas perdre l’héritage familial pour toujours.


$6.99 $5.24

Love Means... Freedom

Love Means... Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Love Means... Story

Spurned by his father and driven from his home, Stone Hillyard is struggling to find shelter in the Michigan winter when he lucks upon the horse farm run by Geoff Laughton and his partner Eli. They take him in, warm him up, and give him a job working with their No Boundaries therapy riding program.

A drunk driver left Preston Harding unable to walk, and after months of hard work, his therapist recommends Geoff and Eli’s program. But Preston’s anger and arrogance nearly get him kicked out until Stone intercedes on his behalf, despite Preston’s insults. It’s a small act of kindness that helps open Preston’s eyes.

Stone and Preston will support each other as they face their families’ disapproval and fight old secrets. They’ll learn—sometimes the hard way—just how love can mean freedom for them both.


$6.99 $5.24

Love Means... No Shame

Love Means... Series
$6.99 $5.24


Andrew Grey's Love Means No Shame is a tear jerker. The characters grab you from the beginning and refuse to let go... This is one book that will make it to several keeper shelves to be read again and again. 5/5 Nymphs - Critter Nymph @ Literary Nymphs

This story is written with heart. It is both bittersweet and uplifting, and reminds us that love can be generous and selfless and that a true family and sense of belonging don’t necessarily require blood ties. If you are looking to sink into a well written, poignant, sweet and romantic reading escape then I highly recommend “Love Means ... No Shame” by Andrew Grey. 4/5 Stars - Indigene @ Rainbow Reviews

A Love Means... Story

Geoff is in the city, living the gay life to the hilt, when his father's death convinces him to return to the family farm.  Discovering a young Amish man asleep in his barn, Geoff learns that Eli is spending a year away from the community before accepting baptism into the church. Despite their mutual attraction, Geoff is determined not to become involved with him, but Eli has discovered that Geoff shares his feelings and begins to court him, neatly capturing first Geoff's attention and then his heart.

Their budding relationship is threatened by closed-minded, gossipy relatives and the society at large, a whole new world to Eli, and he must decide whether to return to the community, his family, and the world and future he knows or to stay with Geoff and have faith in the power of love.


$6.99 $5.24

Seven Days

Seven Days Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Seven Days Story

Can a person’s life change in just one day? How about seven?

This is the story of seven pivotal days in Evan Donaldson’s life. Evan was a teenage street hustler when Father Valentin talked him into coming to Saint Bartholomew’s Academy. In that one day, Evan’s entire life changed. That’s the day he met his roommate, Clay Mueller, and the day Evan began to live. But Evan’s life would change again and again, from abuse to first love, to separation and heartbreak, and eventually to starting his own family. Through it all, whenever a door closed for Evan, a window opened, and the window was Clay.

From the first day of finding faith and connecting with Clay through their relationship’s twists and turns, this is a glimpse into seven decisive days and the critical, amazing way a single moment can change destiny.


$6.99 $5.24

Fremde Weiten

Geschichten aus der Ferne | Buch 4
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 4 in der Serie - Geschichten aus der Ferne

Der Westernsänger Willie Meadows ist ein einziger Schwindel. Er hat noch nie auf einem Pferd gesessen und seine „Western“- Klamotten stammen aus einer Boutique in LA. Kein Wunder, dass Wilson Edwards, der echte Mann in diesen nachgemachten Stiefeln, unter einer Schreibblockade leidet. Entschlossen, wieder Zugang zu seiner Musik zu finden, kauft er eine Ranch in Wyoming, um das Landleben kennenzulernen, auch wenn er keinen Schimmer hat, wie man eine Ranch führt. Dann taucht Steve Peterson auf. Verzweifelt, mittellos und hungrig, ist er gerade aus einer Klinik entkommen, die Homosexuelle umerzieht und von der Sekte seines Vaters betrieben wird.

Eigentlich sollte Steve die Pferde des Vorbesitzers ausbilden, aber nun ist der Job futsch, zusammen mit seinem vermeintlichen Arbeitgeber. Glücklicherweise hat Wilson eine vorübergehende Lösung parat: Steve kann “Ranch-sitten“, während Wilson geschäftlich in LA ist. Aber als er wieder zurückkommt, erkennt Wilson den Besitz kaum wieder. Auf den Koppeln stehen Pferde in Ausbildung und die Ranch ist in einem Topzustand. Und plötzlich erkennt er, dass er nicht vom Cowboydasein inspiriert wird, sondern von Steve selbst.

Aber die Sekte ist immer noch hinter Steve her und Wilsons Angst vor einem Skandal bedeutet, dass er sich immer noch nicht öffentlich geoutet hat. Ein Coming-out könnte das Ende von Willies Karriere bedeuten – aber seine Gefühle für Steve zu leugnen, könnte den einzigen Teil von ihm auslöschen, der echt ist.


$6.99 $5.24

Love Means... Courage

Love Means... Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Love Means... Story

Len Parker is laid off during the recession in the early eighties and decides to go back to college at home in rural Michigan, where he reconnects with his best friend from high school, Ruby. He's overjoyed when she marries Cliff Laughton and overcome with sorrow when she dies an untimely death, leaving behind her husband and two-year-old son. 

Out of work again, Len finds a job at Cliff Laughton's sorely neglected farm. Cliff is still mourning his wife, struggling to raise his son, and has little enthusiasm or energy left for work. Len immediately begins to whip the farm—including the two Laughtons—into shape. Working side by side, Len and Cliff grow ever closer, but loving another man takes a lot of courage. They'll have to stand together as they face faltering business, threatening drought, misguided family, and Midwestern prejudices to protect what might be a lifelong love.


$6.99 $5.24

A Shared Range

Stories from the Range | Book One
$6.99 $1.00

Stories from the Range: Book One

After a year in medical school, Dakota Holden returned home to take care of the family business full time and help his father cope with multiple sclerosis. Devoted to his family, Dakota allows himself just one week of vacation a year, which he spends in some exotic location having all the fun he can stand. On his last vacation, a cruise, Dakota struck up a friendship with Phillip Reardon, and it fills an important role in Dakota’s life.

So when Phillip decides to take Dakota up on his invitation to visit the ranch, Dakota is happy to see him and meet his veterinarian friend, Wally Schumacher. Despite Wally’s inclination to help the wolves Dakota’s men shoot to protect the cattle, he and Dakota find they have a lot in common, including a fierce attraction. But they’ll have to decide if the Wyoming range is big enough for Dakota’s cattle, Wally’s wolves, and their love.


$6.99 $1.00

Legal Tender

Art Series
$6.99 $5.24

An Art Series novel

Timothy left home when he was eighteen to get away from his reckless mother, but he never stopped visiting his grandfather, who taught him what love was all about.  Now that Grampy has passed away, Timothy finds that the old man's legacy is everything Timothy has dreamed of—and more.

Inside the house Timothy loves so much is a cache of coins with historical value… and a mystery, because one of them isn’t supposed to exist.  In memory of his grandfather, Timothy sets out to make sure that the mystery and the coins are given their due honor.  In his quest to keep the government from confiscating his grandfather’s legacy, he meets Joiner, whose interest in Timothy is as clear and open as Timothy is guarded.  There are things about Timothy's life and his past he doesn't want anyone to know, not even the kind man who is helping him with the complications of legal tender.


$6.99 $5.24

Une juste cause

Une juste cause
$6.99 $5.24

Une juste cause, numéro hors série

Jerry Lincoln est bien ennuyé : son entreprise d’expertise en informatique située à Sioux Falls procure plus de travail qu’un seul homme peut en gérer. Heureusement, cela signifie qu’il peut recruter quelqu’un pour l’aider. Il espère seulement qu’au final, son nouvel employé, John Black Raven, sera davantage pour lui une source d’aide que de distraction – sauf que les yeux profonds et les longs cheveux de John l’empêchent de se concentrer.

John est venu en ville pour faire des études et obtenir la chance de sa vie, ce qu’il n’aurait jamais eu à la réserve. Cependant, ce qui compte dorénavant le plus pour lui est de trouver un emploi et de le garder. Sa sœur est décédée six mois plus tôt et ses enfants sont désormais en famille d’accueil. Bien que la loi soit de son côté, John ne peut en obtenir la garde – il ne peut même pas voir son neveu et sa nièce.

Alors que Jerry et John se rapprochent, John comprend qu’il n’est pas obligé de lutter seul. Jerry l’aide à obtenir le droit de visite et lui apporte un soutien indispensable. Pourtant leurs victoires ne sont pas sans déboires. Les services de l’aide pour l’enfance sont impliqués dans des histoires d’argent, de politique et de tracasseries administratives, et les enfants amérindiens sont leur moyen de subsistance. Or, John et Jerry sont bien décidés à se battre pour la bonne cause et à en sortir victorieux – à plus d’un titre.


$6.99 $5.24

Flux et reflux

Love's Charter (Français)
Love’s Charter (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Ferrer le poisson
Série Love’s Charter Tome 2

Pour atteindre le bonheur, ils devront trouver le courage d’être des hommes.

Second du capitaine d’un bateau de pêche, Billy Ray rencontre beaucoup de gens, mais personne ne l’a jamais mis aussi mal à l’aise que Skippy – parce qu’il est attiré par cet homme autant que la lune crée les marées, et il est presque aussi impuissant à lui résister. Billy Ray a passé sa vie à nier qui il était vraiment afin d’éviter les foudres de son religieux de père, et il ne peut permettre à personne de voir au travers de cette façade soigneusement construite.

Skippy n’est en ville que pour affaires et devra rentrer à Boston dès qu’il aura fini. Après tout, son père a certaines attentes le concernant, et son séjour en Floride n’en fait pas partie. Mais il n’avait pas compté sur le fait que Billy Ray puisse retenir son attention et toucher son cœur.

Billy Ray ne réalise pas tout ce que Skippy et lui ont en commun. Ils vivent tous les deux pour plaire à leurs pères au lieu de suivre leurs propres rêves – un fait qui devient douloureusement évident quand ils apprennent à se connaître et se rendent compte à quel point ils se sont privés des joies de la vie. Même s’ils ne peuvent pas changer le passé, ils peuvent se tourner vers un avenir ensemble et rattraper le temps perdu – à condition d’être prêts à faire face aux conséquences de choisir leurs propres voies.


$6.99 $5.24

Bottled Up

Bottled Up Stories
$6.99 $5.24

A Bottled Up Story

Sean Bielecki has built a new life, leaving an infamous identity and painful past behind. Now Sommelier Wines is Sean’s dream. And after taking in Bobby, a homeless teenager who was attacked in the alley behind his store, parental instincts wake in him that he didn’t know he had, giving him new courage and direction.

Officer Sam Davis has been watching Sean for a while—not because of his past—but rising star because Sam wants to be a part of his life now. Sam finally asks Sean out, and they seem to click, but Sean is haunted by his memories.

It all comes to a head when the man who attacked Bobby returns, awakening Sean’s buried fears, which are compounded by a hateful ex and a new lover who puts his life on the line for others. Can Sean come to terms with his past and present to move into the future? Or will his dream of love end before it starts?


$6.99 $5.24

Ferrer le poisson

Love's Charter (Français) | 1
$6.99 $5.24

Cela pourrait être la chance d’une vie.

Deux fois par an, William Westmoreland échappe au sentiment d’insatisfaction que lui procure sa vie à Rhode Island en se rendant en Floride et louant le bateau de pêche de Mike Jansen pour une sortie dans le Golfe. L’eau bleue cristalline et les paysages tropicaux ne sont pas la seule vue qu’il aime, mais il n’est jamais passé à l’acte. Un amour de vacances n’est tout simplement pas à l’horizon. 

Mike a commencé son service de location de bateau de pêche à Apalachicola comme un moyen de subvenir aux besoins de sa fille et de sa mère, faisant passer leur sécurité avant les besoins de son cœur. Niant son attirance, qui devient de plus en plus en plus forte à chaque visite de William. 

La récente excursion de William et Mike commence par un temps magnifique, mais la course erratique d’un ouragan change tout, piégeant William. Alors que la pluie et le vent font rage à l’extérieur, la passion à laquelle les deux hommes ont tenté de résister depuis des années s’abat sur eux. Dans le sillage de la tempête, il ne reste que deux hommes qui aspirent à prolonger ce qu’ils ont trouvé. Mais la vie réelle ramène William à ses obligations. Peuvent-ils trouver un moyen de réduire la distance entre eux et découvrir un endroit où leurs âmes pourraient se retrouver ? La traversée sera mouvementée, mais l’avenir brillant qui se profile pourrait valoir la peine d’affronter la houle.


$6.99 $5.24

Love Means... No Boundaries

Love Means... Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Love Means... Story

Joey Sutherland has found a home with Geoff Laughton and his partner, Eli, living and working at the farm that has become a refuge after a motorcycle accident left him with a scarred face and a lot of insecurities. When Geoff’s aunt Mari convinces them to take in a musician from the National Youth Symphony, Joey is reluctantly roped into picking him up, already anticipating the disgust he’ll see on the man’s face.

But Robert Edward Jameson surprises him: he’s outgoing and friendly, he’s willing to try just about anything around the farm, and he’s blind, which goes a long way toward easing Joey’s nerves.

Joey and Robbie become inseparable and discover the beginnings of love. But summer is coming to an end, and Robbie will return to his home in Mississippi, where his family and servants see to everything he could want or need. Joey can only hope Robbie will take a chance on love and escape the boundaries that have shaped his sightless life.


$6.99 $5.24
$9.99 $7.49

Passez un peu de temps à la ferme et découvrez ce que signifie l’Amour…
La ferme rurale de Geoff et Eli, dans le Michigan, est un lieu sûr où la famille permet aux amis de guérir des dures réalités du monde extérieur.
Dans le tome 2, le voyage vers la maison, l’espoir et la famille se poursuit. Les ultimatums parentaux, les attaques ciblées et les accidents de voiture qui changent la vie ne pourront rien contre le pouvoir de guérison de l’amour et de la gentillesse. Ces hommes apprendront à leurs dépens ce que l’amour peut vraiment signifier.


$9.99 $7.49

An Isolated Range

Stories from the Range | Book Five
2012 Award Winners
$6.99 $1.00

Stories from the Range: Book Five

Marty Green has two loves in life: horses and basketball. But suffering a stroke during his first college game throws a wrench in his plans. After months spent in the hospital, recuperating under the zealous care of his overprotective parents, Marty realizes he needs to be on his own, so when he’s offered a job at a ranch owned by his doctor's good friend, he takes it.

When veterinary assistant Quinn Knepper sees Marty for the first time, his heart nearly stops. He's smitten, and Marty appears interested though shy. There are just two problems: Quinn's father wants him to hide his sexuality from the world, and Marty’s Wyoming Senator father is a homophobe with no idea his son is gay—which Quinn learns when the senator proposes an amendment banning gay marriage.

Dealing with two unsupportive families is a heavy burden, but Quinn vows to make it work. Unfortunately, that may mean putting his life on hold while Marty overcomes his emotional isolation—unless, of course, Marty sacrifices his happiness to his father’s political ambition and ends the relationship before it gets started.


$6.99 $1.00

The Good Fight

The Good Fight
$6.99 $5.24

A Book in the Good Fight Series

Jerry Lincoln has a problem: his Sioux Falls IT consulting business has more work than one man can handle. Luckily, that means he can hire some help. Jerry just hopes his new employee, John Black Raven, ends up being more helpful than distracting—but John’s deep eyes and long hair are very distracting.

John came to town for an education and a chance at a life he couldn’t have on the reservation, but what’s important to him now is getting a job and keeping it. Six months ago, his sister died, and now her children are in foster care. Despite having the law on his side, John can’t get custody—can’t even see his niece and nephew.

As Jerry and John grow closer, John discovers he doesn’t have to struggle alone. Jerry helps him win visitation rights and provides much-needed support. Yet their victories aren’t without setbacks. Child Services is tangled up with money, politics, and red tape, and Native American children are their bread and butter. But John and Jerry are determined to fight the good fight and to win—in more ways than one.


$6.99 $5.24