Results for "andrew grey" (350)

$6.99 $5.24

Jonathon Pfister’s life has settled into a maudlin existence since the death of Greg, his lover of seventeen years. But Greg’s daughter Jeana has decided she’s had enough, so she rents a small apartment in Vienna for him as a Father’s Day present. Jonathon agrees to go, against his better judgment.

Surprisingly, Jonathon finds the change of scenery refreshing, and he even makes a young friend in Hans, his landlady’s son. Then Hans’s older brother returns home, and Jonathon begins to truly awaken. Fabian touches something inside him, especially when the younger man takes it upon himself to woo Jonathon in full Viennese style, with a waltz. But shadows of the past and expectations for the future loom over them both and will have to be banished for their lovers’ dance to stay in step.


$6.99 $5.24

Cleansing Flame

Rekindled Flame | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Rekindled Flame
Rekindled Flame: Book Two

Life has been grinding Dayne Mills down almost for as long as he can remember. First he lost the love of his life in an accident that also left him with a permanent injury, and then his mother passed away a year later. When his house burns to the ground, it’s the last straw. He can’t take any more, and if it wasn’t for kind and handsome firefighter Lawson Martin offering him a hand up and a place to stay, he doesn’t know what he’d do. Dayne would love for his relationship with Lawson to evolve into something beyond charity, but he knows going after a man so far out of his league will only lead to yet more heartache. It’s best to just keep his mind on his research.

It’s that research that leads Dayne to an old student journal that not only provides clues to the Native American heritage Lawson has been searching for, but chronicles a century-old love story. The tale that unfolds might be just what Dayne and Lawson need to remind them that no matter how dark life becomes, love can find a way to shine through.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

When Michael accepts a company assignment overseas, he doesn't count on being dumped by his boyfriend on the way to the airport. The breakup is a bad omen—Michael's time in Europe would be one long misery of loneliness and corporate backbiting if it weren’t for his friendship with his coworker, Stephan.

When he finds out Stephan wants more than friendship, Michael is torn. Even if he chooses to risk his one bright relationship in Europe for a chance at love, when this project is over, isn't his only choice to say goodbye?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Robert Morton is in for the surprise of a lifetime. His mother, a bit of a rebel, raised him away from the rest of the family, and it’s not until he’s contacted by his lawyer about an inheritance that he learns who he truly is: the new Earl of Hantford. His legacy includes ownership of the historic Ashton Park Estate—which needs repairs Robert cannot afford. He’ll simply do what the nobility has done for centuries when in need of money. He’ll marry it.

Tech wizard Daniel Fabian is wealthy and successful. In fact, he has almost everything—except a title to make him worthy in the eyes of the old-money snobs he went to prep school with. His high school reunion is looming, and he’s determined to attend it as a member of the aristocracy.

That’s where Robert comes in.

Daniel has the money, Robert has the name, and both of them know they can help each other out. But their marriage of convenience has the potential to become a real love match—unless a threat to Daniel’s business ruins everything.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Les aurores boréales et une seconde chance en amour peuvent-elles rendre l’inspiration à un artiste en difficulté ?

Quand le peintre new-yorkais Devon Starr abandonne ses vices, sa muse s’en va avec eux. Devon a besoin d’un changement, mais quand l’AVC de son père le ramène chez lui en Alaska, la petite ville où il a grandi n’est pas celle dont il se rappelle.

Enrique Salazar se souvient bien de Devon, et il en fait une mission personnelle de lui ouvrir les yeux sur la beauté sauvage et les possibilités tout autour d’eux. Les deux hommes se rapprochent, et alors que Devon commence tout juste à voir ce qu’il avait toujours eu sous les yeux, ils sont appelés à se dresser contre une compagnie minière qui menace la nature immaculée les ayant aidés à tomber amoureux. La lutte renforce leur lien, mais tandis que le désir de prendre un pinceau revient, Devon ressent aussi l’attraction de la ville.

Coincé entre deux mondes, tout ce que Devon peut faire est de suivre son cœur. 


$6.99 $5.24

Sieg über das Feuer

im Feuer | Buch 3
$3.99 $2.99

Fortsetzung zu Gestählt im Feuer
Buch 3 in der Serie - im Feuer

Die beiden Feuerwehrmänner Lee Stanton und Dirk Krause sind urlaubsreif. Doch das Leben hat andere Pläne: An ihrem letzten Arbeitstag haben die beiden mit einem Feuer zu kämpfen, das drei Leben fordert. Wie gut, dass Lee und Dirk eine ganze Woche auf hoher See vor sich haben, um sich von dem Schrecken zu erholen. 

Sie haben eine tolle Zeit – bis sie feststellen müssen, dass auch Dirks miesepetriger, engstirniger Vater an Bord ist. Über dessen Anwesenheit und den Schuldgefühlen wegen der Menschen, die er nicht retten konnte, vergeht Dirk die romantische Stimmung gehörig. Doch dann rettet er einem Passagier das Leben – und vielleicht kann er ja auch noch etwas anderes retten …


$3.99 $2.99
$9.99 $7.49

Passez du temps à la ferme et trouvez le sens de L'Amour... La ferme de Geoff et Eli dans la campagne du Michigan est l’endroit sûr qui permet aux amis de guérir de la réalité parfois cruelle du monde extérieur. Même la personne la plus blessée peut y trouver l'espoir, une famille et un foyer.


$9.99 $7.49
$6.99 $5.24

The only path to happiness is freedom: the freedom to live—and love—as the heart wants. Claiming that freedom will take all the courage one young man has… but he won’t have to face it alone.

In small, conservative Sierra Pines, California, Reverend Gabriel is the law. His son, Willy, follows his dictates… until he meets a man in Sacramento, and then reunites with him in his hometown—right under his father’s nose.

Reggie is Sierra Pines’s newly appointed sheriff. His dedication to the job means not flaunting his sexuality, but when he sees Willy again, he can’t escape the feeling that they’re meant to be together. He’ll keep Willy’s secret until Willy is ready to let the world see who he really is. But if going up against the church and the townspeople isn’t enough, the perils of the work Reggie loves so much might mean the end of their romance before it even gets off the ground….


$6.99 $5.24

Fire and Snow

Carlisle Cops | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Carlisle Cops: Book Four

Fisher Moreland has been cast out of his family because they can no longer deal with his issues. Fisher is bipolar and living day to day, trying to manage his condition, but he hasn’t always had much control over his life and has self-medicated with whatever he could find.

JD Burnside has been cut off from his family because of a scandal back home. He moved to Carlisle but brought his Southern charm and warmth along with him. When he sees Fisher on a park bench on a winter’s night, he invites Fisher to join him and his friends for a late-night meal.

At first Fisher doesn’t know what to make of JD, but he slowly comes out of his shell. And when Fisher’s job is threatened because of a fire, JD’s support and care is more than Fisher ever thought he could expect. But when people from Fisher’s past turn up in town at the center of a resurgent drug epidemic, Fisher knows they could very well sabotage his budding relationship with JD.


$6.99 $5.24

Crunch Time

Work Out Series
$3.99 $1.00

A Work Out Story

When George Higgins agrees to help a soon-to-be-former professional football player rehearse for a guest appearance on a talk show, he doesn’t expect anything to come of it. To his surprise, Darren White shows up on time and actually makes an effort to learn from George. But Darren has definite problems; he can barely read and sounds awful when he speaks. Luckily, George is a teacher and Darren’s motivated. It’s crunch time: the first rehearsal for Talking Sports is looming, and Darren and George will have to work together if they want Darren’s guest appearance—and their budding relationship—to turn into a full-time gig.


$3.99 $1.00

Heart Untouched

Hearts Entwined
$6.99 $5.24

A Hearts Entwined Novel

An accident crushed Duncan’s Olympic dreams and landed him in a chair, but he knows it’s time to get his life back on track—and he has a plan in mind. Working with his friend Todd, an Olympic skeleton racer, on a promotional campaign will not only help Duncan regain some direction, but it’ll give Todd the financial boost he desperately needs. The sport Todd loves is draining his resources—so much so that he’s thinking of giving up racing just to make ends meet.

As the two men work together, their friendship blossoms into much more, and suddenly the future is looking brighter than it has in a long time. But just when love, happiness, and success seem within their grasp, the USOC steps in with plans to stop their campaign. That’ll mean an end not just to Duncan’s business, but to Todd’s dreams… and Duncan isn’t about to let that happen to the man who means everything to him.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Ever since his discharge from the military, injured veteran Ashton Covert has been running his family ranch—and running himself into the ground to prove he still can.

Ben Malton knows about running too. When he takes refuge in Ashton’s barn after an accident in a Wyoming blizzard, he’s thinking only of survival and escaping his abusive criminal ex, Dallas.

Ashton has never met a responsibility he wouldn’t try to shoulder. When he finds Ben half-frozen, he takes it upon himself to help. But deadly trouble follows Ben wherever he goes. He needs to continue on, except it may already be too late.

Working together brings Ben and Ashton close, kindling fires not even the Wyoming winter can douse. Something about Ben makes Ashton feel whole again. But before they can ride into the sunset together, they need to put an end to Dallas’s threats. Ben can make a stand, with Ashton’s help—only it turns out the real danger could be much closer to home.


$6.99 $5.24

Il fuoco del perdono

Il fuoco | Libro 3
$3.99 $2.99

Seguito di Il fuoco del coraggio

I vigili del fuoco Lee Stanton e Dirk Krause hanno bisogno di una vacanza. Il lavoro sembra cospirare contro di loro e il giorno precedente la partenza devono combattere contro un incendio che reclama tre vite. Per fortuna, Lee e Dirk hanno una settimana intera in mare aperto per riprendersi. 

Tutto va alla grande, finché non incontrano sulla nave proprio il padre di Dirk, un uomo infelice e dalle vedute ristrette. Tra la presenza del padre e il senso di colpa per le vite che non è riuscito a salvare, Dirk è certo che la sua crociera romantica sarà un fiasco. Ma salvare la vita di un passeggero gli permetterà anche di salvare un rapporto che credeva compromesso.


$3.99 $2.99

Heart Unheard

Hearts Entwined
$6.99 $5.24

A Hearts Entwined Novel

The attraction between Brent Berkheimer and Scott Spearman peels the wallpaper, but Brent is Scott’s boss, and they’re both too professional to go beyond flirting. Their priorities realign after Scott is badly injured in an accident that costs him his hearing, and Brent realizes what is truly important… he wants Scott. 

Scott pushes Brent away at first, fearing a new romance will just add to his problems, but perhaps he will find unexpected strength and solace in Brent’s support as he struggles to communicate with the world in a new way. 

Just as they decide the chance of a happy future together is worth the risk, Scott and Brent discover darker challenges in their way—including evidence that the “accident” Scott suffered may not have been so accidental.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Avery Rivers is a country music sensation, selling records by the millions and playing to sold-out crowds. But behind that persona is Robert, a burned-out musician cracking under the pressure. He’s unable to write any new songs, and he wants out of the business—at least for a while. He changes his appearance and finds honest, hard work in Jackson, Wyoming. Maybe getting to be a regular guy for a while will get him past his block.

Hy Whitely was a championship bull rider until he watched his best friend thrown in the arena and decided the rodeo circuit was no longer the place for him. He wants to be plain old Zeke for a while, and when he returns to his family ranch, he bumps right into Robert—a one-night stand from his last rodeo appearance who is now working there as a ranch hand.

The heat between the men could sear the grass off the range, but each one is hiding a secret. Robert and Zeke, the men behind the public images, fall in love, but can they hold on when Avery and Hy are pulled back into the spotlight? 


$6.99 $5.24

Bad to Be Good

Bad to Be Good | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Bad to Be Good: Book One

Longboat Key, Florida, is about as far from the streets of Detroit as a group of gay former mobsters can get, but threats from within their own organization forced them into witness protection—and a new life.

Richard Marsden is making the best of his second chance, tending bar and learning who he is outside of organized crime… and flirting with the cute single dad, Daniel, who comes in every Wednesday. But much like Richard, Daniel hides dark secrets that could get him killed. When Daniel’s past as a hacker catches up to him, Richard has the skills to help Daniel out, but not without raising some serious questions and risking his own new identity and the friends who went into hiding with him.

Solving problems like Daniel’s is what Richard does best—and what he’s trying to escape. But finding a way to keep Daniel and his son safe without sacrificing the person he’s becoming will take some imagination, and the stakes have never been higher. This time it’s not just lives on the line—it’s his heart….


$6.99 $5.24

Redeeming the Stepbrother

Tales from St. Giles
$6.99 $5.24

A Tale from St. Giles

Family can be a blessing and a curse, but for artist Florian, it’s a nightmare he longs to escape.

As chief designer for Bartholomew Artist Porcelain, Florian specializes in painting birds. He also watches them in the wild to distract himself from his short-tempered mother, at least temporarily. Florian’s heart is too soft to leave his stepsister, Ella, to suffer alone. Still, he can’t help dreaming about one day finding happiness and love.

When Count Dieter von Hollenbach arrives in town to visit a friend and present an award, he isn’t looking for romance. Then again, he doesn’t expect someone as perfect as Florian to come into his life. To make sure Florian is all he seems and that their connection is genuine, Dieter keeps his title to himself.

But he isn’t the only one with a secret.

At a masquerade ball to celebrate the award, some of the masks fall away, but those that remain in place could destroy the love beginning to grow between them.


$6.99 $5.24