Results for "Johnnies" (14)


Dex in Blue

2013 Award Winners
Johnnies | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Johnnies: Book Two

Ten years ago David Worral had plans to go to college and the potential for a beautiful future in front of him. One tragic accident later, he fled to California and reinvented himself as Dex, top adult performer of Johnnies.

Dex’s life is a tangled mess now, but the guys he works with only see the man who makes them believe even porn stars can lead normal lives. When Kane, one of Dex’s coworkers, gets kicked out of his house, the least Dex can do is give him a place to stay. Kane may be a hyperactive muscle-bound psycho, but he’s also a really nice guy. What could be the harm?

Except nothing is simple—not sex, not love, and not the goofy kid with the big heart who moves his life into Dex’s guest room. When they start negotiating fractured pasts and broken friends, Dex wonders if Kane’s honest nature can untangle the sadness that stalled his once-promising future. With Kane by his side, Dex just might be able to reclaim the boy he once was—and if he can do that, he can give Kane the home and the family he deserves.


$6.99 $5.24

La tristeza de Dex

Johnnies (Español)
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 2 de la serie Johnnies

Hace diez años David Worral tenía planes para ir a la universidad y el potencial de un bello futuro por delante. Pero después de un trágico accidente, huye a California y se reinventa como Dex, un artista adulto de Johnnies. La vida de Dex se ha convertido en un lío tremendo, pero las personas con las que trabaja solo ven en él al hombre que les hace creer que incluso las estrellas del porno pueden tener vidas normales.

Cuando echan de casa a Kane, uno de sus compañeros de trabajo, lo menos que puede hacer es ofrecerle un sitio donde quedarse. Puede que Kane sea un psicópata hiperactivo y excesivamente musculoso, pero también es un buen tipo. ¿Qué puede tener de malo?

Pero nada es sencillo: ni el sexo, ni el amor, ni siquiera el gran corazón que se instala en su habitación de invitados. Cuando empiezan a hablar de pasados rotos y amigos destrozados, Dex se pregunta si la naturaleza sincera de Kane puede hacer desaparecer la tristeza que frenó su prometedor futuro. Con Kane a su lado, quizás Dex vuelva a ser el muchacho que una vez fue. Y si lo consigue, podrá darle a Kane el hogar y la familia que se merece.


$6.99 $5.24

Bobby Green

Johnnies | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

Johnnies: Book Five

Vern Roberts couldn’t wait to turn eighteen and get the hell out of Dogpatch, California. But city living is expensive, and he’s damned desperate when Dex from Johnnies spots him bussing tables.

As “Bobby,” he’s a natural at gay porn. Soon he’s surrounded by hot guys and sex for the taking, but it’s not just his girlfriend back in Dogpatch—or her blackmailing brother—that keeps him from taking it. It’s the sweet guy who held the lights for his first solo scene, who showed him decency, kindness, and a smile.

Reg Williams likes to think he’s too stupid to realize what a shitty hand life dealt him, but Bobby knows better. What Reg lacks in family, opportunity, education, and money, he makes up for in heart. One fumbling step at a time, they connect, not just in their hearts but in their bodies, where sex that’s not on camera, casual, or meaningless becomes the most important thing in the world.

But Reg is hampered by an inescapable family burden, and he and Bobby will never fly unless he can find a way to manage it. Can he break the painful link to his unrealized childhood and grow into the love Bobby wants to give?


$6.99 $5.24

Supersexy in calzini

Johnnies (Italiano)
$3.99 $2.99

Un libro della serie Johnnies

La cotta di Donnie per il coinquilino della sorella, Alejandro, è durata ben oltre i sogni a occhi aperti di quand’era un ragazzino e lo sta facendo impazzire! Così, quando spunta l’occasione di occuparsi della casa per la sorella e Yandro, non si sente troppo solo: ha infatti un sacco di fantasie vividissime a fargli compagnia! Con un po’ di cieca fortuna – e l’aiuto di un magico regalo fatto a mano – quelle fantasie diventeranno realtà?


$3.99 $2.99

Chase nell'ombra

Johnnies (Italiano)
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Johnnies, Libro 1

Chase Summers: un ragazzo d’oro. Una bella ragazza, dei buoni amici e un futuro promettente.

Ma nessuno conosce il vero Chase.

Chase Summers ha una lametta da rasoio appoggiata al polso e l’odore dell’addio al suo amante appiccicato alla pelle. C’è una porta nel suo cuore, così spaventosa che preferirebbe morire piuttosto che aprirla, e le bugie che ha utilizzato per tenerla chiusa diventano più deboli a ogni tocco proibito. La vita di Chase è in disfacimento e la decisione di liberare la sua sessualità in segreto ha contribuito a mandare in pezzi la sua mente più velocemente.

Chase ha la possibilità di vivere un amore vero e salvarsi. Può anche aver incontrato Tommy Halloran nel mondo del gay a pagamento – mondo in cui non importa il numero di amanti, l’importante è girare una buona scena – ma se vuole la guarigione che l’amore di Tommy ha da offrirgli, dovrà trovare il coraggio di lasciare l’ombra del passato per la luce del sole. Potrebbe voler dire chiedere troppo a un uomo che ha passato tutta la vita a nascondere il suo vero io. Chase lo sa fin troppo bene: le sole cose che prosperano nell’oscurità di un cuore sono i demoni personali che amano guardarci sanguinare.


$6.99 $5.24

Black John

Johnnies | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Johnnies: Book Four

John Carey is just out of rehab and dying inside when he gets word that Tory, the guy who loved him and broke him, has removed himself from the world in the most bitter way possible—and left John to clean up his mess.

Forced back to his hometown in Florida, John's craving a hit with every memory when he meets Tory's neighbor. Spacey and judgmental, Galen Henderson has been rotting in his crappy apartment since a motorcycle accident robbed him of his mobility, his looks, and his boyfriend all in one mistake. Galen's been hiding at the bottom of an oxy bottle, but when John shows up, he feels obligated to help wade through the wreckage of Tory's life.

The last thing John needs is another relationship with an addict, and the last thing Galen wants is a conscience. Both of them are shocked when they find that their battered souls can learn from and heal one another. It doesn't hurt that they're both getting a crash course on how growing up and getting past your worst mistakes sure beats the alternative—and that true love is something to fight to keep if your lover is fighting to love you back.


$6.99 $5.24

Chase en las sombras

Johnnies (Español)
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 1 de la serie Johnnies

Chase Summers. La suerte le sonríe. Tiene una hermosa novia, buenos amigos y un futuro prometedor.

Nadie conoce al verdadero Chase.

Chase Summers tiene una hoja de afeitar apoyada en la muñeca y el olor del adiós de su amante aún en su piel. Hay una puerta en su corazón que se abre a algo tan aterrador que prefiere morir a abrirla, y las mentiras que ha utilizado para mantenerla cerrada están debilitándose con cada caricia prohibida. Ha pasado toda su vida intentando aclararse, y su decisión de liberar su sexualidad en secreto sólo ha servido para que su mente se destruya más deprisa…

Chase tiene una oportunidad de conseguir el amor verdadero y la salvación. Aunque haya conocido a Tommy Halloran en el mundo del porno gay, donde el número de amantes no importa mientras que la toma de la eyaculación sea buena, si quiere la curación que el amor de Tommy le brinda, necesitará tener el valor de pasar de las sombras a la luz del sol. Eso puede ser pedir demasiado a un hombre que se ha pasado la vida escondiendo su verdadero yo. Chase sabe muy bien que las únicas cosas que prosperan en la oscuridad del corazón son los implacables demonios personales a los que tanto les gusta vernos sangrar.


$6.99 $5.24

Super Calcetín Man

Johnnies (Español)
$3.99 $2.99

Un libro de la saga Johnnies

El flechazo de Donnie hacia Alejandro, el compañero de casa de su hermana, está yendo más allá que un simple sueño infantil, ¡y está volviendo loco a Donnie! Así que cuando tiene la oportunidad de quedarse a vigilar la casa de su hermana y Yandro, Donnie no se siente solo. ¡Tiene todas sus vívidas fantasías para hacerle compañía! ¿Es posible que un golpe de suerte (con algo de ayuda de un mágico regalo hecho a mano) consiga que las fantasías de Donnie se hagan realidad?


$3.99 $2.99

Ethan in Gold

Johnnies | Book Three
2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Johnnies: Book Three

Evan Costa learned from a very early age that there was no such thing as unconditional love and that it was better to settle for what you could get instead of expecting the world to give you what you need. As Ethan, porn model for Johnnies, he gets exactly what he wants—comradeship and physical contact on trade—and he is perfectly satisfied with that. He’s sure of it.

Jonah Stevens has spent most of his adult life helping to care for his sister and trying to keep his beleaguered family from fraying at the edges. He’s had very little time to work on his confidence or his body for that matter. When Jonah meets Ethan, he doesn’t see the hurt child or the shamelessly slutty porn star. He sees a funny, sexy, confident man who—against the odds—seems to like Jonah in spite of his very ordinary, but difficult, life.

Sensing a kindred spirit and a common interest, Ethan thinks a platonic friendship with Jonah won’t violate his fair trade rules of sex and touch, but Jonah has different ideas. Ethan’s pretty sure his choice of jobs has stripped away all hope of a real relationship, but Jonah wants the whole package—the sexy man, the vulnerable boy, the charming companion who works so hard to make other people happy. Jonah wants to prove that underneath the damage Ethan has lived with all his life, he’s still gold with promise and the ability to love.


$6.99 $5.24

Super Sock Man

$3.99 $2.99

A Johnnies Story 

Donnie’s crush on his sister’s roommate, Alejandro, has gone beyond childhood dreams—and it’s driving Donnie insane!  So when Donnie gets a chance to house-sit for his sister and Yandro, Donnie doesn’t feel alone.  He’s got all his vivid fantasies to keep him company!  Can a little dumb luck—and a little help from a magical homemade gift—help Donnie’s fantasies come true?


$3.99 $2.99

Chase in Shadow

Johnnies | Book One
2012 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Johnnies: Book One

Chase Summers: Golden boy. Beautiful girlfriend, good friends, and a promising future.

Nobody knows the real Chase.

Chase Summers has a razor blade to his wrist and the smell of his lover’s goodbye clinging to his skin. He has a door in his heart so frightening he’d rather die than open it, and the lies he’s used to block it shut are thinning with every forbidden touch. Chase has spent his entire life unraveling, and his decision to set his sexuality free in secret has only torn his mind apart faster.

Chase has one chance for true love and salvation. He may have met Tommy Halloran in the world of gay-for-pay—where the number of lovers doesn’t matter as long as the come-shot’s good—but if he wants the healing that Tommy’s love has to offer, he’ll need the courage to leave the shadows for the sunlight. That may be too much to ask from a man who’s spent his entire life hiding his true self. Chase knows all too well that the only things thriving in a heart’s darkness are the bitter personal demons that love to watch us bleed.


$6.99 $5.24