Silver and Gold

By Devon Rhodes

Silver and Gold
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novellas
  • Pages 70
  • ISBN-13 978-1-61581-338-4
  • SKU 1618
  • File Formats epub, lit, pdf, zip
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Geoff Radcliffe is having a mid-life crisis just in time for the holidays. He goes into a tailspin after hearing from his first love, picks up a stranger who locks him out of the house in nothing but his pants, and then he gets up the courage to go get rid of his grey, and the colorist refuses to 'do' Geoff's hair! But Abe Golden, thrilled that the hunky silver-tipped guy has admitted he's gay, does 'do' him, taking him home for the hottest night of Geoff's life. After three heavenly days of smoking hot sex, Abe has done the unimaginable: he's fallen in love. And when he finds out that Geoff has been using him to practice for another man, Abe is at first heartbroken... and then he plots how to show Geoff the value of combining silver and gold.

Cover Artist: Catt Ford

Advent Calendar

Genres Gay / Holiday Romance