Books by "SJD Peterson" (39)

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Beurteile ein Buch nie nach seinem Cover ...

Über einsneunzig groß und mit einem trainierten Körper, ist es der Fabrikarbeiter Donavan Gregory gewohnt, dass Menschen ihn für dominant halten. Doch irren sie sich und Donavans Begehren, seine unterwürfige Seite zu erkunden, bleibt unerfüllt. 

Kleiner und älter als Donavan, mag Dr. Seth Manning zwar nicht wie der typische Dom wirken, doch als die beiden sich auf dem Pride kennenlernen, stellt Donavan fest, dass Seth sein perfektes Gegenüber sein könnte. Das Problem ist, dass Donavan kaum Erfahrungen mit der BDSM-Welt hat. Und was könnte ein gelehrter, gut aussehender und selbstbewusster Mann wie Seth schon in ihm sehen? Seth muss ihn überzeugen, dass sie trotz aller offensichtlichen Unterschiede wenigstens in ihren Neigungen bestens zusammenpassen.


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Calculated Magic

Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

Never too late for love.

Three-hundred-and-fifty-year-old warlock Tikron must find his true love or forfeit his immortality. But if he hasn’t found his ideal mate in all these centuries, the prospects don’t look too bright.

That is, until he sees mathematician Richard Beaumont. It’s love at first sight and Tikron’s future just go a whole lot brighter. 

Except Richard doesn’t believe in love at first sight. He doesn't believe in love at all. He certainly doesn’t believe in magic. His life is ruled by statistics and logic, and they tell him a relationship with Tikron has only a 10 percent chance of success. That’s unacceptable—even if the attraction between them is off the charts.

With his powers waning and the clock ticking down, Tikron’s last hope is showing Richard the true meaning of magic.


$4.99 $3.74

The Edge

The Underground Club
$6.99 $5.24

An Underground Club Tale

Submissive Joshua has struggled with his addiction to pain for years—something Dom Nash knew when he took Joshua on. Nash also knew their path wouldn’t be an easy one, but through commitment and determination, he peels back Joshua’s layers one by one, revealing a horrific history of abuse and neglect that spans Joshua’s entire life. Nash wants nothing more than to gain Joshua’s trust and help him find the happiness that’s eluded him so long.

Providing structure and discipline is only part of what Joshua will need on his way to recovery. He’ll need the help of Dr. Hobson and their close friends at the Underground BDSM Club to help hold Joshua together as he faces the trauma of his past. It’ll push him to the edge, but Nash will be there to keep him from falling into the abyss of despair, and if Joshua can come out on the other side, he’ll be a step closer to wholeness, healing, and happiness.


$6.99 $5.24

Going Off Grid

States of Love
$3.99 $2.99

Clay and Elliott are working toward a dream—working sixty-hour weeks for one of the oil companies that recently sprung up in North Dakota. The pay is good, but is it a fair trade for never seeing each other? The point becomes moot when the company folds, like so many others, and the couple is left with a difficult choice.

Should they find comparable work somewhere else, or is it time to throw caution to the wind and go after their goal—years earlier than they intended?

What they’ve always wanted is to be together and have time to enjoy it, so they follow their hearts. They’re going off the grid and fixing up an old cabin so they can be self-sufficient. But when they go from all the conveniences of the modern world to outhouses, solar power, a shoestring budget, and more mosquitos than they ever thought possible, will they find there’s such a thing as too much time together?

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


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$6.99 $5.24

La promesse d’un job de rêve attire Murphy à Tampa. Mais il revient brutalement sur terre lorsqu’il découvre que l’offre est provisoirement suspendue. À présent, il n’a plus que deux choix : retourner en douce dans le Michigan, la queue entre les jambes, ou rester dans le coin et chercher du travail.

Les choses s’améliorent quand il se rend dans un coffee shop et apprend que le propriétaire cherche justement quelqu’un pour rénover l’appartement du dessus. Il accepte le job avec joie avant de réaliser qu’il a déjà fait la connaissance de Joe Sterling, le propriétaire du Kaffeinate, lors de sa première soirée dans un club de Tampa.

Murphy et Joe sont tous les deux francs, fiers et passionnés. Ni l’un ni l’autre ne cherche de relation, même s’ils sont bien obligés de reconnaître qu’ils s’accordent aussi bien que le café et les beignets, en dépit de leurs caractères. Jusqu’à ce que Joe réalise que Murphy doit travailler pour une société qui représente une menace pour l’environnement et pour les entreprises de la région – et si Murphy ne change pas très vite d’avis, Joe ne voudra plus rien avoir à faire avec lui, condamnant entre eux toute possibilité d’obtenir leur happy-end tant espéré.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

La promessa del lavoro dei suoi sogni spinge Murphy a trasferirsi in Florida, ma al suo arrivo lo aspetta un brusco risveglio: il progetto è sospeso. Si trova perciò davanti a un bivio: tornarsene in Michigan con la coda tra le gambe o restare per trovare un altro lavoro? Le sue prospettive sembrano migliorare quando entra in un bar e scopre che il proprietario sta cercando qualcuno per ristrutturare l’appartamento al piano superiore. Accetta con gioia l’incarico, per rendersi conto solo in un secondo momento che ha già conosciuto Joe Sterling, il proprietario di Kaffeinate: la prima sera in città lo ha rimorchiato in un club.

Murphy e Joe sono entrambi orgogliosi, passionali e schietti. Nessuno dei due è alla ricerca di una relazione, sebbene non possano negare che le loro personalità si sposino come caffè e ciambelle. Il loro rapporto si incrina quando Joe scopre che Murphy è stato assunto dalla società che ritiene stia cercando di danneggiare le imprese del quartiere e l’ambiente. Finché Murphy continua a lavorare per loro, Joe non vuole avere nulla a che fare con lui, mettendo così a rischio la speranza di un inaspettato lieto fine.



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$3.99 $2.99

Texas native Colt Burrow isn’t happy about his third cold, lonely Christmas in frozen Michigan. But when fate sends him a gift in the form of an abandoned puppy, he can’t keep his heart from melting. With the puppy’s companionship, he doesn’t feel so isolated anymore, and the holidays don’t seem as bleak. He even finds enough Christmas spirit to take Roger tree shopping. But just when Colt’s starting to hope Roger’s owner doesn’t show up… he does, and Colt doesn’t want to say goodbye.

Will Roger end up being Colt’s Christmas heartbreak… or his Christmas miracle?


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$6.99 $5.24

Opposites attract, but are some differences too drastic for a romance to survive?

On the surface, Benson Howard Winthrop III and Hugh Bayard have a lot in common: they’re young, handsome, and blessed to be one of the wealthiest couples in the country. Surely they have everything anyone could want. But Ben is no longer satisfied with their long-running relationship. Hugh’s need to control every situation is suffocating him, and Ben needs to know if he can make it on his own merits by following his passion.

But Ben’s mother isn’t about to let her son live in a rundown apartment as a struggling actor. She’s determined to get him back to his rightful place at the top of the social ladder—and back with Hugh.

Rekindling their romance will require more than doing what’s expected. Ben and Hugh need to understand and embrace each other’s differences. They’ll have to support each other even when one makes a decision the other doesn’t agree with. For their passionate love to grow, they will need to redefine the meaning of romance… only then can they find true happiness.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Life  is simple and hopeful in youth. Luke and Nelson are best friends exploring their budding sexuality. They have big plans for the future, and nothing can stand in their way or tear them apart—except a family move that puts a continent between them.

Ten years later Luke and Nelson meet again, but nothing is simple anymore. As strong as the attraction remains, obligations and expectations come between them as Luke is forced to honor family responsibilities over the desires of his heart.

Impossibly fate sees fit to offer them a last opportunity to see what might have been. Will the third time be the charm, or is trust so badly broken it is impossible to repair? Can they recapture the innocent love they once knew and make up for all the wasted years? In a love story that spans half a lifetime, two friends destined for each other will have to fight hard for their happily ever after.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

The promise of a dream job lures Murphy to Tampa, but he arrives to the rude awakening that the offer is on hold. Now he’s got two choices: slink back to Michigan with his tail between his legs or stay and look for work. Things perk up when he goes into a coffee shop and learns the owner is looking for someone to renovate the apartment above it. He happily takes the job, only later realizing he’s met Joe Sterling, Kaffeinate’s proprietor, before… when they hooked up at a club Murphy’s first night in Tampa.

Murphy and Joe are both proud, passionate, and outspoken. Neither is looking for a relationship, though they can’t deny they go together as well as coffee and doughnuts, in spite of their tempers. But that’s before Joe learns Murphy will be working for the corporation he believes is harming local businesses and the environment—and if Murphy will be supporting it, Joe wants nothing to do with him, dooming any possibility of an unexpected happy ending.


$6.99 $5.24


The Underground Club
$6.99 $5.24

An Underground Club Tale

Even within the context of the Underground BDSM Club, Joshua’s desires are dark and extreme. Hopelessly addicted to pain and the high it gives him, he has no limits. Joshua would quite literally rather die than use a safeword, and he accepts that might be his fate. As much as he depends on others, he has yet to find a man who can gain his trust, and he has little hope that he ever will.

For Nash, acquiring Joshua from another Dom at the club is only the first step in what will be a long and arduous road to lure the young man back from the brink of self-destruction. He must do the impossible and win Joshua’s trust, and he must be the one to set limits in their exploration—something he’s unaccustomed to as a Dom. But Nash knows dominance doesn’t always mean pushing a submissive’s boundaries. It’s about establishing a bond and fulfilling another man’s needs. In Joshua’s case, he’ll have to strike a balance between meeting the young man’s expectations and drawing firm lines that will save Joshua from himself.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Avec  sa crête, ses tatouages et ses piercings, Ridley Corbin correspond à l’image du parfait bad boy – ce qui lui convient bien, puisqu’il se voit comme le défenseur des plus faibles. Mais ce qu’il veut par-dessus tout, c’est devenir le héros d’Alex Firestone.

Alex, bibliothécaire discret et délicat, vient de s’installer à Slater, paisible ville étudiante, dans l’espoir d’échapper à son passé. Solitaire, il se fait toutefois remarquer par la brute du campus. Mais les apparences sont parfois trompeuses. Le passé d’Alex le rattrape, et l’heure vient pour lui de devenir le héros.


$6.99 $5.24


The Underground Club
$6.99 $5.24

An Underground Club Tale

Don’t judge a book by its cover….

At over six feet, with a body honed in the gym, auto worker Donavan Gregory is used to people assuming he’s a dominant top. Unfortunately, they’re wrong, and Donavan’s desire to explore his submissive side goes unfulfilled.

Smaller and older than Donavan, Dr. Seth Manning might not look like a typical Dominant, but when the two men meet at Pride, Donavan realizes Seth might be his perfect counterpart. The trouble is, Donavan doesn’t have as much experience with the BDSM world as he’d like. What could an educated, handsome, and confident man like Seth possibly see in someone like him? Seth must convince him that despite the differences on the surface, when it comes to kinky fun and discovery, they’ll fit together just fine.


$6.99 $5.24

Il desiderio di Lorcan

Whispering Pines (Italiano) | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Whispering Pines, Libro 1

Nonostante il sostegno amorevole della sua famiglia, Lorcan James vuole affrontare la vita da solo e, a ventun anni, si ritrova a piedi dall’altra parte del paese in cerca di avventura. Quello che trova è la disperazione, una disperazione che lo conduce dritto al Whispering Pines Ranch e proprio sul cammino del suo proprietario. L’uomo – forte, arrogante e bellissimo – risveglia in Lorcan qualcosa di cui non conosceva neanche l’esistenza.

Quinn Taylor è immerso fino al collo nella seccatura e nella frustrazione di dover fare i conti con un proprietario terriero confinante che non desidera altro che farlo fallire. Non ha bisogno di altre complicazioni, ma quando posa gli occhi su Lorcan il suo mondo si capovolge. Nonostante trovi in Quinn ciò che il suo cuore brama, Lorcan rifiuta di essere il suo piccolo sporco segreto. L’uomo non è però l’unico a cercare le sue attenzioni. Jess, un bracciante del ranch, sarebbe felice di dichiarare al mondo il suo amore per Lorcan. È proprio quello che Quinn non gli offrirebbe mai, ma è il desiderio più ardente di Lorcan.


$6.99 $5.24


Los guardianes de Folsam | Volumen 1
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 1 de la serie Los guardianes de Folsam

Micah «Cachorro» Slayed sabe que desea a Tackett Austin desde el momento en que le pone la vista encima en los Guardianes de Folsom. Micah quiere tener un objetivo en la vida, que cuiden de él y cuidar de su Dominante. Quiere confiar en él completamente, vivir por él, pertenecerle. Convertirse en su todo. Micah está seguro de que Tackett es el indicado. El problema es que, para ser el sumiso perfecto, necesita mantenerse centrado, y eso no es fácil para Micah, que sufre de lo que él llama «cerebro averiado». La concentración y el trastorno de déficit de atención raramente coexisten. 

Desde la ceremonia del collar de Ty Callahan y Blake Henderson, Tackett ha estado pensando demasiado en su propia soledad. Incluso cuando Ty le presenta a Micah y anima a Tackett a darle una oportunidad, este no se deja convencer fácilmente. Se ha pasado la vida forjándose una exitosa carrera de negocios, y los sumisos a los que domina casi nunca disfrutan dos veces del beso de su cuero. Veinte años mayor que Micah, Tackett no tiene interés en domesticar a un sumiso tan joven y travieso… pero es difícil resistirse a las súplicas de un cachorro tan adorable.


$6.99 $5.24


Hunting Evil | Book One
$6.99 $0.99

Hunting Evil: Book One

A string of murders targeting effeminate gay men has the GLBTQ community of Chicago on alert, but budget cuts have left many precincts understaffed and overworked, and homophobia is alive and well within the law enforcement community so little has been done to solve the mystery. When the FBI calls in Special Agent Todd Hutchinson and his team, the locals are glad to hand the case off. But Hutch finds a bigger mystery than anyone originally realized—seventeen linked murders committed in several different jurisdictions. Hutch’s clues lead him to Noah Walker.

Working on his PhD in forensic psychology, Noah has been obsessed with serial murders since he was a child. Noah finds himself hunted, striking him off Hutch’s suspect list, but not off his radar. To catch the killer before anyone else falls victim, they’ll have to work together to bring him to justice.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2014.


$6.99 $0.99


Guards of Folsom (Italiano) | Libro 3
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Guards of Folsom, Libro 3

Grant Maxwell si sveglia una mattina e scopre che la macchina del caffè è spirata durante la notte. Max, come lo conoscono tutti, non può iniziare la giornata senza la sua bevanda preferita, così si dirige al bar sotto casa, dove trova qualcosa che è ancora più eccitante della caffeina: un barista sexy di ventisei anni, Aiden James. Per la prima volta in vita sua questo Dom affermato, sicuro di sé e rispettato si trova a corto di parole di fronte al fascino del giovane.

Aiden vive con tre coinquilini, fa un lavoro senza nessuno sbocco per il futuro e non è sicuro di dove la vita lo stia portando. Fino a quando non incontra Max, che lo introduce a uno stile di vita a lui sconosciuto ma che lo intriga. Entrambi scopriranno presto che non è solo l’attrazione che li accomuna.

Condividere una piccola perversione è una cosa, ma le blande esperienze sessuali che Aiden ha avuto in passato, sommate alla paura di perdersi in Max, potrebbero impedirgli di vivere la sua fantasia. Anche Max ha il suo ostacolo da superare: deve aiutare Aiden a scoprire il suo lato da sottomesso pur essendo, per la prima volta in vita sua, innamorato perso di qualcuno.


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Guards of Folsom | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

Guards of Folsom: Book Five

Tek Cain & Jamie Ryan work at the Guards of Folsom BDSM club. After two years on the run from their old motorcycle club and the Feds, Tek & Jamie are finally able to relax and enjoy their new life in New York City. But the past won’t stay buried, and when the MC resurfaces, it’s Jamie who pays the price. Tek and the rest of the members at the Guards of Folsom must work together to get back one of their own.

In this, the final installment in the Guards of Folsom series, everyone must come together, bound as one in their quest to find Jamie and bring him home once and for all.


$6.99 $5.24