

Erasing Shame

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The son of a Han traitor who had let the Xianbei Mongols invade the borders, Jiang Shicai swears to restore his family’s honor, hoping to better the Hans’ lives through peaceful means. He believes violence is never the answer, but to gain respect, he finds himself fighting for the Xianbei.

Ten years later, an annoying but handsome playboy, Dugu Xuechi, arrives as the incompetent new military inspector of Shicai’s region. Shameless, irresponsible, and obnoxious, Xuechi tests Shicai's patience almost every second. Despite their mutual dislike, Shicai finds himself drawn to the capricious man, especially when he sees the resemblance between Xuechi and his deceased best friend. Yet Xuechi's self-destructive behavior and refusal to accept help require attention that distracts Shicai from his goal for peace--and it doesn't help that Xuechi is Shicai's strongest political opposition. Haunted by a childhood promise he never had the chance to fulfill, Shicai must choose between his feelings and his values.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, February 2013.


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A Harmony Ink Press Title

Fadeaway: Book One
From the Tales from Foster High Universe

Looking like the perfect all-American boy—tall, handsome, and athletic—makes it easy for Danny Monroe to blend in with the in-crowd of a new high school. It’s a trick he picked up moving with his father from one Marine base to the next. When you aren’t going to be around long, it’s better to give people what they want. And what they want are his quick hands and fast feet on the basketball court.

On court, he can be himself and ignore certain strange developing urges. Everyone knows you can’t like boys and be a jock, but for Danny his growing attraction is becoming overwhelming. At the thought of losing the only thing that matters, Danny starts to panic and realizes he has a choice to make: happiness or basketball.


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Basta una sola notte con Ash Gallagher perché Eli Hollister si convinca di aver finalmente trovato l’uomo giusto al momento giusto; fortuna che non ci ha scommesso sopra, perché Ash si rivela uno studente della sua classe al college locale. Eli non può negare la sua attrazione, ma adesso le cose si complicano; inoltre ha già abbastanza problemi col preside del suo dipartimento, un uomo gretto e meschino che aspetta solo l’occasione propizia per poterlo licenziare.

Dal canto suo, Ash non vede l’ora di dare una svolta alla sua vita. Dopo aver prestato servizio nel corpo dei Marines e successivamente nella Riserva, è pronto a lasciarsi la vita militare alle spalle. L’ultima cosa che aveva programmato però era intrecciare una relazione col suo professore di letteratura inglese e più Eli resiste, più Ash è determinato ad averlo. Poi scopre che Eli ha intenzioni serie, mentre lui cerca solo un’avventura… oppure no? Su questi due, che si tratti di vita o di amore, non si possono fare scommesse.


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Depuis l’enfance, Jake, Adam, Kyle, et Brendan ont toujours été amis, coéquipiers, presque frères. Mais un jour, quand ils avaient vingt-cinq ans, Adam a disparu sans un mot. Ses amis ont été dévastés, particulièrement Jake, qui aimait secrètement Adam depuis l’adolescence.

Aujourd’hui, après cinq ans d’absence, Adam est de retour et il est déterminé à conquérir Jake. Mais toutes les années de colère, de souffrance et de doute que Jake a endurées sont difficiles à oublier. Pardonner n’est pas si simple. Jake n’est pas sûr qu’Adam et lui puissent retrouver la même harmonie que dans le passé. Jake, Kyle, et Brendan ont continué à vivre leur vie sans Adam. Quant à Adam, sa carrière brillante l’empêche d’afficher publiquement son orientation. Il vit dans le secret, comme il l’a toujours fait. Mais malgré ce qui s’est passé, les excuses d’Adam semblent sincères, et l’attirance entre Jake et lui est toujours aussi forte. Jake veut vraiment lui laisser une seconde chance, mais avant, il veut comprendre pourquoi Adam a disparu du jour au lendemain, et s’assurer qu’il a l’intention de restera à ses côtés pour de bon.


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Ara Costas has it all—riches, power, and the kind of beauty that attracts all the right people. He’s flying high and loves his life, until a serious car accident leaves him horribly scarred. Ara becomes an angry recluse, hiding away in his Chicago high-rise apartment, running his multimillion-dollar business from behind a computer screen.

Ilias Adams is a quiet farm boy who keeps his nose buried in books. A great education and stellar resume land him a job as Ara's assistant and liaison to the board of directors. Little did he know when he signed up for this dream job that he’d end up working for the world's moodiest, most uptight boss.

Ilias is scared of Ara at times, but he recognizes the challenge he faces when he meets Ara and sees the reason for the man’s anger. Ara is guarded and suspicious, since he can’t believe anyone can bear to look at him. Despite all this, Ilias is determined to turn the beast into a beauty again, at least on the inside, and tear down the walls Ara has so carefully constructed around him.


If You Knew Jack

The Center | Book Two
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A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to You Don't Know Jack

Jack Carlisle has returned to the Center after an assignment designed to push him to the edge of his limits—and beyond. He is given just a few short days to get used to a new identity and a new team. He’s been trained to assume a new identity, but working with a new team is more difficult, especially since it throws him back in the path of Leo McCormack, the boy who stole Jack’s heart and handed it back broken into tiny pieces.

With “Jack Carlisle” dead and “Jack Cross” reborn comes a new mission. Jack Cross and his team are sent undercover to Forbes Academy, an elite boys’ school in rural Connecticut. Here they must protect Adam and Sam North, whose lives are threatened by an unknown source.

Jack’s training never prepared him to deal with the animosity he still feels toward Leo, but he knows the only way to figure out the cause of the danger in time to save Adam and Sam is to work together.


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Lune de sang

Sanguis Noctis (Français) | Tome 1
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Sanguis Noctis, tome 1

Jed Walker, mercenaire, ne pensait pas que ce boulot serait compliqué : il lui suffisait d’entrer, de récupérer ce que son client voulait et de repartir. Sauf que son nouveau client ne veut ni argent, ni objets de valeur. Il veut Redford Reed, un homme timide, mais superbe, qui retourne tout l’univers de Jed en une journée. Et Jed n’est pas vraiment préparé à tomber si rapidement sous le charme de l’objet de sa dernière mission !

Redford Reed a vécu toute sa vie enfermé dans la maison de sa grand-mère, hanté par une terrible malédiction, à regarder le monde avancer autour de lui. Jusqu’à ce qu’un jour, Jed débarque, envoyé par un homme qui ne s’arrêtera à rien pour que Redford lui appartienne. S’associer à Jed est sa seule chance de survivre, mais au fur et à mesure que la violence empire, la tension monte entre eux. Et même s’ils ont enfin trouvé quelque chose qui pourrait donner sens à leurs vies, maintenant il va falloir tout le talent de Jed et tout le courage de Redford pour qu’ils puissent ne serait-ce que rester en vie.


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$6.99 $5.24

Dieci anni dopo che Dorjan ha creduto alle parole di un ragazzino anziché a quelle del suo ufficiale, lui e il suo miglior amico, Areau, ne pagano ancora le conseguenze, e cercano di fermare l’uomo veramente responsabile. Bloccato in una meticolosa danza per far cadere un governo corrotto, Dorjan si sforza di bilanciare il suo dolore con la rabbia di Areau. Proprio quando raggiunge il limite della sopportazione, vede un volto familiare nell’ombra, e il ragazzo di cui si era fidato un decennio prima gli offre una gentilezza inaspettata.

Taern ricorda il soldato che lo ha trovato sotto ai giunchi e ha ascoltato le sue preghiere di salvare la sua famiglia. Quando Dorjan riappare nella sua vita, Taern è conquistato dal suo impegno per la giustizia, ma è anche terrorizzato dai rischi che si assume. Tutto ciò che vuole fare per lui è guarirlo, ma la distruzione imminente ha richiesto dieci anni di lavoro e Dorjan non vuole il suo aiuto. Non se questo lo mette in pericolo.

Gli scontri di potere e il destino del mondo sono in bilico tra la follia di Areau e la nobiltà di Dorjan. Mentre quest’ultimo combatte per salvare l’umanità, Taern si unisce alla battaglia solo per salvare lui, sapendo che tutto dipende dal cuore di un uomo in armatura e dalla forza dell’uomo che lo ama.


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The Experiment


In the distant future, humans wage war against the alien planet Caeorleia, with no tactic off-limits if it will help the humans get their hands on Caeorleia’s resources. Ask Ryker. He thought he volunteered for a simple experiment that would help his government in the war. He didn't realize sadistic doctors would turn him into the experiment—by injecting him with blood from a captured Caeorleian, Seral Iorflas.

Nor did Ryker realize he’d be sent to sabotage a planet full of the very beings his world is battling, beings who kill humans on sight. But then, thanks to the experiment that irrevocably changed him, he isn’t exactly human any longer—and with each passing day, as his blood bond with Seral strengthens, he’s less and less sure as to whose side he's on.


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After Randy Camster failed at marriage, his life centered around work, TV sports, and listening to his friend Jake complain about how Randy’s lack of a sex life will be the downfall of mankind. Not true! Well, not totally. Randy has just never understood the fascination with sex… until ladyboy performer Lalana Dulyarat shimmies into his world via an Internet ad for Thailand tourism. After that, it doesn’t take much for Jake to convince Randy to take a Bang Cock vacation. 

Finding an adorable little imp named Boon-nam wasn’t on Jake O’Neil’s itinerary. Gay, straight, and undecided, Jake has had ’em all, but never a virgin aching to explore her new body after successful affirmation surgery. Talk about pressure. And what’s with everyone warning him not to break Boon-nam’s heart? His is the one in danger.

Jake's openness about sexuality has always made Randy wonder if he is too focused on gender. Lalana is even more beautiful in real life than he’d hoped, but she’s keeping her "male parts" and has no intention of ever having surgery. Does it really matter? A return ticket to reality awaits. The clock is ticking on the two couples’ hopes for love, unless they can find a way to span gender, culture, and half a world.


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Love & Loyalty

Faith, Love, & Devotion | Book Two
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Faith, Love, & Devotion: Book Two

Seattle Homicide Detective Jim Shea never takes work home with him—until now. A judge banged his gavel, declared a defendant not guilty, and laid waste to a family. The emotional fallout of the trial leaves Jim vulnerable and duty-bound to the victim’s dying father.

It’s that man’s story that screenwriter Griffin Drake and his best friend, actress Daisy Baylor, see as their ticket out of action blockbusters and into more serious fare. But to get the juicy details, Griffin needs to win over the stoic and protective Detective Shea. Their attraction is immediate, and Daisy encourages Griffin to use it to their advantage: secure the man, secure the story. Neither man has had much luck when it comes to love, and when their one night together evolves into a long weekend of rapidly intensifying feelings, both Griffin’s fierce loyalty to Daisy and his very career is put to the test.

Because the more Griffin is drawn into a new life with Jim, the more his Hollywood life falls apart. Secrets and broken trust threaten Griffin’s relationships, and he’ll have to choose between telling the truth or writing a Hollywood ending.

2nd Edition


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

When Jason Barrett wakes up, he remembers only one thing: his name. Frightened and driven by paranoia, Jason keeps moving, going from town to town working odd jobs and making no friends. When he stumbles onto an emergency in New Hanover and saves a fellow teenage boy, it offers him the first connection he’s felt in a while.

All Ravi Mittal learns about his knight-in-shining armor is his name. Jason. But New Hanover is a small town and it is easy to reconnect. To return Jason’s kindness, Ravi wants to help solve the riddle of Jason’s missing past. As they work through clues, Jason begins to feel settled. He finds a place he belongs with Ravi—maybe something more.

But Ravi’s father’s deep-seated prejudice against the African American teen threatens to tear Jason and Ravi apart… if the mystery chasing Jason doesn’t do it first.


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Tracy Brandt considers himself a lucky man. He has a wonderful family, good friends, and a dependable job. His love life, however, features a cheating ex who, though out of the house, is not yet out of the picture—with a past that just might get Tracy killed.

Homicide inspector Cord Nolan wants nothing more than to show his best friend’s little brother that he’s a reliable man, but to do that he’ll have to get Tracy to look past the player he used to be. It'll be a tough sell; reputation is everything, and Cord's is tarnished by his past indiscretions.

Tracy and Cord have spent five years trying to suffocate their fiery attraction under a blanket of grudging antagonism. When Tracy finds himself with a target on his back, Cord finally has the chance to ride to the rescue and break through the dam of Tracy's reserve. But he’d better be careful: if Cord is breaking the floodgates to wash away the past, he's going to have to hold tight to Tracy to make sure they're still standing when the tumult recedes.


The Royal Street Heist

Bissonet & Cruz Investigations | Book One
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Bissonet & Cruz Investigations: Book One

When valuable Civil War era art is stolen from a popular New Orleans gallery, NOPD Lead Detective Montgomery "Beau" Bissonet and his partner set out to solve the crime. When the gallery’s insurance company sends Tollison Cruz to the Big Easy to conduct their own independent investigation, personalities clash and battle lines are definitely drawn.

The heist quickly becomes a politically driven high profile case, and Detective Bissonet is furious when he’s ordered to work along side Investigator Cruz to assure a timely arrest. The heat index soars to new levels when the two investigators discover they have a lot more in common than originally thought.

With the tension between them temporarily sated, Bissonet and Cruz finally start to work together, on more than just a professional level. But everything comes to a screeching halt when Beau discovers his cohort in crime has been withholding information regarding the investigation and has been concealing a very questionable past. What happens next rivals the scorching summer heat.


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A Chaotic Range

Stories from the Range | Book Seven
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Stories from the Range: Book Seven

Most of the time ranchhand David rescues stray cattle, but this time he and his fellow cowboys Wally and Haven save a stranded motorist. David is surprised to find his former high school classmate nearly frozen in his car. After learning that Brian Applewright's boss fired him from his ranch for being gay, they invite him back to theirs to take a job.

David and Brian moved in different social circles at school, but working together brings them closer. However, David has a rocky history on the ranch. The foreman is his ex, and he only recently returned after a heartbreakingly unsuccessful attempt to find greener pastures. He can't risk his heart getting close to anyone.

But on a ranch, nature has a way of forcing an issue. When a snowstorm threatens, David and Brian head out to mend a fence and round up some stray cattle. David gets injured, and they must survive in the snow, cold, and wind. It might be the start of a relationship... or the end of their lives.


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Daniel Larson has walled himself off from any possibility of romance since his lover died violently five years ago in Afghanistan. The same bomb that ended his partner’s life took the lower part of Daniel’s left leg. The only support Daniel has, his Uncle Lawrence, is dead-set against anything homosexual, including Daniel.

Now, a popular language teacher at the local university, Daniel's suffering from a car accident that broke his one good leg. His uncle, who is much better at throwing money at things than offering emotional support, provides a rented power chair and a private in-home nurse. Unbeknownst to his uncle, the nurse comes in the form of a man named Jonah Thacker.

Instantly attracted, Daniel and Jonah fight their mutual feelings in favor of professionalism. They become friends anyway, and Jonah shares his life with Daniel, including his handicapped son, Ethan. As Jonah and Daniel grow closer, Daniel becomes more involved in Jonah and his son’s lives, even being there for Ethan when his medical conditions worsen. But when Daniel’s uncle finds out the nurse he's hired is male, he uses all of his resources to keep Jonah and Daniel apart.


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Trovare l’uomo giusto è già abbastanza difficile. Gettate nel calderone anche un chihuahua incontinente, un amore non corrisposto, un caso piuttosto grave di ansia sociale, un padre in fin di vita, un cinghiale carnivoro, e diventa quasi impossibile. Tuttavia, le vie del Signore sono infinite, e quando Tom Morgan, un mite bancario affetto da una timidezza debilitante, incontra Frank Wells, appena arrivato dalla sua fattoria in Indiana e ancora più timido di lui, la scintilla scocca all’istante.

Ma proprio quando la storia tra i due sembra decollare alla grande, Frank è costretto a tornare a casa per assistere il padre malato di cancro e occuparsi della fattoria. Tom lo segue e tutt’a un tratto si ritrova a dar da mangiare ai maiali, a mungere le mucche e a chiedersi che fine abbia fatto la sua tranquilla vita cittadina. E tutti quei polli? Tom detesta i polli.

Tuttavia, con l’aiuto di Frank, Tom stringe i denti e va avanti. Incredibile quello che due ragazzi innamorati riescono a fare quando sono pazzi l’uno dell’altro! Neanche novecento polli possono qualcosa contro il vero amore.


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Alliance in Blood

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $5.24

Partnership in Blood: Volume One

Can a desperate wizard and a bitter, disillusioned vampire find a way to build the partnership that could save their world?

In a world rocked by magical war, vampires are seen by many as less than human, as the stereotypical creatures of the night who prey on others. But as the war intensifies, the wizards know they need an advantage to turn the tide in their favor: the strength and edge the vampires can give them in the battle against the dark wizards who seek to destroy life as they know it.

In a dangerous move and show of good will, the wizards ask the leader of the vampires to meet with them, so that they might plead their cause. One desperate man, Alain Magnier, and one bitter, disillusioned vampire, Orlando St. Clair, meet in Paris, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance of their decision: Will the vampires join the cause and form a partnership with the wizards to win the war?

Second Edition
This second edition received minor revision and proofing for re-release in honor of the publication of Partnership Reborn, the final book in the series.


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