

Amour tentaqueulaire

L'amour, toujours | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Rien ne rapproche aussi bien deux hommes – ou plutôt un homme et un immortel – que la vengeance.

Sloane, détective privé, a sacrifié sa carrière dans les Forces de l’Ordre pour traquer le meurtrier de ses parents. Comme eux, il croit en des dieux oubliés, il pratique leur magie et leur offre ses prières… sans jamais obtenir de réponse.


Azaethoth le Petit, dieu des voleurs et des escrocs, prend soin des siens. Il vient sur terre pour venger le meurtre d’un de ses favoris et peut-être séduire le très tentant détective que le destin a mis sur son chemin. S’il réussit dans ses projets, il ne s’agira pas seulement d’attraper un tueur pour le remettre à la justice. En fait, Azaethoth est sûr d’avoir enfin trouvé celui avec lequel il aimerait passer sa vie éternelle.

La résistance initiale de Sloane cède devant la tendresse inattendue d’Azaethoth, et les tentacules qu’il aperçoit parfois sous l’apparence humaine du dieu enflamment son imagination. Mais leur enquête devient de plus en plus étrange et dangereuse. Pour survivre à la bataille finale, le couple aura besoin d’un peu de foi… et beaucoup de lumière mystique.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Can fake fiancées find lasting love—together?

Travel agent Dina dreams of a promotion that will allow her to see the world in person instead of from her computer screen. When Dina’s boss invites her on the partners trip, Dina is over the moon. There’s just one catch: the invite is for her and her fiancée—a woman who doesn’t exist. Dina hits a comedy club to distract herself from her problem… and runs into the perfect solution.

The Edinburgh Comedy Festival could be comedian Claire’s big break—if only she could get in. Dina can make that happen for her. All Claire has to do is pretend to be her fiancée.

Dina and Claire make an odd couple—organized versus spontaneous, prim versus outrageous—but they agree to the bargain for the sake of their careers. After all, how hard can it be to pretend to be in love on the most romantic vacation ever? What could possibly go wrong?


$6.99 $5.24

Perdre le contrôle

Black Dragons, Inc (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Un Navy SEAL craquant et un irrésistible espion de la CIA forment un duo torride. Vont-ils réussir à travailler ensemble pour retrouver un terroriste notoire sans d’abord s’entretuer ?

Quand le Navy SEAL Spencer Newman accepte la dangereuse mission de rapatrier manu militari l’agent de la CIA Drago Thorpe – l’homme qu’il aime depuis toujours –, il prévoit que la situation devienne rapidement FUBAR. En revanche, il ne s’attend pas du tout à ce que Dray le convainque de se rebeller contre les ordres reçus.

Drago regrette d’avoir provoqué leur rupture, dix ans plus tôt, en insistant pour que Spence reconnaisse publiquement leur liaison. Il veut une seconde chance. Le SEAL étant rigide, le pousser à enfreindre les règles est un vrai défi, mais les deux hommes doivent dépasser les bornes pour éliminer un terroriste présumé mort.

La tension monte alors qu’ensemble ils traquent leur cible. Mèneront-ils leur mission à terme avant que leur attraction mutuelle devienne incontrôlable ?


$6.99 $5.24

The Driver

Long Con Adventures
The Long Con
$6.99 $5.24
A Long Con Adventure
Hell-raiser, getaway driver, and occasional knight in tarnished armor Chuck Calder has never had any illusions about being a serious boyfriend. He may not be a good guy, but at least as part of Josh Salinger’s crew of upscale thieves and cons, he can feel good about his job.

Right now, his job is Lucius Broadstone.

Lucius is a blueblood with a brutal past. He uses his fortune and contacts to help people trying to escape abuse, but someone is doing everything they can to stop him. He needs the kind of help only the Salingers can provide. Besides, he hasn’t forgotten the last time he and Chuck Calder collided. The team’s good ol’ boy and good luck charm is a blue-collar handful, but he is genuinely kind. He takes Lucius’s mission seriously, and Lucius has never had that before. In spite of Chuck’s reluctance to admit he’s a nice guy, Lucius wants to know him better.

Chuck’s a guaranteed good time, and Lucius is a forever guy. Can Chuck come to terms with his past and embrace the future Lucius is offering? Or is Good Luck Chuck destined to be driving off into the sunset alone forever?


$6.99 $5.24

Crocus (Français)

Feux de Joie | Book 2
Feux de joie
$6.99 $5.24

Dire « je t’aime » ne garantit pas la paix ou une fin heureuse.

Larx Larkin, le principal du lycée, était persuadé d’avoir touché le jackpot lorsque le shérif adjoint Aaron George avait emménagé chez lui, fusionnant leurs deux familles aussi harmonieusement que le chaos ambiant le permettait.

Mais lorsque la fille enceinte de Larx rentre à la maison de façon inattendue et que deux de ses étudiants se retrouvent en danger, leurs débuts timides s’écroulent.

Larx pensait être d’accord avec les dangers du travail d’Aaron, et celui-ci croyait qu’il avait une bonne relation avec la fille de son compagnon – qui n’est pas d’accord – mais lorsque leurs pires craintes se réalisent presque, cela met leurs cœurs et leurs vies à l’épreuve.

Larx et Aaron n’ont jamais rien désiré autant que de vivre ensemble.

Seront-ils capables de faire en sorte que cela fonctionne alors que le monde s’efforce de les séparer ?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Friends since childhood Zach and Ethan come from different worlds… and it’s never been more apparent.

For the past semester, Ethan has been struggling with a botched operation that cost him what remained of his vision. He lives in a squalid apartment with his loving aunt and his alcoholic mother, barely scraping by. How can he tell rich-boy Zach, who has the perfect life, that he has gone blind?

When Zach returns from a semester abroad, the only thing on his mind is confessing his love for Ethan. Discovering Ethan has lost his sight doesn’t change his feelings. Desperate to prove his love, he comes out to his conservative parents—and finds himself disowned.

Cut off by his family, Zach has only Ethan to lean on. But how can he, when Ethan suffers one devastating personal loss after another? Instead Zach resolves to stand on his own and do what it takes to support them both.

Through grief, denial, depression, trauma, and therapy, Zach and Ethan struggle to be there for each other. Will their love be enough for them to build a future together that is nothing like either of them ever imagined?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Professor Victor Itoua has two passions: the legend of Philli-philli… and PhD candidate Jordan Harris. But while ethics rules and his own doubts keep him from admitting, much less acting on, his feelings for Jordan, nothing can stop him from researching the Philli-philli.
Even if it means the torture of spending six months in the Peruvian rainforest, searching for an elusive, possibly mythical guardian with the man he loves and can’t have.

For Jordan, with his history of abuse and abandonment, Victor is the one good, constant thing in his life. When Victor asks him to come to Peru, Jordan packs his bag, prepared to follow Victor anywhere the legends take them.
Then, in a remote village, Jordan and Victor meet T’ukri.

T’ukri is shaken when he realizes who the outsiders are and what they are looking for. Though he agrees to guide them on their quest, he is drawn by a deeper calling. But the more he shares with Victor and Jordan, the more questions they have—questions whose answers require him to reveal secrets that could mean his death should the men he is falling in love with betray his trust….


$6.99 $5.24

Heartbeats in a Haunted House

Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club | Book Four
$4.99 $3.74

Dante Vianelli and Cully Cromwell have been in love since college, when Dante saved Cully from the world’s worst roommate and introduced him to his friends. Seven years later, they’re still roommates and they’re still in love… but they’ve never become lovers.

Now a catastrophic spell gone wrong has cut them off from their coven. Wandering their suburban prison alone, separated by the walls of their own minds and gaps in the space-time continuum, Cully and Dante are as stuck as they have been for the past seven years.
And they’ll remain lost in their memories—unless they confront the truths that kept them from taking the step from friends to lovers and trust their friends and coven to get them out. But it’s easier said than done. Those walls didn’t build themselves. Dante’s great at denial, and Cully’s short on trust. Can they do the work it will take to get into each other’s arms and back to the sunlight where they belong?


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

When a case reopens old wounds from the kidnapping of his younger sister, police officer Robert Fenner is told in no uncertain terms that he needs a break. And maybe his superiors are right. He books a flight to visit an old friend, who happens to be the one who got away, and hopes for the best. 

Electronic security consultant Dixie Halewood works from his home in Paris, where he lives with his adopted son, Henri. Dixie doesn’t expect a message from an old flame asking for a place to stay, but he agrees. Their past is just that—the past.

Things between them aren’t as settled as they thought—Henri, Paris, and proximity work their magic. The two men are drawn closer and old flames burst back to life, but Dixie’s work brings a new threat to their safety and the budding family they missed out on the first time around.


$6.99 $5.24

Fauteur de troubles

Série 415 Ink | Tome 3
$6.99 $5.24

Quand l’inspecteur Ruan Nicholls rencontre Ivo Rogers, il sait immédiatement que ce jeune tatoueur va bouleverser sa vie bien rangée. Fauteur de troubles par nature, Ivo est quelqu’un que Ruan non seulement ne comprend pas, mais qu’il n’est pas sûr de vouloir comprendre. Tout chez Ivo est plein de vie, impétueux, prétentieux et arrogant, mais Ruan ne veut rien de lui.

Ou du moins, c’est le mensonge qu’il se répète pour amoindrir le désir qu’il éprouve pour cet enfant terrible, issu des services sociaux, que le destin a placé au travers de sa route.

Deux choses importent dans la vie d’Ivo Rogers : sa famille et 415 Ink, le salon de tatouage qu’il a fondé avec ses quatre frères. Si sa famille porte encore des cicatrices après s’être battue contre les services sociaux pendant de nombreuses années, le lien qui existe entre eux est fort, assez pour soutenir Ivo dans les moments difficiles.

Mais voilà que ce dernier doit faire face à un nouveau défi quand il tombe amoureux d’un policier de la vieille école, qui a des idées reçues sur ce à quoi un homme doit ressembler. Ruan incarne la promesse d’une vie qu’Ivo n’aurait jamais pensé avoir un jour, mais leurs manières opposées de voir le monde menacent toute chance d’une relation entre eux. Il est facile d’être mal compris quand on est le fauteur de troubles de la famille, mais Ivo a confiance en Ruan : celui-ci saura accepter qui il est et l’aimer comme il le mérite.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

2022 Goldie Award Finalist - Science Fiction/Fantasy

Finding the right romantic partner is always a challenge—especially when your first spouse turns out to be a greedy, business-obsessed hardass who winds up on her CEO office floor with a bullet through her brain. 

After the murder of her first wife, Elaine is ready for a vacation and a solid relationship with a woman who only has time for her. Thanks to some found alien technology, Elaine can get what she wants… sort of. Okay, so a computer-generated tangible holographic image of a twentieth-century film star is about as far from “solid” as it gets. But as her themed pleasure cruise on a passenger starliner progresses and an additional plot to murder Elaine reveals itself, she finds herself inexplicably drawn to her fantasy companion.

Ricky might be the result of exceptional programming, but she proves to be more than the sum of her particles. She shows Elaine more affection, and eventually more protection, than any so-called “real” woman in her life ever has, leaving Elaine to wonder—are Ricky’s feelings for her truly artificial? Or is this REEL TO REAL LOVE?


$6.99 $5.24

Taking Chances (2nd Ed.)

Tales from Foster High | Book Five
Foster High Stories
$6.99 $5.24

A Foster High Story

Fearing the backlash of living as a gay man in Foster, Texas, Matt Wallace runs away to California, only to find it isn’t the Promised Land he’d hoped for. Christmas sees him returning to Foster, where he bumps into his old high school crush, jock Tyler Parker.

It's love at second sight—for Matt and Tyler. The problem is neither knows what to do next. Between running from the past and running from each other, Matt and Tyler need to do some reverse engineering to spur their relationship forward, or they’ll never get their love off the ground. 


$6.99 $5.24

Dance with Me

Inevitable Duets | Book Two
Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Inevitable Duets: Book Two

When dance instructor Jamie Griffin choreographs a contemporary ballet pas de deux to a love song by rock band Inevitable Thorns, he doesn’t expect the band’s keyboardist, Beau Davis, to witness it. He definitely doesn’t expect the steamy one-night stand that follows.

Beau leaves to continue touring, but he can’t get Jamie or his passion out of his head... especially once a video of the dance goes viral. This leads to a chance for the two of them to reconnect on tour, with Jamie performing his dance while the band plays live. The lines between a casual fling and a forever romance blur as rock music and ballet join to create magic onstage.

That magic suffuses their relationship too, but the price of fame is steep. When an explosive interview threatens the foundation of what they’re building together, will Beau and Jamie set the record straight and define their relationship—and their art—on their own terms? Or will the stars they’re reaching for elude their grasp?


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Verhelfen das Polarlicht und eine Liebe im zweiten Anlauf einem sich quälenden Künstler zu neuer Inspiration?

Als der New Yorker Maler Devon Starr seine Sucht aufgibt, verschwindet auch seine Inspiration. Devon braucht eine Veränderung und reist wegen des Schlaganfalls seines Vaters nach Hause, nach Alaska. Die kleine Stadt, in der er aufgewachsen ist, ist jedoch nicht mehr so wie in seiner Erinnerung.

Enrique Salazar kann sich noch ausgesprochen gut an Devon erinnern und macht es zu seiner persönlichen Mission, Devon die Augen für die wilde Schönheit und all die Möglichkeiten um sie herum zu öffnen. Die beiden Männer kommen sich näher, und gerade als Devon langsam begreift, was immer für ihn da war, sind sie gezwungen, sich gegen eine Bergbaugesellschaft zu wehren, die die unberührte Natur bedroht, dank derer sie sich verliebt haben. Der gemeinsame Kampf verstärkt ihre Bindung noch, doch als das Verlangen, wieder einen Pinsel in die Hand zu nehmen, zurückkommt, vernimmt Devon auch den Ruf der Stadt.

Ein Mann gefangen zwischen zwei Welten. Devon bleibt nur, seinem Herzen zu folgen.


$6.99 $5.24

Dark Tide

Kildevil Cove Murder Mysteries | Book Three
$1.99 $1.49

A Kildevil Cove Murder Mystery

They say it never rains but it pours. Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Inspector Danny Quirke would have to agree.

First someone murders a vulnerable Kildevil Cove man and dumps him in an abandoned well. Then the body of a sex-trafficking victim washes up on a nearby beach. Danny has to get to the bottom of both deaths, but with few leads and little support from his superiors, he’s spinning his wheels in a mud pit of a case. Vital resources go missing, witnesses disappear, and suspects proliferate.

Each step toward the truth brings him two steps back. Help comes in the form of Scottish investigator Martin Belshawe, but he may not be who he says he is, and someone in the highest echelons of the Newfoundland Constabulary is lying to Danny. Even Danny’s lover, Tadhg Heaney, whom he looks to for emotional support, seems to know more than he should about the shady characters who keep popping up in the investigation.

With time running out, Danny must decide who, if anyone, he can trust—before the sex traffickers claim their next victims. But on an island, there's no escaping the tide.


$1.99 $1.49

Bad to be Noble

Bad to Be Good | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Bad to Be Worthy
Bad to Be Good: Book Three

For glass artist Ashton Weller, Longboat Key seems like the perfect place to start over. It’s warm, sunny, and far from the dangerous ex he left behind in Chicago, even if his glass studio does get even more uncomfortable in the Florida heat. It’s also home to Terrance Manetti, a man who turns into Ashton’s inadvertent hero when he saves him from some unsavory types at a local restaurant… and may turn into more than that.

Former mobster Terrance has been in Witness Protection with his "brothers" ever since they turned state’s evidence against their former employer. His brothers have a different life here, filled with family and small-time, honest jobs, and Terrance doesn’t know whether to be jealous or derisive.

Not until he meets Ashton, anyway. With Ashton, Terrance could build the kind of life he’s never dared to want—the kind of life where he won’t need the skills he learned in organized crime. Or so he thinks—until Ashton’s past comes looking for him….


$6.99 $5.24

Residential Rehab

Restoration Channel | Book 2
$6.99 $5.24

It’s never too late to try something new.

After a year of mourning, it’s time for Nolan Hamlin to live again. But finding a new place in the world doesn’t happen easily.

Already famous as a designer, Nolan is a shoo-in for a new Restoration Channel show host. The brief is simple—help people who’ve gotten in over their heads with their fixer-uppers—but the costar situation is anything but.

For up-and-coming interior decorator Grayson Woods, working with a veteran like Nolan is a dream come true. For one, he’s young and this could make his career. For two, he’s had a crush on Nolan forever. But while Grayson has plenty of life experience, his résumé doesn’t hold up to Nolan’s. He hopes he can keep up.

Despite clashing design aesthetics and a fifteen-year age difference, Grayson manages to charm Nolan. With the show keeping them in close proximity, it’s only a matter of time before they give in to their growing attraction. It isn’t the life Nolan thought he wanted—but when that life comes calling, he has to make a choice. Is there room in his future and his home for a guy like Grayson?


$6.99 $5.24

Pentacles and Pelting Plants

Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club | Book Three
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club: Book Three

A month ago, Jordan Bryne and his coven of hedge witches cast a spell that went hideously wrong and captured two of their number in a pocket of space and time. The magic is beyond their capabilities to unravel so, in desperation, they send up a beacon for supernatural aid.

They don’t mean to yank someone to their doorstep from hundreds of miles away.

Once Macklin Quintero gets past his irritation, he accepts the challenge. The tiny coven in the Sierra foothills is a group of the sweetest people he’s ever met, and he’s worried—the forces they’ve awakened won’t go back in their bottle without a fight.

But he also wants to get closer to Jordan. Mack’s been playing the field for years, but he’s never before encountered somebody so intense and dedicated.

Jordan might quietly yearn for love, but right now he’s got other priorities. The magic in the cul-de-sac doesn't care about Jordan’s priorities, though. Apparently the only way for the hedge witches to fix what they broke is to confront their hearts’ desires head-on.


$4.99 $3.74