The Senator's Secret

By K.C. Wells

The Senator's Secret
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Words 53633
  • Pages 220
  • ISBN-13 978-1-63477-530-4
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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Politics, puppy dogs, and passion, oh my!

When his Republican opponent outs him with a photo in a Facebook post, Senator Samuel Dalton doesn’t have many options open to him. It doesn’t matter that the photo is totally innocent. He has no choice but to come clean… until his staff suggest putting a spin on it that leaves Sam reeling.

Sure, he’ll end up with a lot of sympathy, not to mention the possibility of more voters from the LGBT community, but it still seems a pretty drastic solution.

Now all they have to do is persuade Gary, the other man in the photo, to play along. It sounds so easy: convince the constituents of North Carolina that he and Sam are engaged.

No big deal, except for the fact that they’ve only just met….

Cover Artist: Bree Archer

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Genres Contemporary Romance / Gay / Romantic Comedy