The Wounded Heart

By K.D. Worth

The Wounded Heart
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Words 73071
  • Pages 224
  • ISBN-13 978-1-63533-782-2
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Grim Life: Book Two

Dating is tough… especially when you’re dead. 

Max and Kody never really figured life out, and their afterlife isn’t proving any easier. They were supposed to live happily ever after, escorting souls to heaven for the Big Guy—as in God—but then their boss, the mysterious angel Slade, delivered some shocking news about the undead.

Their afterlife just got a lot more complicated.

The appearance of the undead shades can only mean one thing: wraiths—the malevolent incarnation of stranded spirits. But what do they want with Kody? If that wasn’t enough for Max to worry about, Slade makes a cryptic remark about the end of Max and Kody’s relationship—and Max already resents the time Kody spends with Slade.

Kody’s family is still reeling from his death, and his sister is spiraling out of control. She blames their mother, religion, and God. When Kody and Max form a plan to help save her faith and her heart, it could bring the wraiths into the mortal world… and the boys might not have the power to fight them.

Only love can push back the darkness and heal the wounds in their hearts. But sorrow and confusion might drive a wedge between Max and Kody when they need most to stand together.

Cover Artist: Paul Richmond


Genres Gay / Paranormal / Spiritual / Teen Fiction