Liberty States Fiction Writers: CREATE SOMETING MAGICAL. Whether
you’re trying to sell your first book or your fortieth, the
road to publication is never an easy one to navigate. Let Liberty
States Fiction Writers guide your way. A multi-genre organization,
the Liberty States Fiction Writers is dedicated to the education
and support of all fiction writers. We provide workshops,
networking events and promotional opportunities to aid both
published and yet-to-be published writers. Taking place in Iselin,
NJ on 21-22 March 2015
Onsite Presence:
The incandescent Rayna Vause invited me back to present at this
annual craft conference. I'll be teaching a two-hour Commercial
Plotting workshop, as well as Romance Family Feud and Romance Mad
Libs. Check back for updates
Liberty States - Create Something Magical 2015

Friday March 20, 2015
Iselin, NJ
March 20, 2015
- 12:00 AM
March 23, 2015
- 11:59 PM