Diane Adams lives in the southern United States. Hers is a modest home complete with an artistic teenage daughter and a couple fat spoiled Guinea Pigs. She works full time in a clerical position for a local hospital, and spends many hours when she’s not at work chauffeuring her remaining chick. Those two activities are time consuming and don’t leave a lot room for writing, but she squeezes it in somehow. Diane loves to write. She first began writing way (way) back in high school, a hobby that fell by the wayside as life moved on. Later in life it was the discovery of fan fiction reawakened her need to express herself through the written word. She took to writing slash like a fish to water and soon tried her hand at writing a bit of original fiction. There was enough interest in those early stories that, along with a lot of encouragement from good friends, she gathered enough courage to submit a few short stories for publication. Diane was quite amazed when they were accepted, though her friends claimed not to be surprised at all. Now, even though several books followed the short stories, she still struggles for courage to push ‘send’ on a brand new submission. In fact, she thinks writing for publication is a lot like riding a rollercoaster with all the accompanying nerves and belly swoops. The thrill is addictive, and so despite the ups and downs of being an author, Diane has settled comfortably into her niche writing gay romance. The modest success of her books over the years has made publishing a rewarding experience. She’s received some critical acclaim, and 2014 one of her books was recognized in the Rainbow Awards. She is looking forward eagerly to find out what comes next.