So nice of you, reader, to stop by And check out my books, they are nearby! You won’t find things amiss Cause each book has a kiss With a chance for two men to get tongue-tied! Hello from Jenna Hilary Sinclair! A long time ago, Jenna Hilary Sinclair used to tell her siblings stories about a headless knight who rescued rabbits in the woods. Mom was grateful, the kids were unaccountably absorbed, and somehow this morphed into writing gay romance. Life is strange, isn’t it? Now Jenna dreams of a little cabin in the woods with a big back porch, a hanging swing, and a laptop that never loses power. There, she won’t sneeze from her allergies, her husband will be happy with an enormous garden, her children will visit but only at the most convenient times, and words will flow from her racing fingers all day long. Most of all, characters will cooperate! What she has instead isn’t so bad. As a matter of fact, it’s wonderful. Making a happy fool of herself dancing at a Queen + Adam Lambert concert. Hiking and camping at Rocky Mountain National Park, hefting a backcountry pack for the very first time. Touring through the gorgeous American Southwest with her beloved spouse and their incomparable friend. Jenna will probably always dream of that cabin, but she'd trade it in a second for marriage equality -- and respect for all differences -- across the United States.