This warm, quirky, character-filled series begins with a life-changing event that triggers Harper and Ian, the anchors of all three stories, to search for an adventure that takes them out of the city and out of their comfort zones. Pooling their collective talents, they risk everything when they set their sights on a dilapidated resort located on the North Shore of Lake Superior called Beneath the Palisade.
Beneath the Palisade: Reliance
When attorney Harper Callahan hires Ian Burke to landscape his yard, they’re soon on the fast track to romance and life changes neither of them anticipated.
Beneath the Palisade: Courage
Theo Engdahl is struggling with his sexuality, but he finds support in out-and-proud Alex at the Men’s Center.
Beneath the Palisade: Justice
Wrongly accused Owen Grady is seeking legal help. When young lawyer Brent Burns takes on the case, obstacles seem determined to prevent the acquittal—not least being their hearts.
See excerpt for individual blurbs.