¡Hola! I'm Saura Underscore (Saura_), and I'm very glad to be one of Dreamspinner Press authors. I wrote two novels so far that can be bought here: "Indie Radio 113.9" and "Medieval Tales". I'm from Spain but I write in English with the great help of my big sis Zahra Owens and the fantastic beta&gramma team in DSP. SAURA UNDERSCORE (Saura_) was born under a dictatorial regime, only daughter of the typical tight-minded family. Taught to be revel at a progressive school, she never learned to cook, sew or spot-clean, but as soon as democracy arrived she participated in as many concentration defending women and gay rights as she could, which earned her several disinherit threatens from her father. Her head has always been full of birds and dragons (at the same percentage), and she soon learned to set them free using her writing. In her teenage stories you could always find a gay reference, but still Saura always thought that something was amiss. That Prince Charming didn’t have his whole heart on it. It wasn’t until she discovered Prince Charming and his squire at it on the barn of her mind, that she realized what exactly was the right thing to write. She learned English and all about “slash” on the internet, and she travelled all around the world. She has friends from the six continents and it’s said she could travel the world finding one good friend to have lunch with, in every country. Saura is married to a man that looked for her a second “perfect paring” when the first died away and has a small kid.