Books by "Andrew Grey" (282)

$6.99 $5.24

Sept jours, numéro hors série

La vie d’une personne peut-elle changer en l’espace d’une journée? Pourquoi pas en l’espace de sept jours, dans ce cas ?

Voici le récit de sept jours vitaux dans la vie d’Evan Donaldson. Evan était un fugueur, vivant dans les rues, lorsque le Père Valentin le convainquit d’entrer à l’Académie Saint Bartholomé. Ce jour-là, la vie d’Evan bascula. Ce fut le jour où il rencontra son camarade de chambre, Clay Mueller, mais aussi le jour où il commença à vivre. La vie d’Evan continuera toutefois à changer, allant d’abus à un premier amour, en passant par des ruptures et des chagrins d’amour, jusqu’à fonder sa propre famille. Mais à travers chaque épreuve, à chaque fois qu’une porte se refermait, une fenêtre restait ouverte et cette fenêtre c’était Clay.

Depuis ce premier jour où il trouva la foi et tissa un lien avec Clay, à travers les tours et détours de leur relation, voici un aperçu de sept jours décisifs et de la manière incroyable et cruciale qu’a un seul moment de changer la destinée.


$6.99 $5.24

Un poco de amor

Probando el Amor
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro de la saga Probando el Amor

Si Peter Christopoulos ha aprendido algo de sus tres años en silla de ruedas, es que a la gente le cuesta ver más allá del armazón. Cuando le propone a Russ Baker salir con él tras darle un presupuesto de material para un nuevo restaurante griego, acaba decepcionado pero no sorprendido de que se negara.

Russ ha estado excusando a su novio abusivo durante tanto tiempo que ya es casi automático, pero, con algo de ayuda de sus amigos, consigue reunir el coraje para romper con él. Para su sorpresa, Peter todavía está interesado y, pronto, caen prendados el uno del otro con rapidez e intensidad. Pero entonces algo agita su mundo: Peter encuentra una vieja carta que le revela la existencia de una media hermana que nunca ha conocido y el pasado de Russ interfiere entre ellos cuando su ex deja claro que hará todo lo posible para recuperarlo.


$6.99 $5.24

A Daring Ride

The Bullriders | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

The Bullriders: Book Two

Simon “Frizz” Frizzell sneaks away to the rodeo on weekends, and it’s not until after he wins a buckle that he tells his parents about his bull-riding. He knows they won’t approve of his choice of sport, but his parents own a Christian bookstore, and he couldn’t possibly tell them the whole truth: he’s gay. And so are some of his rodeo friends, like Dante and Ryan, and Jacky—a young man he wishes could have been more than a one-night stand. When Simon sets his sights on his dreams, he finds work with Dante and Ryan, and bumps into Jacky on the job.

Jacky Douglas is a rodeo fanatic, plain and simple. He loves the ride, and he loves the cowboys. He fell hard for Frizz when they met, and theirs was a one-night stand made in heaven. When they meet again, Jacky thinks it’s a stroke of luck. Frizz takes some convincing, but once he’s on board, they begin a relationship. The fledgling romance faces a challenge when news of it travels all the way to the one place Frizz doesn’t want it to go: his parents’ bookstore.


$6.99 $5.24

A Heart Without Borders

Without Borders | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Without Borders: Book One

Pediatrician Wes Gordon will do just about anything to escape his grief. When opportunity knocks, he signs on to work at a hospital in a tent camp in Haiti. One night while returning to his quarters, he comes across a gang of kids attempting to set fire to an underage rentboy and intervenes, taking the injured René under his wing. At the hospital, diplomat Anthony Crowley tells Wes that the kids involved in the attack are from prominent families and trying to hold them responsible will cause a firestorm.

In spite of the official position Anthony must take, Wes’s compassion captures his attention. Anthony pursues him, and they grow closer during the stolen moments between Anthony’s assignments, escaping earthquake destruction for glimpses of Caribbean paradise. When Wes realizes the only way to save René is to adopt him, Anthony is supportive, but time is running out: Wes must leave the country, and Anthony is called out on a dangerous secret mission. Now Wes must face adopting a boy from Haiti who has no papers without the support of the one person he’s come to rely on most and may never see again.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Senses Series Story

Howard Justinian has always had to fight for his freedom. Because he was born blind, everyone is always trying to shelter him, but he’s determined to live his life on his own terms.

When an argument with his boyfriend over that hard-won self-reliance leaves Howard stranded by the side of the road, assistance arrives in the form of Gordy Jarrett. Gordy is a missionary’s son, so helping others is second nature—and he does it in such an unassuming manner that Howard can’t say no.

Life is barely back on track when Howard receives shocking news: his sister died, leaving him her daughter to care for. Howard now faces his greatest challenge yet: for Sophia’s safety, he’ll need to accept help, but will he learn to accept it from Gordy, the one man who will not curb his independence?


$6.99 $5.24

Ein weites Land – Miteinander

Geschichten aus der Ferne | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Geschichten aus der Ferne

Nach einem Jahr an der Universität gibt Dakota Holden sein Medizinstudium auf und kehrt nach Hause zurück, um die elterliche Ranch zu übernehmen und sich um seinen Vater zu kümmern, der an Multipler Sklerose erkrankt ist. Aus Pflichtgefühl erlaubt sich Dakota nur eine Woche Urlaub im Jahr. Diese verbringt er meist an exotischen Orten und gönnt sich soviel Spaß, wie er nur ertragen kann. Während seines letzten Urlaubs, einer Kreuzfahrt, schließt er mit Phillip Reardon eine Freundschaft, die bald eine wichtige Rolle in Dakotas Leben spielt.

Als Phillip beschließt, Dakotas Einladung zu einem Besuch auf der Ranch anzunehmen, ist Dakota glücklich, ihn wiederzusehen und auch seinen Freund, den Tierarzt Wally Schumacher kennenzulernen, Ungeachtet Wallys Bedürfnis, den Wölfen zu helfen, die von Dakotas Männern gejagt werden, um die Rinder zu schützen, verbindet die beiden bald viel mehr als ein starkes, beiderseitiges erotisches Interesse. Doch irgendwann wird sich entscheiden müssen, ob das Hochland von Wyoming weit genug ist für Dakotas Rinder, Wallys Wölfe und ihre Liebe.


$6.99 $5.24

Una prateria sconvolta

Storie della prateria
$6.99 $5.24

Storie della prateria: Libro 3

L'ultima cosa che Liam Southard si aspetta quando fugge da un padre violento è di essere accolto in un ranch gestito da una coppia gay. Presto trova un nuovo lavoro e un nuovo punto di vista sulla propria sessualità, e la sua vita ricomincia. Poi qualcuno gli punta contro un fucile.

In difesa di Troy Gardener, bisogna dire che la faccenda del fucile era tutto un equivoco. Fra la rovina del suo matrimonio e la vita in solitudine nel capanno di caccia di suo zio, era un po' nervoso. Vorrebbe scusarsi con Liam e, una volta scoperto quanto hanno in comune, vuole anche qualcosa di più. Ma fra l'arrivo inaspettato del padre di Liam e una compagnia mineraria che minaccia la fonte d'acqua del ranch, l'unica cosa certa è che la vita da quelle parti non sarà noiosa.


$6.99 $5.24


Stranded | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Stranded: Book One

Kendall Monroe is handcuffed to a car in the desert.

Is this life imitating art or art imitating life? The only thing he’s sure of is that the situation he finds himself in is a copy of a scene he filmed earlier, only this time, there is no director yelling “cut” and no crew to rescue him. Terrified for his life, Kendall takes comfort remembering happier times with his longtime lover, Johnny. He hasn’t seen Johnny in weeks since Johnny stayed behind to finish his latest best-selling novel.

As he attempts to survive scorching-hot days and freezing nights, Kendall tries to figure out who did this to him. Could it be Johnny, or the research assistant he suspects Johnny is having an affair with? Both options fill him with bitterness. Or is it a more likely suspect? Kendall has a stalker who sends him flowers and always seems to know where he is. But what does this stranger have to gain by leaving Kendall stranded in the middle of nowhere?


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$3.99 $2.99

Former model Brent Phillips now works the other side of the camera. He makes his money on senior portraits but wants to create an art exhibition. His only problems are lack of a central image and a three-week deadline.

Enter Brent’s friends, who resolve to discover the perfect model for his project. They find him in Tristan Greer, a college student who left home after coming out and is trying to make ends meet.

Though initially reluctant, Tristan agrees to work with Brent to capture the image Brent wants—a gay version of Herb Alpert’s Whipped Cream album photo. It turns out the camera loves Tristan, and the photographer may as well.


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$6.99 $5.24

He’s searching for a story but finds so much more.

Brad Torrence is next on the chopping block at the newspaper where he works. Hungry for any source he can find, he runs across an ad in the classifieds: For Sale: Nursery Items, Never Used. It’s the lead he’s been looking for. Thinking a piece about the loss of a child will give him the edge he needs to keep his job, Brad follows up. He doesn’t expect a single man to answer.

Rather than being offended, Cory Wolfe finds sharing the story of his grief and pain liberating. He’s even surprised by the spark that strikes, and one story leads to another.

Brad digs into his stories and Cory’s life, eager to know everything about the man who’s caught his attention. But when a lead points him to the hospital where Cory works, he unearths a mystery that might have been safer left buried. Brad’s search for a story could prove deadly….


$6.99 $5.24

Un aiuto d’amore

Serie Assaggio d'amore
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della Serie Assaggio d'amore

Se Peter Christopoulos è riuscito a imparare qualcosa nei tre anni passati su di una sedia a rotelle, è che le persone difficilmente riescono a vedere oltre quell’oggetto. Quando chiede di uscire a Russ Baker, dopo avergli fatto un preventivo per le attrezzature destinate al suo nuovo ristorante greco, è deluso, ma non sorpreso, per il suo rifiuto.

Russ ha coperto il fidanzato violento per così tanto tempo che è diventato quasi automatico farlo, ma, con l’aiuto dei suoi amici, trova il coraggio per lasciarlo. Con sua sorpresa, Peter è ancora interessato a lui e i due si innamorarono velocemente. Ma il loro mondo viene gettato nel caos: Peter trova una vecchia lettera che gli rivela l’esistenza di una sorellastra che non ha mai incontrato e il passato di Russ ritorna prepotentemente quando il suo ex gli fa capire che è disposto a fare qualsiasi cosa per riaverlo.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Book in the Good Fight Series

Will Martin’s racist father, Kevin, hates Native Americans and wants to keep them off his property, never mind that part of the ranch land is sacred ground for the Sioux. When they request access for prayer, Kevin refuses—but Will doesn’t share his father’s views. Ever since he first saw Takoda Red Bird during one of the Sioux sacred ceremonies, Will has been fascinated. He grants the tribe access.

Takoda defies Kevin on a regular basis. He often sneaks to the sacred site on the rancher’s land for prayer and knows Will has seen him there. When, out of spite, Kevin places the land up for auction, Takoda knows it is time for action and bands together with Will to stop the sale.

In the fight that follows, Will gets more than he expected. He starts out helping the tribe preserve their identity… and ends up finding his own.


$6.99 $5.24

Servido con amor

Probando el Amor
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro de la saga Probando el Amor

Sebastian Franklin ha esperado mucho tiempo para demostrar su valía como encargado del comedor del Café Belgie, pero su primera noche en el cargo mientras Darryl, su jefe, está de vacaciones, no es precisamente un éxito. Atracan el restaurante a la hora de cierre, y el buen samaritano que frustró al atracador entra en escena con sus propios problemas.

Robert Fortier es el nuevo juez del condado, y uno reacio además. Es muy consciente de que la vida pública no es siempre fácil, sobre todo cuando tu vida personal te hace ser el blanco de los insistentes medios de comunicación. Pero aún así, Robert disfruta de la compañía de Sebastian, y a Sebastian nunca le falta una ración de felicidad y naturalidad para regalarle a su figura pública favorita. Pero también tiene sus conflictos: el caos familiar y un ex en apuros harán presión en ambos mientras luchan por estar en igualdad de condiciones en esta nueva relación.


$6.99 $5.24

Organic Chemistry

Chemistry Series | Book One
$4.99 $3.74

Chemistry: Book One

Brendon Marcus lives for his work. A boy genius who fast-tracked his way to college professor by his early twenties, he doesn’t know any other way to be. People confound him. So when Josh Horton, the assistant football coach, pursues him, Brendon isn’t sure what to make of him.

Josh has his own problems. His successful parents aren’t particularly happy with his career path, and some of the players don’t like having a gay assistant coach. He begins to have doubts, but Brendon makes the world look a little brighter.

But when Brendon’s department head starts to make trouble, Josh and Brendon discover that standing up for each other is the first step to standing up for themselves.


$4.99 $3.74

A Wild Ride

The Bullriders | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

The Bullriders: Book One

Dante Rivers just lost the rodeo by two one hundredths of a point: he’s frustrated as hell, needs to get laid, and he knows just where to go. That night he meets Ryan Abbott and catches his eye—Ryan watched the rodeo and is still riding high on the rush. The chemistry between them ignites, but Dante, unable to deal with complications, leaves while Ryan’s asleep.

Ryan figures he’ll never see Dante again, but they’re fatefully reunited when Dante’s grandfather, Hy, hires Ryan to help straighten out some old investments. The attraction between Ryan and Dante still sizzles. Sex slowly turns to more, but obstacles abound: Hy’s failing health, Dante’s homophobic sponsor, an attack on Ryan, and Dante’s own struggle with his identity. Any one thing would be enough to separate them permanently… unless they both decide to hang on for the wild ride.


$6.99 $5.24

Heat Under Fire

By Fire Series
$4.99 $3.74

A By Fire Spinoff

Justin Briggs can shout out directions all day on his job as a traffic cop, but put him in front of a hot guy, specifically firefighter Rock Sparks, and he clams up.

Rock finds Justin confusing. While saving a busload of children hanging off the edge of a highway overpass, the cute rookie is cool and confident. But when Rock tries to chat him up, he stutters and chokes. Frustrated, Rock teases Justin, and boy, is his temper hot.

Though Rock and Justin share a steamy kiss, Justin keeps his distance, still tongue-tied. Then, when Justin is injured on the job, Rock takes him to the hospital, and some of the barriers start to crumble. But getting his enigmatic boyfriend to open up brings up more questions about Justin’s past.


$4.99 $3.74

Il fuoco della redenzione

Il fuoco | Libro 1
$3.99 $2.99

Serie Il fuoco, Libro 1

Dirk Krause è un bastardo di prima classe. Può solo prendersela con se stesso se la sua vita è un disastro, e invece non perde occasione di rendere l’esistenza degli altri un inferno. Il suo caratteraccio lo rende odioso persino ai medici e alle infermiere dell’ospedale dove viene ricoverato in seguito a un incidente durante una missione anti-incendio e, naturalmente, nessuno dei suoi colleghi si prende la briga di andarlo a trovare.

Lee Stockton è l’ultimo arrivato alla stazione dei vigili del fuoco e gli viene affidato l’incarico di visitare Dirk in ospedale e portargli dei fiori a nome della squadra. Lee capisce subito che tipo è Dirk e che il suo atteggiamento è un modo per tenere lontani gli altri, e fa di tutto per spingerlo a cambiare. Quando i due passano dalle liti al sesso, la loro relazione farà scintille, o si lascerà dietro solo un pugno di cenere?


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