Gay books

$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Vermillion, Georgia, is the small town that time forgot, or at least that’s how it feels to fifteen-year-old Rufus. As if being a scrawny ginger called “Matchstick” isn’t bad enough, Rufus is also gay, an artist, and the son of conservative religious fanatics. He doesn’t have a prayer of fitting in in the Bible Belt—at least not until he meets Syd, a spiky-haired girl in black eyeliner. Sick of being the adult her mother can’t seem to be, Syd hides behind a snarky attitude and takes refuge in classic movies, and eventually, her friendship with Rufus.

As isolated as they feel in Vermillion, Rufus and Syd soon discover they’re not as alone as they thought. Josephine, an aging free spirit who once ran a repertory cinema in Chicago, and Cole, a middle-aged gay man living with a brain injury as a result of a violent homophobic attack in his youth, offer help as the two teens struggle to discover who they are, what they want, and where they might belong. But not everyone in their town is so freethinking or open-minded.

When things become unbearable, where do two outspoken atheists turn? Trusting in each other and standing together is their only chance of making it through the opposition on all sides.


$6.99 $5.24

Code Yellow

Heroes at Heart | Book Three
$3.99 $2.99

Sequel to Yellow Streak
Heroes at Heart: Book Three

Two years have passed since that long, dark, night of despair and near death when English-lit geek Yancy Bell met dancing jock Curt Donovan. Now a couple living in New York, they appear happy and well suited to one another.

But appearances can be deceptive.

Yancy feels Curt is growing distant, and they barely see each other. At Juilliard, Curt has bonded with a new friend, Greg. Yancy fears his relationship with Curt is coming to a head. Meanwhile,Curt harbors a secret that could spell the end of Yancy’s love for him.

Yet neither man dares to confront his fears—or the other.

Will their fate be a code yellow or a golden opportunity?


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

Trois ans d’infiltration dans l’un des pires gangs du pays ont laissé l’agent du FBI, Joshua Chastain, complètement bouleversé. Luttant contre les cauchemars et l’addiction, il quitte la jungle bétonnée pour le Nouveau-Mexique, le pays des chevaux, en espérant recommencer à zéro dans le ranch de son oncle.

Le contremaître Eli Kelly passe sa vie à réhabiliter des animaux maltraités, et Joshua est juste une autre âme perdue. Mais quand Joshua commence doucement à reconstruire sa vie, Eli réalise que Joshua représente beaucoup plus qu’un nouveau projet.

Le plan de Joshua semble fonctionner – peut-être qu’un nouveau départ était exactement ce dont il avait besoin. Puis, au moment où il commence à peine à trouver un semblant de paix, le crime et la haine détruisent presque tout ce pour quoi il a travaillé, le forçant à réévaluer ce qu’il veut vraiment faire ressortir de sa relation avec Eli et de sa propre vie.


$6.99 $5.24

Amore incondizionato

Serie Sette giorni
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della Serie Sette giorni

La vita di una persona può cambiare in un solo giorno? E in sette?

Donald Pottier e Jason Greene sono poco più che ragazzi quando si conoscono a Chincoteague Island, in Virginia. Dopo un giorno passato a pescare granchi, i due estranei diventano prima amici, poi qualcosa di più. Il tempo a loro disposizione è però limitato: alla fine dell’estate, Jay dovrà lasciare l’isola e Donald.

Il destino ha però in serbo per Don e Jay molto più di una notte carica di speranze. In dodici anni di amicizia, dolore, amore, perdite, malattie e sfortune, spiccano sette giorni. Sette giorni definiscono e formano le persone che sono e la loro relazione. Nei sette giorni di incontri e separazioni, incidenti e fortune inattese, rifiuti e accettazioni, delusioni e speranze, viene gettata la base su cui posa ogni storia romantica: l’amore incondizionato.


$6.99 $5.24

Mongrel Trilogy

The Mongrel Trilogy | Books One - Three
$9.99 $7.49

One day a shadow is cast on the Mechanical Circus, a rollicking seaside carnival where imagination meets machinery, when a tall, cloaked figure approaches the stand of Will Marchman, a young patent-medicine salesman. Thus begins the adventures of Will; Fanule Perfidor, commonly known as the Dog King; vampire Clancy Marrowbone; and Clancy's former lover, the mortal Simon Bentcross.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49
$4.99 $3.74

Socially awkward, closeted virgin Avery Malcolm passes his days and nights running his bigoted aunt’s motel in rural New Mexico. He dreams of getting away and hitting the road, but with one friend, a few acquaintances, and no real life to speak of outside his duties as front desk clerk, he doesn’t know if he'll ever get a chance.

Fate sends hot drifter Chase Lancaster to the Red Ram Motel, riding in on his sexy black motorcycle. Within twenty-four hours, Avery’s life is turned upside down. Before long, even though Chase’s sexual interests seem to run exclusively toward women in bars, Avery finds himself falling for the beautiful biker with no permanent address. Chase is much more than his bad boy persona, so while it’s nice to have another friend, Avery doesn’t know how he’ll survive with his heart intact when Chase inevitably moves on.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Tre anni sotto copertura con una delle peggiori gang del paese hanno lasciato dei segni profondi nell’agente dell’FBI Joshua Chastain. Accompagnato dagli incubi e dalla sua battaglia contro la tossicodipendenza, Josh lascia la giungla di cemento per la campagna del Nuovo Messico, nella speranza di poter cominciare una nuova vita nell’allevamento di cavalli dello zio.

Il sovrintendente Eli Kelly trascorre le giornate a recuperare cavalli maltrattati e considera Joshua nient’altro che l’ennesima anima in pena. Ma non appena il giovane comincia a rimettere insieme i pezzi della propria vita, Eli si accorge che in realtà rappresenta molto di più che la sua ultima sfida.

Il piano di Joshua sembra funzionare e, forse, un nuovo inizio è davvero tutto ciò di cui ha bisogno. Poi, quando finalmente sembra cominciare a ritrovare la pace, violenza e odio lo portano vicino a distruggere tutto ciò che ha costruito e lo costringono a mettere in discussione il proprio futuro con Eli e la propria vita.


$6.99 $5.24

No Good Deed

Philip Potter Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Philip Potter Story

On Christmas Eve in 1966, Philip Potter, a kind-hearted Smithsonian curator, wraps up his last-minute shopping. Meanwhile, James, his lover of several years, takes his own life back in their home. Unaware of what awaits him, Philip drops off gifts at a homeless shelter, an act of generosity that will later make him a suspect in the murder of a male prostitute.

Following James’s shocking death, two men enter Philip's life—and both drive yellow Continentals. One of them, though, is a killer, with the blood of at least six hustlers on his hands. And both are hiding something.

As Philip is about to discover, no good deed goes unpunished.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as After Christmas Eve by MLR Press, 2013.


$6.99 $5.24


Mi Familia (Español)
$6.99 $5.24

Como bailarín principal de una compañía de danza contemporánea de Nueva York, Sean tiene el privilegio de trabajar con estudiantes en prácticas. La última joven seleccionada, Lupe, es una bailarina de talento que estudia en Purchase, y el hombre que la recoge después de clase despierta el interés de Sean.

Jaime, fotógrafo y estudiante de artes gráficas en Purchase, es primo de Lupe. Poco después de que Sean y Jaime empiecen a salir juntos, sus encuentros ocasionales se convierten en algo especial, algo que ninguno de los dos quiere perder, sin importarles cómo un compromiso pueda complicar sus vidas.

Lupe averigua la naturaleza de su relación y saca del armario a Jaime ante su familia, que vive en Arizona y es extremadamente religiosa. Sean decide apoyar a Jaime hasta el final, aunque este puede elegir complacer a su familia en lugar de tener una vida de amor y libertad con Sean.


$6.99 $5.24

Feather Fall

Spell Slave | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Spell Slave: Book Two

Hero and criminal. Brute force and subtle charm. Jonathan White and Crow Belcane are polar opposites, but if they want to rescue the man they both love, they’ll have to work together.

After visiting his former lover, Crow knows only one thing: he loves Regis and he will do anything to reclaim him. But before his very eyes, Regis is abducted. Kidnapped by high-end slavers. Only Regis’s infuriating partner, Jonathan—a dangerous vigilante—is willing to help.

To infiltrate the slave ring, Jonathan and Crow disguise themselves as master and pet. As a slave, Crow is pushed to his limit. He’s chained, branded, whipped, and forced to obey Jonathan’s every order. But the longer he spends at Jonathan’s feet, the more natural his disguise begins to feel—and the more he likes it. As much as he hates Jonathan, they make a good team.

Both of them are devoted to Regis. Despite the overwhelming attraction between them, Jonathan is unwilling to betray his partner, and Crow is unwilling to come between them. But once the three of them are together again, all bets are off. With the world against them, they have only each other to cling to.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Angus Conrad (Gus) McRae is a privileged Charlestonian following family tradition and attending the Citadel, harboring big dreams of a military career. With the infamous Hell Week behind him, he quickly realizes being a Knob (a freshman cadet) is just as tough—especially for a man like Gus who must keep his sexuality a secret. Then a sudden dorm reassignment lands him with a roommate in the form of one of the football team’s top players—working-class jock Stewart Adam (Sam) Morley—and life gets increasingly complicated.

Gus can’t imagine a man like Sam as gay, yet there’s something between them—exchanged glances, the occasional innuendo. Sexual tensions rise, leaving them more than friends but less than lovers. Gus and Sam know there’s too much to lose and they must keep their attraction hidden. If they fail, they risk destroying their hopes and dreams for a prosperous future in a military world that’s not yet ready to accommodate masculine gay men.


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

Culinary school is hard enough for Aimes Cully without mixing in an utterly underwhelming physical appearance—too small, too delicate, too red-haired, too freckled, too human—added with the inability to magically improve the food—still too human—and facing the too beautiful, too fae-looking Aleksi’s teases and taunts. When rumors surface that Aimes’s older brother’s success is a lie, Aimes is determined to prove them wrong and show that pure-blooded humans are the equal of anyone with mixed blood.

But things get worse after Aimes is caught in a faerie ring and transported to the fae hollow of Lord Keanewyeth Ordioral. As the attraction heats up, it becomes obvious that there’s something wrong in the magical home. A cursed creature appears, and everything becomes jumbled as the secrets of their lives collide into a painful concoction of Aimes’s past and Keanewyeth’s present. But if they can meld their talents, they might be able to save each other.


$3.99 $2.99

Il ritorno

Serie Storie di Austin | Libro 2
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Storie di Austin, Libro 2

Musica. Topher Manning raramente pensa ad altro, ma il suo lavoro diurno come meccanico non si sposa esattamente con le sue ambizioni da rock star. Se non troverà un modo per sbloccare tutte le canzoni che ha nella testa, la sua band si avvierà presto verso l’oblio.

Poi arriva il festival South by Southwest che, insieme a una macchina guasta, porta nella sua vita il critico newyorchese Stanton Porter. Stanton offre a Topher un biglietto per il concerto di Bruce Springsteen, dove un bacio esitante e le vibrazioni fantasma del cellulare del ragazzo danno il via a una storia d’amore che promette di andare al di là del possibile.


$6.99 $5.24

Question de temps, tome 2

Tout vient à point...
$6.99 $5.24

Trois ans plus tôt, Jory Harcourt change de nom et referme la porte d’un passé chargé de douleur dans le but de devenir plus fort. Il a une nouvelle carrière, une associée formidable, et une vie satisfaisante – mis à part le trou béant dans sa poitrine que lui laissé l’inspecteur Sam Kage lorsqu’il est parti en emportant son cœur.

Maintenant, Sam est de retour et il sait ce qu’il veut… et ce qu’il veut, c’est Jory. Jory, qui ne sait pas s’il peut survivre à une nouvelle rupture – ou à la perte de Sam durant l’une de ses missions dangereuses – résiste à retomber dans les bras du seul homme qu’il a jamais vraiment aimé. Mais lorsqu’un tueur en série avec un compte à régler prend Jory pour cible, il devra décider si l’amour vaut le danger alors qu’il tente de résoudre l’affaire et de protéger Sam.


$6.99 $5.24

Versöhnung des Blutes

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $5.24

Fortsetzung zu Konflikt des Blutes
Buch 4 in der Serie - Blutspartnerschaft

Der Krieg nähert sich seiner entscheidenden Phase und beide Seiten sind bis an ihre Grenzen gefordert. Da gelingt den dunklen Magiern ein vernichtender Schlag, denn sie nehmen Orlando St. Clair gefangen. Am Boden zerstört vor Sorge um seinen entführten Partner, muss Alain befürchten, dass auch Orlandos Befreiung aus den Klauen der dunklen Magier den Vampir nicht mehr retten kann, weil sein Herz und sein Verstand unheilbaren Schaden genommen haben.

Christophe Lombard, der älteste und mächtigste Vampir von Paris, weiß, dass die Allianz an der Schwelle zur Niederlage steht. Er gibt seine selbstgewählte Isolation auf und schließt sich dem Kampf an. Alains abtrünniger Freund Eric Simonet, der zu den dunklen Magiern übergelaufen war, wird vor die Wahl gestellt zwischen Rache und Erlösung. Und Jean, durch Orlandos Schicksal in Wut und Zorn versetzt, muss sich der schwierigsten Entscheidung seiner Existenz stellen, während um ihn herum der alles entscheidende Kampf tobt. Werden sie mit ihren Entscheidungen die Allianz endgültig zerschlagen oder schaffen sie es doch noch, ihre Welt vor dem Untergang zu bewahren?


$6.99 $5.24
$9.99 $7.49

Explore serious, romantic, and occasionally dark and dangerous, tales spun by Evan Gilbert, starting on the darker side with Brown-eyed Devil and its sequel, Red Rogue, which follow the tale of necromancer Anoki and his lover, Myron, whom Anoki must rescue from demonic forces. Then back to the real world: in Made Man, true crime author Eli decides to settle a score with a mob boss, only to fall for his son; in Loss of Heart, Daryl and Adam are comfortable in their relationship, but they can’t agree on whether to marry; in Dallas in Wonderland, Dallas is surprised when he develops an attraction for Johnny, a college student who has recently become a porn actor for Dallas’s studio, and Miguel Duarte, an office assistant; in Love Turned Blue, Slade meets auto mechanic Bruno, who desires a dedicated relationship as much as he does; and in Eyes on Sparrow, Morgan is surprised to discover he and Sparrow share a mutual attraction, one that leads to smoking hot sex, the kind that leaves the room sweltering.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49

How to Be a Normal Person

2015 Award Winners

A How to Be Novel

Gustavo Tiberius is not normal. He knows this. Everyone in his small town of Abby, Oregon, knows this. He reads encyclopedias every night before bed. He has a pet ferret called Harry S. Truman. He owns a video rental store that no one goes to. His closest friends are a lady named Lottie with drag queen hair and a trio of elderly Vespa riders known as the We Three Queens.

Gus is not normal. And he's fine with that. All he wants is to be left alone.

Until Casey, an asexual stoner hipster and the newest employee at Lottie’s Lattes, enters his life. For some reason, Casey thinks Gus is the greatest thing ever. And maybe Gus is starting to think the same thing about Casey, even if Casey is obsessive about Instagramming his food.

But Gus isn’t normal and Casey deserves someone who can be. Suddenly wanting to be that someone, Gus steps out of his comfort zone and plans to become the most normal person ever.

After all, what could possibly go wrong?


Unstable Stud

Lexington Lovers
Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Lexington Lovers

Horses were his passion, until he laid eyes on his boss.

Eighteen months ago, tragedy struck Bywater Farm when a riding accident killed Clay Hunter’s lover and traumatized his prize horse, King of Hearts. Clay and King lingered in limbo, surviving but not really living, until a breath of fresh air in the form of Luke Davis, a new groom in the stud barn, revives them both.

When a fall from King’s back sends Luke to the emergency room, Clay watches the shaky foundation of their budding relationship tumble down. Can Clay really love a jockey again, or will his fear of losing another man he loves keep them apart for good?


$4.99 $3.74