Gay books


Il desiderio di Lorcan

Whispering Pines (Italiano) | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Whispering Pines, Libro 1

Nonostante il sostegno amorevole della sua famiglia, Lorcan James vuole affrontare la vita da solo e, a ventun anni, si ritrova a piedi dall’altra parte del paese in cerca di avventura. Quello che trova è la disperazione, una disperazione che lo conduce dritto al Whispering Pines Ranch e proprio sul cammino del suo proprietario. L’uomo – forte, arrogante e bellissimo – risveglia in Lorcan qualcosa di cui non conosceva neanche l’esistenza.

Quinn Taylor è immerso fino al collo nella seccatura e nella frustrazione di dover fare i conti con un proprietario terriero confinante che non desidera altro che farlo fallire. Non ha bisogno di altre complicazioni, ma quando posa gli occhi su Lorcan il suo mondo si capovolge. Nonostante trovi in Quinn ciò che il suo cuore brama, Lorcan rifiuta di essere il suo piccolo sporco segreto. L’uomo non è però l’unico a cercare le sue attenzioni. Jess, un bracciante del ranch, sarebbe felice di dichiarare al mondo il suo amore per Lorcan. È proprio quello che Quinn non gli offrirebbe mai, ma è il desiderio più ardente di Lorcan.


$6.99 $5.24

Tigers on the Run

Tigers and Devils

Sequel to Tigerland

Young Australian Micah Johnson is the first AFL player to be out at the beginning of his career. Retired professional football player Declan Tyler mentors Micah, but he finds it difficult, as Micah is prone to making poor life choices that land him in trouble. Nothing Dec can’t handle. He’s been there, done that, more times than he’d like to admit. Being Simon Murray’s partner all these years has Dec quite experienced in long-suffering and mishaps.

As usual, Simon thinks everything is going along just fine until his assistant, Coby, tells him a secret involving an old nemesis. Simon and Dec’s problems mash together, and to solve them, they must undertake a thousand-kilometer round trip in which issues will have to be sorted out, apologies are finally given, and a runaway kid is retrieved and returned to his worried parents.


$6.99 $5.24

Lorsqu’un  crime épouvantable détruit la vie de Tyler Powell, son désir de vengeance prend le dessus. Chaque jour, à chaque instant, alors qu’il tente de reconstruire sa vie brisée, il n’a plus que cela en tête… la vengeance.

Cèdera-t-il à la colère pour devenir cette chose qu’il déteste par-dessus tout : un tueur ?

Il n’y a qu’avec l’aide de Christian Martin, inspecteur à la brigade criminelle chargé de son affaire, que Tyler voit une nouvelle vie possible se profiler devant lui, avec la révélation inattendue d’un nouvel amour qui lui tend les bras. Un amour qu’il pensait ne jamais plus connaître.

Le laissera-t-il entrer dans sa vie, ou est-ce déjà trop tard ? Sa vengeance a-t-elle plus d’importance pour lui que son propre bonheur ? Et celui de l’homme qui l’aime ? Tyler est bien déterminé à trouver un moyen d’assouvir sa vengeance sans pour autant sacrifier tout espoir d’un avenir avec Christian, mais cela s’avèrera difficile – si ce n’est impossible – et au final, il risque d’être confronté à un choix cornélien.


$6.99 $5.24

A King and a Pawn

Leader Murders | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Leader Murders: Case Three

Bert Cooper’s life used to be great, until his sister turned out to be a traitor. Now Bert feels the whole pack looks on him with doubt and suspicion. To prove his loyalty, he volunteers to be the first ambassador at Fey Court, gathering information to finally solve the Leader Murders and punish those plotting against the Council and community. At least, that was the plan….

When Bert meets Sir William Matthew Sims, Court Interrogator, and one hell of a sexy man, life becomes a balancing act. And when the Fey King is assassinated, things become really messy.

Pack politics, fey politics, treason, suspicions of treason…. Bert has to choose between being ruled by his fears or standing up for what—and who—he believes in. And it might just break his heart.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Ethan Daniels, host of a popular conservative cable news program, has never thought of his bisexuality as a problem, even though he has never acted on his attraction to men. Since his divorce, his desire has become more acute. When he meets Charlie Woods, his daughter’s first grade teacher, they have an instant spark, but Ethan hesitates to act. His contract is up for renewal, there are already rumors swirling about him because of a brief encounter from his past, and the last thing his employers want is for one of their stars to come out publicly.

Charlie avoids romantic entanglements because he prefers living on his own terms. He keeps love and sex completely separate, never seeing anyone more than a few times. Hooking up with a closeted celebrity like Ethan seems safe from emotional involvement, even if they have to keep their fledgling relationship secret.

The last thing they expect is to fall in love, but their strong mutual attraction moves them both to make changes neither of them thought they wanted or needed.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Jake Brenner trouve qu’il y a bien trop d’hommes à séduire pour tomber amoureux – ou c’est en tout cas ce qu’il prétend. En plus, il est bien trop occupé avec son groupe, les Wayward Sons, pour laisser une place à la romance. Sa réticence n’a rien à voir avec le béguin gênant qu’il a pour Chris, chanteur du groupe et jadis son meilleur ami. Mais tout ça, c’est avant que le vagabond et énigmatique Parker McAvoy, soit engagé comme nouveau guitariste.

Il peut cacher son attirance envers le timide et adorable Parker un moment, mais le désir de faire quelque chose à ce sujet devient impossible à ignorer. Le problème, c’est que Parker sait tout de l’inconstance sentimentale de Jake… et, ah oui, il n’est pas gay. En tout cas, c’est ce que Jake pense, jusqu’à ce qu’un enchaînement d’événements étranges le fasse peut-être changer d’avis. Peut-il convaincre Parker d’oublier son passé difficile et de lui donner une chance, ou cette chanson d’amour va-t-elle se terminer avant même d’avoir commencé ?


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Seguito di Fragole per dessert
Un libro della serie Coda

Le famiglie dovrebbero allargarsi, non restringersi. Jon Ketcher lo pensava ancora prima di convolare a nozze con il compagno, il milionario Cole Fenton. Ora che sperano di adottare, Jon e Cole cercano una futura mamma che lasci a loro un figlio da amare, ma l’attesa interminabile li sta snervando.

Jon è vicino a suo padre, George, ma prima di Cole, non aveva nessun altro. Ora George sta spingendo Cole a riconciliarsi con la madre lontana. Quando i tre passano il Natale con lei a Monaco, i risultati sono disastrosi. Jon e Cole riescono a restare ottimisti, ma non c’è speranza senza paura, e non possono fare a meno di chiedersi se per loro il sogno di diventare genitori sia semplicemente destinato a non avverarsi.


$4.99 $3.74

The Green's Hill Novellas

Green's Hill
Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess |
$6.99 $5.24

A Green's Hill Collection
Companion to the Little Goddess Series

Welcome to Green’s Hill, a small, secret collective of the fey, furry, and undead, existing unnoticed in the California foothills for over a hundred and fifty years.  Whether your passion is exotic were-animals, angels, elves, or vampires, you can find them here—although things are changing on the hill.

Bound by love and honor, Cory, Green, and Adrian work to give their followers a home—but they have no idea that the effects of their true love will spread like ripples in a pond. 

Be prepared for the unexpected, and ready for enchantment—you never know who will be awakened to the romantic possibilities of a vampire, a sorceress, or a pansexual elf who finds power in the force of love.

This anthology includes:

Litha's Constant Whim

It is on Litha that Whim meets Charlie, and their vows to return next Litha and finish what they started launch a thirteen-year tradition of celebration.

First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, June 2010.

I Love You, Asshole! 

It's a good thing vampires live forever, because it might take Marcus that long to convince Phillip that gender lines are for the living.

First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, May 2011.

Guarding the Vampire's Ghost 

An accident of divine politics has put Adrian, a twice-dead vampire, in heaven and under the care of angels Shepherd and Jefischa.

First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, October 2010.



$6.99 $5.24

Rekindled Flame

Rekindled Flame | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Rekindled Flame: Book One

Firefighter Morgan has worked hard to build a home for himself after a nomadic childhood. When Morgan is called to a fire, he finds the family out front, but their tenant still inside. He rescues Richard Smalley, who turns out to be an old friend he hasn’t seen in years and the one person he regretted leaving behind.

Richard has had a hard life. He served in the military, where he lost the use of his legs, and has been struggling to make his way since coming home. Now that he no longer has a place to live, Morgan takes him in, but when someone attempts to set fire to Morgan’s house, they both become suspicious and wonder what’s going on.

Years ago Morgan was gutted when he moved away, leaving Richard behind, so he’s happy to pick things up where they left off. But now that Richard seems to be the target of an arsonist, he may not be the safest person to be around.


$6.99 $5.24


The Bones Series
$9.99 $7.49

Skinny, quiet hipster Dylan Warner just wants to live a normal life—despite being a werewolf—but when he buys an isolated farmhouse, it comes with more adventure than he anticipated! In Good Bones, Dylan’s sexy neighbor Chris Nock helps Dylan renovate the house, but how can Dylan reveal his furry secret? In Buried Bones, a brand-new relationship is hard enough to handle, but the appearance of a ghost and Chris’s dad threaten to bring Dylan and Chris’s relationship toppling. In The Gig, a chance encounter introduces Dylan and Chris to Drew Clifton and Travis Miller of Speechless. In Bone Dry, artist Ery Phillips is house-sitting for Dylan and Chris when a strange—and beautiful—man appears by the pond and inspires his muse.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49
$6.99 $5.24

Father Cullen Kiley, a gay Episcopal priest on hiatus from the church, decides to take his boat, T-Time, from Provincetown, Massachusetts, to Southport, North Carolina, a place that holds an abundance of bittersweet memories for him. While on a run his first day in Southport, Cullen comes upon a man sitting on a park bench staring out over the Cape Fear River with his Bible in hand. The man’s body language reeks of defeat and desperation, and unable to ignore his compassion for his fellow man, Cullen stops to offer a helping hand.

Southport Baptist Church’s Associate Pastor, Abel Weston, has a hard time managing his demons. When they get too overwhelming, he retreats to Southport’s Historic Riverwalk with his Bible in hand and stares out over the water, praying for help and guidance that never seem to come. But Abel soon discovers that help and guidance come in many forms.

An unexpected friendship develops between the two men, and as Cullen helps Abel begin to confront his doubts and fears, he comes face-to-face with his own reality, threatening both their futures.


$6.99 $5.24


Los guardianes de Folsam | Volumen 1
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 1 de la serie Los guardianes de Folsam

Micah «Cachorro» Slayed sabe que desea a Tackett Austin desde el momento en que le pone la vista encima en los Guardianes de Folsom. Micah quiere tener un objetivo en la vida, que cuiden de él y cuidar de su Dominante. Quiere confiar en él completamente, vivir por él, pertenecerle. Convertirse en su todo. Micah está seguro de que Tackett es el indicado. El problema es que, para ser el sumiso perfecto, necesita mantenerse centrado, y eso no es fácil para Micah, que sufre de lo que él llama «cerebro averiado». La concentración y el trastorno de déficit de atención raramente coexisten. 

Desde la ceremonia del collar de Ty Callahan y Blake Henderson, Tackett ha estado pensando demasiado en su propia soledad. Incluso cuando Ty le presenta a Micah y anima a Tackett a darle una oportunidad, este no se deja convencer fácilmente. Se ha pasado la vida forjándose una exitosa carrera de negocios, y los sumisos a los que domina casi nunca disfrutan dos veces del beso de su cuero. Veinte años mayor que Micah, Tackett no tiene interés en domesticar a un sumiso tan joven y travieso… pero es difícil resistirse a las súplicas de un cachorro tan adorable.


$6.99 $5.24

Cœur et honneur

Le Clan des Panthères | Tome 3
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Cœur confiant
Le Clan des Panthères, tome 3

Les  nouveaux pouvoirs effrayants de Jin Rayne en tant que nekhene continuent de s'accroître ainsi que sa place en tant Reah de la tribu de Logan Church, lorsqu'il apprend qu'un sepat, un défi d'honneur, a été lancé. Logan, qui n'a jamais voulu faire autre chose que diriger sa tribu dans sa petite ville, doit voyager au bout du monde jusqu'en Mongolie et se battre pour devenir le leader le plus puissant dans le monde des panthères.

Logan ne sera pas le seul à faire ce voyage. En tant que compagnon, Jin doit se battre avec lui pour honorer son engagement envers Logan, sa culture et sa tribu. Mais le processus est long, impliquant une séparation prolongée entre les deux hommes, et l'humanité de Logan est en jeu. Afin de réussir à traverser ce sepat cauchemardesque, Jin et Logan doivent accepter leur sort, se faire confiance, et honorer les vœux qu'ils se sont fait, peu importe le coût.


$6.99 $5.24

Stories from Holly Creek

Dogwood Days

Small-town heroes and big-town hearts.

When Jefferson Lee Davis leaves his life in the big city to return to the small Southern town of Holly Creek, his natural charm soon has the residents eating out of his hand. Jefferson Lee steps up to help with Holly Creek’s biggest festival, Dogwood Days, which puts him directly in the path of the town’s hunky sheriff, Zane Yarbrough. Quirky neighbors, meddling family, and a sassy best friend make Jefferson Lee’s life a full-time adventure, and he warms to the idea of making a home in Holly Creek… a life that might include Zane.

But as the summer Rose Festival looms around the corner and more small-town secrets come to light, Jefferson Lee and Zane must take a long look at their blossoming romance. If they’re going to make it as a couple, they’ll have to work through their trust issues and believe that the relationship they’re building can weather any storm that blows their way.

Spring Fever

Jefferson Lee Davis, Holly Creek’s new Director of Publicity, is gearing up for the next big town event, the summer Rose Festival. The job is running smoothly, but the course of true love has hit a rocky patch. His hunky boyfriend, Sheriff Zane Yarbrough, is receiving mysterious phone calls he doesn’t want to discuss. While Jefferson Lee is blindsided by jealousy, the second shoe drops with the appearance of a handsome stranger in the small tight-knit community. Needing answers, Jefferson Lee enlists his best gal-pal Clover Crofton to help find out what secrets Zane is hiding. When they land themselves in more trouble than Jefferson Lee bargained for, he and Zane face the first big test of their relationship. Zane and Jefferson Lee must work through their trust issues if they’re going to make it as a couple, and Clover may just have a thing or two to learn herself.


$6.99 $5.24

1 Samuel 18:1 & 3: “And it came to pass… that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.”

David not only slew Goliath, he won the heart of Prince Jonathan, heir to the throne of Israel. They were star-crossed warrior lovers whose passionate affair changed history and gave rise to the nation of Israel, a legacy that has endured for 3,000 years. Their epic love story stands at the center of a religious tradition that shaped the world.

But Jonathan and David were also two men torn between duty and tradition, driven by their undeniably passionate and physical love for one another. Who were they beyond the historical facts given in the Bible? What were they like—as men? This modern-day novel tells the story of Israel’s first king and the man who captured his heart.


$6.99 $5.24

Un motivo valido

Il valore dell’amore | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Il valore dell’amore, Libro 1

Per Josh Brooks è un’estate di desideri che diventano realtà. Prima riesce a comprare il cavallo dei suoi sogni da un addestratore rivale. Poi conosce anche l’uomo dei suoi sogni, il Ranger Dane Keller, commilitone del fratello. Dane è sexy, abile, e reduce dall’ambigua politica dell’esercito americano riguardo all’omosessualità. Sarebbe tutto perfetto, eccetto che nessuno sa che Josh e Dane sono gay.

Quando Dane arriva al ranch, vuole soltanto una vita tranquilla senza la segretezza estrema che l’ha costretto a nascondersi e un lavoro che gli permetta di guadagnarsi da vivere. Ma il fratellino del suo migliore amico, quello che aveva scritto le lettere che li avevano tenuti su di morale in Afghanistan, sembra proprio essere cresciuto e Dane non può fare a meno di desiderare qualcosa di più, nonostante la paura di impegnarsi.

Mentre Dane e Josh cercano in tutti i modi di tenere le mani a posto, fallendo miseramente, qualcun altro osserva, in attesa, e infine colpisce, prima Josh e poi il prezioso cavallo. Quando tutti i loro segreti e le loro paure vengono esposti, Dane è determinato a proteggere Josh, anche se questo significa lasciarlo indietro.


$6.99 $5.24

A Forced Silence

Zero Hour | Book One

Zero Hour: Book One

For paramedic Adam Carson, his world is lights and sirens and saving lives. Pressures at work keep him firmly in the closet, and life is too busy to contend with the complications that come with dating and relationships. When a familiar face from his past turns up where he least expects it, Adam starts to question whether or not there is room in his life for those complications.

The last person forensic pathologist Sam McKenna expects to see at pub night is Adam, the guy who made his life hell in high school. The attraction is instant, but Adam isn't gay and Sam has no interest in pursuing him. Still, the leftover animosity from their teenage years isn't enough to extinguish the lust growing between them. After both are called to the scene of a horrific murder, Adam admits he’s not as straight as he led Sam to believe and they seek comfort and distraction in each other's arms. One night becomes many as the murder investigation intensifies, but when Adam is faced with losing Sam, he is forced to make a choice: to break his silence, or to give up everything for the job he loves.


$6.99 $5.24

A Love Can't Novel

Bullied as a child in small-town Kansas, Jeremy Cox ultimately escaped to Portland, Oregon. Now in his forties, he’s an urban park ranger who does his best to rescue runaways and other street people. His ex-boyfriend, Donny—lost to drinking and drugs six years earlier—appears on his doorstep and inadvertently drags Jeremy into danger. As if dealing with Donny’s issues doesn’t cause enough turmoil, Jeremy meets a fascinating but enigmatic man who carries more than his fair share of problems.

Qayin Hill has almost nothing but skeletons in his closet and demons in his head. A former addict who struggles with anxiety and depression, Qay doesn’t know which of his secrets to reveal to Jeremy—or how to react when Jeremy wants to save him from himself.

Despite the pasts that continue to haunt them, Jeremy and Qay find passion, friendship, and a tentative hope for the future. Now they need to decide whether love is truly a powerful thing or if, despite the old adage, love can’t conquer all.


$6.99 $5.24