Make Me Whole

By Marguerite Labbe

Make Me Whole
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Pages 294
  • ISBN-13 978-1-62798-056-2
  • SKU 4113
  • File Formats epub, pdf, zip
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After a grueling battle in ancient Greece, lovers Dexios and Lykon committed their lives to each other in the name of Goddess Cythera. After the war, fearing the strength of his love for Dexios, Lykon abandoned his vow and returned home. Heartbroken, Dexios called on Cythera, who changed him into four unfinished statues. In that form he would wait for his fickle lover to return, break the curse, and make him whole.

Thousands of years have passed when Galen Kanellis finds the disassembled pieces in the storeroom of a Seattle museum and makes them the focus of his new exhibit. Needing information, he contacts his ex-lover Nick Charisteas. Nick has a lifelong dream of finding the Dexios Collection, and the last thing he expected was for it to wind up in the hands of the man who broke his heart. As both men search for answers about the statues, worries of abandonment and fear of loss test their renewed relationship, threatening to separate them again—this time permanently.

Cover Artist: Melissa Gay

Award-Winning Books

Genres Erotic Romance / Fantasy Romance / Gay / Paranormal Romance