Western Romance books

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A Novel in the Delectable Series

Cordon Bleu-trained chef Riley Emerson arrives in Aspen, Colorado for a summer at the best restaurant in town, only to discover his jerk of a boyfriend has dumped him, leaving his heart and his plans in tatters. Doubting himself and longing for a change of pace, he takes a low-paying position at the Rocking Z guest ranch, though he expects nature up close and personal won’t hold a candle to his exciting Paris lifestyle.

When born-and-bred cattle rancher Colby Zane spots a newcomer being pawed at by a passel of horny cowboys at Aspen’s Club Rawhide, he rushes in, throws the guy over his shoulder, and rescues him. Sober, Riley Emerson is sweet and sexy, but not interested in more than a one-night stand. Still, Colby’s over the moon when Riley later arrives as the new cook on his family’s ranch.

But all’s not well at the Rocking Z. Unsurmountable financial problems force them to seek a cash infusion from outside investor Fitz Wellington. Fitz is hot for Colby, and he won’t sign on the dotted line without some very personal incentives. The future of the ranch is at stake, and Colby’s just that desperate, but saving the Z might mean losing Riley.


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Bushrangers | Book Two
$3.99 $2.99

Sequel to The Billabong
Bushrangers: Book Two
A novella from the Dragon-ghosts of Viscaya Universe

In New South Wales, Australia, in 1876, sweating out a living from the savage, dry wilderness tests a man’s worth. Cattleman Jim Kelly gave up everything he knew to outrun the law with his lover Mark Turner. Struggling to survive, the two turn to crime and venture farther into the harsh outback. And while Jim is enthralled by Mark’s almost paranormal strength and physical power, he starts to question his love after seeing Mark’s explosive temper first hand.


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Bon timing pour un Rodéo

Dans les temps | Tome 2
$5.99 $4.49

Dans les temps, tome 2

Deux ans après s’être installé dans le ranch que possède Rand Holloway, Stefan Joss a réussi à trouver un équilibre dans sa nouvelle vie, il est professeur à l’université locale. Mais le grand amour n’a rien d’un long fleuve tranquille. Rand le voudrait à la maison, au ranch, tandis que Stef tient à garder son autonomie au cas où son cow-boy le flanque à la porte. Réalisant soudain que ses doutes sont injustes, il s’engage totalement, ce qui rend Rand fou de joie.

Le jour où Stef voit sa chance de prouver son dévouement, il n’hésite pas, malgré les risques qu’il court. Et Rand profite de l’occasion pour démontrer que parfois, le meilleur de la vie surgit à l’impromptu.


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$6.99 $5.24

Ein Titel der Clouds and Rain Serie

Hunter Krause weiß ganz genau, dass es harte Arbeit ist, eine Ranch zu führen. Gute Cowboys zu finden ist schwer, und obwohl ihn sein Vorarbeiter und seine gesamte Familie unterstützen, hat er zu wenige Männer. Als dann Pferde von der Ranch verschwinden, stellt sein Bruder einen Mann ein, den Hunter nie in Erwägung gezogen hätte: Grant Jarreau, dem Hunter bis heute nicht verzeihen kann, dass er Hunters besten Freund nach einem schweren Unfall einfach im Stich gelassen hat.

Grant fügt sich schnell in das Leben auf der Ranch ein. Er freundet sich mit Hunters Schwester an und leistet hervorragende Arbeit. Trotz seiner Bedenken kann Hunter seine körperliche Reaktion auf Grant nicht wirklich verhindern und er weiß nicht, was er dagegen tun soll. Als Grant dann Hunters kleinen Neffen vor dem Ertrinken rettet, öffnet ein dankbarer Kuss Türen, von deren Existenz Hunter nie etwas geahnt hatte.

Während Hunter und Grant langsam eine Beziehung aufbauen, gerät Hunters Familie aus den Fugen, gibt es Schwierigkeiten auf der Ranch, versuchen sie herauszufinden, was mit den Pferden passiert ist und – als wäre das nicht genug – verschweigt Grant irgendetwas. Kann Hunter lernen, Grant zu vertrauen oder wird der Aufruhr in Hunters Familie ein weiteres Opfer fordern?


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$6.99 $5.24

La secuela de Heredar el cielo
Volumen 2 de la serie Lang Downs

Chris Simms, un joven de veinte años, apenas logra salir adelante. Después de perder a su madre y su hogar, lucha para ganar a duras penas lo suficiente para sobrevivir con su hermano menor. Cuando un grupo de homófobos le ataca, piensa que su vida ha acabado, pero es rescatado por unos empleados de un rancho de ovejas de la zona. Se queda muy sorprendido de que le ofrezcan un trabajo y aún más al enterarse de que el dueño y el capataz son gais.

Para Chris, Lang Downs es un sueño hecho realidad, que no hace más que mejorar cuando descubre que el hombre que le gusta, Jesse Harris, es gay y está abierto a tener una aventura. Todo va bien hasta que Chris se da cuenta de que se está enamorando de Jesse más profundamente de lo que su acuerdo permite.

Jesse va de rancho en rancho y no busca nunca nada permanente. Convencido de que Chris es demasiado joven y frágil para una relación, pone las normas para tener una interacción sin compromiso. Ver juntos al dueño del rancho y al capataz le hace pensar en los posibles beneficios de echar raíces, pero cuando se da cuenta de los sentimientos de Chris le entra pánico. Chris y él tendrán que decidir si vale la pena intentar alcanzar juntos la felicidad antes de que el final de la temporada los separe.


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$3.99 $2.99

When Everett Coleman’s longtime enemy JB Sanderson dies, Everett’s nephew Blake comes to visit his uncle. He worries JB’s death might have a negative effect on the old man, despite Everett and JB’s very public hatred for each other. When Everett passes away and Blake begins going through his things, he finds his uncle’s diaries. To his surprise, the infamous feud between Everett and JB was a gigantic cover-up for a gay relationship that lasted for decades.

Blake decides to write the real story of the legendary grudge and let the world know the great lengths the two men had to go to in the 1930s and 1940s to hide their love from their conservative small town in Texas.


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$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 1 de la serie Lang Downs

Caine Neiheisel está atrapado en un trabajo sin salida y una relación sin futuro cuando una oportunidad única cae en sus manos. Su madre hereda el rancho de ovejas de su tío en Nueva Gales del Sur, en Australia. Caine lo ve como una ocasión de empezar una nueva vida en el campo donde su tartamudeo no será un lastre y su buena disposición para el trabajo seguramente compensará su falta de conocimientos.

Por desgracia, Macklin Armstrong, el capataz de Lang Downs, que debería ser el mayor aliado de Caine, tan pronto se comporta de manera fría como se muestra displicente, y los otros empleados están más entretenidos por su acento americano que conmovidos por la difícil situación en la que se ha metido… Hasta que se enteran de que es gay y su simpatía se convierte en desdén. Hará falta toda la determinación de Caine y un acto de cruel sabotaje por parte de un vecino hostil para unir a los hombres de Lang Downs, y que Caine y Macklin tengan una oportunidad en el amor.


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A Courageous Ride

The Bullriders | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

The Bullriders: Book Three

Aspiring orchestra conductor Marshall is exhausted after months of auditions without a single job offer. Marshall’s friend, Terry, recommends a change of scenery and points Marshall in the direction of a dude ranch run by former bull rider Indigo Santana. Marshall is understandably skeptical, but his friend is convincing, and Marshall needs a break, so he agrees to go.

Indigo captures Marshall’s attention but leaves him confused. Indigo’s confidence is shot after an injury ended his rodeo career, and he walks with a slight limp. He hasn’t been anywhere near a bull since he was hurt, and he’s not the most accommodating host. After all, the only reason he keeps guests is because his family ranch is all but bankrupt.

Marshall’s attraction doesn’t go unanswered, which leaves him with a huge dilemma. He’s torn between the possibility of love, something he’s searched for all his life, and the career he’s worked toward for as long as he can remember, which is miles away. From his side of the fence, Indigo doesn’t see how the ranch could ever be enough.


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Every relationship leaves something behind. Dumped by his sugar daddy, part-time model Scott Mackenzie somehow ends up owning an abandoned church in rural Ontario. He dreams of using it for gay weddings, even if he’ll never have one of his own.

Joe Sutton is trying to keep his family together after his parents’ deaths. Between the family ranch, his brother’s construction company, and commitments around town, he doesn’t have time for a relationship. But Mackenzie is hard to ignore.

As both men fight their growing attraction, challenges to Mackenzie’s business threaten their relationship. If he can’t make it work, he’ll have to crawl back to the city in defeat. But the only solution involves risking the ranch Joe loves, and each man has to decide how much he’ll sacrifice for the other.


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Un libro de la saga Nubes y lluvia

Tim Conroy tiene experiencia siendo una persona paciente. Ha esperado tres años a que Rory McCown salga de la cárcel después de cumplir condena por robar caballos en el rancho Blue River. Y ahora que ha salido bajo libertad condicional, Tim tiene el objetivo de persuadir a su jefe, Hunter Krause, para que le dé una segunda oportunidad, aunque casi se arrepiente cuando Hunter accede.

Rory pasa de ser un solitario malhumorado a ser un arrogante demasiado confiado en sí mismo en cuestión de segundos. La atracción entre ambos es innegable, pero tan pronto como comienzan a acercarse, un antiguo enemigo intenta fastidiarlo todo… y es posible que su incipiente relación no sea lo suficientemente fuerte como para capear el temporal que se aproxima.


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Alluvioni e siccità

serie Nuvole e pioggia
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Nuvole e pioggia

Tim Conroy sa bene che cosa vuol dire avere pazienza. Ha aspettato per tre anni che Rory McCown uscisse dalla prigione dopo aver scontato la pena per aver rubato dei cavalli al Blue River Ranch. Ora che Rory ha diritto alla libertà condizionale, Tim cerca di convincere il suo capo, Hunter Krause, a concedergli una seconda possibilità.

Arriva quasi a pentirsene quando Hunter accetta. Rory passa in fretta dall’essere una persona malinconica e solitaria a diventare arrogante e troppo sicuro di sé. L’attrazione tra loro è ancora viva, ma non appena cominciano ad avvicinarsi, si fa vivo un vecchio nemico per mettere i bastoni tra le ruote... e la loro relazione appena iniziata potrebbe non essere abbastanza forte da resistere alla tempesta in arrivo.


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$6.99 $5.24

Ein Titel der Clouds and Rain Serie

Flynn Tomlinson hat sich mehrere Jahre herumgetrieben, irgendwelche Jobs angenommen, wenn er Geld brauchte, und ist weitergezogen, wenn er nichts brauchte. Er ist zufrieden mit seinem ungebundenen Leben, wo er für niemanden verantwortlich ist, außer sich selbst. Dann sieht er die Kleinanzeige „Aushilfe gesucht“ in einem Postamt in Idaho und trifft Gable Sutton. Gable kann Flynn nicht bezahlen, bis er seine Pferde verkauft hat, aber nach einem schweren Unfall kann er seine Ranch nicht mehr alleine bewirtschaften.

Mit Pferden zu arbeiten ist um Längen besser als Regale im Supermarkt einzuräumen, daher erklärt sich Flynn mit Gables Bedingungen einverstanden. Womit Flynn nicht gerechnet hat, ist die Anziehungskraft des sanften, einsamen Mannes, der sein Herz erobert und Flynn dazu bringt, eine große Aufgabe anzunehmen: Gables Ranch zu retten.


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Inseguire le stelle

Lang Downs (Italiano)
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Lang Downs, Libro 2

Il ventenne Chris Simms riesce a malapena a mantenersi a galla. Dopo aver perso la madre e la casa, si trova a dover provvedere da solo a se stesso e al fratello minore. Quando è attaccato da un branco di teppisti omofobi, Chris pensa che la sua vita sia ormai giunta alla fine, ma viene salvato da alcuni uomini che lavorano in un allevamento di pecore della regione. La sorpresa di sentirsi offrire un lavoro è superata solo dallo scoprire che il proprietario e il sovrintendente della stazione formano una coppia gay.

Per Chris la stazione di Lang Downs è un sogno, che migliora ancora quando scopre che il ragazzo per il quale ha un debole è non solo gay, ma anche disposto a spassarsela un po’. Tutto sembra procedere al meglio, fino a che Chris non si rende conto che i suoi sentimenti per Jesse sono molto più profondi di quanto previsto dal loro accordo.

Jesse ama la vita randagia e passa di stazione in stazione, senza mai cercare qualcosa di stabile. Convinto che Chris sia troppo giovane e fragile per una relazione seria, decide di fare in modo che la loro rimanga una relazione occasionale. Tuttavia, posto di fronte al tipo di rapporto che lega il proprietario della stazione al suo sovrintendente, comincia a valutare la possibilità di fermarsi anche lui a Lang Downs; almeno finché non si accorge dei sentimenti che Chris nutre per lui e piomba nel panico. I due ragazzi dovranno quindi decidere se darsi un’occasione, possibilmente prima che la fine dell’estate li separi.


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Ein weites Land – Dunkle Wolken

Geschichten aus der Ferne | Buch 2
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 2 in der Serie - Geschichten aus der Ferne

Die benachbarten Farmen der Holdens und Jessups stehen sich alles andere als nachbarschaftlich gegenüber – Jefferson Holden und Kent Jessup hassen sich. Doch trotz des jahrzehntelangen Grolls seines Vaters, kann sich Haven Jessup nicht dazu durchringen, seine Nachbarn zu hassen. Erst recht nicht, nachdem ihn Dakota Holden während eines gewaltigen Sturms bei sich aufnimmt, und er Dakotas Freund, Phillip Reardon, kennenlernt.

Phillip akzeptiert Haven so wie er ist. Als Einziger sieht er hinter die Maske, die Haven benutzt, um sein Verlangen nach Männern zu verstecken. Doch ihre zaghafte Annäherung und ihre heimliche Beziehung stehen unter großem Druck. Sabotierte Zäune, verletzte Tiere, geschmacklose Pläne und Jessups Familiengeheimnisse, bedrohen Havens neu gefundenes Glück und seine Hoffnung auf eine Zukunft mit Phillip.


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The Billabong

Bushrangers | Book One
$3.99 $2.99

Bushrangers: Book One
A novella from the Dragon-ghosts of Viscaya Universe

Having long ago lost his wife and children, cattleman Jim Kelly works the family farm in the harsh 1800s Australian outback, most days wondering why he bothers. That question is foremost in his mind when a venomous snake takes him by surprise. Another surprise comes when a skilled doctor is in the vicinity to save his life. But the third, and biggest, surprise for Jim is falling hard and fast for that man.

Life on the lam is tough, and bushranger Mark Turner simply wants to maintain his freedom as long as he's able. Unfortunately, being a doctor, his conscience won't let him leave a snakebite victim to die. Before he thinks about the consequences of his humanitarian actions, he's both saved Jim and become smitten with him. But considering how Mark's past could negatively impact any possibility of a future, maybe falling in love wasn't such a great idea after all.


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Una prateria straniera

Storie della prateria
$6.99 $5.24

Storie della prateria: Libro 4

Il cantante western Willie Meadows è un impostore. Non è mai andato a cavallo in vita sua e i suoi abiti in stile “vecchio West” sono stati fatti su misura in una boutique di Los Angeles. Non c’è da stupirsi che Wilson Edwards, l’uomo dietro la maschera, non riesca più a scrivere musica. Nel tentativo di trovare l’ispirazione, Wilson compra un ranch in Wyoming per sperimentare la vita di campagna, pur non avendo la minima intenzione di gestirlo. Poi arriva Steve Peterson, disperato, affamato e solo, dopo essere scappato da un istituto per la “cura” degli omosessuali gestito dal culto di cui suo padre è il capo.

Steve avrebbe dovuto addestrare cavalli per la vecchia proprietaria del ranch, ma quell’offerta di lavoro se n’è andata assieme a lei. Per fortuna, Wilson trova una soluzione temporanea: Steve si occuperà del ranch mentre lui è a LA per affari. Ma al suo ritorno, Wilson fatica a riconoscere la sua nuova casa. Nei recinti ci sono dei cavalli addestrati e il ranch è in ottime condizioni. Improvvisamente, si ritrova affascinato, non dallo stile di vita dei cowboy, ma da Steve stesso.

Ma il culto è ancora alla ricerca di Steve e il timore di Wilson di suscitare uno scandalo ha fatto in modo che, finora, la sua omosessualità sia rimasta un segreto. Dichiararsi distruggerebbe la carriera di Willie, ma soffocare i suoi sentimenti nei confronti di Steve potrebbe distruggere l’unica parte di lui che ancora è autentica.


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$6.99 $5.24

Don Jenkins will do anything for a happy, thriving family and home, but keeping his farm going is a constant challenge. He’s always depended on Griff McAllister, his partner and first love, to support him in his work and in his need to submit in the bedroom. When he discovers Griff might be losing faith in him, he’s at a loss for how to mend the relationship. Then Howard Campbell—a man Don and Griff both love beyond words—is added to the mix. With jealousy threatening their bond and the viability of the farm in question, Don’s dreams begin to crumble.

Nearly losing Howard in an accident serves as a wakeup call. They begin to pull their relationship out of the muck and work to remember why they came together in the first place. If they can figure out how to help one another and balance the dynamics of dominance and submission between them so each man gets what he needs, the trio might build the loving future they’ve dared to hope for. They must be brave enough to commit every resource they can muster—especially trust, understanding, and acceptance—and realize true love is never as easy as it looks.


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$6.99 $5.24

Riley Cooper is on the run. Misha Tokarev, the love of his life, turned out to be an assassin for the Russian mob, and when it comes to character flaws, Riley draws the line at premeditated murder. Alien armor system McClane is also on the run, for reasons that include accidentally crashing a space ship into Earth and evading U.S. military custody. A failed prototype, McClane was scheduled for destruction. Sabotaging the ship put an end to that, but McClane is dubbed a bone rider for good reason—he can’t live without a host body. That’s why he first stows away in Riley's truck and then in Riley himself. Their reluctant partnership soon evolves into something much more powerful—and personal—than either of them could have imagined.

Together, they embark on a road trip from hell, made all the more exciting by the government troops and mob enforcers hot on their trail. Misha is determined to win Riley back and willing to do whatever it takes to keep him safe. When hitman and alien join forces, they discover their impressive combined potential for death and destruction. It will take everything Riley has to steer them through the mess they create.


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