Western Romance books

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Tanner Wallis is nearly at the end of his rope the night Mason Seidel finds him lying next to the mangled body of a cow on the back pastures of the Seidel family's Wyoming ranch. Recently out of the hospital after he and his boyfriend were brutally beaten, Tanner is jobless, homeless, and almost penniless. His desperate hope is that Mason will believe he’s innocent of the senseless crime and give him a place to heal, both physically and emotionally, until he can get on his feet again.

But Mason already has enough on his plate. He's only been back on the ranch a few months, ten years after his father kicked him out for being gay, and only because his sister begged him to come help after the man's disabling stroke. With all his responsibilities—running the struggling ranch and keeping his sister and father off his back—Mason can't really afford the distraction Tanner represents. But he can't just abandon the attractive young man either. There’s trouble in spades on the ranch, but if they face it together, Mason and Tanner might find a future with a little sunshine.


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$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Outlast the Night
Lang Downs: Book Four

Thorne Lachlan knows a thing or two about getting himself safely out of a blaze. For years he fought in the world’s hot spots, a Commando with the Australian Army. Now, retired, he fights flames for the Royal Fire Service. When a grassfire brings him to Lang Downs, the next sheep station in danger, Thorne meets Ian Duncan and sparks fly that neither man can put out. But both men have ghosts from the past that stand in the way of moving beyond mutual attraction.

While Thorne longs for the home he could share with Ian at Lang Downs, he fears his own instability might make him a danger to others. And Ian’s always believed that the foster care nightmare he escaped before coming to Lang Downs would make any relationship impossible. Trust doesn’t come easily to Thorne or Ian until the fire’s aftermath forces them to see past the scars keeping them both from healing.


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Tempo al tempo

Tempo al tempo | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Tempo al tempo, Libro 1

Stefan Joss non può farcela. Non solo deve recarsi in Texas nel bel mezzo dell’estate per fare da ‘damigello’ alle nozze della sua migliore amica Charlotte Holloway, ma è anche costretto a negoziare un affare da milioni di dollari. Come se non bastasse, si sente scombussolato dalla presenza dell’unico uomo che Charlotte aveva promesso di non invitare: suo fratello Rand Holloway.

Stefan e Rand sono nemici giurati dal primo giorno in cui si sono incontrati, così Stefan è scioccato quando una tregua momentanea trasforma la loro solita ostilità in una complicità improvvisa. Benché diffidente riguardo ai suoi sentimenti, Stefan rimane influenzato dalle rivelazioni sincere di Rand e decide di dargli una possibilità.

Ma la loro storia d’amore appena sbocciata viene messa a repentaglio quando l’affare di Stefan va storto: la proprietaria dell’ultimo ranch che ha bisogno di assicurare alla sua compagnia viene uccisa. Per Stefan sarà una sorpresa scoprirlo e rendersi conto che anche la sua vita è in pericolo.


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Moon and Stars

Clouds and Rain Stories
$6.99 $5.24

A Clouds and Rain Story

After an affair with a married DA led to scandal and disbarment, Cooper Nelson left his legal career in shambles, and found solace working as a hand at the Blue River Ranch. Eight years later, during a rare visit into town, Cooper bumps into Kelly Freed, a man he left behind fifteen years earlier when he started out as an attorney. Unfortunately, Kelly is running for sheriff and his wife is terminally ill, so Kelly can’t even consider rekindling their relationship. Cooper knows from sad experience that hiding the truth leads to lives being ruined, so for his part, he refuses to be anybody’s dirty secret.

In the meantime circumstances at neighboring Blackwater Ranch have taken a desperate turn. Gable’s friend Calley has breast cancer, and when Gable and Flynn take in Calley’s kids, they need help from their friends. Cooper and Kelly’s combined talents are put to work to ensure Gable can make a bid to become the legal father of his children, and that Calley’s affairs are in order if worse comes to worst. For Cooper, staying away from Kelly was never easy, and now with a common cause, Cooper finds he can't stop himself from seeking the man out.


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A Daring Ride

The Bullriders | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

The Bullriders: Book Two

Simon “Frizz” Frizzell sneaks away to the rodeo on weekends, and it’s not until after he wins a buckle that he tells his parents about his bull-riding. He knows they won’t approve of his choice of sport, but his parents own a Christian bookstore, and he couldn’t possibly tell them the whole truth: he’s gay. And so are some of his rodeo friends, like Dante and Ryan, and Jacky—a young man he wishes could have been more than a one-night stand. When Simon sets his sights on his dreams, he finds work with Dante and Ryan, and bumps into Jacky on the job.

Jacky Douglas is a rodeo fanatic, plain and simple. He loves the ride, and he loves the cowboys. He fell hard for Frizz when they met, and theirs was a one-night stand made in heaven. When they meet again, Jacky thinks it’s a stroke of luck. Frizz takes some convincing, but once he’s on board, they begin a relationship. The fledgling romance faces a challenge when news of it travels all the way to the one place Frizz doesn’t want it to go: his parents’ bookstore.


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Ereditare il cielo

Lang Downs (Italiano)
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Lang Downs, Libro 1

Caine Neiheisel è intrappolato in un impiego senza prospettive e alla fine di una relazione che di prospettive non ne ha più, quando all’improvviso gli si presenta l’occasione di una vita: sua madre eredita un allevamento di pecore nel Nuovo Galles del Sud, Australia. Per Caine è l’occasione di ricominciare, là in mezzo ai pascoli, dove la sua balbuzie non sarà più un ostacolo e dove la sua voglia di lavorare potrà certamente compensare la mancanza di esperienza.

Sfortunatamente, però, il sovrintendente di Lang Downs, Macklin Armstrong, che dovrebbe essere il suo più grande alleato, alterna momenti di freddezza ad altri di chiaro disprezzo. Gli altri membri della squadra, invece, sono più interessati al suo accento americano che impressionati dalla sua situazione… fino a che non scoprono che Caine è gay, e allora il divertimento si trasforma in disprezzo. Sarà necessaria tutta la sua determinazione – e un crudele atto di sabotaggio da parte di un vicino ostile – per unire gli uomini di Lang Downs e dare a Caine e Macklin la possibilità di scoprire l’amore.


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Caccia a Seth

Compagni predestinati
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Compagni predestinati

Il veterinario Seth Davies arriva a Senaka, nel Wyoming, alla ricerca di tranquillità e di anonimato, per tentare di fuggire dal proprio passato. Da sempre è stato una calamita per i guai e per il dolore, e ha avuto buone dosi di entrambi. Kasey Whitedove lo condanna a prima vista. È convinto che nessun uomo bianco potrebbe amare gli animali nel modo in cui la maggior parte del popolo Cheyenne si aspetterebbe, così rende i primi giorni di Seth a Senaka un vero incubo.

Tuttavia un incidente pone Kasey nella difficile posizione di dover mettere da parte l’orgoglio e di desiderare ardentemente Seth, nonostante i pericoli della sua vita da licantropo e i pesanti segreti dell’altro uomo. Per Kasey, dare la caccia a Seth e tenerlo al sicuro dal suo passato è appena diventata la priorità.


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Ein weites Land – Miteinander

Geschichten aus der Ferne | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Geschichten aus der Ferne

Nach einem Jahr an der Universität gibt Dakota Holden sein Medizinstudium auf und kehrt nach Hause zurück, um die elterliche Ranch zu übernehmen und sich um seinen Vater zu kümmern, der an Multipler Sklerose erkrankt ist. Aus Pflichtgefühl erlaubt sich Dakota nur eine Woche Urlaub im Jahr. Diese verbringt er meist an exotischen Orten und gönnt sich soviel Spaß, wie er nur ertragen kann. Während seines letzten Urlaubs, einer Kreuzfahrt, schließt er mit Phillip Reardon eine Freundschaft, die bald eine wichtige Rolle in Dakotas Leben spielt.

Als Phillip beschließt, Dakotas Einladung zu einem Besuch auf der Ranch anzunehmen, ist Dakota glücklich, ihn wiederzusehen und auch seinen Freund, den Tierarzt Wally Schumacher kennenzulernen, Ungeachtet Wallys Bedürfnis, den Wölfen zu helfen, die von Dakotas Männern gejagt werden, um die Rinder zu schützen, verbindet die beiden bald viel mehr als ein starkes, beiderseitiges erotisches Interesse. Doch irgendwann wird sich entscheiden müssen, ob das Hochland von Wyoming weit genug ist für Dakotas Rinder, Wallys Wölfe und ihre Liebe.


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Una prateria sconvolta

Storie della prateria
$6.99 $5.24

Storie della prateria: Libro 3

L'ultima cosa che Liam Southard si aspetta quando fugge da un padre violento è di essere accolto in un ranch gestito da una coppia gay. Presto trova un nuovo lavoro e un nuovo punto di vista sulla propria sessualità, e la sua vita ricomincia. Poi qualcuno gli punta contro un fucile.

In difesa di Troy Gardener, bisogna dire che la faccenda del fucile era tutto un equivoco. Fra la rovina del suo matrimonio e la vita in solitudine nel capanno di caccia di suo zio, era un po' nervoso. Vorrebbe scusarsi con Liam e, una volta scoperto quanto hanno in comune, vuole anche qualcosa di più. Ma fra l'arrivo inaspettato del padre di Liam e una compagnia mineraria che minaccia la fonte d'acqua del ranch, l'unica cosa certa è che la vita da quelle parti non sarà noiosa.


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Mauvais timing

Dans les temps | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Dans les temps, tome 1

Stefan Joss connait une période difficile. Non seulement, il doit se rendre au Texas, en plein été, pour le mariage de sa meilleure amie, Charlotte, dont il est le témoin, mais on le charge en plus de négocier un marché de plusieurs millions de dollars. Pire encore, il se retrouve face à face avec un homme qu’il espérait bien de jamais revoir : Rand Holloway, le frère ainé de Charlotte.

Stefan et Rand se détestent depuis le jour de leur première rencontre, aussi Stefan a-t-il du mal à croire à la trêve que lui propose son ennemi juré. Peu à peu, leur hostilité mutuelle se transforme en passion dévorante. Malgré ses doutes devant une volte-face aussi brutale, Stefan décide de faire confiance à Rand, et de lui donner une chance de prouver sa sincérité.

Leur entente est vite menacée : le marché que Stefan devait négocier tourne mal, et la propriétaire du ranch qu’il devait acquérir au nom de sa boite est assassinée. À sa grande surprise, Stefan est désormais en danger...


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$6.99 $5.24

Three years undercover with one of the worst gangs in the country left FBI agent Joshua Chastain shattered. Battling nightmares and addiction, he leaves the concrete jungle for New Mexico horse country, hoping to start over on his uncle’s ranch.

Foreman Eli Kelly spends his life rehabilitating abused animals, and Joshua is just another lost soul. But as Joshua slowly begins to put his life back together, Eli realizes that Joshua is a lot more than his newest project.

Joshua’s plan seems to work—maybe a fresh start was just what he needed. Then, just when he has finally found a sense of peace, crime and hatred nearly destroy all his hard work, forcing him to reevaluate what he wants out his relationship with Eli and his own life.


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$6.99 $5.24

William Drake mène une vie ordinaire, avec un travail, un chien et une maison près du lac Supérieur, lorsqu’un appel au secours désespéré de sa bonne à rien de sœur, Katrina, le met face à un gros problème en forme de rancher. Démontrant qu’aucune bonne action ne saurait être impunie, l’arrivée de Will au ranch du Montana appartenant au fiancé de sa sœur, Martin, est célébrée par un pneu crevé et un coup de main inattendu de la part d’un bon samaritain grand, brun et beau, qui se révèle être Elijah Hunter, le frère de Martin et l’homme le plus troublant qu’il ait jamais rencontré.

La colère que les mauvaises actions de Katrina a fait naître chez Eli se répercute sur Will. Eli exige que ce dernier reste au ranch jusqu’à ce que le problème soit résolu. Même si Will prend la place de Katrina, Eli ne lui rend pas les choses faciles et ne cesse de le tester. Toutefois les principes incorruptibles de Will dépassent même ses sévères attentes. L’attirance qui grandit entre eux est compliquée par l’ultimatum d’Eli : il insiste toujours pour que Katrina obéisse au contrat prénuptial qu’elle a signé… à moins que Will accepte d’épouser Eli à la place.


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Bully for You

2013 Daily Dose | Make a Play
$3.99 $2.99

What could be hunkier than a cowboy? Not much, according to Martin Du Bois. He convinces two friends that a visit to the rodeo is every gay man’s wet dream, and so the three of them gaily (and I do mean gaily) set off to watch cowboy asses in action.

A visit to a bar after the event gets Martin closer to the action than he ever thought possible, and he meets Jesse Cumberland, the man who caught his eye in the ring and made his rhinestones sparkle. Instant attraction leads to a one-night stand that gets under Martin’s insouciant skin and causes him to rethink his determination not to get involved emotionally. When Jesse invites Martin to his ranch, the visit is almost derailed by Martin’s realization that they lead very different lives. As a flaming city queer, he sees no way to fit with the solid, athletic Jesse. It’s up to Jesse to see if he can change Martin’s mind.


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$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Chase the Stars
Lang Downs: Book Three

Office manager Sam Emery is unemployed and out of luck. When his emotionally abusive wife demands a divorce, he contacts the one person he has left, his brother, Neil. He doesn’t expect Neil to reject him, but he also doesn’t expect the news of his divorce—and of his sexuality—to be met with such acceptance.

Neil takes Sam to Lang Downs, the sheep station Neil calls home. There, Sam learns that life as a gay man isn’t impossible. Caine and Macklin, the station owners, certainly seem to be making it work. When Caine offers Sam a job, it’s a dream come true.

Jeremy Taylor leaves the only home he’s ever known when his brother’s homophobia becomes more than he can bear. He goes to the one place he knows he will be accepted: Lang Downs. He clicks with Sam instantly—but the animosity between Lang Downs and Jeremy’s home station runs deep, and the jackaroos won’t accept Jeremy without a fight. Between Sam’s insecurity and Jeremy’s precarious position, their road will be a hard one—and that’s without having to wait for Sam’s divorce to be final before starting a new life together.


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$6.99 $5.24

Up until he buys an old truck, Elijah Morgan lives life according to his family’s plan, never feeling like he belongs. Desperate to find his own path, he heads out on the open road, only to end up stranded in Nebraska. Not wanting to ask for his parents’ help, he takes a job with tough, independent farmer Chase McKenzie.

Despite their age gap, the attraction between Chase and Elijah soon becomes undeniable. They give in to their desire, but that night changes everything and threatens the secret Chase guards so carefully.

As the summer heats up, so does their relationship. When autumn arrives, Elijah is due back at college, and he’ll have to choose whether to continue his education and follow in his family’s footsteps… or to stay in Nebraska with the man he loves.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Book in the Good Fight Series

Will Martin’s racist father, Kevin, hates Native Americans and wants to keep them off his property, never mind that part of the ranch land is sacred ground for the Sioux. When they request access for prayer, Kevin refuses—but Will doesn’t share his father’s views. Ever since he first saw Takoda Red Bird during one of the Sioux sacred ceremonies, Will has been fascinated. He grants the tribe access.

Takoda defies Kevin on a regular basis. He often sneaks to the sacred site on the rancher’s land for prayer and knows Will has seen him there. When, out of spite, Kevin places the land up for auction, Takoda knows it is time for action and bands together with Will to stop the sale.

In the fight that follows, Will gets more than he expected. He starts out helping the tribe preserve their identity… and ends up finding his own.


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$6.99 $5.24

Aging bull rider Cody Grainger needs bullfighter Johnny Arrow for more than just protection in the ring. Their bond of trust goes beyond the professional and into love, but while their relationship holds up to the need for discretion imposed by their sport and repeatedly having to watch each other put themselves in the way of dangerous animals, other barriers still tear them apart.

For one thing, Cody is ten years older than Johnny. But instead of contemplating retirement, he focuses on winning the championship, desperate to stay on top. Johnny is only beginning to find the professional recognition he craves. When frustration leads Johnny to walk away, Cody’s season slumps. While they’re apart, they both slowly realize they are meant to be together. But machismo abounds in the sport of bull riding, and their pride might be an obstacle too big for love to overcome.


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A Wild Ride

The Bullriders | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

The Bullriders: Book One

Dante Rivers just lost the rodeo by two one hundredths of a point: he’s frustrated as hell, needs to get laid, and he knows just where to go. That night he meets Ryan Abbott and catches his eye—Ryan watched the rodeo and is still riding high on the rush. The chemistry between them ignites, but Dante, unable to deal with complications, leaves while Ryan’s asleep.

Ryan figures he’ll never see Dante again, but they’re fatefully reunited when Dante’s grandfather, Hy, hires Ryan to help straighten out some old investments. The attraction between Ryan and Dante still sizzles. Sex slowly turns to more, but obstacles abound: Hy’s failing health, Dante’s homophobic sponsor, an attack on Ryan, and Dante’s own struggle with his identity. Any one thing would be enough to separate them permanently… unless they both decide to hang on for the wild ride.


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