Gay books

$4.99 $3.74

Carson O’Shaughnessy has one task: track down his boss’s flighty nephew, Stassy, and return the kid to Chicago. Then Carson can go back to waiting tables and being productively bitter about his life. He didn’t count on finding a dead body in Stassy’s bed, and he certainly didn’t count on the guy in the flip-flops and cutoffs at the local café helping him get to the bottom of the crime.

But Dale Arden is no ordinary surfing burnout—he’s actually a pretty sharp guy with a seductive voice and a bossy streak wider than the Florida panhandle. When he decides to boss Carson right into his bed, Carson realizes Stassy's not the only one who's been lost. Carson likes to think he’s got his life all figured out, that sex with guys is your basic broom-closet transaction; he may just have to revise his priorities, because nobody plans on taking a left at St. Truth-be-Well and finding love at the Bates Parrot Hotel.


$4.99 $3.74
$3.99 $2.99

At twenty-eight, Josh Adams has more than a few secrets and personal demons. He’s an international traveler and doesn’t think he’ll ever be ready for the serious attention handsome and heroic airline pilot Benny Mills is ready to pay him. Their shared near-death experience seems to clarify everything for Benny, who wants nothing more than to share his stunning home in an idyllic Wisconsin apple orchard with Josh.

Benny offers commitment and a contented life of peaceful, loving comradeship far from the high-flying hazards of foreign travel. But for sexy love-’em-and-leave-’em-hot Josh, only another life-and-death adventure can convince him that the smoking heat of their mutual attraction is destined to be more than a hit-and-run entertainment.

With time running out, finding refuge from his increasingly dangerous world just might be what Josh needs after all. Especially when his and Benny’s very lives depend on it.


$3.99 $2.99

Mauvais timing

Dans les temps | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Dans les temps, tome 1

Stefan Joss connait une période difficile. Non seulement, il doit se rendre au Texas, en plein été, pour le mariage de sa meilleure amie, Charlotte, dont il est le témoin, mais on le charge en plus de négocier un marché de plusieurs millions de dollars. Pire encore, il se retrouve face à face avec un homme qu’il espérait bien de jamais revoir : Rand Holloway, le frère ainé de Charlotte.

Stefan et Rand se détestent depuis le jour de leur première rencontre, aussi Stefan a-t-il du mal à croire à la trêve que lui propose son ennemi juré. Peu à peu, leur hostilité mutuelle se transforme en passion dévorante. Malgré ses doutes devant une volte-face aussi brutale, Stefan décide de faire confiance à Rand, et de lui donner une chance de prouver sa sincérité.

Leur entente est vite menacée : le marché que Stefan devait négocier tourne mal, et la propriétaire du ranch qu’il devait acquérir au nom de sa boite est assassinée. À sa grande surprise, Stefan est désormais en danger...


$6.99 $5.24

Parting Shot

A Matter of Time Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Matter of Time Story

Life has never been easy for Duncan Stiel. His childhood was the stuff of nightmares, and his day job as an undercover police officer forces him to hide his true self and occasionally lands him in the hospital. So when he finally meets the perfect man, it comes as no surprise that everything falls apart around him. What Duncan doesn’t expect is that the hardest hurdle to get over before he can make a life with Aaron Sutter is the one inside himself.

Everyone thinks Aaron has it all—looks, money, fame, and success beyond measure. Everyone, that is, except Aaron. At the end of the day, the cameras stop flashing, friends go back to their own lives, company business is handled, and Aaron is always alone. The moment he meets Duncan Stiel, Aaron knows he’ll do anything to hold onto the larger-than-life detective. But when he realizes money won’t buy him the ultimate happiness, Aaron needs to find the strength to give Duncan something much more important—his heart.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Intimidated by the clubs and cabarets of 1970s Chicago, shy English teacher Graham Thomas needs a miracle just to be able to talk to a man. When help arrives from a Robert Redford look-alike wizard, Graham brushes him off—he’s obviously certifiable. Or so Graham thinks until he tries out a popular song title as a come-on line and everything changes.

Given the power to make others fall in love with him, Graham begins to enjoy the nightlife. But when he misuses his gift, he finds himself with accidental and unwanted suitors, including the senior dean at his school, a ticket-mad cop, and a rich young banker. Then Graham meets Mark Matthews and finally faces the moral issue of whether it’s fair to use magic to make someone fall in love. It would be so easy….


$6.99 $5.24

Last of the Summer Tomatoes

Young Love's Journey
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Kyle Jackowski, typical sullen emo teen, struggles to find a way to deal with his sexuality and finds himself in trouble with the law… again. But instead of being sent to a juvenile detention center like he expected, he is given a chance to commute his sentence by working on a farm for the summer.

Enter Sam, son of the farm owners, who shows Kyle what he feels is perfectly normal and that he doesn’t have to hide from his feelings. In turn, Sam’s parents show Kyle that his abusive stepfather and battered mother are not the norm. With their love and support, Kyle finds his place in the world—by Sam’s side.


$6.99 $5.24


The Mongrel Trilogy | Book Two
$5.99 $4.49

Mongrel Trilogy: Book Two

When vampire Clancy Marrowbone returns to Purin province after nearly two years, he intends only to visit with his dear friend, Fanule Perfidor, and find out how his former lover, the mortal Simon Bentcross, is faring. But two developments change Marrowbone’s itinerary: the appearance of a drastically altered man from his past, and the reawakening of his passion for Simon.

Both of these unexpected reunions become increasingly complicated. The connection between Simon’s new creation, a bathysphere-like submersible, and a clandestine underwater-research project results in Marrowbone and Bentcross becoming hunted men. But sometimes, it takes danger to make a star-crossed affair seem worth saving.


$5.99 $4.49


Dear Diary | Book Two
$4.99 $3.74

Dear Diary: Book Two

Prom ends with a bang of unexpected epic proportions and leaves Chris with a disheartened outlook on where he is in his life, when he should be on top of the world. He's graduating high school with honors and has the best boyfriend in the world, but things still aren't right. Bullies make him doubt his choice to accept the way he feels and come out of the closet. Those friends turned foes make him realize how much the narrow-minded masses can hate gay people.

And everyone Chris loves starts to worry about him.

To give Chris a new perspective, his parents and loving boyfriend send him to his first gay pride—but Chris doesn't see the point, and he damn sure doesn't want to go. Will pride help him see there's nothing wrong with him? Will it change his feelings and his mind?

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Allison Cassatta, January 2012


$4.99 $3.74

Another Dumb Jock

Dumb Jock | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Dumb Jock
Dumb Jock: Book Two

Jeff Irwin and Brett Willson raised a fine son, Adam, in their unconventional, judgment-free family. But being the son of two dads has its challenges. Although Adam loves them, he’s determined to prove he’s not gay, like they are. To this end he’s become the star pitcher of his high school baseball team, a true jock.

Then Adam is suspended after he gets into a fight at school, and his dads find out his grades are slipping. Determined to put him back on track, they hire him a tutor: a short, nerdy kid named Trevor. Despite his resistance, soon enough Adam’s worst nightmare comes true when he finds himself attracted to Trevor. This gives him a choice: follow his heart or become just another dumb jock.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by CreateSpace, January 2012.


$6.99 $5.24


Stranded | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Stranded: Book One

Kendall Monroe is handcuffed to a car in the desert.

Is this life imitating art or art imitating life? The only thing he’s sure of is that the situation he finds himself in is a copy of a scene he filmed earlier, only this time, there is no director yelling “cut” and no crew to rescue him. Terrified for his life, Kendall takes comfort remembering happier times with his longtime lover, Johnny. He hasn’t seen Johnny in weeks since Johnny stayed behind to finish his latest best-selling novel.

As he attempts to survive scorching-hot days and freezing nights, Kendall tries to figure out who did this to him. Could it be Johnny, or the research assistant he suspects Johnny is having an affair with? Both options fill him with bitterness. Or is it a more likely suspect? Kendall has a stalker who sends him flowers and always seems to know where he is. But what does this stranger have to gain by leaving Kendall stranded in the middle of nowhere?


$6.99 $5.24

An Unlocked Heart

Collars and Cuffs | Book One
2013 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Collars and Cuffs: Book One

Since the death of his submissive lover two years ago, Leo hasn’t been living—merely existing. He focuses on making Collars & Cuffs, a BDSM club in Manchester’s gay village, successful. That changes the night he and his business partner have their weekly meeting at Severinos. Leo can’t keep his eyes off the new server. The shy man seems determined to avoid Leo’s gaze, but that’s like a red rag to a bull. Leo loves a challenge.

Alex Daniels works at Severinos to scrape together the money to move out on his own. He struggles with coming out, but he’s drawn to Leo, the gorgeous guy with the icy-blue eyes who’s been eating in his area nearly every night.

Leo won’t let Alex’s hesitance get in the way. He even keeps him away from the club so as not to scare him. And as for telling Alex that Leo is a Dom? Not a good idea. One date becomes two, but date two leads to Leo’s bedroom… and Alex discovers things about himself he never realized—and never wanted anyone to see.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Delectable Novel

Simon Ford's success is hard-won. He grew up in Napa and resents the rich people who have moved into the valley, changing the culture by opening boutique wineries and pricing the locals out of the market.

Austin Kelvin runs an award-winning winery his father started after making a fortune on Wall Street. He lives the posh lifestyle Simon resents but secretly longs to attain. However, Austin's world isn't as luxurious and privileged as it seems: he didn’t inherit his father’s business savvy, and his winery is going under.

When Simon’s boss sends him to covertly scope out Kelvin Cellars for a possible takeover bid, Simon sees it as a step toward attaining his financial dreams. Until he falls hard for Austin. The feeling is mutual, but when Austin learns the real reason for Simon's initial interest, he suspects Simon’s seduction is merely a means to procure the winery at a bargain price. If there’s any hope of winning Austin’s heart, Simon will have to risk it all to prove Austin is more than just an intoxicating crush.

Like all Delectable stories, An Intoxicating Crush includes recipes used in the book.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Three years undercover with one of the worst gangs in the country left FBI agent Joshua Chastain shattered. Battling nightmares and addiction, he leaves the concrete jungle for New Mexico horse country, hoping to start over on his uncle’s ranch.

Foreman Eli Kelly spends his life rehabilitating abused animals, and Joshua is just another lost soul. But as Joshua slowly begins to put his life back together, Eli realizes that Joshua is a lot more than his newest project.

Joshua’s plan seems to work—maybe a fresh start was just what he needed. Then, just when he has finally found a sense of peace, crime and hatred nearly destroy all his hard work, forcing him to reevaluate what he wants out his relationship with Eli and his own life.


$6.99 $5.24

Haciendo Promesas

Manteniendo la Roca Promesa
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 2 de la serie Manteniendo la Roca Promesa

Todo lo que Shane Perkins siempre quiso fue ser un héroe. Sin embargo, tras la decisión que pudo haber acabado con su carrera de caer luchando, Shane vuelve a casa del hospital y se ve entre cuatro paredes vacías, con una montaña de dinero y un deseo ferviente de que alguien le eche de menos la próxima vez que sea herido en acto de servicio. Termina como agente en la pequeña ciudad de Levee Oaks y, adicto a la promesa de familia, hace un esfuerzo por reconciliarse con su veleidosa y problemática hermana Kimmy. Ella se gana la vida como bailarina y es su compañero de baile quien deja a Shane sin respiración a primera vista.

Mikhail Vasilyovitch Bayul baila como un ángel, pero esconde un pasado de todo menos angelical. Desde que dejó Rusia solo ha hecho dos promesas: una, permanecer fuera de las calles y seguir limpio, y dos, llevar a su madre a algún lugar bonito antes de que muera. Hacer promesas a otra persona está completamente fuera de cuestión... Pero Mikhail nunca ha conocido a nadie como Shane. Ferviente, valeroso y humilde, Shane parece hablar el mismo idioma de Mikhail y nadie está más sorprendido que él de encontrarse con que las promesas es el mejor talento de Shane.


$6.99 $5.24

Jamais deux sans toi

Second Chances
$6.99 $5.24

Adolescent, Addy Monroe fait une expérience qui change sa vie – même si, techniquement, cette expérience est vécue par quelqu’un d’autre sur le siège arrière d’un taxi bloqué à côté de lui dans un embouteillage. Six ans plus tard, dans une boite de nuit de Los Angeles, Addy rencontre le chanteur de rock Zak Roscoe – l’homme qui sans le savoir lui a appris qui il était vraiment – et il fait à son tour l’expérience de Zak.

Étant une personne réservée et secrète, Zak trouve les avances déterminées d’Addy à la fois énervantes et intrigantes, et il se laisse séduire pour une nuit de plaisir. Malheureusement, certaines habitudes ont la vie dure ; son agissement post-coïtal laisse quelque peu à désirer, et Addy se rend rapidement compte que parfois, le fantasme et la réalité n’ont pas grand chose en commun. S’il pouvait avoir une deuxième chance …


$6.99 $5.24

The Pauper Prince

Changing Moon | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Changing Moon: Book One

Andrew Reed is smart and educated, but as long as his people are enslaved to the vampires, his options are limited. When he discovers a strange young man in his family’s barn, he shifts forms and trails the thief, trying to decipher why he smells familiar with a hint of something more. Excited by what he discovers, he reveals himself to Lance, and they return to Lance's camp in the forest.

When Andrew's family takes it on themselves to “help” by investigating Lance’s past, Andrew finds something neither of them could have imagined. If they band together, they have a chance to win their freedom—and a brighter future for all the races.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Silver Publishing, 2012.


$6.99 $5.24

The Return

The Austin Trilogy | Book Two
2013 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

The Austin Trilogy: Book Two

Music. Topher Manning rarely thinks about anything else, but his day job as a mechanic doesn't exactly mesh with his rock star ambitions. Unless he can find a way to unlock all the songs in his head, his band will soon be on the fast track to obscurity. 

Then the South by Southwest music festival and a broken-down car drop New York critic Stanton Porter into his life. Stanton offers Topher a ticket to the Bruce Springsteen concert, where a hesitant kiss and phantom vibrations from Topher’s cell phone kick off a love story that promises to transcend ordinary possibility.


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

All Parker Anderson has ever wanted is to take over as CEO of Anderson Industries when his father retires. But when his father is ready to leave the company, he doesn’t plan to pass the reins to Parker. Instead, he plans to sell the company, jeopardizing not only Parker’s job but hundreds of others.

Parker finds an unlikely ally in Mason Pike, the company’s resident IT guru. What starts as a flirtation takes them from coworkers to coconspirators in a plan to forcibly buy Anderson Industries out from under Parker’s father. While they focus on the buyout, their budding romance has to be put on hold, but that doesn't stop them from flirting and teasing each other to distraction—and once their master plan comes to fruition, nothing and no one can keep them apart.


$3.99 $2.99