Gay books


Pop Goes the Weasel

Pop Goes the Weasel and Rat Bastard
$6.99 $5.24

Patrick Weasley, aka Weasel, is a fun-loving college student with a wealthy homophobic jerk stepfather and a best friend, Jake Winston, who’s just as gay as Weasel. When Jake’s aunt dies, many from the publishing world—including Jasper, Weasel’s weasel of a stepfather—gather at Winston Manor for the reading of the will, and Weasel is obligated to tag along.

Turns out all he has to do is three things: 1) swap the wills so Jake’s uncle inherits the house instead of the gardener, who's also an old enemy of Weasel's; 2) secure a publishing contract from author Cecily Talbot; and 3) hook Jake up with his deceased aunt’s male nurse. But what he ends up doing is 1) falling for Tony, one of the food servers; 2) accidentally affiancing himself to Cecily; and 3) fighting with Jake, who thinks he was making a play for the nurse.

To make matters worse, every time Weasel and Tony start to get intimate, Jasper is right around the corner. So when burglars come to steal a valuable piece of art, Weasel must 1) use all his ingenuity to keep the painting safe; 2) dis-engage himself from Cecily; 3) unite Jake with the nurse; and most importantly, 4) pursue Tony to an elusive happy ending.


$6.99 $5.24

Sin & Seduction

Sin & Seduction | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Sin & Seduction: Book One

Dorian Grant is king of the New Orleans underworld, but he isn’t mafia and doesn’t appreciate the assumption. He’s simply a crude businessman anyone in his right mind would think twice about screwing over. Life in the Big Easy is all about sin, and violent, short-tempered Dorian has committed them all.

But not all New Orleans sins leave a bad taste in the mouth, as Dorian discovers the night a man stage-named Sweet Heat dances into his life at a club called Sin & Seduction. Dorian was expecting a hot lay. He damn sure wasn’t looking for a relationship, and certainly not with someone like Jansen, who turns Dorian’s grimly organized world upside down.

Now Dorian finds himself pressuring Jansen to quit his job because he can’t stand the thought of other men touching what’s his. Of course, Jansen wants a little quid pro quo—after all, Dorian’s job is dangerous. Jansen just doesn’t realize how dangerous until it’s too late.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Since childhood, Jake, Adam, Kyle, and Brendan have been teammates, best friends, brothers. Then one day, when they were twenty-five, Adam disappeared without a word, devastating his friends—none more so than Jake, who had secretly loved Adam since they were teenagers.

Now, five years later, Adam is back, and he has his mind set on Jake. But those years of anger, hurt, and confusion are a lot to overcome, and Jake doesn’t find it easy to forgive. He isn’t sure they’ll ever fit together the way they did. Jake, Kyle, and Brendan have moved on with their lives, but Adam’s high-profile career keeps him in the closet—the same place he’s been for years. Still, his apologies seem sincere, and the attraction is still there. Jake desperately wants to give him a chance. But first he has to find out why Adam left and if he’s really back for good.


$6.99 $5.24

Strengthened by Fire

By Fire Series
$3.99 $2.99

Sequel to Redemption by Fire
By Fire Series: Book Two

Lee Stanton and Dirk Krause have been seeing each other for a couple of months when they get the bad news: the firehouse they work at will be closed unless they can come up with the money to complete some maintenance and repairs. The union wants to stand and fight. There’s just one problem: the only suggestion for how to raise the money is Lee’s. And Dirk hates it.

Unfortunately, everyone else thinks Lee’s “Chicken and Beefcake” dinner—which they’ll attend in just their hats, boots, and fire pants—is a great idea, and Lee goes ahead with the organizing. But interference from the borough council and low ticket sales threaten to rain on Lee’s parade. If Dirk can’t put aside his pride and stubborn nature for one night, it could cost both him and Lee their jobs—never mind their relationship.


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

Xander Karcek había querido sólo dos cosas en su vida: Christian Edwards y el baloncesto —el hombre que amaba y el juego que le había permitido escapar de una infancia que prefería olvidar. Sus dos obsesiones le habían venido bien. Él y Christian habían vencido las dificultades y habían permanecido juntos durante el instituto, la universidad y lo máximo, en la NBA.

Pero la vida bajo el microscopio de la fama no era fácil, en especial cuando dos hombres pretendían ser compañeros de alojamiento, para que el mundo no supiera que eran lo más parecido al matrimonio. Su relación había sobrevivido a los sacrificios que debieron hacer y a las mentiras que debieron contar para permanecer juntos, pero cuando su secreto es expuesto a la luz, la caída podría destruirlos donde nadie había podido.

Chris y el baloncesto son las dos cosas que mantienen entero a Xander. Ahora el mundo le está pidiendo que elija. ¿Existe alguna opción que incluya un futuro con el hombre que ama?


$6.99 $5.24

Sette giorni

Serie Sette giorni
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della Serie Sette giorni

La vita di una persona può cambiare in un solo giorno? E in sette?

Questa storia narra i sette giorni cruciali della vita di Evan Donaldson. Evan si prostituiva sulle strade, quando Padre Valentin gli parlò della possibilità di andare alla Saint Bartholomew Academy. Durante quel giorno, la vita di Evan è cambiata completamente. Durante quel giorno ha conosciuto il suo compagno di stanza, Clay Mueller, quel giorno Evan ha cominciato a vivere. Ma la vita di Evan sarebbe cambiata altre volte, passando per l'abuso e per il suo primo amore fino alla separazione e al dolore, per poi giungere alla creazione di una propria famiglia. Quando una porta si chiudeva per Evan si apriva una finestra, quella finestra era Clay.

Dal primo giorno in cui il destino di Evan si è intersecato con quello di Clay, passando per tutte le loro vicissitudini sentimentali, questo libro offrirà un frammento di sette giorni decisivi e mostrerà come un singolo istante possa cambiare il destino.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

For Alaska Wildlife Trooper Zanebono Fusca, it’s just another summer in Anchorage until a slew of inexplicable fatal bear attacks sets the city reeling. As far as Zane is concerned, the timing couldn’t be worse. He’s besieged with his own demons, coping with personal loss and an identity crisis that clutches him worse than a grizzly’s pickaxe-sized fangs. Ten years before, he hoped Alaska would bring him a sense of his manhood. Now the “last frontier” could put him in an early grave.

Zane’s role to protect Alaska’s teeming wildlife gets even more tangled when handsome twenty-five-year-old Joshua Gaffner arrives seeking the details of his uncle’s gruesome death. But Alaskan officials have few answers. Against his better judgment, Zane takes Joshua deep into Anchorage’s far-flung backcountry—populated with eccentric recluses and ego-driven ecologists—in search of the truth. As the bizarre attacks increase, Zane and Josh continue to push for clues to crack the mystery. Finally Zane unravels a shocking discovery that makes the pieces fall into place. The trouble is Josh stands in the perfect position to become the next victim.


$6.99 $5.24

Genie's Wish

Lifting the Veil | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

A Lifting the Veil Story

Ten years ago, the Great Unveiling revealed the presence of supernatural beings living on Earth. But the residents of the ruined city discovered in Majlis al-Jinn are long dead—or so junior archaeologist Pip Butler thought until he accidentally unleashed a very naked genie named Jinn.

Even though he’s been shyly pining for his charismatic supervisor, Val Velde, Pip has a hard time refusing Jinn’s flirtatious advances. He barely has time to even consider the fact that he has an all-powerful genie and three glorious wishes at his fingertips when ruthless mercenaries sweep down on the dig to collect the most valuable artifact of all—Jinn’s lamp.

So Pip, Val, and Jinn have to work together in a race against the clock to discover the secrets of the ancient city, free their captive colleagues, and keep Jinn from the mercenaries’ clutches—all while trying to sort out their romantic tangle.


$6.99 $5.24

Duanta Beads

Quantinum Residue Saga | Book One
$3.99 $2.99

Quantinum Residue: Book One

Thousands of years after a cataclysmic explosion forever changes the atmosphere of the Earth, shelter dweller Evan journeys to the world’s surface in search of a way to help his people survive. What he finds is Rourke, a descendent of the humans who stayed above. They’re different: Evan and the other shelter dwellers are hairless, while Rourke and the other “Commons” have evolved fur to protect them from a harsher sun. As Evan searches for answers, the two men feel a growing attraction for one another, but Evan has been raised to think of Commons as subhuman. Can they look past appearances to explore their passion?


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

Una historia de la saga 7 días

¿Puede la vida de una persona cambiar en un día? ¿Y en siete?

Esta es la historia de siete días fundamentales en la vida de Evan Donalson. Evan era un adolescente que se prostituía en las calles hasta que el padre Valentin le convenció para que ingresara en el Colegio de San Bartolomé. Ese día la vida de Evan cambió. Fue entonces cuando conoció a su compañero de habitación, Clay Mueller, y cuando empezó a vivir. Pero para él las cosas cambiarán una y otra vez. Conocerá el abuso, el primer amor, la separación, el desengaño y, por último, el calor familiar. Durante todo ese tiempo, siempre que una puerta se cerraba para Evan, una ventana se abría, y esa ventana era Clay.

Desde el primer día, un vínculo se creó entre los dos. A través de los cambios en su relación, nos acercamos a siete días decisivos en la vida de Evan y a la crucial y asombrosa manera en la que un solo momento puede cambiar el destino.


$6.99 $5.24

Un cavallo nell’ombra

Un cavallo nell'ombra | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Un cavallo nell'ombra, Libro 1

Dan pensa all’idea di continuare semplicemente a guidare, lasciando tutti i casini alle spalle. Ha abbastanza denaro per farlo. Si potrebbe organizzare, fare arrivare il suo cavallo e le sue cose dove deciderà di fermarsi. D’altra parte, andarsene è quello che ha sempre fatto, ogni volta che le cose sono diventate troppo difficili – e, davvero, è sempre andata bene così.

Dan Wheeler pensava di aver trovato un equilibrio e un amore che sarebbero durati in eterno con Justin Archer, suo partner nella vita e nel lavoro. Ma quando Dan, continuando a lavorare alle dipendenze dei genitori di Justin come addestratore di cavalli, si trova tragicamente di nuovo da solo, deve riuscire ad accettare che la sua vita perfetta è irrimediabilmente scomparsa.

È qui che entrano in scena il miliardario Evan Kaminski, arrivato alla scuderia con l’intenzione di comprare un cavallo alla sorella minore, e l’amante di Evan, Jeff Stevens, che sembra capire non solo in che cosa consista il lavoro di Dan, ma molto di più. Mentre lotta per cercare di affrontare tutti gli sconvolgimenti nella sua vita, Dan si ritrova, suo malgrado, attratto sia dall’intensa ma imprevedibile passionalità di Evan, sia dalla quieta saggezza di Jeff. Riuscirà Dan ad essere forte abbastanza da rischiare di dare una possibilità a questo nuovo amore, o deciderà invece che per lui sia meglio – più sicuro – rimanere da solo?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A dead body is never a welcome sight, but it’s especially troublesome when Tadd Leventis and Declan Anagnos return home to find one in their foyer. Most people know the dead woman as a curator at the local museum, but Tadd and Declan recognize her as someone from their distant past—Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare. To Tadd and Declan, it's more than a murder. It's a threat to the mortal lives they've worked so hard to build—and a wakeup call that their immortal lives are in danger too.

At Zeus’s request, they once again don the mantles of Ares and Hermes, but when they start investigating their fellow Olympians, Tadd and Declan discover things are far more complicated than they seem. As the body count rises, tracking the killer becomes more dangerous, and the investigation starts to strain their relationship. Can they patch things up in time to catch the killer, or will the killer catch them first?


$6.99 $5.24

The British Devil

2012 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

British national Greg Stephens knew there would be challenges in his new relationship with handsome American Navy officer Danny Taylor: long distance; Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; the Defense of Marriage Act; US immigration….

But he didn’t anticipate his greatest obstacle: Danny’s born-again Christian mother, Vivien. A secretary in a small-town Southern Baptist church in Texas, she bristles at Greg’s secular beliefs. Through passive-aggressive manipulation, subtle deceit, or outright battle, Vivien resolves to banish Greg and return Danny to the fold, come hell or high water. Greg’s hold on Danny’s heart is pitted against Vivien’s crusade for Danny’s soul.

All the while, Greg devotes himself to keeping Danny happy while negotiating the cultural differences of his life in America. Danny’s new career as a lawyer takes them from his native Texas to New York. But with Vivien testing Greg’s stiff upper lip at every turn, something has to give.

The British Devil is a semiautobiographical novel exploring culture, religion, and love in a bi-national relationship.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

For time immemorial, the goddesses of fate have decided which human threads will shine and which will be cut short. But even the fates have off days.

Fate Delivers a Prince by Andrew Grey: Finding love shouldn’t be that difficult for a diplomat’s son, except Cheyenne is part of a grand tradition of werewolves, and a werewolf with a skin condition needs more help than most mortals. When Chay meets the prince of his dreams, it takes Clotho’s intervention to keep him from letting go.

Jump by Mary Calmes: When two lovers die, their threads of life are collected instead of scattered, as one of them was the brother of a god. Can the fates reunite two lovers whose threads should have twined together for eternity? Or will Cassidy allow Raza’s interest to pass his pale, mortal self by?

Believed You Were Lucky by Amy Lane: The gods’ meddling isn’t always welcome. It’s given Leif good luck but poor fortune, and Hacon a family curse he’s lived in fear of all his life. But when Leif’s good luck saves Hake’s life, Hake has to reevaluate everything he’s ever believed about luck, life, and love.


$6.99 $5.24

Italian Ice

Precious Gems | Book Two
2012 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Rarer than Rubies
Precious Gems: Book Two

In this exciting sequel to Rarer Than Rubies, gay romance author Trent Copeland and former FBI agent Reed Action head to Italy for a Roman holiday. What should be a relaxing and romantic vacation is interrupted when Reed’s not-so-former boss asks for his help with a case. Trent's shocked to discover in the six months they’ve been living together in LA, Reed hasn’t been completely honest about his “retirement.”

Reed heads for Sicily on the trail of a suspected antiquities-smuggling ring and to find Peter Isett—a former FBI partner he also hasn’t been completely truthful about. Stung by Reed’s dishonesty, Trent questions what else Reed might be hiding. But when he overhears something that tells him Reed's life is in danger, Trent follows Reed to a remote chain of ancient volcanic islands off Sicily's northern coast. Soon Trent is caught up in the smugglers’ web, and Reed must decide between his heart and his mission—a decision complicated by his past with Peter. Reed’s position is perilous: unless he can learn to put the past behind him, he risks destroying everything he's built with Trent.


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

When college senior Nathan Webster is roped into doing a favor for his twin sister, he doesn’t expect his karma to pay off so quickly. His good deed brings him face to face with Charles Griffin, owner of a private holdings group.

Nate’s attraction sparks right away, and when he realizes his interest is returned, the two begin a cycle of risqué encounters behind the locked door of Griff’s palatial office. Nate has never experienced a lover like Griff, and he feels himself changing, wanting more after every encounter. But can desire that flashes hot and hurried last, or will the attraction burn itself out before anything deeper catches fire?


$3.99 $2.99


2012 Award Winners
$3.99 $2.99

Travis Miller has a machining job, a cat named Elwood, and a pathetic love life. The one bright spot in his existence is the handsome guitar player he sometimes passes on his way home from work. But when he finally gathers the courage to speak to the man, Travis learns that former novelist Drew Clifton suffers from aphasia: Drew can understand everything Travis says, but he is unable to speak or write.

The two lonely men form a friendship that soon blossoms into romance. But communication is only one of their challenges—there’s also Travis’s inexperience with love and his precarious financial situation. If words are the bridge between two people, what will keep them together?


$3.99 $2.99

Legame di Fiducia

Serie Scelta del cuore | Libro 2
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Scelta del Cuore
Serie Scelta del cuore, Libro 2

Jin Rayne sta facendo fatica ad adattarsi alla nuova vita che dovrebbe amare. Invece di adattarsi ad essere il compagno del capotribù Logan Church, Jin non riesce a superare il fatto che il suo amante era eterosessuale prima che si incontrassero. Ha scoperto la gioia di appartenere a Logan, ma teme che la sua nuova vita potrebbe svanire da un momento all’altro, nonostante Logan insista che staranno insieme per sempre, fine della storia.

Jin vuole fidarsi di Logan, ma quel desiderio sarà messo alla prova sia da un capotribù rivale che da una sconvolgente rivelazione riguardo l’esistenza di Jin. In gioco c’è la vita di Jin, ed il suo posto nella tribù. Se vuole sopravvivere per rivedere Logan, dovrà lasciare andare la sua paura ed accettare liberamente il legame, perché solo allora potrà avere davvero fiducia.


$6.99 $5.24