Gay books

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Kaden James siempre está escondiendo su atormentado pasado junto con su cuerpo cicatrizado y se le hace difícil mantener un trabajo. La suerte finalmente le encuentra, cuando le contratan de cocinero en un rancho en Montana, donde se encuentra al extremadamente atractivo Logan Michaels. Logan es distinto de todos los hombres a los que Kaden ha conocido y no pasa mucho tiempo, antes de que se enamore del enorme vaquero.

Sin embargo, las pesadillas de Kaden no le dejarán en paz tan fácilmente y no son sólo exageraciones. Ha sufrido casi una vida entera de abusos, recuerdos horripilantes y una adicción al dolor que debe superar. ¿Podrán las suaves caricias de Logan ayudar a curar su interior?


$6.99 $5.24

Animal Instinct

Duncan Andrews Thrillers
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Pale as a Ghost
A Duncan Andrews Thriller

Private detective Duncan Andrews has the home-team advantage when it comes to solving paranormal crimes: His best friend, Gina, is a centuries-old witch. His dog is a zombie. And his boyfriend, Robbie, is a ghost.

Duncan certainly has his work cut out for him with this case. Someone’s been using the skull of a powerful wizard to control animals, and whoever it is, they’re not out to set up a petting zoo. For Gina, the case hits close to home—she knows just how dangerous it is, since the wizard was her father.

Just when he thinks they&rssquo;re close to breaking the case, tragedy strikes, leaving Gina in a coma. Then, after years as a ghost, Robbie finally decides to move on, leaving Duncan to protect young Ashton Marsh, the victim of several strange animal attacks. Suddenly Duncan is working without his supernatural safety net. Without his friends, can Duncan defeat the power of Eleazar’s skull and keep Ashton alive? Or will the struggle for his life end in broken bodies as well as broken hearts?


$6.99 $5.24


Opposites Attract
2012 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

An Opposites Attract novel

Fresh from backwoods Minnesota, actuarial student Ben Dutoit is ecstatic to land a job with Sydney Sutherland Family Insurance, one of the few companies that offers life insurance to people in the high-risk category. The fact that he gets to work in Gay Central, aka San Francisco, is just the icing on the rainbow-colored cake. Ben sets himself just three goals: be out and proud enough to participate in the Pride parade; seek out the company of like-minded souls in the clubs; and maybe, if he’s lucky, fall in love.

But the men Ben meets are everything he’s not: suave, confident, sophisticated, and sexy. Unlike redneck Ben, they’re blue bloods from blue states, born with status, wealth, and the responsibility that comes with the package.

Ben’s still wondering if red and blue can mix when he discovers what risk really means. The global economy tanks. The job he looked forward to is in jeopardy, and every dream Ben ever had is threatened, especially love, the biggest dream of all.


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$6.99 $5.24

La vita di Jude Shea cambia completamente quando salva un cane che chiama Joe. Anche se Jude ha già abbastanza problemi ad occuparsi di se stesso − non ha nemmeno un lavoro − non riesce ad abbandonare l’animale bisognoso. Poi, una sera, un uomo si presenta a casa sua per rivendicare il nuovo amico di Jude. Mentre fuggono da un attacco a sorpresa, Jude scopre che “Joe” non è quello che sembra.

Eoin Thral è un guardiano di una dimensione alternativa, e dopo aver condotto Jude oltre il velo che separa i loro mondi, si trasforma in un uomo muscoloso e affascinante, che spicca per la sua abilità nel combattimento, non per la capacità di amare. Jude si trova immerso nel mondo di Eoin e deve affrontare la battaglia della sua vita per garantire un futuro felice a entrambi.


$6.99 $5.24

Nubes y Lluvia

Nubes y lluvia
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro de la saga Nubes y lluvia

Flynn Tomlinson ha ido a la deriva durante los últimos años, aceptando todo tipo de empleos cuando necesitaba dinero y marchándose a otro lugar en cuanto lo obtenía. Está contento con su estilo de vida sin tener que echar raíces ni ser responsable de nada más que de sí mismo. Un día encuentra un cartel que reza "se necesita ayuda" en una oficina de correos de Idaho, y conoce a Gable Sutton, que no puede trabajar solo en el rancho porque un serio accidente lo ha dejado impedido.

Como su sueño es volver a trabajar con caballos acepta los términos del contrato que Gable le ofrece. Sin embargo, lo que no negoció fue enamorarse de ese hombre amable y solitario, que capturará su corazón y hará que tome sobre sus hombros una carga increíble: salvar su rancho.


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$6.99 $5.24

When a Category 4 hurricane hits the Texas Gulf Coast and critically damages a nuclear reactor, the NRC brings in robotics engineer Derek Marshall and professor Sambit Patel to avert a disaster. Unfortunately, putting the men in the same room could be nearly as dangerous as the reactor: Derek’s out and proud, gruff, and occasionally obnoxious; Sambit is closeted, quiet, and reserved. Faced with isolation, ungodly living conditions, and the very real possibility of acute radiation sickness, they race against time to stabilize the reactor. But the attraction growing between them may be beyond their control.

On the surface, Derek and Sambit have nothing in common. They live in separate cities, come from disparate cultures, and have trouble just getting along, never mind navigating a relationship. All they have to hold them together is a few isolated weeks of trying to save the world, or at least the environment. Sambit is convinced the end of the assignment will be the end for them as well—and despite their many differences, he’s beginning to wonder how he’ll survive the fallout once Derek leaves him behind.


$6.99 $5.24

Chasing Seth

2012 Award Winners
True Mates

A True Mates Novel

Veterinarian Seth Davies comes to Senaka, Wyoming, looking for peace and anonymity, trying to escape his past. He’s always been a target for trouble and pain, and Seth has had more than his share of both. Kasey Whitedove takes one look at Seth and assumes the worst. No white man could love animals the way the mostly Cheyenne population expects, and Kasey makes Seth’s first days in Senaka more than unpleasant.

Then an accident puts Kasey in the uncomfortable position of eating crow—and helplessly desiring Seth—despite the danger of Kasey’s life as a werewolf and Seth’s stressful secrets. Chasing Seth down and keeping him safe from his past has just become Kasey's most important job.


Quinn Donahue will do anyone once, so when Aaron Miller spots Quinn making his moves in a Vancouver gay bar, Aaron thinks he's found just the guy to relieve him of his unwanted virginity.  Quinn, however, has apparently decided to make an exception to his usual open-bed policy. He may be an unrepentant connoisseur of one-night stands, but he's not going to disappoint a sweet kid like Aaron by giving him a hot night and then leaving while the sheets are still warm.

After Quinn takes a job at Aaron's family horse farm, Aaron spots both the demons and the decency that drive Quinn's frequent brush-offs, and it makes Aaron want him even more. But Quinn is determined that Aaron won't go home with a man who doesn't deserve him, so he starts sending likely candidates Aaron's way. It takes a grim act of sacrifice for Aaron to realize exactly why Quinn's been so skittish, and he’ll have to keep a firm grip on the man of his dreams to keep Quinn from shying away.



Horizons Series | Book Two

Horizons Series: Book Two

What should have been a brief interlude turns into something deeper when Lil Lampert meets Grier Dilorio at the Taste of Chicago. Lil is in town visiting good friends Jody Williams and Clark Stevens, and he didn’t plan to hook up with a younger man and discover a mutual love for architecture, interior design, and a unique sexual kink that keeps Lil coming back for more.

By all appearances, Grier is the quintessential bad boy who loves speed, tattoos, and leather, but Lil slowly uncovers another side: selfless, responsible, and tender, especially for  Luca, the son he’s had to deny. With Lil’s love and support, Grier will make a decision key to opening the door to a possible future together, one that includes fatherhood, something Lil has dreamed of but has never dared to explore.



What Ever Happened to Jan Phillips?
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to What Happened to Jan Phillips?

What do three sons—one murdered by Iraqi terrorists, one who lost his mother in a fire, and one involved with an underworld sex ring—have to do with Jan Phillips?

Two sons bring fear and death, forcing Jan to wield the awesome power of his office as the North American head of Mundus, a sub rosa organization with roots in the ancient order of the Knights Templar. The other son threatens Jan’s life and the world he shares with Michael Lin, his partner of twelve years.

As Jan struggles to survive another man’s quest for revenge, the love of fathers for their sons is the only constant among shattered lives, despoiled love, and an unknown yearning for family.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Book Surge Publishing (2007)


$6.99 $5.24

Paying the Piper

Bittersweet Dreams
$1.49 $1.12

Michael isn’t used to casino blackjack dealers telling him to cash in, but that’s what Daniel Aldaine does, recognizing the group of men waiting to collect what Michael owes them. He even fronts Michael the money he’s short to get the goons off his back. It’s the beginning of the best relationship Michael’s ever known, but a problem he doesn’t even recognize he has could end it all.

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.


$1.49 $1.12

The Wolfing Way

Lifting the Veil | Book One
$3.99 $2.99

Lifting the Veil: Book One

Kris Ellis thought that the time of arranged marriages was long past—but that was before the Great Unveiling revealed creatures of myth living among humans. Now a routine medical test has determined that Kris has a mate, a werewolf named Rafael King.

Kris is fresh out of college and has plans for his life. None of them include being tied forever to someone he’s never met. But then Rafe calls him, and Kris starts to reconsider. After all, what must it be like to wait for your soul mate for two hundred years?

Rafe is patient, strong, and kind, not to mention attractive. True to what Kris has heard about mates, sparks fly the second they meet. But Kris and Rafe are very different, and the werewolf way of life is dangerous. Is the fight for love really worth it?


$3.99 $2.99

Caballo Oscuro

Caballo Oscuro | Volumen 1
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 1 de la serie Caballo Oscuro

Dan solo piensa en conducir y dejar atrás todo ese lío. Tiene suficiente dinero. Podría arreglar el envío de sus cosas y de su caballo a dondequiera que vaya. Cuando las cosas se volvían difíciles de soportar, el acostumbraba marcharse y en realidad, siempre le había funcionado muy bien.

Dan Wheeler pensó que había encontrado amor y estabilidad en su vida y con su pareja, Justin Archer. Pero cuando Dan se encuentra otra vez solo, trabajando aún como entrenador de caballos para los padres de Justin, tiene que encontrar el modo de aceptar que su vida perfecta ya no existe.

Luego conoce al billonario Evan Kaminski, quien viene a comprar un caballo para su joven hermana y a Jeff Stevens, el amante de Evan, entrenador de caballos que parece entender algo más que el trabajo de Dan. Luchando para manejar todos los trastornos de su vida, Dan se encuentra atraído hacia ambos, la pasión mercurial de Evan y la tranquila sabiduría de Jeff. ¿Es Dan lo suficientemente fuerte como para aprovechar la oportunidad de un nuevo amor, o sería mejor –más seguro- para él permanecer solo?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Srikkanth Bhattacharya è la quintessenza dello scapolo gay ed è perfettamente felice così com’è, finché non riceve una telefonata dall’ospedale locale che gli comunica che la sua migliore amica è morta durante il parto. Sri aveva accettato di fornire il suo sperma per far avverare il sogno di Jill di diventare madre, ma non aveva previsto di dover prendere decisioni per una bambina. La sua intenzione è di darla in adozione ma, non appena la vede, Sri non riesce a farlo, e così si ritrova a faticare per imparare come gestire una neonata.

Il suo coinquilino e amico, Jaime Frias, si offre di aiutarlo, senza immaginare che così facendo s’innamorerà della bambina e di Sri. Tutto sembra perfetto fino a quando una visita da parte dei servizi sociali manda Sri in tilt e lo spinge a sentirsi in dovere di scegliere tra sua figlia e la relazione con l’uomo del quale si sta innamorando.


$6.99 $5.24

The Thunder in His Head

Everything We Shut Our Eyes To & The Thunder in His Head
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to Everything We Shut Our Eyes To

Kyle Manning is a tall, strong, openly gay sixteen-year-old who makes decent grades and plays on his school's basketball team. He’s a good kid who cares deeply about his family and friends. But his life has become a mess. His mom, Lela, has finally had enough of her husband Joe’s serial cheating. Kyle’s parents are headed for divorce, and the collapse of their marriage torments him.

Divorcing parents is bad enough, but Kyle also has to deal with new people in his parents’ lives. He likes Stephanie, his father's girlfriend, but he finds himself increasingly attracted to his mother's handsome boyfriend, Reece. As Kyle struggles with his fear and frustration, he grows angrier and more erratic.

Then he meets Dwight Varley, a buff, attractive athlete from another school who takes an instant liking to him. Having Dwight around doesn’t solve all Kyle’s problems, but it does make life more bearable. As their relationship develops, Dwight becomes a bright oasis in Kyle's harried life. But Dwight's life is more complicated than Kyle ever imagined, and just when things start to get better, Kyle discovers the truth about Dwight—and about his father.


$6.99 $5.24

The Talker Collection

Talker Series

One day, Tate "Talker" Walker sits next to Brian Cooper on a track meet bus—and sees him like nobody else on the planet has ever seen him before.  One day, Brian Cooper looks at Talker's bright punk facade and listens past his constant chatter—and knows him like nobody else on the planet will ever know him again. One day, two boys meet, and even though they fall in love, it’s still a long and bumpy ride.

Tate needs to learn to listen, Brian needs to learn to speak up, and the event that teaches them both exactly what they need from each other almost destroys Tate and leaves Brian no recourse but violence. For their love to survive, Tate and Brian have to overcome the pain of violation and the repercussions of revenge. Even more difficult, they have to hold each other steady while one finds his peace and the other his voice, because a dream boy isn't really a dream boy if he doesn't know his own worth.



Purchase includes access to download the ebook editions of the novellas featured in this anthology.

Talker (September 2010), Talker's Redemption (January 2011), and Talker's Graduation (October 2011) were previously published individually in eBook format by Dreamspinner Press.


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Javier is fulfilling his parents' wishes by serving as a soldier in the Spanish army—a duty that will take the young swordsman far from his beloved home and family to a planned invasion of England. In France, his unit awaits the arrival of the Armada, and it is there, near the shore of the English Channel, that Javier meets Gaspard, a local merchant who has the face of an angel.

Long ago, when he realized he would never truly love a woman, Javier resolved to remain celibate. What sparks between him and Gaspard shakes that determination to the core, a love that grows until it will no longer be denied. But their situation is impossible: Gaspard is intent upon having an heir, while in Javier’s future, war looms closer every day.


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$6.99 $5.24

Quando David Carmichael, dopo essere stato colpito da un'emicrania, si rompe una spalla, al suo migliore amico Trace Jackson viene naturale trasferirsi da lui per assisterlo. Il loro rapporto cameratesco comincia a correre rischi quando David scopre in esso un sottofondo di calore e tensione. Pur sapendo che il suo migliore amico è eterosessuale, David si sta innamorando di lui alla svelta.

Trace non ha mai desiderato un altro uomo. È un donnaiolo con una certa reputazione, considerato una preda ambita in città. Ma l’amicizia salda e preziosa con David viene intensificata dalle emozioni e dell'eccitazione, e la tentazione data dall’avere David così vicino è irresistibile. Presto Trace rende noto a David di voler capire se la cosa può funzionare tra loro. Perché Trace è certo che non vorrà più nessun altro – ama già David.


$6.99 $5.24