Gay books

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Por el humo se sabe dónde está el fuego...

Desde el 11-S el bombero de Brooklyn Griff Muir lucha contra lo que siente por su mejor amigo y compañero de trabajo en la Escala 181, Dante Anastagio. Desgraciadamente, a Dante sólo le interesan las mujeres, y el cuerpo de bomberos de Nueva York no es precisamente un colectivo que vea a los gays con buenos ojos. Griff lleva diez años escondiendo su corazón en una vida mediocre repleta de heroicidades públicas y de angustia personal.

La prudencia de Griff y la chulería de Dante les convierten en un equipo inmejorable. Para proteger a su compañero, Griff haría lo que fuera… hasta que un día, ante la quiebra económica total, Dante le propone la peor solución posible:, una página web porno para gays en la que tíos buenos con uniforme se tocan y hacen guarradas. Y Dante quiere que ellos aparezcan allí—juntos. Griff tendrá que proteger su corazón y vivir sus fantasías más oscuras ante la cámara. ¿Será capaz de rescatar al hombre que ama sin echar por tierra sus carreras, sus familias, o su amistad?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Dove c'è fumo, c'è fuoco...

Dall'11; settembre, il pompiere di Brooklyn Griff Muir ha lottato contro i suoi sentimenti impossibili nei confronti del suo migliore amico e partner alla Scala 181, Dante Anastagio. Sfortunatamente, Dante è proprio un tipo da ragazze e il Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco di New York non è tenero nei confronti dei gay. Per dieci anni, Griff ha celato il proprio cuore fra eroismo pubblico e angoscia privata.

La cautela di Griff e la sfacciataggine di Dante li rendono una squadra invincibile. Non c'è niente che Griff non farebbe per proteggere il suo compare... fino a quanto un Dante sull'orlo della bancarotta non propone la soluzione peggiore possibile:, un sito porno dove degli stalloni in uniforme fanno cose sconce. Dante vuole che loro appaiano su quel sito – insieme. Griff potrebbe dover tenere d'occhio il proprio cuore e vivere le sue fantasie più oscure davanti alla telecamera. Riuscirà a salvare l'uomo che ama senza distruggere le loro carriere, le loro famiglie o la loro amicizia?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Lang Downs: Book One

Caine Neiheisel is stuck in a dead-end job at the end of a dead-end relationship when the chance of a lifetime falls in his lap. His mother inherits her uncle’s sheep station in New South Wales, Australia, and Caine sees it as the opportunity to start over, out on the range where his stutter won’t hold him back and his willingness to work will surely make up for his lack of knowledge.

Unfortunately, Macklin Armstrong, the foreman of Lang Downs who should be Caine’s biggest ally, alternates between being cool and downright dismissive, and the other hands are more amused by Caine’s American accent than they are moved by his plight… until they find out he’s gay and their amusement turns to scorn. It will take all of Caine’s determination—and an act of cruel sabotage by a hostile neighbor—to bring the men of Lang Downs together and give Caine and Macklin a chance at love.


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$4.99 $3.74

A bar hookup and a spring-break fling—it’s not supposed to last, right?

But when party boy Justin Covelli meets Greg Waterman on his spring trip to Hawaii, hooking up is only the beginning. Greg’s a grad student, serious to the bone, who has put his partying days behind him. Justin’s just looking to blow off steam and get away from an oppressive family while checking out the graduate program at Hawaii Pacific University. But when these two young men start spending time together, they discover that what was supposed to be a random meeting of bodies may truly have the seeds of happily ever after.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

An Art Series novel

Frank Jennings is an FBI agent looking for redemption.  Leslie Carlton is an Interpol agent looking for a thief. Attraction flares from the moment they meet on a case searching for a stolen triptych of unique Tiffany windows, but after a single night of stunning passion, Leslie is called back to London to continue his search there.

When the case heats up again, Leslie returns to the States—and to Frank—but their investigation is complicated by their tumultuous feelings. Is it possible for two dedicated detectives to pursue each other while they’re tracking down stolen art and the unscrupulous man who steals it?


$6.99 $5.24

Mechanical Magic

The Laitha Chronicles
$4.99 $3.74

A Laitha Chronicles Tale

When Aster Genisov, a creator of mechanical novelties, is asked to help a wounded elf, his special talents and painful past could be the key to the elf’s survival.

Y’rean was born to touch the sky, but when his wings are destroyed by a cruel master, not even the life he begins to build with Aster can assuage his despair.  Aster has the means to help him—it’s written in his gypsy blood—but is love enough for Aster to face his past and embrace his talent for mechanical magic?


$4.99 $3.74

Cœur sauvage

Le Clan des Panthères | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Le Clan des Panthères, tome 1

Jin Rayne est un jeune homme – mi-homme mi-panthère de surcroit – qui n'aspire qu'à une vie des plus ordinaires. Il a fui son passé pour prendre un nouveau départ, mais on ne se débarrasse pas si facilement d'aussi lourds secrets. Son arrivée dans une nouvelle ville l'amène à rencontrer le leader d'une tribu d'homme-panthères. Cette rencontre avec Logan Church, bel homme envoûtant, s'avère être un choc pour Jin qui panique à l'idée qu'il puisse s'agir de celui à qui il est destiné, c'est à dire l'amour de sa vie. Jin refuse de vivre selon les rites des hommes-panthères et se donner à son destiné le contraindrait à s'y soumettre.

Jin est pourtant bel et bien le compagnon dont Logan a besoin pour diriger sa tribu et il ne renoncera pas si facilement. Il aura besoin de temps et de se sentir en confiance pour découvrir le bonheur d'appartenir à Logan et apprendre à l'aimer sans borne.


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$6.99 $5.24

After filing charges that put his abusive ex-Dom behind bars, Jesse Turbul relocates halfway across the country, hoping to escape his past—but, of course, it's never that easy. When Jesse meets third-year law student Aadon at the library where he works, their mutual attraction is instant and obvious.

Despite the sparks, they just can't seem to make it work. Aadon is mired in guilt over his inability to help his older brother, damaged by events far too similar to Jesse’s past. Jesse is stuck in his own desperate wish to forget the painful shadow that continues to threaten him and any hope of a happy future.

The only way to move forward is for Jesse to acknowledge he’s broken and for Aadon to accept he can’t make him better.


$6.99 $5.24

Always hiding his tormented past along with his scarred body, Kaden James finds it difficult to keep a job. Luck finally turns his way when he finds work as a cook on a Montana ranch, where he meets terrifyingly handsome Logan Michaels. Logan is different from any man Kaden’s ever met, and before long, he finds himself falling in love with the big cowboy.

But Kaden’s nightmares won’t let go of him so easily, and he’s not just jumping at shadows. He has nearly a lifetime of abuse, horrifying memories, and pain addiction to overcome. Can Logan's gentle touch help Kaden heal inside?


$3.99 $2.99

Former Marine Will Marlowe dreams of being a great classics scholar, but his subversive street art, Bad Toys, is what he does best. When he’s sent to London to retrieve Tommy Jones, what he’s really interested in is a chance to take Bad Toys global. He doesn’t expect cancer survivor Tommy to captivate him or to become the pet project of a real live—dead—author.

Meanwhile, Tommy is struggling to write a dissertation about Christopher Marlowe while conveniently ignoring the fact that he knows Marlowe didn’t die in 1593. And Marlowe’s ghost? He has an agenda all his own that seems to involve two parts mystery, one part romance.


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$6.99 $5.24

It’s nine o’clock the morning after his father’s funeral, and Ezra Jones already knows it’s going to be a bad day. He wakes up hungover, sore, and covered in blood. Then it gets worse: the handsome and compelling Callum Dawson shows up on his doorstep claiming Ezra’s been turned into a werewolf. Ezra wants to be skeptical, but the evidence is hard to ignore.

Ezra doesn’t have a lot of time to get used to the rules Alpha Callum imposes—or the way his body responds to Callum’s dominance—as he’s busily working for the CDC to help uncover the origins of a lycan epidemic. When the sexual tension finally breaks, Ezra barely has time to enjoy it, because a new danger threatens. Someone wants Ezra for their own unscrupulous purposes and will do anything to get him.


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$4.99 $3.74

Carrick Masters and Edward Boyd have already found true love—it’s the happy ever after that’s eluding them. Between Carrick’s job as an orthopedic surgeon and Ed’s career as a defense attorney, they have hardly any time to spend together, and what time they do have seems to be poisoned by resentment. Carrick and Ed know they need to refocus to make their marriage work, but they seriously need more than a spicy once-a-week date night to get them back on track.


$4.99 $3.74

Heart in Hand

The Warder Series

A Warder Series Novella

Simon Kim is very much in love with Leith Haas, but Leith is a Warder. His job—hunting demons—is dangerous and important, and Simon doesn’t want to distract the man he loves more than life with the small stuff. But he doesn’t quite get that when a Warder takes a Hearth, the Warder gives his heart without reservation. When Leith claimed Simon, Leith bared his soul, leaving himself vulnerable before the only man he’s certain he’ll ever love.

When Simon is sucked further into Leith’s perilous world—and into an alternate dimension—Simon realizes that the only strength he can give his Warder is the strength of his love. Can Simon sacrifice the control he has come to treasure for the man who already owns his soul?


His Hearth

The Warder Series

Julian Nash should be excited: he’s just earned a huge promotion at work and is going out to celebrate. But his happiness fades when he discovers his date cheating on him an hour before. Suddenly alone when everyone knows he’s supposed to have a plus one, Julian is set for a long night until longtime acquaintance Ryan Dean bails him out of the embarrassing situation. During dinner, they discover they have more than just friendship between them: there is mutual admiration and heated attraction. But getting to know Ryan better—and finding a place in his life—will bring Julian frightening surprises and paranormal danger he never expected or dreamed existed.



The Warder Series

A Warder Series Novella

As a warder, Jackson Tybalt is one of the good guys until he sees the man he loves kissing another. Betrayed and angry, Jackson tempts danger and death, ignoring the pleas of other warders to be careful. It’s a vile mood in which to start a romance, but that doesn’t stop the kyrie Raphael, who more than anything wants Jackson for his very own.

Jackson doesn’t want a hearth, he doesn’t want a lover—he just wants dark and painful, and Raphael will give him what he wants. But sometimes the sins of the flesh are just what a body needs to bandage the wounds of the heart, and Raphael will hide the tenderness he feels for Jackson for as long as the warder wears the guise of the Sinnerman.


Tooth & Nail

The Warder Series

Book Two in the Warder series

Nineteen-year-old Dylan Shaw is possibly the most beautiful thing Malic Sunden has ever seen. After Malic rescues Dylan from an attack, Dylan makes it very clear that he is more than interested, but Malic won’t even consider sleeping with Dylan because of his age. Malic is sure he’s not good enough for Dylan, who has his whole life ahead of him, and can’t conceive of burdening Dylan with his secrets.

But the darkness in Malic’s life won’t be denied, and soon Dylan is drawn into the dangerous paranormal world that is Malic’s reality. Malic fights tooth and nail to push Dylan away, to keep him safe… no matter that Dylan is the key to Malic’s strength and the only hope for his future.


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It should be just another day for best friends Parker and Toby, not much different than any other day they’ve spent hanging out over the past fifteen years. But it isn’t just another day. Toby thinks Parker is freaking out because his girlfriend broke up with him. He has no idea that Parker is actually losing his shit because he just figured out he has feelings for Toby. At least, he has no idea until Parker kisses him.

Now Toby’s the one flipping out. Terrified of what his family might do if they find out he’s gay, he’s stayed in the closet for years and had no intentions of coming out. Now Toby has to decide what to do: keep Parker as a friend and live his life in fear… or take the plunge, stand up for himself, and take a chance on love.


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Amore significa… nessuna vergogna

Serie Amore Significa…
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Amore Significa…

Geoff vive appieno la sua vita omosessuale nella metropoli, finché la morte di suo padre lo convince a tornare nella tenuta di famiglia. Dopo aver scoperto un ragazzo Amish dormire nel fienile, Geoff viene a sapere che Eli sta trascorrendo un anno lontano dalla comunità prima di essere iniziato alla sua religione. Nonostante la loro attrazione reciproca, Geoff è determinato nell’evitare qualsiasi coinvolgimento, ma Eli scopre che Geoff condivide gli stessi sentimenti e inizia a corteggiarlo, catturando abilmente prima la sua attenzione e poi il suo cuore.

La loro relazione viene minacciata dal vociferare dei parenti e dell’intera collettività dalla mentalità chiusa, una realtà completamente nuova per Eli, che deve decidere se ritornare alla propria comunità, alla sua famiglia, alla realtà e futuro che conosce oppure restare con Geoff e avere fiducia nel potere dell’amore.


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