Gay books


Ebb and Flow

Love's Charter | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Setting the Hook
Love's Charter: Book Two

To achieve happiness, they’ll have to find the courage to be their own men.

As first mate on a charter fishing boat, Billy Ray meets a lot of people, but not one of them has made him as uncomfortable as Skippy—because he’s drawn to Skippy as surely as the moon pulls the tides, and he’s almost as powerless to resist. Billy Ray has spent his life denying who he is to avoid the wrath of his religious father, and he can’t allow anyone to see through his carefully built façade.

Skippy is only in town on business and will have to return to Boston once he’s through. After all, his father has certain expectations, and him staying in Florida is not one of them. But he doesn’t count on Billy Ray capturing his attention and touching his heart.

Billy Ray doesn’t realize just how much he and Skippy have in common, though. They’re both living to please their fathers instead of following their own dreams—a fact that becomes painfully obvious when they get to know each other and realize how much joy they’ve denied themselves. While they can’t change the past, they can begin a future together and make up for lost time—as long as they’re willing to face the consequences of charting their own course.


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$4.99 $3.74

While most pirates sail in search of riches, Captain Devon Hall, the infamous Phantom of the Caribbean, is driven by vengeance. Devon has sworn to put an end to the corrupt governor of Jamaica and break the ruthless man’s stranglehold in the Caribbean.

When Devon is wounded and stranded on land, an unlikely rescuer comes to his aid. Brett Campbell is nothing like his uncle, the governor, and his goals are not so different from Devon’s. Brett longs for freedom, but his obligations to protect those under his uncle’s control keep him from fleeing. Throwing in with Devon might increase both their chances of success—and survival.

When the governor’s attempts to destroy Devon escalate and place Brett in danger and in the hands of the ruthless and depraved pirate Captain Blackburn, Devon must risk everything to save the man he loves and repay his enemies.

All Devon’s ever wanted is his ship, his freedom, friends who stand by his side through thick and thin, and someone to love. But facing dangers at sea and on land, Devon wonders if they will live to enjoy it all.


$4.99 $3.74

Elpída (Français)

Elpida (Français) | Tome 3
$6.99 $5.24

Elpida, tome 3

Michael et Christy sont allés au bal, ils ont obtenu leur diplôme, et Michael a remporté les épreuves de sélection de l’USATF. Avec l’Université d’Oxford qui se profile à l’horizon, son avenir est prometteur et il croit que la vie a repris son cours normal après le sauvetage de Christy d’un de ses agresseurs du passé – il ne pourrait pas avoir plus tort. 

Christy a été libéré d’une vie d’esclavage depuis un an et a fait de remarquables progrès, en grande partie grâce à l’amour qu’il a trouvé auprès de Michael. Mais le récent procès d’un de ses bourreaux a brisé la vie qu’il a si laborieusement construite à partir de rien, à part une incommensurable suite d’horreurs. Il doit maintenant faire face à la lourde tâche de se reconstruire une nouvelle fois. 

Thimi, âgé de douze ans, a disparu depuis que Christy a quitté la Grèce et, à l’insu de tous, il s’est réfugié dans un manoir vide de Glyfada. C’est seulement en apprenant la survie de Christy qu’il sort de sa cachette. Les gens, les espaces ouverts, même le plus anodin des bruits lui font peur au-delà de toute raison. À peine plus vivant qu’un fantôme, Thimi arrive aux États-Unis sans aucune connaissance du monde extérieur – la seule constante dans sa vie se réduisant à une bille en marbre violet. 

Perdus, brisés et apeurés, seul l’espoir leur donnera la force et le courage dont ils ont besoin pour recommencer leurs vies.


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Out of the Shadows

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Can he step out of the shadows and into love’s light? 

Eight years ago, Christian Hernandez moved to the Jamaica Plain area of Boston, took refuge in his apartment, and cut himself off from the outside world. And that’s how he’d like it to stay. 

Josh Wendell has heard his coworkers gossip about the occupant of apartment #1. No one sees the mystery man, and Josh loves a mystery. So when he is hired to refurbish the apartment’s kitchen and bathrooms, Josh is eager to discover the truth behind the rumors.

When he comes face-to-face with Christian, Josh understands why Christian hides from prying eyes. As the two men bond, Josh sees past his exterior to the man within, and he likes what he sees. But can Christian find the courage to emerge from the darkness of his lonely existence for the man who has claimed his heart?


$4.99 $3.74
$3.99 $2.99

Quando, in una calda notte d’estate, Mason James si ferma per prestare soccorso, non sa ancora quali cambiamenti porterà quel semplice atto di gentilezza. Dopo aver dato un passaggio a casa a un uomo anziano, Mason scopre un mondo nuovo, magico e a tratti pericoloso, un mondo che non riesce a capire. Ma incontra anche Luc Toussaint, ed è passione a prima vista. Nemmeno il segreto che Luc custodisce potrà tenere Mason lontano dalla verità circa il suo passato e il loro amore.


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$4.99 $3.74

A Phantom Fixers Story

With love and ghosts, the challenge is figuring out what’s real. 

Software engineer Cruz Guthrie needs money for his sister’s cancer treatments. He needs it so badly he’s willing to stand in for a ghost hunter friend and investigate a millionaire’s supposed specters. It should be an easy gig—after all, nobody thinks the haunting is real. 

Neurological researcher Brody Weber is furious that Cruz would take advantage of Brody’s father. But his mind changes when spirits manifest—and he realizes Cruz genuinely wants to help. When they learn the paranormal activity centers on Brody, Cruz is willing to fight to free Brody from the entities determined to make his life miserable. With a little help from friends and family—both living and dead—they must figure out why Brody is attracting spirits and how to banish them. Only then can they pursue a future together.


$4.99 $3.74

Wheat Kings and Pretty Things

World of Love | Canada - Saskatchewan
$3.99 $2.99

As soon as he graduated high school, Paul Thompson fled the tiny, heavily Ukrainian town of Liddon, Saskatchewan, for bigger and better things. Now in his late thirties, Paul owns a struggling art gallery in Toronto. His grandmother’s one-hundredth birthday is approaching, and Paul will return to place where he grew up for the first time since he left.

The town—and the province—don’t match Paul’s memories. Have they changed? Or has he? He reconnects with Dylan Shevchenko, an old friend who now teaches phys. ed. in Regina. When Paul learns his grandmother had an Aboriginal son he never knew about, he wonders what else he missed while he was away. Did he make the right choice all those years ago? He receives the rare opportunity to start over when he discovers a gallery for sale in Regina. He’s faced with a choice between his youthful dreams in the big city and making a life with Dylan in a place that somehow finally feels like home.

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


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Klar wie Kloßbrühe

Geschichten aus dem Kuriosen Kochbuch
$3.99 $2.99

Eine Geschichte aus dem Kuriosen Kochbuch

Emmett Gant   hatte sich fest vorgenommen, seinem Vater eines Sonntags etwas sehr Wichtiges zu erzählen – doch sein Vater war gestorben, ehe er dazu kam. Jetzt, drei Jahre später, kann Emmett sich einfach nicht darüber klar werden, mit wem er zusammen sein soll – mit dem Mädchen mit den Apfelbäckchen und der wunderbaren Familie? Oder mit Keegan, seinem scharfzüngigen Nachbarn, der seine Familie nie besucht, aber Emmett sehr glücklich macht, wenn er nur auf einen Schwatz rüberkommt?

Emmett braucht Klarheit. 

Zu Emmetts Glück hat die Mutter seines besten Freundes ein Kochbuch, das ihm Erkenntnis und gutes Essen verspricht. Emmett ist fasziniert. Und als ihm das Kochbuch nach Hause folgt, beschließen Emmett und Keegan, das Rezept „Für Klarheit“ nachzukochen. Was sich daraus ergibt, ist einerseits völlig klar, aber andererseits auch ein bisschen überraschend – vor allem für Emmetts Freundin. Emmett wird ganz scharf über seine Vergangenheit und die wichtigen Dinge, die er seinem Vater zu sagen versäumt hat, nachdenken müssen, wenn er das Rezept für Liebe jemals richtig hinkriegen will. 


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$6.99 $5.24

Vagabondo  fin dall’adolescenza, Jimmy Dorsett non ha né casa né speranze. Possiede solo un borsone, delle storie e un vecchio catorcio. In una fredda notte nel deserto, dà un passaggio a un autostoppista che gli lascia un’altra cosa: la lettera scritta da un uomo che sta per morire al figlio che non vede da anni.

Nel tentativo di consegnare la lettera, Jimmy arriva a Rattlesnake, una cittadina ai piedi delle Sierras californiane. Al centro del paese c’è il Rattlesnake Inn, dove il bel barista è Shane Little, un ex cowboy. Tra loro scoppia la scintilla, e quando la macchina di Jimmy esala l’ultimo respiro, Shane gli trova un lavoro come tuttofare alla locanda.

Nella comunità di Rattlesnake e tra le braccia di Shane, Jimmy trova una pace a lui sconosciuta ma che non può durare. La strada continua a chiamarlo, e di sicuro Shane – un uomo forte e orgoglioso, con un passato doloroso e un presente difficile – merita di più di un vagabondo bugiardo che non riesce a stare fermo a lungo nello stesso posto.


$6.99 $5.24

Red Fish, Dead Fish

Fish Out of Water | Book 2
$6.99 $5.24

Fish Out of Water: Book Two

They must work together to stop a psychopath—and save each other. 

Two months ago Jackson Rivers got shot while trying to save Ellery Cramer’s life. Not only is Jackson still suffering from his wounds, the triggerman remains at large—and the body count is mounting.

Jackson and Ellery have been trying to track down Tim Owens since Jackson got out of the hospital, but Owens’s time as a member of the department makes the DA reluctant to turn over any stones. When Owens starts going after people Jackson knows, Ellery’s instincts hit red alert. Hurt in a scuffle with drug-dealing squatters and trying damned hard not to grieve for a childhood spent in hell, Jackson is weak and vulnerable when Owens strikes.

Jackson gets away, but the fallout from the encounter might kill him. It’s not doing Ellery any favors either. When a police detective is abducted—and Jackson and Ellery hold the key to finding her—Ellery finds out exactly what he’s made of. He’s not the corporate shark who believes in winning at all costs; he’s the frightened lover trying to keep the man he cares for from self-destructing in his own valor.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Huxley carries invisible scars from a near-fatal car accident. He sleepwalks through a job at his father’s company, marking time until he can quit and pursue his own dreams. 

Everything changes the moment he makes eye contact with a stranger while riding to work. It’s as if he’s been shaken out of his stupor, and Huxley vows to find the man.

Thanks to a thieving ex-lover, Paul’s florist shop is on the brink of closing down. He needs to milk Valentine’s Day for all it’s worth—and the irony that a day dedicated to love might help undo the damage of a failed relationship is not lost on him.

When Huxley finds Paul at his shop, both men feel an instant attraction. Before long, they’re falling hard, but Huxley holds back. If Paul knew all the baggage he’s carrying, he might run.

Paul’s gut tells him Huxley is hiding something. Huxley looks like a keeper, but Paul can’t go through another disastrous romance.

When Valentine’s Day arrives, will they have anything to celebrate?


$4.99 $3.74

Der Einbruch in der Royal Street

Die Spürnasen | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Die Spürnasen

Als wertvolle Kunstwerke aus einer beliebten Galerie in New Orleans gestohlen werden, wollen der NOPD Lead Detective Montgomery „Beau“ Bissonet und sein Partner den Fall lösen. Als Tollison Cruz von der Versicherungsgesellschaft der Galerie zum Big Easy geschickt wird, um unabhängige Ermittlungen durchzuführen, prallen Persönlichkeiten aufeinander und Fronten tun sich auf. 

Der Einbruch wird schnell zu einem politisch hochkarätigen Fall und Detective Bissonet rast vor Wut, als ihm befohlen wird, mit Ermittler Cruz zusammenzuarbeiten, um eine zügige Verhaftung zu erreichen. Die Temperatur zwischen ihnen erreicht neue Höhen, als die beiden erkennen, dass sie mehr gemeinsam haben, als ursprünglich angenommen. 

Nachdem die Spannung zwischen ihnen für den Moment gelöst ist, können Bissonet und Cruz endlich zusammenarbeiten, auf mehr als nur einem professionellen Level. Aber alles kommt zum Stillstand, als Beau herausfindet, dass sein zeitweiliger Partner Informationen zurückhält, die den Fall betreffen, und eine sehr zweifelhafte Vergangenheit verschwiegen hat. Was als Nächstes passiert, stellt selbst die sengende Sommerhitze in den Schatten.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Le Comté de Hartwick, dans le Dakota du Sud, signifie un nouveau départ pour Mackenzie Redford surnommé « Mack ». La vie dans une grande ville n’a pas été ce qu’il en attendait, et maintenant il est de retour chez lui où il officie en tant que shérif. 

Brantley Calderone est aussi à la recherche d’une nouvelle vie. Après avoir quitté New York et acheté un ranch, il s’installe et s’habitue à vivre à un rythme différent – jusqu’à ce qu’il découvre un cadavre sous son porche et se retrouve être le principal suspect du meurtre. 

Mack et Brantley se rendent rapidement compte de plusieurs choses : quelqu’un essaie d’incriminer Brantley ; il n’est plus en sécurité seul dans son ranch ; et il y a une attirance manifeste qui se développe entre eux qui ne fait que croître lorsque Mack propose à Brantley de séjourner chez lui. Mais tandis que leur romance s’intensifie, le tueur en fait de même. Ils devront garder un coup d’avance et découvrir qui veut tuer Brantley avant qu’il ne soit trop tard. Ce ne sera qu’à ce moment-là qu’ils pourront commencer la nouvelle vie qu’ils recherchent tous les deux – ensemble.


$6.99 $5.24


Les Gardiens des Abysses
$4.99 $3.74

Les Gardiens des Abysses, numéro hors série

En tant que gardien, Jackson Tybalt est un homme bon, jusqu’à ce qu’il découvre l’homme qu’il aime embrassant quelqu’un d’autre. Trahi et en colère, Jackson flirte avec le danger et la mort, ignorant les appels à la prudence des autres gardiens. C’est un état d’esprit exécrable pour commencer une nouvelle relation, mais cela n’arrête pas le kyrie Raphaël qui veut, plus que tout, que Jackson lui appartienne. 

Jackson ne veut pas d’un foyer, ne veut pas d’un amant… il veut juste de la noirceur et de la douleur, alors Raphaël lui donnera ce qu’il veut. Mais parfois, les péchés de la chair sont exactement ce dont un corps a besoin pour panser les plaies du cœur, donc Raphaël cachera la tendresse qu’il éprouve pour Jackson tant que le gardien portera l’apparence d’un pécheur.


$4.99 $3.74

Ricette per chiarire

Il curioso ricettario di Nonna B
$3.99 $2.99

Un libro della serie Il curioso ricettario di Nonna B

Una domenica mattina, Emmett Gant esce di casa deciso a confessare al padre una cosa importante, ma scopre che l’uomo è venuto a mancare. Ora, a quasi tre anni di distanza, il giovane non riesce a capire con chi stare: la ragazza dalle guanciotte da criceto e la famiglia numerosa, o Keegan, il vicino di casa che, pur non avendo una famiglia, lo rende felice con la sua sola presenza? 

Ci vuole qualcosa per schiarirsi le idee. 

Per fortuna, la mamma del suo migliore amico possiede un libro di ricette capaci di snebbiare le menti più confuse, e Emmett ne viene subito conquistato. Quando il libro lo segue fino a casa, lui e il vicino decidono di preparare un piatto “per chiarire”, e quello che segue è davvero chiarissimo – e forse anche un po’ sorprendente, soprattutto per la sua ragazza. Emmett dovrà quindi riflettere sul passato e sulla cosa importante che voleva confessare al padre, se non vuole rischiare di rovinare la ricetta per l’amore perfetto.


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$6.99 $5.24

Matt Bowers’s life ended at sixteen, when a vicious betrayal by someone who he should have been able to trust left him a shell of himself, fighting OCD and PTSD, living in constant fear and always running. When he buys a remote tract of land, he thinks he’s found the perfect place to hide from the world and attempt to establish some peace. For ten years he believes he’s found a measure of comfort, until the day a stranger begins to run on Matt’s road.

He returns every day, an unwelcome intrusion into Matt’s carefully structured life. Matt appeals to the local sheriff, who cannot help him since the jogger is doing nothing wrong. Gradually, after tentatively breaking the ice, Matt begins to accept the man’s presence—

But when the runner doesn’t show up one day, it throws Matt’s world into chaos and he must make the hardest decision of his life.


$6.99 $5.24

Caden's Comet

The Sun Dragon | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

The Sun Dragon: Book Four

Before King Roland ruled over Earth, four dragon kingdoms fought over the plentiful planet: Ice Dragons, Sun Dragons, Earth Dragons, and Bone Dragons. One day a young dragon named Prince Grian slipped aboard the Sun Dragon ship and traveled to Earth, while on that same day, an Earth Dragon named Caden snuck away from his village. The two met and fell in love, but both were killed in battle. 

The Artists, creators of the universe, were furious about the death of these true loves. As punishment, they erased the Sun Dragon race, banished the Bone Dragons to Draman, and put the Ice Dragons in the North Pole, where they could not harm the Earth Dragons. The Artists declared that the dragons would remain cursed until the true love between Grian and Caden was born again and they reunited all dragons in peace and harmony. 

Years later Prince Grian is reborn, and it is up to him and his godparent, Skelly, to find his soulmate on Earth. But with the head of the Earth Dragon Protection Society, or EDPS, trying to kill him, reuniting with the love of his life seems impossible. Will Grian be able to find his match before the EDPS finds him? And if he finds Caden, will it be the true love of the prophecy?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Ce que font les cowboys, numéro hors série

Rand McIntyre  se contente d’une vie satisfaisante. Il aime son petit ranch en Californie, élever des chevaux et apprendre à monter aux enfants – mais pour avoir ses propres enfants et une personne à aimer, il serait obligé de révéler son homosexualité et cela mettrait en péril tout ce qu’il a construit. Un jour, malgré sa phobie de prendre l’avion, il part en vacances à Hana, Hawaii, avec ses parents et rencontre le ténébreux et mystérieux Kai Kealoha, un vrai cowboy hawaiien. Rand se prend d’affection pour le petit frère et la petite sœur de Kai autant qu’il s’éprend du jeune homme, mais Kai est plus piquant qu’un lézard à cornes et plus mystérieux que le territoire exotique dont il est originaire. 

Kai tient à son intimité et vit pour protéger ses « enfants ». Pour le bien de tout le monde, il vaut mieux qu’il garde ses distances avec le beau et grand cowboy – mais comme cet homme n’est qu’un *haole* venu prendre de courtes vacances, peut-il vraiment causer des dommages ? Quand les plus grandes peurs de Kai et les cauchemars les plus atroces de Rand deviennent réalité, il y a peu d’espoir pour une relation entre deux cowboys qui ne peuvent pas – ou ne veulent pas – se révéler au grand jour.


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