Gay books

$4.99 $3.74

A billionaire and a Bedouin girl—each with a shocking secret.

Billionaire Fathi al-Murzim is a workaholic businessman, too busy running the family’s companies to even think about marriage. Too bad he never told his grandfather he’s gay, because Grandfather just announced a childhood betrothal—to a Bedouin girl Fathi never heard about before.

Ikraam din Abdel was raised as a woman by his avaricious and abusive older sister, who didn’t want him to be their father’s heir. He’d never thought to be married either, and is surprised when his sister informs him of his betrothal.

When Fathi and Ikraam meet, they are drawn to each other in a manner neither of them expected. As the plans for their wedding progress, they both realize they need to tell the other the truth. But can they, with both cultural taboos and family pressures to deal with?


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Brighton McKenzie ha ereditato l’ultimo appezzamento di terra adibito a fattoria alla periferia di Baltimora. Appartiene alla sua famiglia da quando il Maryland era una colonia, ed è rimasto inattivo per anni. Venderlo come area edificabile sarebbe facile, ma Brighton vuole onorare il desiderio di suo nonno e riprendere a farlo fruttare. Sfortunatamente, un incidente lo obbliga a usare un bastone per camminare e ha quindi bisogno di aiuto. Tanner Houghton ha lavorato in un ranch nel Montana fino a quando un ex vendicativo non lo ha fatto licenziare a causa della sua sessualità. Arriva nel Maryland invitato dal cugino ed è entusiasta di tornare a fare il lavoro che ama.

Brighton è immediatamente attratto da Tanner che, alto e bello da togliere il fiato, rappresenta tutto ciò che lo affascina in un uomo. Non se la sente però di fare la prima mossa, innanzitutto perché è un suo dipendente, e poi perché non riesce a capire come un uomo così virile possa essere interessato a lui. Ma quello non è il più grave dei loro problemi. Devono affrontare le macchinazioni della zia di Brighton e dell’ex di Tanner, che all’improvviso lo rivuole con sé, e devono trovare il modo per rendere redditizia la fattoria prima che il patrimonio della famiglia di Brighton sia perduto per sempre.


$6.99 $5.24

Ein Ständchen für Stanley

Belladonna Arms (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Ein Titel der Belladonna Arms Serie

Willkommen im Belladonna Arms, einem heruntergekommenen Mietshaus auf einem der Hügel in der Innenstadt von San Diego. Es ist das Heim der Verlorenen, der Liebeskranken und der Liebestollen.

Der schüchterne Archäologiestudent Stanley Sternbaum ist gerade erst hier eingezogen. Er verbringt seine Zeit damit, die exzentrischen Nachbarn zu beobachten, seinem Teufelsbraten von Mutter aus dem Weg zu gehen und ansonsten möglichst unbemerkt zu bleiben … Letzteres erweist sich als das größte Problem – jedenfalls soweit es Roger Jane angeht, der ebenfalls im Belladonna Arms wohnt. Der muskelbepackte Krankenpfleger mit den wunderschönen grünen Augen ist nämlich hoffnungslos in Stanley verknallt und macht ihm unbeirrt den Hof. Doch Stanley hat immer ein ruhiges, zurückgezogenes Leben geführt und ist nie das Risiko eingegangen, sich zu verlieben. Besonders nicht in einen Mann, der so umwerfend gut aussieht wie Roger Jane.

Während Roger versucht, die Mauern um Stanley einzureißen, wendet der sich an seine Nachbarn, um mehr über die Liebe zu lernen: An Ramon, der keine Angst davor hat, sein Herz dem falschen Mann zu schenken; an Sylvia, eine Transsexuelle, die sich nichts mehr wünscht, als endlich eine Frau zu werden; an deren heimlichen Verehrer, der sie so liebt, wie sie ist; an Arthur, die Dragqueen, die sie alle liebt und nie etwas dafür erwartet – und an Roger, dessen Herz schon einmal gebrochen wurde, der aber bereit ist, es für Stanley wieder zu riskieren. Wenn Stanley es nur endlich schaffen würde, seine eigenen Unsicherheiten zu überwinden und ihn einzulassen.


$6.99 $5.24

Nachtisch für Zwei

Geschichten aus dem Kuriosen Kochbuch
$4.99 $3.74

Eine Geschichte aus dem Kuriosen Kochbuch

Boone Walton hat sich alle erdenkliche Mühe gegeben, seine Vergangenheit hinter sich zu lassen. Er lebt jetzt nur noch für seine Kunstgalerie in New Orleans und seine Freundschaft mit Scott Wren. Alles scheint sich langsam zu normalisieren und wieder in geregelten Bahnen zu verlaufen. Boone könnte nicht glücklicher sein.

Scott Wren, ein junger Koch und Restaurantbesitzer, möchte mehr als Freundschaft. Er will eine echte Beziehung zu Boone, doch der hat davor eine Heidenangst. Und das liegt nicht nur an dem Geist, der in Scotts Wohnung herumspukt. Es liegt auch nicht an Scotts Familie. Nein, es liegt daran, dass Boones Vergangenheit ihm einen unerwarteten Besuch abstattet. Es gibt eigentlich nichts, was sich zwischen Boone, Scott und die Mousse au Chocolate drängen kann, deren Rezept Scott in einem kuriosen, alten Kochbuch gefunden hat. Nichts, bis auf das Meer des Leidens, das Boone überqueren musste, um im Big Easy ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Doch das Rezept hat eine geheime Zutat, die in Boone ein Vertrauen und eine Liebe weckt, wie er sie bisher noch nie erfahren hat.


$4.99 $3.74

Blood Drop

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge: Book Five

A single drop of blood might hold the key to the fate of the magical world, and Aiden Teine must choose between his bond of love and embracing the power to defeat his enemies.

Aiden’s adjustment to being the first vampyre fae hasn’t been easy, but his ties to warlock Thad Blackmoor prevent him from becoming a monster. With Thad, Aiden has a new family, a new purpose, and a new reason to live—though he’s technically undead. There’s one problem: Aiden’s control over his vampyre is weakening. He must learn what’s triggering his violent reactions before he surrenders to the creature within. To complicate matters, Aiden discovers his transformation might not be complete, and he fears what he will become.

Aiden’s search for answers thrusts him into a frightening world filled with deception, new dangers, and apocalyptic visions. The part destiny intends Aiden to play could alter his relationship with Thad forever. If Aiden, Thad, and the entire magical community are to survive Icarian’s latest scheme, Aiden must interpret the meaning of the prophetic blood drop before it falls and ushers in the destruction of all creation—and the warlock he loves.


$6.99 $5.24

Fool of Main Beach

Love in Laguna

A Love in Laguna Novel

Merle Justice wants to reach for the stars, but it’s tough to get respect when playing a teenybopper vampire on TV. Then he meets a famous director anxious to give him all he thinks he wants—and maybe a bit more. Everything’s looking up until a life-threatening encounter with some homophobes on Main Beach puts Merle face-to-face with a Sasquatch-sized hero in a pink puffer coat.

Tom Henry defies description. As unsophisticated and simple as an angel, he walks through life content with who he is and asking for very little except to care for his sister, Lily, and the dogs he loves. Then he meets Merle, the embodiment of dreams he barely knows he has. Merle knows the people who hold his future in their hands might love Tom—but they’ll never understand Merle and Tom together. Tom knows it too. With lives this far apart, who’s really the fool of Main Beach?


Camp H.O.W.L.

Camp H.O.W.L.
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Camp H.O.W.L. Novel

Moonmates exist, but getting together is going to be a beast….

When Adrian Rothschild skipped his “werewolf puberty,” he assumed he was, somehow, human. But he was wrong, and he’s about to go through his Turn with a country between him and his Pack—scared, alone, and eight years late.

Dr. Tate Lewis’s werewolf supremacist father made his Turn miserable, and now Tate works for Camp H.O.W.L. to ease the transition for young werewolves. He isn’t expecting to offer guidance to a grown man—or find his moonmate in Adrian. Tate doesn’t even believe in the legendary bond; after all, his polygamist father claimed five. But it’s clear Adrian needs him, and if Tate can let his guard down, he might discover he needs Adrian too.

A moonmate is a wolf’s missing piece, and Tate is missing a lot of pieces. But is Adrian up to the challenge?


$4.99 $3.74

Black Dog Blues (Italiano)

Serie Kai Gracen | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Kai Gracen, Libro 1

L’elfo reietto Kai Gracen è convinto di aver esaurito il suo karma positivo quando uno Stalker umano vince la partita di poker in cui Kai è stato messo in palio e lo prende con sé. In seguito alla violenta fusione tra la Terra e l’Underhill, la razza umana e quella elfica si ritrovano a vivere in un mondo caotico e infestato da mostri, e gli Stalker sono gli unici disposti ad accorrere quando all’orizzonte si profilano oscure minacce.

Anche se difficile, quella dello Stalker è una vita che Kai ama: buone ricompense, qualche amico e, soprattutto, è priva di altri elfi che possano ricordargli il suo passato. E poi uccidere i mostri è facile, specialmente perché anche lui è un mostro.

Quando un signore dei sidhe di nome Ryder arriva a San Diego, a Kai viene affidato un incarico per la nuova Corte dell’alba. Sulla carta si tratta di una semplice spedizione lungo la costa durante la stagione degli amori dei draghi, allo scopo di salvare una donna umana incinta in cerca di protezione. Facile, veloce e, cosa più importante, remunerativo. Tuttavia Kai si trova invischiato in una faida familiare all’ultimo sangue dalla quale non ha alcuna speranza di sottrarsi. 

Nessuno si è mai arricchito facendo lo Stalker. Anzi, pochi di loro arrivano alla vecchiaia, e sembra che Kai non farà eccezione.


$6.99 $5.24
$9.99 $7.49

Return to Tachna’s world of vampires and wizards in the second volume of Partnership in Blood.

With the war over, the wizards and vampires of l’ANS are faced with a series of new challenges as they explore everything their partnerships have come to signify. While the depth of individual partnerships varies, one thing is certain: there is more to their partnerships—and the Aveu de sang—than meets the eye.

See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49
$6.99 $5.24

Hartwick County in South Dakota bedeutet einen neuen Anfang für Mackenzie „Mack“ Redford. Das Leben in der Großstadt war nicht das, was er erwartet hatte und nun ist er wieder zu Hause und arbeitet als Sheriff. 

Brantley Calderone ist ebenfalls auf der Suche nach einem neuen Leben. Nachdem er New York verlassen und eine Ranch gekauft hat, versucht er sich einzuleben und sich daran zu gewöhnen, an einem anderen Ort zu leben – bis er eine tote Frau auf seiner Veranda entdeckt und sich selbst als Haupttatverdächtigen in einem Mordfall wiederfindet.

Mack und Brantley erkennen sehr bald mehrere Dinge: Irgendjemand will Brantley etwas anhängen, allein ist er nicht länger sicher auf der Ranch und zwischen ihnen entwickelt sich definitiv eine gewisse Anziehungskraft, die sich noch verstärkt, als Mack Brantley anbietet, vorübergehend bei ihm einzuziehen. Als ihre Romanze eskaliert, eskaliert auch das Verhalten des Mörders. Sie müssen ihm immer einen Schritt voraus sein und herausfinden, wer Brantley tot sehen will, ehe es zu spät ist. Nur dann können sie das neue Leben beginnen, das sie beide suchen – gemeinsam.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Seventeen years ago, Forge Reynolds fell in love… and had his heart broken. When Staff Sergeant Gage Livingston was brought into Forge’s Army field hospital, temporarily paralyzed, Forge sat with him, read his letters, answered his mail, and formed a connection he thought would last. But Gage was sent home, Forge transferred to a new post, and his letters to Gage went unanswered. 

Now in the middle of a bitter divorce, Forge is sick and tired of his husband’s manipulation. He's almost ready to make any sacrifice to get closure—then he finds Granger murdered execution-style in their home. Forge had no idea about Granger’s illicit activities, but the killers don’t believe that. They think Forge has something they want, and they’re coming after him. 

When Forge’s lawyer arranges for professional protection, the last face Forge expects to see is Gage’s. Can he even contemplate a second chance for them after almost two decades, or will hoping only lead to more heartache? Before they can explore the possibilities, they must figure out what information Granger had—that others are willing to kill for—or that possible heartache could become a certainty.


$6.99 $5.24


World of Love | Canada - Alberta
$5.99 $4.49

What happens when the man is as tempting as the money? 

Remy Delacour’s family doesn’t believe in mainstream medicine, and when Remy’s boyfriend reveals that Remy is majoring in nursing, they cut him off. He has to find money to finish his education—fast. And he is so done with boyfriends. 

Levi Aronson met the guy of his dreams and followed him to Australia. He knew the chances for a lasting romance were slim—and boy, was he right. Now he’s back in Canada, a year behind in his university program, and short of funds. He needs money, not another man. 

Tree planting is a way to make a lot of money fast, but it’s one of the hardest jobs in the world. When Levi, an experienced planter, sees pretty, sloe-eyed Remy, Levi is certain he’ll never last. 

They’ll have to pry Remy’s shovel from his cold, stiff fingers, because he won’t quit—or let anything take his eyes off the prize. When a storm brings Remy and Levi together, each finds the other a distraction from the big goal. But can anything develop between two men who have sworn off relationships?

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


$5.99 $4.49

Out of the Ashes

Asheville Arcana
Dreamspun Beyond

Asheville Arcana

In their differences, they’ll find strength—and love.

Alpha werewolf Eli Hammond returns from a fishing trip to discover a nasty surprise—five members of his pack murdered and the rest missing. He needs help locating and rescuing his pack mates, but the supernatural council in Asheville, North Carolina, turns him away.

Except for one man.

As they work together, Eli is stunned—and not especially thrilled—to discover half-elf Arden Gilmarin is his destined mate. But as Arden and his friends struggle to help Eli in his quest, Eli surrenders to the demands of his body—and his heart. They’ll need to bond together, because the forces opposing them are stronger and more sinister than anyone predicted. The evil has its sights set on Arden, and if Eli wants to save his mate and the people he is entrusted with protecting, he’s in for the fight of his life.


$4.99 $3.74

Opposites might attract, but is acting on that attraction wise? 

Librarian Tristan Cooper can’t steer clear of sexy, motorcycle-riding bad boy Phillip—the man is hot—but Phillip is bound to find quiet, bookish Tristan boring, like all Tristan’s boyfriends. Tristan yearns to explore his wild side, the part of himself he’s only allowed into his fantasies, and maybe rakish Phillip is just what he needs to feel free. 

Sexperienced hairdresser Phillip is more of a believer in happy endings than happily ever afters. Experience has taught him not to hope for more—until he meets sweet, vulnerable Tristan, who seems genuinely interested in his heart. But Phillip can’t trust enough to see himself as a man Tristan might want for more than a night. 

With the help of a pair of matchmaking grandfathers, Tristan and Phillip might find the courage to step beyond their comfort zones and discover what has been missing from their lives….


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Amour…, numéro hors série

Raine Baumer vit une vie de fêtes à Chicago, profitant de relations de courtes durées avec peu d’attaches sentimentales. Mais lorsqu’il est sévèrement blessé dans une attaque homophobe, Geoff, son ami proche, vient le chercher pour l’emmener se reposer à la campagne. Là-bas, Geoff et son compagnon Eli le considèrent comme un membre de leur famille, et Raine fait la rencontre de Jonah, le frère d’Eli, qui explore la vie en dehors de la communauté Amish d’où il est originaire.

L’attraction mutuelle de Jonah et Raine les rapproche, mais ils n’auront peut-être pas la chance de profiter l’un de l’autre… Le père de Jonah lui pose un ultimatum, et la police pense que l’agression de Raine n’était pas qu’une simple coïncidence, comme on aurait pu le croire initialement. Raine et Jonah vont devoir braver leurs peurs s’ils veulent avoir une chance de vivre ensemble.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Harmony Ink Press is proud to present the winners of the fourth annual Young Author Challenge. This book contains the best of the best in short LGBTQ+ fiction by authors from age fourteen to twenty-one. They represent the future of both our literature and our community, and the future looks as bright as these voices are strong, inventive, and unique. These fifteen stories range from the realistic to the fantastical, and they are populated with characters from all across the rainbow. They explore love, friendship, being different, finding one’s purpose and place, and what it means to grow up—in the modern world or one of pure imagination.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$6.99 $5.24

Familiar Angel

Familiar Love | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Familiar Love: Book One

One hundred and forty years ago, Harry, Edward, and Francis met an angel, a demon, and a sorceress while escaping imprisonment and worse! They emerged with a new family—and shapeshifting powers beyond their wildest dreams. 

Now Harry and his brothers use their sorcery to rescue those enslaved in human trafficking—but Harry’s not doing so well. Pining for Suriel the angel has driven him to take more and more risks until his family desperately asks Suriel for an intervention. 

In order for Suriel to escape the bindings of heaven, he needs to be sure enough of his love to fight to be with Harry. Back when they first met, Harry was feral and angry, and he didn’t know enough about love for Suriel to justify that risk. Can Suriel trust in Harry enough now to break his bonds of service for the boy who has loved his Familiar Angel for nearly a century and a half?


$6.99 $5.24

Train to Somewhere

Before… and After
$3.99 $2.99

A Before… and After Story

It was only a game. Wasn’t it?

At a party one night, Charlie Dean’s childhood friend Will Tucker accepts a dare and dresses up as a girl: clothes, hair, makeup. Seeing Will that way incites a riot of confused emotions in Charlie—and he responds by lashing out. He never meant to hurt Will, and now he must do some serious damage control.

During a school trip by train, Charlie and Will share a sleeper cabin. Charlie intends to mend fences, while Will figures it’s as good a time as any to broach the subjects of attraction and sexuality. They want to get their relationship back on track. But after the secrets they both reveal, their friendship can never be the same.


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