Gay books

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Punk’s not dead, but it’s time to redefine life.

Devlin Waters thought he’d have music forever. But the tragic death of his best friend ended the twenty-year run of his punk band, Negative Impression. Unable to process the loss, Devlin distances himself from everyone and everything that reminds him of the band. But forty-one is too young to curl up and wait for the end. In a search for a second career, he finds himself at university with a bunch of kids young enough to be… his kids. His sexy archeology professor, however, makes Devlin think about life beyond his grief….

Dr. Jack Johnson does not appreciate Devlin’s lack of respect, his inability to be serious, or his chronic lateness. Worse, he hates that he’s attracted to a student. When he realizes Devlin is the rock star he crushed on in his youth, he drops his guard—against his better judgment.

Before they can move forward together, Jack must admit to Devlin that he’s not only an admirer, but he also sings in a cover band. How will Devlin react to his ultimate fanboy when his own music has died?


$6.99 $5.24


415 Ink | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

415 Ink: Book One

The hardest thing a rebel can do isn’t standing up for something—it’s standing up for himself.

Life takes delight in stabbing Gus Scott in the back when he least expects it. After Gus spends years running from his past, present, and the dismal future every social worker predicted for him, karma delivers the one thing Gus could never—would never—turn his back on: a son from a one-night stand he’d had after a devastating breakup a few years ago.

Returning to San Francisco and to 415 Ink, his family’s tattoo shop, gave him the perfect shelter to battle his personal demons and get himself together… until the firefighter who’d broken him walked back into Gus’s life.

For Rey Montenegro, tattoo artist Gus Scott was an elusive brass ring, a glittering prize he hadn’t the strength or flexibility to hold on to. Severing his relationship with the mercurial tattoo artist hurt, but Gus hadn’t wanted the kind of domestic life Rey craved, leaving Rey with an aching chasm in his soul.

When Gus’s life and world starts to unravel, Rey helps him pick up the pieces, and Gus wonders if that forever Rey wants is more than just a dream.


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

Dane McCormick’s job negotiating leases and building out furnished office suites takes him all over the country. He stays until the job is done—and then he moves on. As satisfying as the job is, it leaves him no place to call home and no chance to build a personal life. After arriving in Greenville, South Carolina, for a job, a severe stomach virus knocks Dane for a loop. He finds a local urgent care clinic… and a tall, dark, and handsome doctor who goes well above and beyond his duties to treat Dane. The doctor’s bedside manner makes Dane forget all about his stomach flu.

Carter Baldridge has dedicated his life to caring for others. Since graduating from medical school, he has spent all his time and energy building his urgent care business. But the morning he steps into his examining room and sees Dane McCormick on the table, he realizes it might be time to devote some attention to a part of life he has neglected. The spark is there, but so is a major obstacle in the form of Dane’s peripatetic lifestyle and a bad experience in Carter’s past. Both have to decide if the risk is worth the reward.


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Coach's Challenge

Scoring Chances

A Scoring Chances Novel

It’s been decades since blackmail forced Troy Callahan to retire from playing professional hockey, and he’s built a successful career behind the bench. When he’s offered the opportunity to coach the Asheville Ravens—the most hated team in the ECHL—he’s convinced that his no-nonsense attitude is just what the team needs to put their focus back on hockey. But Troy is disheartened when he finds that the Ravens have signed Shane North, a player known for his aggression. And it only gets worse when Shane’s rough good looks give Troy inappropriate thoughts about a member of his team, even if Shane’s set to retire at the end of the season. 

Shane’s career in the majors never quite took off. Wanting to quit on his own terms, Shane agrees to a one-year contract with the Ravens and finds himself playing for a coach who thinks he’s an aging goon and with a team that doesn’t trust him, the coach, or each other. Despite his determination to not get involved, Shane unwillingly becomes part of the team… and is just as unwillingly drawn to the gruff out-and-proud coach. As the Ravens struggle to build a new identity, Shane and Troy succumb to the passion that might cost them everything.


Coup d'envoi

Les saisons
$6.99 $5.24

Les saisons, numéro hors série

Au cours d’une adolescence malheureuse et d’une vie adulte solitaire, Skipper Keith n’a rêvé que d’avoir une famille. Il trouve ce qui s’en approche le plus avec l’équipe de football qu’il entraîne après le travail et son meilleur joueur et meilleur ami, Richie Scoggins.

Un soir venteux d’octobre, le partage pratique d’une voiture d’après l’entraînement se transforme en une rencontre sexuelle qu’aucun d’eux n’attendait et ne veut oublier. Bientôt, Skip et Richie vivent pour les week-ends, leurs matchs de football de la saison d’hiver et les jeux qu’ils apprécient hors du terrain. Grâce à des nez brisés, des décorations de fêtes et une grippe sévère, ils en apprennent davantage l’un sur l’autre que ce qu’ils auraient pu rêver.

Chaque nouvelle découverte les emmène au-delà des limites du terrain de football vers les possibilités infinies de la meilleure relation de la vie de Skipper.

Skipper ne peut pas rêver d’une meilleure famille que Richie, mais celui-ci a de vrais problèmes familiaux dont il ne peut pas se dépêtrer. Skipper doit le convaincre de rester avec lui au-delà du coup d’envoi du tournoi d’hiver, afin que la relation qu’ils ont débutée sur le terrain se transforme en un avenir heureux dans la vraie vie !


$6.99 $5.24

Il ladro di melodie

Blue Notes (Italiano)
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Blue Notes

Cary Redding è una contraddizione in carne e ossa. È un famoso violoncellista, ricercato dalle orchestre di tutto il mondo, ma sotto le vesti del musicista c’è un uomo profondamente tormentato, che ama l’alcol e il sesso occasionale. Il motivo di questa ‘stonatura’? Cary sa di essere un bugiardo. Un farabutto. Lui è il ladro di melodie.

Cary riesce a gestire bene la sua doppia vita fino alla notte in cui, in un vicolo buio di Milano, non viene aggredito da due malviventi. Proprio quando le cose stanno per mettersi male, l’affascinante Antonio Bianchi, un avvocato di successo, lo soccorre salvandogli la vita. Antonio, però, gli offre anche qualcosa che lui non conosce – l’amore – e Cary non sa più cosa fare. La situazione è complicata. Innanzitutto, Antonio ha un figlio di sei anni. E inoltre, Cary deve confessargli il suo alter ego e sperare che l’uomo lo perdoni.

Quando Cary pensa di aver messo finalmente ordine nella sua vita, passato e presente si scontrano, costringendolo a scegliere tra due famiglie: quella che aveva sempre voluto da bambino, e quella che ama adesso, da adulto.


$6.99 $5.24
$9.99 $7.49

Celebrate the season with Amy Lane’s own brand of holiday cheer.

Enjoy five classic Amy Lane Christmas stories, imbued with her signature blend of humor, romance, and heart-warming satisfaction as businessmen, lawyers, accountants, and teachers all find love this December.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.

If I Must previously published by Dreamspinner Press, December 2009. Cover Art by Catt Ford Christmas with Danny Fit previously published by Dreamspinner Press, December 2010. Cover Art by Catt Ford Puppy, Car, and Snow previously published by Dreamspinner Press, December 2011. Cover Art by Anne Cain Turkey in the Snow previously published by Dreamspinner Press, December 2012. Cover Art by Catt Ford Going Up! previously published by Dreamspinner Press, December 2013. Cover Art by Aaron Anderson


$9.99 $7.49
$4.99 $3.74

Ned Balding used to be a decent man—until the stress of seemingly countless responsibilities changes him, and he becomes cold and driven—the kind of man who considers firing an employee days before Christmas. The kind of man who kicks a dog…. But Ned’s transgressions haven’t gone unseen. A Salvation Army Santa witnesses his misdeeds and decides Ned needs to be taught a lesson.

When Ned wakes up the next morning, he’s stunned to discover he’s been transformed into a dog.

In the past year, Jake Carrara has lost his mother, a lover… even his dog. His boss came close to firing him just before the holidays. He isn’t sure he’s ready for another pet when he’s asked to foster a dog, but Jake’s good heart won’t let him refuse. Little does he know, this isn’t just any dog.

Through a twist of fate, two people with little reason to be friends might teach each other to rediscover the good—and the love—in life.


$4.99 $3.74

Earning His Trust


Evin lost the only two men he ever loved. But he might get a second chance with one of them—if he’s willing to take the risk.

Following the death of his husband, Evin is living in Portland and raising the infant son they had through a surrogate. Six-month-old Micah is his life, and if it means no time for activities or friendships beyond his minuscule support network, that’s a sacrifice Evin is willing to make. When he suffers a burn baking teething biscuits, the last person Evin expects to encounter in the ER is Ben, his lover from college—and the man who left him without a word of explanation.

Ben knows it won’t be easy to earn Evin’s trust and prove he’s not the same man Evin once knew, but he can’t bear to watch Evin struggle to care for Micah, hurting and alone. He wants back in Evin’s life, as a friend and hopefully more, but Evin’s heart is fragile, and the years have changed him too.


$3.99 $2.99

Texas native Colt Burrow isn’t happy about his third cold, lonely Christmas in frozen Michigan. But when fate sends him a gift in the form of an abandoned puppy, he can’t keep his heart from melting. With the puppy’s companionship, he doesn’t feel so isolated anymore, and the holidays don’t seem as bleak. He even finds enough Christmas spirit to take Roger tree shopping. But just when Colt’s starting to hope Roger’s owner doesn’t show up… he does, and Colt doesn’t want to say goodbye.

Will Roger end up being Colt’s Christmas heartbreak… or his Christmas miracle?


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Spending their fortunes and losing their hearts.

Hardworking Australian nurse Ben Adams inherits a substantial sum and decides to tour Europe. In Monaco, the home of glamour and the idle rich, he meets French billionaire playboy Léo Artois. After getting off on the wrong foot—as happens when one accuses a stranger of being part of the Albanian mafia—their attraction blazes. Léo, born to the top tier of society, has never known limits, and Ben, used to budgeting every cent, finds it difficult to adjust to not only Léo's world, but also the changes wealth brings to his own life.

As they make allowances for each other's foibles, Ben gradually appreciates the finer things, and Léo widens his perspective. They both know one thing: this is not a typical holiday romance and they're not ready to say goodbye.


Blanc comme neige

Les contes de Pennymaker
$6.99 $5.24

Les contes de Pennymaker, numéro hors série

Le jeune Snowden « Snow » Reynaldi est brillant, beau et seul. Bien qu’il soit timide, étrange et toléré par les étudiants de l’Université NorCal parce que c’est un champion d’échecs réputé et qu’il aide à faire connaître l’école, cela ne l’empêche pas de fantasmer sur l’objet de ses désirs : Riley Prince, quarterback de l’équipe de football.

Lorsque Riley a besoin de cours de soutien en physique, Snow saute sur l’occasion et très vite, leur relation fait des étincelles – mais Riley doit encore sortir du placard avant de pouvoir avancer. Entre-temps, le véritable ami et mentor de Snow, le professeur Kingsley, épouse une femme qui veut secrètement s’accaparer la gloire et l’argent du championnat d’échecs. Peu de temps après, le professeur perd connaissance et Snow se retrouve submergé – littéralement. Dans une voiture !

Sept membres d’une fraternité de l’université de Grimm sauvent Snow juste à temps pour que sa vie aille de mal en pis et qu’il découvre que la seule relation qu’il a toujours désirée est en train de lui échapper. Avec le « diable » qui l’attend à chaque tournant, Snow se doit de survivre ne serait-ce que pour prouver qu’il est le plus honnête de tous et retrouver la confiance de son prince charmant.


$6.99 $5.24

Game Point

Dreamspun Desires

Game, set… match made in heaven.

Spoiled socialite Quinn Valenzuela has no interest in sports or his family’s huge sporting goods empire, Sparta Athletics. So when Quinn learns his grandfather has died and he’s in control of the corporation, no one is more surprised than Quinn himself.

Dedicated COO Porter Davis has little time and less patience for brats like Quinn who have never done a day’s work, but circumstances leave him with little choice. Quinn claims he’s ready to leave partying behind and grow up, but it’ll take more than words to earn Porter’s respect. As it turns out, they can work—and play—together after all. A friends with benefits arrangement makes sense for the two busy men, but are they too different for it to ever develop into more? Not if Quinn can convince Porter he has his head in the game.


The Long and Winding Road

Bear, Otter, and the Kid Chronicles

Sequel to The Art of Breathing

Family is not always defined by blood. It’s defined by those who make us whole—those who make us who we are.

And here, at the end, Bear and Otter will be tested like they’ve never been before. 

There’s a knock at the door from a little girl who has nowhere else to go.

There’s a phone ringing, bringing news they do not expect.

There’s a brother returning home after learning how to stand on his own.

As these moments converge, all of their lives will change forever.

Beginning in Bear, Otter, and the Kid and continuing in Who We Are and The Art of Breathing, TJ Klune has told a saga of family and brotherhood, of love and sacrifice. In this final chapter, the events of the past pave the long and winding road toward a future no one could have imagined.


$6.99 $5.24

Exposing his body for work is no problem, but after his heart’s been broken, putting it out there again won’t be so easy.

Up-and-coming young executives Copeland Shore and William Donnelly have been friends and sometimes more for years. For Cope’s birthday, Will plans a very special dinner—at a nantaimori restaurant where the most enticing thing is the table. Dai—the naked man beneath their sushi—has both their mouths watering, but when it comes to Dai’s heart, there’s only room at the table for one, and Will gets there first.

Will’s everything Dai thinks he wants in a man… until he’s betrayed. The betrayal also ends the friendship between Will and Cope and leaves Dai shaken and unsure if he can put his trust in another man—not even when a second chance for love and happiness rises from the ashes of the broken relationship. Cope wants to tempt Dai to take a risk with him, but the pain of the past is hard for Dai to shake off… and Cope has obstacles of his own to overcome.


$6.99 $5.24

Getting His Man

Getting His Man
Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Getting His Man

A love story worthy of an old movie… with a new twist.

Artie needs a hero, a man like those he’s always revered in Golden Age films. His drug-dealing jerk of a roommate got him arrested, and since his savior isn’t likely to sweep in and save the day, Artie calls a bail bondsman.

August has always imagined himself a hero from a black-and-white movie, but he’s never found a man willing to let him play that role—at least not until he gets the call from Artie.

Both of their dreams might come true, but not before August must use his skills as a bounty hunter as well as a bondsman. Artie is on the run for his life, and August must protect him and help him clear his name. Only then can they both finally get their man.


$4.99 $3.74
$5.99 $4.49

Sometimes the best day of your life is the one you never saw coming.

Joe Cohen has devoted the past two years of his life to one thing: the care and feeding of Kade Bosa. His partner in their PI business, roommate, and best friend, Kade is everything to Joe, even if their relationship falls short of what Joe desires most. But he won’t push. Kade has suffered a rough road, and Joe’s pretty sure he’s the only thing holding Kade together.

Estranged from his own family, Joe knows the value of desperately holding on to someone dear, but he never expected his present and past to collide just as Kade’s is doing the same. Now they’ve stumbled across evidence that could change their lives: the impact of Kade’s tragic past, their job partnership, and any future Joe might allow himself to wish for….


$5.99 $4.49

The Perfect Gift

Bobby and Paolo’s Holiday Stories | Book Two
$4.99 $3.74

Bobby and Paolo’s Holiday Stories: Book Two

Back in America after finding “A Home for the Holidays” and each other in Capri, new couple Bobby McGrath and Paolo Mascobello are ready to tie the knot during the winter holidays. Their families, friends, and pastor offer more advice than sages on speed. So, young lawyer Bobby and fashion designer Paolo are caught in the matrimonial holiday circus. Will a shocking turn of events somehow lead to the perfect wedding for the December grooms?

The following Christmas, Bobby and Paolo aren’t feeling the holiday spirit. They have a nice apartment, designer clothes, entertaining and supportive friends and family, but little time for each other. While out shopping in their quaint local holiday village, Bobby and Paolo encounter Gregory, an adorable seven-year-old who changes their lives forever, offering them a true holiday miracle… if they’re willing to accept it.


$4.99 $3.74