Gay books


Going Off Grid

States of Love
$3.99 $2.99

Clay and Elliott are working toward a dream—working sixty-hour weeks for one of the oil companies that recently sprung up in North Dakota. The pay is good, but is it a fair trade for never seeing each other? The point becomes moot when the company folds, like so many others, and the couple is left with a difficult choice.

Should they find comparable work somewhere else, or is it time to throw caution to the wind and go after their goal—years earlier than they intended?

What they’ve always wanted is to be together and have time to enjoy it, so they follow their hearts. They’re going off the grid and fixing up an old cabin so they can be self-sufficient. But when they go from all the conveniences of the modern world to outhouses, solar power, a shoestring budget, and more mosquitos than they ever thought possible, will they find there’s such a thing as too much time together?

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


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$6.99 $5.24

Jamie Stevens est criblé de dettes, mais en se rendant à la bibliothèque ce jour-là, il ne s’attendait absolument pas à tomber sur un bon samaritain lui proposant comme par magie de régler tous ses problèmes d’argent.

Au début, bien sûr, Jamie est méfiant, qui ne le serait pas ? Mais très vite, il réalise que Guy, son bienfaiteur, est simplement un homme riche et foncièrement bon, qui s’est fait la promesse d’aider son prochain. Il s’avère également que Guy est gay, mais cela n’a pas d’importance, et de toute façon, Jamie n’est pas intéressé. Du moins… c’est ce qu’il croit.

De son côté, Guy est simplement heureux de pouvoir venir en aide au jeune Jamie, d’autant plus que le courant passe tout de suite très bien entre eux. Mais à mesure qu’ils passent du temps ensemble, le regard de Guy sur le jeune homme commence à changer, et petit à petit, ce qui était censé n’être qu’une bonne action prend des airs de romance… 


$6.99 $5.24

Staggered Cove Station

Dreamspun Desires
Coast Guard Rescue
$4.99 $3.74

A Coast Guard Rescue Novel

Rescues are wild in the Alaskan terrain. So is romance.

Sun-kissed California guardsman Dan Farnsworth might be at home in the water, but he’s out of his element at remote, rugged, and freezing Staggered Cove Station. Acclimating proves hard enough, but he’s also digging into how the station’s previous rescue swimmer was lost at sea. Was it an operation gone bad or something more sinister? Add to that the instant tension between him and his partner—no-nonsense Alaska-born Karl Radin—and Dan has his hands full.

As his investigation heats up, so does the attraction between Dan and Karl, even if they don’t completely trust each other. But as suspicious events escalate to sabotage, Dan starts to fear that he and Karl won’t get the chance to become more than reluctant coworkers.


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$4.99 $3.74

A single moment—or a single mistake—can change everything.

When Captain James Lee Hooker and his lover, Sergeant Easy Jacobs, were in the Army, they made a mistake that got a young soldier hurt. Three years later, they’re civilians again, living far apart, haunted by what they lost. Now that young soldier needs their help.

With his grandmother’s one-eyed Chihuahua riding shotgun, James Lee climbs into Easy’s pickup for a trip across the American Southwest. They set out to rescue a friend, but their journey transforms them with the power of forgiveness.


$4.99 $3.74

Prelude to Love

Dreamspun Desires

Music speaks directly to the heart.

Two very different men face turning points in their lives after the collapse of long-term relationships….

Joel is a music teacher who knows it’s time to forget his ex and move on, while Marcus runs a lawn-mowing business and has come to Wellington to escape the reminders of a recent breakup. Although they’re opposites, when Joel and Marcus connect, their romance has the potential to hit all the right notes.

Too bad neither of them feels ready for new love.

With family and friends in common, dating is risky—things could get messy if it doesn’t work out. The sweet song of possibility draws them to each other, though, and they share a kiss following a Chopin prelude. But it will take some practice and perseverance to find their perfect harmony….


Male escort Rye Bellamy is looking for a way out. Any way out. He’s getting older, and clients are getting more dangerous. If he doesn’t find something better, he knows he won’t survive.

He sees his chance in Marcus Townsend, a functionally blind Army veteran. Marcus, who refuses to accept his condition as immutable, has a shot at seeing a specialist who might be able to help him—but that doctor’s based on the other side of the country.

When Rye and Marcus meet, they realize they can help each other. Marcus can’t drive, but Rye can. Marcus knows what Rye is, but he likes him anyway. In fact, he more than likes him. Driving cross-country with a near stranger is a daunting task, but Rye’s biggest risk is falling for the gentle, stubborn-hearted soldier—and it might already be too late to stop that.

They plan to part ways when they reach their destination, but plans change as the affection between them grows. Now neither wants their journey to end, but continuing means finding a way to bridge the distance between who they were and who they'd like to become.


$6.99 $5.24

A Tom and Stanley Mystery

Nothing bad is supposed to happen in Palm Springs. 

At least that’s what San Francisco private detective Tom Danzel and his partner Stanley Korski believe. But when their friend Chris finds a dead body in his hotel room bed, Tom and Stanley drive out to help the local police investigate. 

What they discover is a rather nasty green snake and an elegant hotel that offers delicacies not usually found on a room service menu. As the body count increases, the two detectives are going to have to rely on their skills and each other if they’re going to survive this very deadly kind of love.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, June 2011.


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$6.99 $5.24

Home, love, and possibilities he never imagined are waiting for Billy Joe to claim them. But first he needs to escape the horrors of his past.

A twisted act of cruelty and prejudice drives Billy Joe from his Mississippi home, and he makes it as far as Pennsylvania—where his car breaks down just as the year’s first snowstorm blows in. Fortunately, Carlos is there to lend a hand.

Carlos is no stranger to hardship. His family rejected him for being gay, but with determination, he put himself through school and became a librarian. Carlos sees the same willpower in Billy, and he wants to help Billy and his son succeed in a new life that is very different from the one they left behind. With his support, they start to adjust, and before long, both men want more than encouragement from each other. They want the chance for a future together, but their families have other ideas… and Billy’s will stop at nothing to get what they want.


$6.99 $5.24

Second from The Vault

Terrence Moss. Conrad Harris. Gold Team Leader. Darius Hawthorne. The Vault. Juggling all these names would bother some, but for Darius, it’s business as usual. When he closes a chapter in his life, he leaves a name—and the people associated with it—behind. He’s managed to keep a few colleagues, even fewer friends, and no companionship through his forty-plus years… but that’s now changing.

The newest chapter of his life is bringing serious change: a stable home, a recovered identity, an unlikely family, and now a chance encounter with the one man Darius ever loved: Efrem Lahm. The reasons they parted are still valid, and there’s no way they can trust each other. But Efrem has already decided he won’t let Darius go… and Darius will have to decide if he wants to take a chance with his heart this late in the day. 


Panni sporchi

Le indagini di Cole McGinnis
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Sporchi segreti
Un'indagine di Cole McGinnis

Per Cole McGinnis, ex poliziotto diventato investigatore privato, ogni giorno presenta una nuova sfida che spesso comporta, purtroppo, sofferenza e morte. Claudia, la segretaria che gli fa da madre, si sta ancora riprendendo da un colpo d’arma da fuoco, mentre il suo ragazzo Kim Jae-Min, non ancora dichiarato, di punto in bianco si trova a dover ospitare la sorella adolescente. Nel frattempo, Cole affronta i suoi problemi di famiglia, in particolare quel misterioso fratellastro giapponese che il suo fratello maggiore, Mike, è deciso ad accogliere a braccia aperte.

Come se i suoi drammi personali non bastassero, Cole viene avvicinato da Madame Sun, un’indovina i cui clienti stanno morendo a una velocità allarmante. Lei è convinta che qualcuno li stia uccidendo e vuole che siano svolte delle indagini al riguardo, ma la polizia pensa che si stia immaginando tutto. Cole accetta il caso nella speranza di tranquillizzarla, ma si trova davanti a un nodo gordiano di menzogne e tradimenti in cui nessuno è chi dovrebbe essere, e la morte sembra l’unica carta presente nel mazzo dell’indovina.


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Sieg über das Feuer

im Feuer | Buch 3
$3.99 $2.99

Fortsetzung zu Gestählt im Feuer
Buch 3 in der Serie - im Feuer

Die beiden Feuerwehrmänner Lee Stanton und Dirk Krause sind urlaubsreif. Doch das Leben hat andere Pläne: An ihrem letzten Arbeitstag haben die beiden mit einem Feuer zu kämpfen, das drei Leben fordert. Wie gut, dass Lee und Dirk eine ganze Woche auf hoher See vor sich haben, um sich von dem Schrecken zu erholen. 

Sie haben eine tolle Zeit – bis sie feststellen müssen, dass auch Dirks miesepetriger, engstirniger Vater an Bord ist. Über dessen Anwesenheit und den Schuldgefühlen wegen der Menschen, die er nicht retten konnte, vergeht Dirk die romantische Stimmung gehörig. Doch dann rettet er einem Passagier das Leben – und vielleicht kann er ja auch noch etwas anderes retten …


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

It’s 2015, and teenage Jake Hardy is hiding something. During a summer trip to the Titanic Mecca of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Jake’s father makes a confession, and though Jake feels upset and confused, he also wants to be understanding. But he feels deceived—much like he’s deceiving those he cares about. Jake is gay, just not ready to tell the world.

Jake and his father are far from alone in their secrets, as Jake discovers back in Texas, where the fight for and against the Equal Rights Ordinance rages. He’s surprised to learn how much the outcome will affect his friends, and he’s torn between standing with them and the wishes of his religious fanatic mother. Being true to himself won’t be easy or painless, and it will come with sacrifices—and rewards.


$6.99 $5.24

The Gryphon King's Consort

Golden Kingdom
Dreamspun Beyond

A Golden Kingdom Novel

Love takes flight.

The sudden death of the Gryphon King throws the kingdom of Mythos into uncertainty, and Crown Prince Luca rushes both his coronation and an arranged marriage to a man he’s never met. Eirian is young and idealistic, and while they both want what’s best for their people, their philosophies couldn’t be more different. While Luca believes in honoring tradition, Eirian is determined to infuse modern values into their kingdom of magical creatures. When given the choice between loyalty to his husband and his own crusade, Eirian makes a decision that might doom their marriage.

Still, Luca is committed to making their union work, and that means forgiving his brash consort. But when Eirian becomes the target of a deadly conspiracy, Luca must act fast—or forever lose the chance to explore their burgeoning love.


Beauty, Inc. (Français)

Les contes de Pennymaker
$6.99 $5.24

Les contes de Pennymaker, numéro hors série

La beauté se limite-t-elle à notre apparence extérieure ?

Le docteur Robert Belleterre, surnommé Belle, a trois grandes passions dans la vie : les plantes, sa meilleure amie, Judy, et son "bébé" : un projet de nouvelle crème pour le visage qu’il a mis au point afin d’aider au développement du petit commerce de cosmétiques de son père.

Malheureusement pour lui, son père est un alcoolique notoire, accro aux jeux, et après une fatidique partie de poker durant laquelle il a parié son propre fils, Belle se retrouve à la merci de Magnus Strong, le PDG de Beauty Inc., la plus grande société de cosmétiques des États-Unis. Magnus Strong est réputé pour son apparence effroyable et son visage couvert de cicatrices, plus proche de la bête que de l’homme.

Du jour au lendemain, Belle est arraché à sa propre vie, et enfermé dans le gigantesque appartement d’un certain monsieur Pennymaker, un endroit à la décoration ahurissante. Très vite, et malgré lui, Belle développe une attirance incontrôlable pour le charismatique Magnus Strong. Révolté par ses propres sentiments, il les refoule avec force, mais plus le temps passe, et plus la bonté et l’humilité de Magnus lui font oublier son terrible visage. Et lorsque la famille de Belle décide contre toute attente de venir mettre son nez dans cette affaire, le destin se retourne contre lui et menace de faire voler en éclats le bonheur fragile qu’il a cousu avec sa tendre bête…


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Frank Sinclair believes only in the visceral, the real, what he can touch and taste. After all, his mother left him when he was five years old, so how can love exist? His next sexual conquest is what makes his world go around, not romance and happily ever after. The hot guy he sees working along the highway in an orange jumpsuit fuels his bad-boy fantasies. Coincidentally, the guy shows up at the gas station across the street from his apartment building, and you can bet he’s going to take his shot.

Roy Ingalls is his bad-boy parolee in orange, and he’s ready and oh-so-willing to be Frank’s next conquest. But Roy isn’t quite the bad boy he seems—deep down he’s sweet, naïve… and the most intoxicating man Frank has ever met.

The sex is the best of their lives, but can a man who mistrusts love and another who isn’t ready to admit he’s actually gay ever move beyond friends with benefits?


$6.99 $5.24

Schloss und Schlüssel

Verschlungene Träume
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Verschlungene Träume

Zurückgewiesen. Todunglücklich. Am Boden zerstört.

Zack Davis wollte nur einem einzigen Mann dienen: Andrew Nikeman. Doch das blieb ihm versagt, da Andrew ihn für zu jung hielt und weil ihre Brüder zusammen waren. Also unterdrückte Zack seine devoten Neigungen und konzentrierte sich darauf, der perfekte Dom zu sein, indem er jedem Sub, mit dem er spielte, etwas gab, was er selbst nicht haben konnte.

Nach Jahren der Selbstverleugnung gibt ihm die Wohltätigkeits-Auktion „Bist du Dom genug, um sub zu sein?“ des Clubs Entwined einen Vorwand, sich etwas von dem zu holen, wonach er sich schon immer gesehnt hat.

Andrew weiß nicht, wann aus seiner Verliebtheit mehr geworden ist, aber es bringt ihn fast um, Zack mit einer nicht enden wollenden Parade von Subs zu sehen. Er hatte weder die Beziehung seines Bruders aufs Spiel setzen noch etwas werden wollen, was Zack später bereuen würde. Doch Zack ist kein Kind mehr, und die Beziehung seines Bruders ist unzerstörbar. Jetzt, wo Zack ein beliebter und erfolgreicher Dom ist, wird Andrews Traum, ihm eines Tages sein Halsband umzulegen, vielleicht nie in Erfüllung gehen. Doch wenn er sich nicht endlich zu seinen Gefühlen bekennt, könnte er den Mann, den er liebt, für immer verlieren.


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$6.99 $5.24

Drake isn’t looking for justice. He’s not interested in doing what’s right. He’s after one thing and one thing only: revenge. That means taking down the Boredega drug cartel—and the shadowy, seemingly invincible man who heads it—even if he goes down with them.

Drake plans to destroy the cartel from within, and he uses his nightclub, Semblance, as a front for money laundering and drug trafficking. He’s sacrificed almost everything to complete his mission, and just as he’s getting close, he’s derailed by flirtatious bartender Scotty, who offers Drake a glimpse of the happiness he’s missed by pursuing a personal vendetta. Scotty might be irresistible, but Drake has come too far to turn back now. He’ll have to find a way to keep Scotty safe, fend off persistent prostitute Natasha, feed tips to the authorities, and edge his way closer to the upper echelon of the cartel, where he can finally strike. He’ll need to do it all while keeping his intentions covert—and he’s not the only one at Semblance with secrets.


$6.99 $5.24

Bone to Pick

Stories from Plenty, California
Digging Up Bones | Book One

Digging Up Bones: Book One

Cloister Witte is a man with a dark past and a cute dog. He’s happy to talk about the dog all day, but after growing up in the shadow of a missing brother, a deadbeat dad, and a criminal stepfather, he’d rather leave the past back in Montana. These days he’s a K-9 officer in the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department and pays a tithe to his ghosts by doing what no one was able to do for his brother—find the missing and bring them home.

He’s good at solving difficult mysteries. The dog is even better. 

This time the missing person is a ten-year-old boy who walked into the woods in the middle of the night and didn’t come back. With the antagonistic help of distractingly handsome FBI agent Javi Merlo, it quickly becomes clear that Drew Hartley didn’t run away. He was taken, and the evidence implies he’s not the kidnapper’s first victim. As the search intensifies, old grudges and tragedies are pulled into the light of day. But with each clue they uncover, it looks less and less likely that Drew will be found alive.