Gay books


Red+Blue (Español)

Los opuestos se atraen
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro de la saga Los opuestos se atraen

Procedente del interior del estado de Minnesota, el estudiante de actuariales Ben Dutoit acepta encantado una oferta para trabajar en la aseguradora Sidney Sutherland, una de las pocas empresas que ofrecen seguros de vida calificados como de alto riesgo. El hecho de que vaya a trabajar a la “capital gay”, también conocida como San Francisco, es la guinda de su pastel arcoíris. Ben se marca tres objetivos: ser lo bastante abierto y orgulloso de su sexualidad como para participar en el desfile del Orgullo Gay; buscar la compañía de almas afines en los clubs; y quizás, si tiene suerte, enamorarse. 

Pero los hombres con los que se encuentra son todo lo que él no es: corteses, seguros, sofisticados y sexis. Al contrario que el “cuello rojo” de Ben, un paleto de la América rural, todos son demócratas de sangre azul, nacidos con estatus, riqueza, y la responsabilidad que acompaña el paquete.

Ben aún está preguntándose si rojo y azul pueden mezclarse cuando descubre lo que significa realmente el riesgo. La economía mundial se desploma. El trabajo que tanto deseaba está en peligro, y todos sus sueños se ven amenazados, especialmente el amor, el sueño más importante de todos.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

As prince of the Anzuni demon clan, Jerricho’s entire life has been planned for him. At twenty-five, he will become the crown prince of the Anzuni, marry a man chosen by his parents, and bear his husband’s children all without choice. If that wasn’t enough, he must remain a virgin until his wedding night. To do otherwise would spark an unimaginable scandal.

With only ten months until his twenty-fifth birthday, the walls close in on Jerry, and the realization that he will lose his small apartment, his job at the library, and his freedom hits hard. But that’s nothing compared to losing the man he loves. Rex is a smart and sexy construction foreman with a keen interest in demon “mythology.” When Jerry and Rex give in to spending one night together, their indiscretion can’t be kept secret for long. But that’s only the beginning of their problems.

Someone wants to harness the power of Jerry’s bloodline and his ability to conceive—someone with designs on horrifying experiments, sex slavery, and murder. Jerry and Rex are at the mercy of power-hungry sadists. With no one left to trust, they must fight for each other, their freedom—and their unborn child.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Amber Quill Press/Amber Allure, 2015.


$6.99 $5.24

The Seventh Flower

World of Love | Sweden
$3.99 $2.99

Christer is too old to believe in fairy tales. He’s not the kind of guy to pick the proverbial seven flowers on Midsummer’s Eve so he can dream of who he will marry, and he certainly isn’t the type to fall for someone he’s just met. Especially not a womanizing blogger named Henrik.

Besides, Christer’s previous marriage didn’t end with a happily ever after. Therefore, he has no interest in gifting his heart to someone who lives five hundred miles away and probably isn’t even gay. His family is right: it’s time he grew up and stopped dreaming.

But Midsummer’s Eve in Sweden is a magical night, and Henrik won’t stop flirting. As the midnight sun shines down on the misty woods, maybe there’s room for one last dream.

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


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$3.99 $2.99

The death of Oakley’s sister has left his family broken and buried beneath their grief. In an attempt to get out from underneath their pain, they rent an isolated cottage in the Cotswolds. For Oakley, it’s an exercise in futility. He doesn’t see much hope for things to get back to the way they used to be, and he’s bored and restless as he waits out the time until he can return to the city and university. All of that changes when he meets local boy Bobby, and the connection between them is instant. Within a few days, Oakley is ready to walk away from everything to stay with Bobby. However, Bobby has problems of his own, and they might be more than the budding romance can survive. But they might also give Oakley a new perspective on his own situation.


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$6.99 $5.24

Liam Hartley has just turned sixteen and is struggling with his sexual orientation. He meets Cody Williams, a bisexual transfer student, and Cody shows him that what he feels is normal, but they agree to keep their budding relationship under wraps due to the extreme homophobia throughout the conservative small town. They find their own little hideaway where they can intimately explore each other.

Cody hides their relationship by platonically dating a cheerleader, much to Liam’s dismay. The jealousy, secrets, and stress of dealing with hateful messages coming from religious bigots push Liam to the breaking point, and he turns to cutting himself. Things go from bad to worse when the rest of the school finds out Liam and Cody are more than friends. Even if they can get through this difficult time, Cody’s family will soon be moving back to the city, and Liam knows his chances of standing alone against the rest of the town aren’t good.

Though there might be a glimmer of hope in Liam’s future, he’ll have to travel a dark road to reach it.


$6.99 $5.24

Prendere o lasciare

Storie di Toronto | Libro 3
$6.99 $5.24

Storie di Toronto, Libro 3

Il trentacinquenne Rick Haviland è un logopedista rispettato, ma mentre i suoi amici si stanno tutti accasando, lui rifiuta di rinunciare alla sua vita fatta di notti in discoteca e sesso senza impegno. Per lui le relazioni sono pericolose, perché ha un segreto da nascondere. Quando incontra Ian O’Donnell, responsabile commerciale di un sito sensazionalistico specializzato in scandali, Rick crede che le sue regole personali riguardo alle relazioni basteranno a proteggerlo da qualcosa di più dell’avventura di una notte.

Quando Ian fa coming out, stanco del sesso anonimo e di nascondere segreti alla sua numerosa famiglia cattolica, Rick è proprio lì, ed è proprio il tipo d’uomo che a Ian piacerebbe conoscere meglio. La loro attrazione è immediata, irresistibile e reciproca. Ian convince Rick a infrangere sempre di più le sue regole, fino a far crollare le sue difese. Ma qualcuno osserva, qualcuno che desidera il fallimento di questa nuova relazione. Quando il lavoro di Ian diventa un mezzo per svelare il segreto di Rick, le loro carriere e i loro cuori rischiano di uscirne distrutti.


$6.99 $5.24

Darkness Rising

Yellowstone Wolves | Book Seven
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Darkness Threatening
Yellowstone Wolves: Book Three

The last thing Tobias, alpha of the small Greenview Pack, expects is to find a lost human asleep in his storage building. As soon as he sets eyes on Pete, Tobias knows they are destined mates. But he cannot act on his attraction, no matter how much he feels compelled. Exposure to the human world could mean the end of their way of life, so he decides to help Pete get a room until he can reunite with the tour group he separated from.

But Tobias’s disgraced half brother, Zev, has other ideas. He takes a liking to Pete and decides he wants what Tobias has—both his position as pack leader and his mate. Tobias can’t let that happen, but protecting Pete means keeping him close, which only increases the mounting tensions between them.

Duty, protection, desire, and secrecy clash as the darkness within Zev rises to the surface, and only Tobias can save his mate—even if he never plans to tell Pete that’s what they are.


$6.99 $5.24
$9.99 $7.49

The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and no one knows it better than the men in EM Lynley’s Delectable Series.

In Brand New Flavor, Artisan ice cream maker Jay Brown and food critic Cameron Clay have one delicious encounter that could lead to much more, if they can find each other again. Simon Ford resents the easy life of those like Austin Kelvin, owner of Kelvin Cellars in Napa Valley, in *An Intoxicating Crush*. But Austin’s business is going under, and when Simon’s true reasons for being at the winery come to light, Simon will have to risk everything to prove his sincerity.

When Alex Bancroft’s bakery burns down a week before Christmas and he’s pulled from the flames by Kevin Flint in Gingerbread Palace, the gingerbread house he donates to charity seems like it’s not going to happen, until Fire Station 7 comes to the rescue yet again. But can Kevin come out of the closet long enough to see what he might be missing?

In Spaghetti Western, professional chef Riley Emerson’s dreams are in tatters when he takes a job at the Rocking Z guest ranch. Colby Zane is ecstatic when the new cook turns out to be his hot one-night stand, but financial problems at the ranch may drive them apart. In *12 Courses*, chef Thom Kennedy has finally regained his confidence after the theft of his recipes when ex-boyfriend Blake Warner shows up at his restaurant several days in a row. But can he trust Blake again when he seems to know more that he’s saying about the theft?


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49
$6.99 $5.24

The path to happiness starts with acceptance, and sometimes the chance for a bright, loving future means letting go of the past.

All his life, Neil Baxter has buried a large part of himself—the part that’s attracted to other men. He married a woman and denied that side of him existed. And he plans to keep right on pretending to be straight after his beloved wife has passed away.

To help him deal with his grief, Neil’s sister-in-law convinces him to vacation at a dude ranch. There, Neil meets Cole Thompson, a young, gorgeous, unabashedly gay wrangler—who is unabashedly attracted to Neil. And try as he might, Neil cannot deny he feels the same way. But desire soon becomes something more profound as the two men get to know each other. Cole is much more than a sexy cowboy: he’s kind, spiritual, and intelligent. In fact, he’s perfect for Neil… except he’s a man, and Neil isn’t ready to let go of a lifetime of denial. If he cannot find the courage to be true to himself, he might let something wonderful slip through his fingers.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as Trust Me by Amber Quill Press, 2011.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

The craving is an undeniable urge that drives K’Dane citizens to find their life mates—if only to sate their uncontrollable physical longings.

Thrilled at being named a Chosen, Phoenix Dotir leaves K’Dane to become an artist-monk who will create dimensional art capable of changing worlds. Living by the monastery’s Principles of Purity will surely help him overcome the craving. But he never accounted for star chaser Zadra Solav.

Zadra doesn’t believe in rules and makes his own future. Fate separates him from the man he loves, but one touch renders him helpless to his own desires. Bonding with a monk is forbidden, and Zadra’s family sends him to deep space to avoid disgrace. Unable to give up, Zadra must find a way to reunite with his Chosen.

Tormented by enforced separation, Initiate Riva Quinton struggles with his vow of chastity and risks all to rescue his lover. Together with his Eros, he stows away onboard a star craft to follow his heart.

Four men defy destiny and tradition for love… but their love is a crime punishable by death.


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$4.99 $3.74

One is trying to heal a broken heart, the other, a broken family.

After separating from his partner of nine years, Palmer Simpson flees to the island of Oahu to pursue a carefree life of surfing. There, he meets Riku Usami, a more skilled surfer—but one with a bad attitude and a boatload of family drama. A contest between the two men leads to friendship and the possibility of something more meaningful. When a tsunami threatens the island, a friend is stranded out on the waters of the deadly Banzai Pipeline. Palmer and Riku must face the dangers of the barrel waves and the looming forces of nature in order to get their friend to safety. If they survive, they’ll have to contemplate what their future together will look like after the storm blows through.

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


$4.99 $3.74

Des fraises en dessert

Coda (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Coda, numéro hors série

Lorsque Jonathan Kechter accepte de rencontrer Cole Fenton, il ne s’attend à rien d’autre qu’à un dîner et une nuit sans lendemain… mais il ne s’attendait pas non plus à Cole. Cole est arrogant, extravagant et pas du tout le genre de Jon. Toutefois, lorsque Cole lui propose une relation sexuelle sans aucun engagement lorsqu’ils sont tous les deux en ville, Jon accepte immédiatement. 

Cet arrangement est peut-être sans aucun engagement, mais Jonathan apprend vite qu’entre sa peur de toute intimité et sa vie de nomade, avec Cole Fenton, rien n’est facile. Jonathan se demande si leur relation n’est pas vouée à l’échec dès le départ. Mais plus Cole le repousse, plus Jonathan est déterminé à la sauver. 


$6.99 $5.24

Destination, Wedding!

Brandt and Donnelly Capers | Case File Six
$6.99 $5.24

A Brandt and Donnelly Caper: Case File Six

State troopers Ethan Brandt and Gabriel Donnelly are finally going to get their storybook wedding—sailing on an ocean liner to a castle in the English countryside! But when an Icelandic volcano scrambles flights all over the world, they must find alternate routes to the altar—separately.

Donnelly meets Sandler Birkin, a globetrotting courier who specializes in carrying rare artifacts and diplomatic pouches. He pulls a few strings to get Donnelly to the ship on time and then accompanies him across the Atlantic. Donnelly returns the favor by helping to find Sandler’s long-lost first love, Trevor Hendricks. Trevor's controlling, homophobic parents have brought him to Europe for a radical treatment to cure him of his homosexuality—and his love for Sandler.

Brandt, meanwhile, finagles his way around the globe with the help of Kerry Mercer, a sales executive whose spirit of adventure leads her to accompany him on his improvised journey. However, sharing hotel rooms with her presents a problem for Brandt who, despite being about to marry a man, still finds her attractive.

Once Brandt and Donnelly are reunited, they band together with Kerry and Sandler to plot Trevor’s rescue. But doing so might mean missing their own wedding.


$6.99 $5.24

Spell Fall

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge: Book Four

Love and trust made them soul mates, but destiny might have other plans.

Ever since Drake Carpenter fell in love with warlock Mason Blackmoor, his life has been one supernatural battle after another, but Drake doesn’t mind… much. To be with Mason and experience the magical connection they share, Drake would face entire hordes of vampyren, shifters, or fae—and he has. Luckily Drake is immune to magic, though no one can explain his natural ability to negate almost any enchantment. With Drake’s own family gone, Mason is all he has. So why is Drake experiencing disturbing dreams about Mason that terrify him?

A new threat looms on the horizon, and a revelation about Drake’s identity and the true origin of his bond with Mason shatters everything Drake believes. If Drake, Mason, and all of magic are to survive the coming Spell Fall, the most destructive curse in sorcery, Drake must deal with the truth and fight his way back to Mason—because their enemies are gaining strength, and they intend to reach the boy Drake loves first.


$6.99 $5.24

Striking Sparks

Dreamspun Desires
The Walker Boys

The Walker Boys

The stakes are high and the heat is on.

Beau Walker, owner of the Barbecue Shack, needs the help of Jake Parnell, his one-time rival and secret crush, in a televised barbecue competition. Beau is a proud man, but the stakes are high, and smart, sexy Jake is his only hope, even if being around Jake reawakens the attraction he’s fought for years.

Jake left his hometown, determined to build a life somewhere his sexuality wouldn’t hurt his family’s restaurant business—and far away from hunky, obstinate Beau Walker. Then his twin, Josh, is killed, and Jake returns to support his brother’s wife and children. Despite his reservations, he agrees to go head-to-head against Beau on national television. Between stress and grief, as well as pride and determination, only one thing is certain—the heat between Beau and Jake extends well beyond the kitchen.


and One Time I Kissed Him First

When you realize you want to marry your best friend at age six, life should follow a pretty predictable path, right? Maybe not.

As a kid, Evan King thought Scott Sparrow was the most amazing person he’d ever met. At seventeen, his crush runs a little deeper, and nothing seems simple anymore. Scott is more interested in football and girls than playing superheroes, and Evan’s attention is focused on getting into art school. A late-night drunken kiss is something to be forgotten, not obsessed over for the next ten years.

When life suddenly brings them back together, it doesn’t take much for the flame Evan carried for Scott nearly all his life to come roaring back, and Evan discovers that life sometimes has a strange way of coming full circle.


$3.99 $2.99

Tate O’Connor has worked hard to realize his dream of dancing on Broadway, and it’s about to pay off with a premier in his first show. He doesn’t expect the distraction of sharing the stage with his celebrity crush: Broadway superstar Mike Chang. Drama ensues both onstage and off as Tate and Mike work closely and realize there could be something between them. However, there are those who don’t think an up-and-coming dancer is good enough for someone with Mike’s talent and fame, and rumors and misunderstandings might lead to broken hearts if Tate and Mike can’t work through their confusion and insecurity.


$3.99 $2.99

Aucune bonne action

Les aventures de Philip Potter
$6.99 $5.24

Les aventures de Philip Potter, numéro hors série

La veille de Noël, en 1966, Philip Potter, un conservateur du Smithsonian au grand cœur, termine ses achats de dernière minute. Au même instant, James, son compagnon depuis plusieurs années, s’ôte la vie chez eux. Inconscient de ce qui l’attend, Philip dépose des cadeaux à un refuge pour sans-abris, un acte généreux qui fera plus tard de lui un suspect dans le meurtre d’un prostitué.

Après la mort choquante de James, deux hommes entrent dans la vie de Philip… et tous deux conduisent une Continental jaune. L’un d’eux, toutefois, est un tueur avec le sang de six prostitués sur les mains. Et tous deux cachent quelque chose.

Comme Philip est sur le point de le découvrir, aucune bonne action ne reste impunie.


$6.99 $5.24