Gay books


Unshakeable Faith

2012 Award Winners

Of all the bars in all the towns in all the world, the stranger walks into Brody Tyler’s. With no memory and a name he chose from a newspaper, Nash is a gamble—one Brody is willing to take. It isn’t long before Brody and Nash fall in love, but then a tragic accident shatters their cozy world, resetting Nash’s memory once again.

The “new” Nash Walker is a businessman with a bottom line, and he doesn’t care what or who gets stomped on. Waking up in a hospital bed after a hit-and-run with no idea where he’s been for the past six months is bad enough, but someone trying to kill him is even worse. Enter Brody Tyler, accidental bodyguard.

Brody’s determined to help Nash remember and bring back the man he loves. Nash thinks Brody’s a drop-dead gorgeous pain in the ass. If only he could remember….


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Two days before Christmas, widower Steven drives to the North of England to meet his estranged son, Andy, hoping for a reconciliation. Steven rejected his son when, as a nineteen-year-old student, Andy came out to his parents. Andy now enjoys a happy and fulfilling relationship with Peter, who initiates contact with Steven by forwarding an almost childlike letter to Santa, in which Andy asks for a father who loves him.

Andy isn’t quick to forgive his father, but the bad weather conspires to strand them all together over the holidays. Father and son experience a steep learning curve, not helped by Steven’s realization that his son’s lover is older than he is. But proximity and familiarity have a way of breaking down barriers, and if all three men can work together in the spirit of cooperation, this Christmas might be one that changes their lives forever.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Amazon Digital Services, 2013.


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$5.99 $2.99

Lord Thomas Pendleton, second son of the Duke of Branmoor, needs to discharge a debt to his friend Andrew Nash. In doing so, he must return to the family estate he fled six years earlier after refusing to marry the woman his father had chosen. To Thomas’s dismay, Branmoor Hall is no longer the joyful home he remembers from his childhood, and his four-year-old niece has no idea what Christmas is.

Determined to bring some seasonal cheer back to the gloomy estate, Thomas must confront his tyrannical father, salvage a brother lost in his own misery, and attempt to fight off his father’s machinations.

As Christmas Day draws near, Thomas and his friend Andrew begin to realize they are more than merely close friends… and those feelings are not only a threat to their social positions, but, in Victorian England, to their lives as well.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2010.


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$6.99 $3.49

Cody Grainger  et Johnny Arrow se sont rencontrés dans l’arène, mais le lien qui les unit va bien au-delà de la simple confiance professionnelle. Passionnément amoureux l’un de l’autre, ils doivent faire face à la discrétion que leur impose le milieu macho du bull riding, et au danger constant de leur métier. Les obstacles semblent se multiplier entre eux et leur relation est mise à rude épreuve.

Le plus gros obstacle ? Leur différence d’âge, dix ans les séparent. Cody n’a qu’une idée en tête, gagner les championnats du monde de bull riding avant la retraite. Frustré par son obsession envahissante, Johnny le quitte et, désespéré, Cody perd le goût de la compétition. Séparés l’un de l’autre, ils réalisent peu à peu l’étendue de leur amour, mais leur fierté les retient et pourrait bien avoir raison d’eux… 


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Horizontes | Volumen 3
$6.99 $3.49

La secuela de Sabores
Volumen 3 de la serie Horizontes

Seis meses después de conocerse en los Sabores de Chicago, Lil Lampert y Grier Dilorio están viviendo juntos. Su vínculo físico es más sólido que nunca, pero pronto se dan cuenta de que se necesita más que tres palabras mágicas y sexo excelente para formar una pareja.

Como cualquier aprendiz, Grier está asimilando cómo navegar por su nueva vida. Sus problemas deberían haber terminado cuando Jillian firmó los papeles, reconociéndolo como padre biológico de Luca, y tuvo la oportunidad de comenzar con su carrera de diseñador, pero en lugar de eso, está obstaculizado por viejos temores y malos hábitos que son difíciles de romper.

Adaptarse a un diminuto apartamento, en una ciudad con un invierno muy riguroso al lado de un hombre más joven y terco, es todo un reto para Lil. Su posición como “papi” de Luca se convierte en un acto de equilibrio entre lo que él considera correcto y lo que indican los ocho años de experiencia paternal de Grier. 

Su vida ya es lo suficientemente compleja, pero ahora Lil y Grier se van a tener que enfrentar a una nueva situación, que involucra una gran institución. Repentinamente la seguridad de Luca y su felicidad como familia dependen del profundo conocimiento de Lil de la naturaleza humana y de la voluntad de Grier para aprender.


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Soltanto il tuo nome

I Guardiani Degli Abissi
$4.99 $2.49

Un libro della serie I Guardiani Degli Abissi

Malic  Sunden è all’inferno, solo non letteralmente… non ancora. Come guardiano, è abituato a combattere contro i demoni e affrontare qualsiasi tipo di creatura proveniente dagli abissi, ma quest’anno deve fronteggiare una nuova e terrificante esperienza: trascorrere le vacanze di Natale insieme al suo giovanissimo ragazzo e la sua famiglia.

Ama Dylan, il suo focolare, ma i genitori del suo compagno, gli Shaw, sono tutta un’altra storia. Pensano, tra le altre cose, che Malic sia uno che si diverte a frequentare uomini più giovani. Almeno sembra piacere al loro vicino di casa, Brad. È solo apparenza, però. Quando Malic viene offerto in sacrificio a un demone che riesce a cancellare tutti i suoi ricordi tranne il nome di Dylan, ci vorranno tutte le sue capacità per sfuggire a una nuova vita in una delle dimensioni dell’inferno e fare ritorno dall’uomo che rappresenta per lui la sua casa.


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Lord of a Thousand Steps

Love in Laguna
2016 Award Winners

A Love in Laguna Novel

To architecture student Ian Carney, family means everything. Taken in by his brother, Jim, when his father threw him out at eighteen for being gay, Ian yearns to create his own family with his boyfriend, Rico. But Rico’s in Mexico caring for a sick father, Ian hasn’t had sex in a month and a half, and his gorgeous boss, Braden Lord, CEO of the architectural firm Ian interns for, is looking better and better.

Braden’s life is chaos. Just out of the closet and going through an ugly divorce from his wife of fifteen years who’s trying to take custody of his two children, he desperately resolves not to succumb to a completely inappropriate attraction to Ian—even though his kids adore both the man and his crazy cat.

When Rico proves to be a snake in the grass and Ian exercises his powers of seduction, what starts as a “friends with benefits” fling turns into real life real fast. Can Ian give up his romantic dreams for an “old guy” who didn’t come out until he carried a mountain of baggage? It’ll only take a thousand steps.


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Robert Morton is in for the surprise of a lifetime. His mother, a bit of a rebel, raised him away from the rest of the family, and it’s not until he’s contacted by his lawyer about an inheritance that he learns who he truly is: the new Earl of Hantford. His legacy includes ownership of the historic Ashton Park Estate—which needs repairs Robert cannot afford. He’ll simply do what the nobility has done for centuries when in need of money. He’ll marry it.

Tech wizard Daniel Fabian is wealthy and successful. In fact, he has almost everything—except a title to make him worthy in the eyes of the old-money snobs he went to prep school with. His high school reunion is looming, and he’s determined to attend it as a member of the aristocracy.

That’s where Robert comes in.

Daniel has the money, Robert has the name, and both of them know they can help each other out. But their marriage of convenience has the potential to become a real love match—unless a threat to Daniel’s business ruins everything.


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Plaid versus Paisley

Fabric Hearts
$6.99 $3.49

A Fabric Hearts Story

Two years after his life fell apart, Will Dawson moved to Florida to start over. His job in the tech department of Idyll Fling, a gay porn studio, is ideal for him. When his boss forces him to take on a new hire, the last person he expects is Dallas Greene—the man who cost him his job and his boyfriend back in Connecticut. He doesn’t know what’s on Dallas’s agenda, but he won’t be blindsided by a wolf masquerading as a runway model. Not again.

Dallas might have thrown himself on his brother’s mercy, but his skills are needed at Idyll Fling. Working with Will is a bonus, since Dallas has never forgotten the man. A good working relationship is only the beginning of what Dallas wants with Will.

But Dallas doesn’t realize how deep Will’s distrust runs, and Will doesn’t know that the man he’s torn between loving and hating is the boss’s brother. When all truths are revealed, how can a relationship built on lies still stand?


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Seven-Card Stud

Wild Cards

A Wild Cards Novel

Temptation, peril, and dirty poker.

Love is a high-stakes game.

When Collin Callahan, British secret agent, goes up against math genius turned surfer bum Oliver Elliot, the battle is epic—and so is the attraction. They’re pitted against each other in an exclusive, ultra-secret—and ultra-illegal—poker match in Gibraltar, but when players start dying and they could be next, they find a common goal: catch the killer before it’s too late.

Evenly matched at poker and romance, they each wrestle personal demons that threaten to consume them as the stakes climb. It’s an all-or-nothing gamble with both life and love on the line as they fight to be the last seven-card studs standing.


$9.99 $4.99

Welcome to Jasper Lane, possibly the gayest suburb around. In SubSurditySuburbalicious, and SuburbaNights, meet the entire neighborhood and follow their misadventures with porn, dead bodies, parenthood, religious zealots, and romance, of course! No matter what problem they’re facing, they’ll do it with humor and style.

In Kid Christmas Rides Again, the Jolly Old Elf himself  has keeled over, and the Committee to Oversee the Christening of Kringle (COCK) must find a replacement. Kid Christmas is here to save Christmas as long as he can make it past the many traps and obstacles in his way.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


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Beauty, Inc.

Pennymaker Tales

A Pennymaker Tale

Is beauty only skin deep?

Chemist Dr. Robert “Belle” Belleterre loves flowers, green trees, his best friend Judy, and “his baby:” the new face cream he developed to help put his father’s small cosmetics company on the map. Sadly he gets no help from his alcoholic, gambling-addicted father, who loses Belle in a poker game to Magnus Strong, the CEO of Beauty, Inc., the largest American cosmetics company—a man infamous for his scarred ugliness.

Belle finds himself uprooted from his home, living in a wildly crazy apartment in New York owned by Mr. Pennymaker, and completely unprepared for his mad attraction to the charismatic Strong. Feeling like a traitor, Belle fights his passion, only to see more and more of the goodness and humility hidden by Strong’s ugly face. But when Belle’s family starts manipulating his life again, the odds turn against happiness for beautiful Belle and his beloved beast.


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Trevan  Bean exerce un travail qui flirte avec l’illégalité, a un petit ami qui n’a peut-être pas toute sa tête ainsi qu’un ange gardien qui pourrait effectivement être le mal incarné. Ajoutez à cela la réapparition de la famille de son petit ami, des menaces de mort, un enlèvement et la lutte pour mettre suffisamment d’argent de côté afin de réaliser un rêve… Autant dire que Trevan ne chôme pas. Mais il est du genre à relever les défis : il a promis à Landry une fin comme dans les contes de fées et Landry va l’obtenir, même si cela doit le tuer !

Et c’est bien ce qui pourrait se passer.

Il y a deux ans, Landry Carter était une poupée cassée lorsqu’ils se sont rencontrés. Mais il a grandi pour devenir un partenaire qui peut se tenir fièrement aux côtés de Trevan… enfin, la plupart du temps. Maintenant que la vie de Trevan prend un tournant inquiétant – et que Landry se retrouve kidnappé – il espère que l’amour de Landry restera suffisamment fort pour relever ce nouveau défi, parce que sa fin heureuse n’arrivera jamais si Trevan doit faire cavalier seul.


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$6.99 $3.49

Kieferchirurg  Kaden Thorn führt ein ruhiges Leben, jedoch ohne jede Hoffnung auf eine Liebe, wie er sie sich ersehnt. Seitdem er von Schwulenhassern brutal zusammengeschlagen wurde, kann er seine Beine nicht mehr gebrauchen und sitzt im Rollstuhl. Er hat die Hoffnung aufgegeben, je einen Dom oder auch nur einen „normalen“ Partner zu finden, der ihn liebt. Als er praktisch unter Zwang eine Einladung zum Abendessen bei seiner besten Freundin annimmt, ist das letzte, womit er dort rechnet, ein starker Dom, der über seinen Rollstuhl hinwegsehen kann. 

Architekt Deacon James ist als Dom sehr anspruchsvoll, hat aber die letzten paar Jahre ohne Sub oder Partner zugebracht. Als einer seiner Angestellten ihn zu einer Dinnerparty einlädt, um ihm seine Lebensgefährtin vorzustellen, riecht Deacon ein abgekartetes Spiel, stimmt aber trotzdem zu. Er ist stolz auf seine ausgezeichnete Menschenkenntnis, und als er den jüngeren Zahnarzt kennenlernt, sieht er nicht den Rollstuhl, sondern einen liebenswerten, devoten Mann, der mehr als nur sein Interesse weckt. 

Kades Ängste und die Dämonen der Vergangenheit, die ihn heimsuchen, sind eine Herausforderung für Deacon; er braucht sein ganzes Können und seine ganze Erfahrung als Dom, um Kades Vertrauen und Hingabe zu gewinnen. Doch Deacon ist fest entschlossen, diese Schlacht erfolgreich zu schlagen, um Kade an seiner Seite und zu seinen Füßen zu haben.


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Hanging the Stars

Half Moon Bay | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

Half Moon Bay: Book Two

Angel Daniels grew up hard, one step ahead of the law and always looking over his shoulder. A grifter's son, he’d learned every con and trick in the book but ached for a normal life. Once out on his own, Angel returns to Half Moon Bay where he once found… and then lost… love.

Now, Angel's life is a frantic mess of schedules and chaos. Between running his bakery and raising his troubled eleven-year-old half brother, Roman, Angel has a hectic but happy life. Then West Harris returns to Half Moon Bay and threatens to break Angel all over again by taking away the only home he and Rome ever had.

When they were young, Angel taught West how to love and laugh, but when Angel moved on, West locked his heart up and threw away the key. Older and hardened, West returns to Half Moon Bay and finds himself face-to-face with the man he'd lost. Now West is torn between killing Angel or holding him tight.

But rekindling their passionate relationship is jeopardized as someone wants one or both of them dead, and as the terrifying danger mounts, neither man knows if the menace will bring them together or forever tear them apart.


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The Underground Club
$6.99 $3.49

An Underground Club Tale

Even within the context of the Underground BDSM Club, Joshua’s desires are dark and extreme. Hopelessly addicted to pain and the high it gives him, he has no limits. Joshua would quite literally rather die than use a safeword, and he accepts that might be his fate. As much as he depends on others, he has yet to find a man who can gain his trust, and he has little hope that he ever will.

For Nash, acquiring Joshua from another Dom at the club is only the first step in what will be a long and arduous road to lure the young man back from the brink of self-destruction. He must do the impossible and win Joshua’s trust, and he must be the one to set limits in their exploration—something he’s unaccustomed to as a Dom. But Nash knows dominance doesn’t always mean pushing a submissive’s boundaries. It’s about establishing a bond and fulfilling another man’s needs. In Joshua’s case, he’ll have to strike a balance between meeting the young man’s expectations and drawing firm lines that will save Joshua from himself.


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$9.99 $4.99

Private detective Duncan Andrews’s best friend Gina is a witch. His dog is a zombie. And his dead boyfriend, Robbie, is a ghost. So it’s hardly any wonder that he uses his connection to the supernatural to help him solve cases. In Pale as a Ghost, Duncan’s on the trail of a serial killer who may not be human, while also trying to move on in his dating life. In Animal Instinct, someone is using the skull of a powerful wizard—Gina’s father—to control animals and attack young Ashton Marsh. In The Scarlet Tide, Duncan’s latest case leads him to Chicago and a band whose members are all vampires. And in Dead End, Robbie’s cousin Jason has moved into a house that’s haunted by a serial killer, and Gina’s on the run from witch-hunters. Through it all, Duncan must solve the case and balance a complicated personal life.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


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Anyplace Else

2016 Advent Calendar | Bah Humbug
$3.99 $2.00

Grant Beaudoin should be thrilled to escape Minneapolis at Christmastime and grateful to lounge on a Hawaiian beach. Instead he is mired in self-pity and drowning in too much tequila. His twin is marrying the perfect man, while Grant is stuck in middle management with no love life in sight. A walk into the rain forest leads to a meeting with a doomed man who has a story about a holiday that predates Christmas. Grant comes to realize that difficult endings can lead to new beginnings—and perhaps a brighter future.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."


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