Gay books

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Durant  l’hiver glacial de 1891, alors que la nation est encore sous le choc de la crise bancaire de Baring, l’inspecteur Philemon Raft revient d’un congé sabbatique involontaire, et se retrouve chargé de résoudre l’enlèvement de Miriam Dewberry, une jeune fille de bonne famille. Projeté dans un milieu sordide où les classes supérieures se livrent à des investissements honteux, de l’autre côté de l’océan, pour engraisser leur compte en banque, Raft se retrouve perdu sans son compagnon, le constable Freddie Crook. Loin d’offrir son aide, l’élite cherche à tout prix à empêcher Raft de découvrir la vérité au sujet de la malheureuse victime de cet enlèvement, Miriam Dewberry… qui n’existe peut-être même pas.

Bientôt, Raft découvre que son vieil ennemi, le maître de l’hospice, John Gallant, est de retour à Londres. Gallant n’a pas avoué ses ambitions, mais il en sait assez pour ruiner la carrière de Raft, et peut-être même sa vie. Raft tente de résoudre cette affaire grâce à sa perspicacité habituelle et étrange, mais d’autres forces plus sombres sont à l’œuvre. Londres est encore terrifiée : c’est le Londres de Whitechapel, de Jack l’Éventreur, le Londres de la pauvreté, de la saleté et du désespoir, où s’engager dans la mauvaise allée pourrait envoyer Raft tout droit à la morgue.


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Dare to Love Forever

New Vampire Justice | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

New Vampire Justice: Book One

With pain and loss in their pasts and evil threatening their futures, two vampires will find a love that lasts forever… if they dare.

Carson Locke is dangerous, even by vampire standards. A rare Tabula Rasa vampire, he can wipe the mind of those he bites—human or vampire. Because of this, he’s lived his entire life in isolation. When his family is murdered, Carson runs from those who want him dead. Injured, starving, and about to be executed, he meets Commander Lincoln Samuels, an officer in the New Vampire Justice police force.

Lincoln, a Sanatore vampire, possesses the gift of healing. The moment he encounters Carson, broken and terrified, trying to steal blood to survive, he is compelled to help the other man—despite the risk to himself. Their bond creates something the world has never seen, but others have plans for Carson and his destiny was written long before he was born. He’ll either become a tool to control the vampire world or, with Lincoln by his side, find the courage to fight and become its savior.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Amber Allure, 2014


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All for One

All for Love | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

All for Love: Book Two

Aristide, Léandre, and Perrin pledge only three loyalties in life: their king, their captain, and their passion for each other. So when the musketeers discover a plan to accuse M. de Tréville of treason, the initial impulse to kill the messenger, Benoît, is tempered by their need to unmask the plotter. But their first two suspects, the English ambassador and Cardinal Richelieu, prove to be innocent, forcing the musketeers to delve deeper into the inner machinations of the French court.

Meanwhile, Aristide finds himself falling in love with the ill-fated messenger, a blacksmith without a home who rouses all of his protective, possessive instincts. Benoît, however, has no interest in any man. Torn between desire and duty, Aristide must find a way to protect the king and clear his captain’s name—all while heeding the demands of his heart.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2010.


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$6.99 $5.24

Michael Cook has left his abusive lover and settled in the small town of Banning, Illinois. Having nowhere else to go, he checks into the Raven’s Rest Inn and soon learns that the haunted reputation of the hotel is well deserved. Michael gets a job at a local café, where he meets Trey Ramsey. Though Michael has misgivings about starting up a new relationship, Trey seems to be the complete opposite of Michael’s controlling ex, so he decides to give Trey a chance.

Life at the Raven’s Rest becomes increasingly frightening when the ghost of Coleman Hollis appears in Michael’s room. Coleman seems to want something from Michael, and the mystery deepens when Michael discovers he’s the spitting image of Coleman’s lover from years ago. Together, Michael and Trey must discover why Coleman’s spirit is drawn to the Raven’s Rest—and to Michael.


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What About Everything?

Journey from Foster High
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Taking Chances
A Tales from Foster High Story

No matter how fast you run, the past has a way of catching up with you.

When an accident ruins Matt’s parents’ anniversary party, Tyler and Matt decide a vacation is in order, and they book a gay Disney cruise with Robbie and Sebastian. It’ll be the perfect place to relax and do some much-needed soul-searching. A couple of years have passed since they met, but Tyler and Matt are no closer to getting married. They must take a long, hard look at their relationship and decide if they’re happy with the way things are, or if they want more—and if they can find the courage to take the next step. A difficult choice is made even harder when two people they thought they’d left behind show up to complicate the issue and turn the whole cruise upside down.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

When both his moms take an offer for a year of employment in Europe, fifteen-year-old David Martin has no choice but to head to Connecticut to stay with his dad and his dad’s partner. Not only is he leaving behind the life he loves in New York City, he’s unsure how he feels about staying with a father he barely knows, one who has been far from supportive during David’s life.

If he doesn’t have enough on his plate, David is also confused and wrestling with his burgeoning sexual feelings… toward other boys. Running with his dad’s partner takes the edge off, but training with the hot—and openly gay—track team captain, Kevin Ringer, produces a different kind of rush.

An assault on David and Kevin in the locker room gives David a new perspective on his own identity, his feelings for Kevin, and his relationship with his dad. Life is very different from what David is used to, but he’s determined to carve out a place for himself.


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David, Renewed

Delta Restorations | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Delta Restorations: Novel One

When interior designer David Snyder buys a beautiful century-old house in eastern Washington, he is reeling with heartbreak and looking for somewhere to put down roots. Unfortunately his new home comes with a laundry list of problems: electrical, plumbing, heating… things David knows nothing about. When his mother offers him the business card of a local handyman, David pictures an overweight, balding man in his fifties. But Jackson Henry couldn’t be further from that stereotype.

Dark-haired, muscular, and handsome, Jackson left a large construction firm in Seattle to take care of his sick mother. However, his hometown still has an active “good old boy” network, and finding employment in construction is almost impossible for an openly gay man. Determined to persevere, Jackson takes odd jobs as a handyman. He’s exactly what David needs—in more ways than one.

David isn’t ready for his attraction to Jackson, not considering the way his last relationship ended. But as the two men get to know each other, it becomes clear that the heart often knows best, and it rewards those willing to listen.


$6.99 $5.24

Taming the Wyld

States of Love
$4.99 $3.74

The Witness Protection Program dumps JD Smith practically at the ends of the earth—in Two Pines, Alaska—to protect him until he can testify against a dangerous gang. He tries to stick to his story and keep his head down, but it’s impossible to ignore bush pilot Jake Wylder, a sexy loner with quite a reputation around the small town.

Flying medical supplies around Alaska suits Jake’s wild streak and love of freedom. He’s perfectly content to keep his romantic encounters casual—at least until he meets JD. Something about the nurse makes Jake think settling down might not be such a hardship. Now he just needs to convince JD he’s serious—which won’t be easy, given his past.

For a relationship to stand a chance, JD must testify so he can return to Two Pines as the man he really is—and Jake must grow into the man JD needs him to be.

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


$4.99 $3.74
$4.99 $3.74

Im mittelalterlichen England steht die Pflicht über allem. Die Ehre eines Mannes ist wichtiger als sein Leben und Homosexualität wird weder von der Kirche noch von der Gesellschaft geduldet.

Sir Christian Brandon wuchs in einer Familie auf, die ihn für seine ungewöhnliche Schönheit und seine Abstammung hasste. Kleiner als seine sechs rücksichtslosen Halbbrüder musste er mithilfe seines Verstandes und seines Talents für Listen überleben, was ihm den Spitznamen Krähe einbrachte.

Sir William Corbet, ein als „der Löwe“ bekannter stattlicher Ritter, hat seine unnatürlichen Neigungen ein Leben lang unterdrückt. Er ist fest entschlossen, das Ideal des edlen Ritters zu verkörpern. Als er sich eines Tages auf den Weg macht, um seine Schwester zu retten, nachdem er von ihrer Misshandlung durch ihren adeligen Ehemann gehört hat, zwingen ihn die Umstände, Sir Christians Hilfe anzunehmen. Diese Partnerschaft stellt all seine Moralvorstellungen auf die Probe und letztendlich gar sein Verständnis von Pflicht, Ehre und Liebe.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Lorsque Jesse Morales, un jeune diplômé de l’université qui aspire à devenir auteur de polars, se porte volontaire pour travailler au sommet du Mont Washington pendant une semaine, il s’attend à travailler dur. Par contre, il ne s’attend pas à trouver un corps en plein milieu du brouillard, gisant parmi les rochers, le crâne brisé. Le corps est celui d’un jeune touriste nommé Stuart Warren, qui s’est séparé de ses amis pendant qu’ils visitaient la montagne.

Kyle Dubois, un détective de la police d’État veuf, est appelé à se rendre sur la scène du crime en plein milieu de la nuit, ainsi que son coéquipier Wesley Roberts. Kyle et Jesse sont instantanément attirés l’un par l’autre, sauf que la fascination de Jesse pour les affaires de meurtres rend cela difficile pour Kyle de prendre le jeune homme au sérieux. Mais Jesse trouve un moyen d’apporter une aide précieuse au détective en prenant une chambre dans l’hôtel où les amis et la famille de la victime résident et en s’introduisant dans leur cercle. Très vite, il commence à apprendre des choses qui pourraient les aider à résoudre l’affaire… ou l’amener à se faire tuer.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Cresciuto  in affidamento, Kerry Grey ha poca autostima e ancora meno speranze per il suo futuro. Abbandonata l’università, sopravvive con un lavoro part-time in un vivaio. L’amicizia con il suo capo e lavorare con le piante sono quanto di più importante ha nella vita. Frequenta l’uomo che a scuola lo prendeva di mira con atti di bullismo, ma dopo che il suo amante lo abbandona a una festa, Kerry si ritrova a vagare lungo la spiaggia per affogare i dispiaceri in una bottiglia di scotch.

Malcolm Holmes e Charlie Stone stanno insieme da quindici anni. Nonostante Charlie desideri accettare la dominazione di Malcolm a letto, anche se non l’hanno mai formalizzata, nel loro rapporto sembra mancare qualcosa. Una mattina presto, salvano Kerry, che rischia di essere portato via dalla marea dopo essere svenuto. Charlie intuisce subito uno spirito affine nel giovane perduto. Quando il coinquilino di Kerry lo butta fuori di casa, Malcolm e Charlie lo invitano da loro. Mentre Charlie e Kerry creano un legame grazie al giardino di Charlie, Malcolm vede Kerry come la persona che stavano cercando per completare la loro vita. Tutto quello che devono fare è mostrare a lui, e dimostrare l’uno all’altro, che la tendenza a sottomettersi di Kerry si inserisce bene nella loro dinamica.

Ma qualcuno ha preso di mira il ragazzo. Mentre lotta per scoprire il colpevole, Kerry teme per la sicurezza dei suoi nuovi amici. Se Malcolm e Charlie non riusciranno ad aiutarlo, la loro ricerca del terzo uomo perfetto non potrà terminare con il lieto fine che immaginavano.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Can a pickup line from a stranger completely change the way an ordinary man sees himself?

Adrian wouldn’t have thought so, but after an ugly breakup where his self-esteem took a serious beating, he’s willing to try just about anything to repair the damage… even return to a secluded bar in rural Maryland and the intriguing stranger whose words have been on his mind since they met.

Biker, bouncer, bartender, and tattoo artist, Wyatt is a rolling stone. After fifteen years, he is tired of a life on the run, but he isn’t sure he knows how to do anything else or if he has anything besides a physical relationship to offer.

What’s supposed to be a one-off turns into another and another, and the relationship looks promising until the mob and the FBI come knocking on Adrian’s door.


$6.99 $5.24

Beneath the Palisade

Beneath the Palisade
$9.99 $7.49

This warm, quirky, character-filled series begins with a life-changing event that triggers Harper and Ian, the anchors of all three stories, to search for an adventure that takes them out of the city and out of their comfort zones. Pooling their collective talents, they risk everything when they set their sights on a dilapidated resort located on the North Shore of Lake Superior called Beneath the Palisade.


Beneath the Palisade: Reliance

When attorney Harper Callahan hires Ian Burke to landscape his yard, they’re soon on the fast track to romance and life changes neither of them anticipated. 

Beneath the Palisade: Courage

Theo Engdahl is struggling with his sexuality, but he finds support in out-and-proud Alex at the Men’s Center.

Beneath the Palisade: Justice

Wrongly accused Owen Grady is seeking legal help. When young lawyer Brent Burns takes on the case, obstacles seem determined to prevent the acquittal—not least being their hearts.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49

Safe in His Heart

Safe | Book Two

Safe: Book Two

Andrew and Paul learned about God and Jesus in different churches and realize their views of spirituality are worlds apart.

Andrew was raised Catholic and was told his homosexuality was a sin. For his entire life, he hid the truth. He married and had children to present a façade to the world—that of a straight man. It’s not until he has an affair with Paul, who shows him a different side of Jesus, that Andrew realizes he can be gay and still believe in God. Paul’s Jesus is one of acceptance and love, and in Paul’s church, being gay is not a problem.

For Paul and Andrew, falling in love is the easy part of their journey. They must make it through the fires of cheating, being discovered, Andrew’s wife leaving, the necessities of childcare and family life, the demands of their jobs, and working on their commitment to each other. Only then can they be safe in each other’s heart.


A Lethal Mistake

Bissonet & Cruz Investigations | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Bissonet & Cruz Investigations: Book Three

Beau Bissonet and Tollison Cruz are back, along with Bruce, Auggie, and now Bastien, Tollison’s ex-partner. From the initial spark between them in Zurich, Bruce and Bastien’s attraction has flared, and Bastien has come to the Big Easy to explore what lies ahead for them.

It’s Mardi Gras, and New Orleans is alive and festive, teeming with excited tourists and locals alike. The first few parades go off without a hitch. And then a man is targeted, shot, and killed right in the middle of a crowded street. Auggie and Bruce are called in to investigate, but before they even get started, more deaths occur, one at each of the next two parades. Auggie realizes he’s dealing with a serial killer and jumps into action.

Beau and Tollison join the investigation and stumble upon some similarities in the murders that are too strong to ignore. But before they can unravel the perpetrator’s motives and get ahead of him, he fires another shot that affects the tightly knit group of friends in a way none of them could have ever imagined. Together they must all come up with a plan to stop the killing and serve justice in the process.


$6.99 $5.24


Resilient Love

A Resilient Love Story

Loren Smith has been in love with Eliot Devlin almost his entire life. During their turbulent childhood and teen years, Loren didn’t always understand Eliot, and sometimes he could be a challenge, but Eliot was the only one to ever truly ease Loren’s deep loneliness and accept him. When Eliot’s increasingly erratic and self-destructive behavior culminates in a suicide attempt at seventeen, Loren is devastated.

Upon meeting again by chance nine years later, Loren is enjoying a successful career as a police officer while Eliot’s life has been a constant struggle for stability. In and out of mental hospitals, with a rap sheet a mile long, he continues to be buffeted by the twin storms of mania and depression. Loren’s love and protectiveness for Eliot are deeply ingrained in him, however, and their feelings for each other are quickly rekindled.

Loren has issues of his own he’s dealing with, and trying to understand and cope with Eliot’s bipolar disorder isn’t easy. They believe they’re meant to be, and Eliot brings a fulfillment to Loren’s life that no one else will ever match. But as they both come to realize, love by itself can’t cure all.


Can’t Live Without You

Forever Yours | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Forever Yours: Book One

Justin Hawthorne worked hard to realize his silver-screen dreams, making his way from small-town Pennsylvania to Hollywood and success. But it hasn’t come without sacrifice. When Justin’s father kicked him out for being gay, George Miller’s family offered to take him in, but circumstances prevented it. Now Justin is back in town and has come face to face with George, the man he left without so much as a good-bye… and the man he’s never stopped loving.

Justin’s disappearance hit George hard, but he’s made a life for himself as a home nurse and finds fulfillment in helping others. When he sees Justin again, George realizes the hole in his heart never mended, and he isn’t the only one in need of healing. Justin needs time out of the public eye to find himself again, and George and his mother cannot turn him away. As they stay together in George’s home, old feelings are rekindled. Is a second chance possible when everything George cares about is in Pennsylvania and Justin must return to his career in California? First they’ll have to deal with the reason for Justin’s abrupt departure all those years ago.


$6.99 $5.24

Marriage of Inconvenience

Dreamspun Desires

Lights, camera, lies.

Kerry Pickering has a problem. As a publicist for Hollywood bad boy Jericho Knox, it’s Kerry’s job to keep Jericho in the news. So far, Jericho’s partying and public escapades have made it easy. But Jericho has a secret, and when that secret is revealed in the most spectacularly disastrous way, it’s up to Kerry to spin it.

The team decides the best course of action is to make the public fall in love—with Jericho’s secret committed relationship. The one that doesn’t exist. Yet.

The team wants someone they can trust. Someone in the inner circle. That someone is Kerry. But what will happen when Kerry realizes that for him, the romance is no longer pretend? Can Jericho love him back, or is he just playing a role?