Gay books

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Sequel to Conquer the Flames
Lang Downs: Book Five

Seth Simms never wanted to be a cowboy, although to listen to his best friend, Jason Thompson, tell it, he isn’t one. He just happens to have lucked out in coming to live on Lang Downs with his brother ten years ago. He found enough stability to finish high school and go off to university, but he never really believed Lang Downs would be the same haven for him that it had become for so many others. He’s too messed up in the head. No one would accept someone with his issues.

All his life, Jason has had one goal: to come home to Lang Downs as resident veterinarian when they need his skills and jackaroo when they don’t. And it means he gets to spend time with Seth during his occasional visits, even though his dream of going from friends to lovers is hopeless since Seth is straight.

When Seth unexpectedly comes home to stay, Jason takes it as the boon it is. But juggling a relationship with another jackaroo and his friendship with Seth isn’t easy, and that’s before Jason realizes how deep Seth’s issues run and how dangerously Seth chooses to cope with them.


$6.99 $5.24

Running with the Wind

Mermen of Ea Trilogy | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Into the Wind
Mermen of Ea Trilogy: Book Three

With the final confrontation between the island and mainland Ea factions looming, Taren and Ian sail with Odhrán to investigate a lost colony of merfolk in the Eastern Lands. Upon their arrival, the King of Astenya welcomes them as friends. Odhrán, however, isn’t so quick to trust the descendent of the man who held him prisoner for nearly a decade, especially now that he has someone to cherish and protect—the mysterious winged boy he rescued from the depths.

Armed with the knowledge he believes will save the Ea, Taren returns to the mainland. With Ian at his side, Taren convinces Vurin that their people must unite with their island brethren before it’s too late. When Seria and his men attack, Taren must call upon the ancient power of the rune stone to protect his comrades. But using the stone’s immeasurable power commands a hefty price—and Ian fears that price is Taren’s life.


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Cutting Cords

Cutting Cords Series

When Sloan Driscoll and Cole Fujiwara become reluctant roommates, neither man is willing to share too much. Sloan is instantly attracted to Cole but knows it's a hopeless cause; Cole has a steady girlfriend. But one night they share a joint, and Cole opens a window neither anticipated.

A relationship may be impossible—both men are living with heart-breaking secrets. While Sloan is smart, sassy, and a brilliant graphic artist, he’s also a pothead with severe body image problems. Cole, a former major league pitcher, has his own personal crisis: he's going blind. Sloan and Cole are suffering on so many levels, they might not realize that the ultimate salvation could be within each other’s arms.


Murder and Mayhem

Murder and Mayhem
2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Murder and Mayhem: Book One

Dead women tell no tales.

Former cat burglar Rook Stevens stole many a priceless thing in the past, but he’s never been accused of taking a life—until now. It was one thing to find a former associate inside Potter’s Field, his pop culture memorabilia shop, but quite another to stumble across her dead body.

Detective Dante Montoya thought he’d never see Rook Stevens again—not after his former partner falsified evidence to entrap the jewelry thief and Stevens walked off scot-free. So when he tackled a fleeing murder suspect, Dante was shocked to discover the blood-covered man was none other than the thief he’d fought to put in prison and who still makes his blood sing.

Rook is determined to shake loose the murder charge against him, even if it means putting distance between him and the rugged Cuban-Mexican detective who brought him down. If one dead con artist wasn’t bad enough, others soon follow, and as the bodies pile up around Rook’s feet, he's forced to reach out to the last man he’d expect to believe in his innocence—and the only man who’s ever gotten under Rook’s skin.


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$9.99 $7.49

Don't miss this exclusive bundle of contemporary romance novels by best-selling author Ariel Tachna. Enjoy The Path, featuring two men falling in love while hiking the Inca Trail; Seducing C.C., a sexy romp between counselors while at summer camp that turns into something more; Her Two Dads, in which an unexpected baby brings two roommates together in life and love; Fallout, where blistering attraction flares between an engineer and a professor during a potential catastrophe; and Inherit the Sky, book one of the fan favorite Lang Downs series, a romance set on a sheep station in the Australian outback. Five stories in one volume!


$9.99 $7.49

Nicholas Cartwright has done everything in his power to forget that night six months ago in Senaka, when his true mate rejected him, leaving him shattered and disillusioned. Burying himself in his work, he pushes himself to the point of exhaustion while finding the touch of another unbearable. Suddenly his mate needs his help, and he may be asking for more than Nicholas can find it in himself to give.

Thayne Whitedove has always been a wanderer, spending his days on the road and his nights wrapped in the arms of whatever random hookup he meets, until a fateful mistake sends him rushing for the comforts of home. To his utter dismay, the only way to correct his error in judgment is to accept the one thing he’s never wanted… his mate. Thayne must decide whether to keep running or to stay and fight for Nick’s forgiveness.


Küss Mich, Bulle

Toronto Tales (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Toronto Tales

Eigentlich ist Detective Kurt O’Donnell daran gewöhnt, die Geheimnisse anderer Menschen zu ergründen. Doch als er herausfindet, dass sein bei einem Einsatz verunglückter Partner mit einem Mann zusammenlebte, ist er erschüttert. Da er trotzdem das Richtige tun möchte, bietet er dem trauernden Davy seine Unterstützung an. Davy über seinen Verlust hinwegzuhelfen, macht es Kurt leichter, seine eigenen Schuldgefühle zu verarbeiten, denn er fühlt sich für das mangelnde Vertrauen seines Partners verantwortlich. Zu Kurts Überraschung entwickelt sich aus der anfänglichen Verpflichtung bald die engste Freundschaft seines Lebens.

Seine wachsende Zuneigung zu Davy verunsichert Kurt und lässt ihn schließlich seine Sexualität in Frage stellen, als plötzlich ein leidenschaftlicher Moment, für den eigentlich keiner der beiden Männer bereit ist, ihre Welt noch heftiger ins Wanken bringt. Für eine Beziehung mit Davy müsste Kurt sich outen, fürchtet jedoch um seine Arbeitsstelle und seine katholische Familie. Kann er das alles wirklich riskieren, um sich auf eine unsichere Zukunft mit einem noch trauernden Mann einzulassen?


$6.99 $5.24

Promesse vissute

Serie Promesse
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Promesse, Libro 3

Sei anni fa, Jeff Beachum confortò un adolescente spaventato fuori da una clinica per il trattamento dell’HIV, e Collin Waters non si è mai scordato della sua gentilezza. Oggi, dopo che per sei anni ha avuto una cotta per quell’uomo gentile dagli occhi castani, Collin si sente adulto e maturo abbastanza per fare la sua mossa. Un vero peccato che il destino, che non è mai stato gentile con Jeff, abbia altro in mente.

La vita di Jeff è andata completamente a rotoli un giorno di tanti anni fa, e ora non va molto meglio. Jeff si è indurito, è diventato indipendente, il tizio divertente a cui si rivolgono gli amici, quello che dà consigli e conforto quando ce n’è bisogno. Ma tutti i fantasmi del suo passato stanno per tornare a dargli la caccia e anche la famiglia a cui ha legato il suo futuro non se la sta passando bene. Collin è più di un ragazzo dagli occhi innamorati, ed è meglio così, perché Jeff avrà bisogno di tutto l’aiuto che riuscirà a trovare. Nessuno sa meglio di lui che la vita può essere troppo breve per voltare le spalle al vero amore, e che il lieto fine è la promessa migliore di tutte.


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Tout feu, tout flamme

Par le Feu | Tome 2
$3.99 $2.99

Suite de Le Baptême du Feu 
Par le Feu, tome 2

Lee Stanton et Dirk Krause se fréquentent depuis quelques mois quand ils reçoivent une mauvaise nouvelle : la caserne où ils travaillent sera fermée, à moins qu’ils obtiennent assez d’argent pour l’entretien et les réparations. L’équipe veut se battre. Il n’y a qu’un seul problème : la seule proposition pour récolter de l’argent est celle de Lee… et Dirk la déteste.

Malheureusement, tout le monde pense que le ‘dîner épicé’ de Lee (où ils ne serviront qu’en portant leurs pantalons, leurs bottes et leurs casques) est une idée géniale et Lee se prépare donc à l’organiser. Mais les bâtons dans les roues du conseil municipal et les faibles ventes de billets menacent de ruiner ses efforts. Si Dirk n’arrive pas à mettre sa fierté de côté pour une soirée, cela pourrait leur coûter à tous deux leur travail… sans parler de leur relation.


$3.99 $2.99

A Life Without

2015 Daily Dose | Never Too Late
$3.99 $2.99

After decades of wondering and worrying over his submissive tendencies, fortysomething Todd decides to explore his fantasies. His first step is to join a BDSM club, and it's there that he meets Malik, a young and beautiful Dominant who is very interested in introducing Todd to this world. In fact, Malik is interested in everything about Todd, which is startling to the older man given the differences in their ages. Malik helps Todd explore his submissiveness, but after an unpleasant meeting with Todd’s ex-boyfriend, he also encourages him to confront his demons so he will no longer live his life in shame.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Daily Dose package "Never Too Late."


$3.99 $2.99

Bachelors Party

Brandt and Donnelly Capers | Case File Five
$6.99 $5.24

A Brandt and Donnelly Caper: Case File Five

Med student Oliver Mitchell has discovered a way to make more tips as a bartender—put on ripped workout gear and serve drinks at the hip new gay club, Burn. The only catch is Oliver is straight. The staff and patrons don’t mind, though, and Oliver fits in well—until he meets James Buchanan Whitford, a local politician with a secret: he’s married. When James’s scheming wife attempts to catch him in flagrante with Oliver, they flee the city for the refuge of James’s cabin in the woods. There, Oliver faces a new challenge—he's starting to feel more for James than friendship. Their new relationship must survive political intrigue and small-town politics before they can be together.

With their wedding two months away, it's time for Troopers Ethan Brandt and Gabriel Donnelly to have a bachelor party. Ethan's older brothers are excited, but Ethan is not. As a straight guy who fell in love with another man, the whole ritual is fraught with complications, and he struggles to reconcile newly granted marriage equality with old traditions. Brandt and Donnelly work to help James and Oliver find their way to happiness while pulling off the bachelor party of the year.


$6.99 $5.24

Bindings and Books

2015 Daily Dose | Never Too Late
$3.99 $2.99

James Connell is adamant—he’s not getting involved. The forty-two-year-old bookstore owner’s life is governed by respectability, order, and a dash of OCD—just the way he likes it. There is absolutely no place in his life for a way-too-young, sexy, carefree guy like Ash. What would people think?

Ash Bradley-Mills is determined—he wants James. Traveling the world testing snowboards and sports equipment has been great fun for Ash, but he’s ready for something more. He wants an adrenaline rush of a different kind, and tall, dark, handsome, and older James fits the criteria perfectly. Now all Ash needs to do is break through James’s defenses and lifelong fear of judgment. Easy! He’s got the perfect plan to push James out of his comfort zone and into his arms.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Daily Dose package "Never Too Late."


$3.99 $2.99

Fireworks & Wild Cards

The Wheel Mysteries | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Devil's Own
The Wheel Mysteries: Book Three

When Gus Goodwin’s friend and mentor, Juliette Hayes, asks him to find out who’s stealing small sums from the cashbox of her Moonlight Haven Coven, Gus agrees. What’s the worst that could happen? They catch a small-time thief and, with any luck, retrieve a few bucks. Gus enlists the help of his boyfriend, PI Niall Valentine, and Niall’s retired police officer father, Owain, to go undercover and solve the mystery.

On the night of the next full moon ritual, however, the coven is struck with a fatal blow.

Now Gus and Niall face more than a murder mystery. The coven is torn apart, and along comes an eccentric psychic and Tarot master—plus a familiar face both Gus and Niall had hoped was long gone. As fireworks ignite and wild cards are spread, Gus and Niall have their work cut out for them.


$6.99 $5.24

His Fallow Heart

2015 Daily Dose | Never Too Late
$1.99 $1.49

Can a lonely, aging farmer and a loveless artist whose creativity has gone missing find happiness on the prairies?

Life would be perfect for fifty-two-year-old farmer Finn Garrity if he just had someone to snuggle with by the fireplace. But single gay men aren’t exactly thick on the ground in Eagle Tree, Alberta.

Successful artist Philip Connaway wonders if his creative dry spell has anything to do with his dried-up love life. When Philip takes his nephew into farm country in search of a snowy owl to photograph, he meets Finn, who offers assistance. Together, they find the elusive bird—and much more.

Despite the attraction between them, differences, misunderstandings, and self-doubt threaten to end Finn and Philip’s romance. For a future together, Finn must take a risk, and Philip must find a way to bring love to Finn’s fallow heart.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Daily Dose package "Never Too Late."


$1.99 $1.49

I'll Still Be There

Unfinished Business | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Unfinished Business: Book One

The summer after high school, Eli Dunn and Jess Early explore an abandoned brothel in the rural Florida Panhandle. They’ve always kept their mutual attraction unspoken, but in an upstairs room at the end of the hall, everything changes. Suddenly, all the longing Eli and Jess have tried so hard to conceal bursts free, and passion like they’ve never experienced comes to light, along with the ghosts of Clay Bailey and Silas Denton, murdered owners of the brothel. And Clay and Silas have no problem possessing Eli and Jess in order to express their love for each other, without thought for the living.

Deeply disturbed by the experience, Eli and Jess part and try to get on with life as best they can. But after several years, Eli returns to Florida, only to find that Jess has made some questionable choices. These eventually lead him back to the abandoned house and a confrontation with Eli. Old scores are settled and Eli and Jess reunite. But Clay and Silas’s ghosts aren’t finished yet, for they’ve always believed in the power of open and honest love.


$6.99 $5.24

Path Not Taken

2015 Daily Dose | Never Too Late
$3.99 $2.99

On the train from Lancaster to Philadelphia, Trent runs into Brit, his first love and the first man to break his heart. They’ve both been through a lot in the years since they parted ways, and as they talk, the old connection tenuously strengthens. Trent finally works up the nerve to call Brit, and their rekindled friendship slowly grows into the possibility for more. But both men are shadowed by their pasts as they explore the path they didn’t take the first time. If they can move beyond loss and painful memories, they might find their road leads to a second chance at happiness.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Daily Dose package "Never Too Late."


$3.99 $2.99


2015 Daily Dose | Never Too Late
$1.99 $1.49

First a soldier and then a diplomat, Juberi now spends his solitary days on a single ambition: trying to resurrect the phoenix, which has been extinct for centuries. He’s not pleased when he is obligated to attend a public ceremony in memory of an elderly friend and former colleague. But at the ceremony, Juberi meets the friend’s beguiling son, Desen. Despite being from a markedly different culture, Desen has much to offer. But after decades of denying his own desires, Juberi fears there is no alchemy that will reopen him to love.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Daily Dose package "Never Too Late."


$1.99 $1.49

Piano Man

2015 Daily Dose | Never Too Late
$1.99 $1.49

Approaching fifty, Graham is tired of the gay club scene. He dreams of a venue where he won’t be judged on his age and looks. He and his friend Mike decide to fill the gap in the market by opening the Midnight Lounge, a gay-friendly piano bar in the heart of London’s Soho. After several unsuccessful auditions, Graham finds the perfect pianist for the bar. Adam Turner is young, handsome, and talented, and there’s a spark of attraction between him and Graham, but Graham’s split with his ex has left him feeling old and unattractive. He believes Adam is just stringing him along—a belief that seems validated when Adam kisses him, then claims he’s made a big mistake. Adam wants Graham, but first he’ll have to prove to Graham that age is no barrier to finding love.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Daily Dose package "Never Too Late."


$1.99 $1.49