Gay books


The Price

Las Vegas Escorts | Book One
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Las Vegas Escorts: Book One

Hunter Wolf is a highly paid Las Vegas escort with a face and body that have men salivating and paying a great deal for him to fulfill their fantasies. He keeps his own fantasies to himself, not that they matter.

Grant is an elementary-school teacher who works miracles with his summer school students. He discovered his gift while in high school, tutoring Hunter, a fellow student. They meet again when Hunter rescues Grant in a club. Grant doesn’t know Hunter is an escort or that they share similarly painful pasts involving family members’ substance abuse.

After the meeting, Hunter invites Grant to one of the finest restaurants in Las Vegas. Hunter is charming, sexy, and gracious, and Grant is intrigued. With more in common than they realized, the two men decide to give a relationship a try. At first, Grant believes he can deal with Hunter's profession and accepts that Hunter will be faithful with his heart if not his body. Both men find their feelings run deeper than either imagined. For Grant, it's harder than he thought to accept Hunter’s occupation, and Hunter's feelings for Grant now make work nearly impossible. But Hunter’s choice of profession comes with a price, which could involve Grant’s job and their hearts—a price that might be too high for either of them to pay.


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$6.99 $5.24

When a material witness changes her story during a court interrogation, allowing the man who assaulted her little boy to go free, Senior Crown Prosecutor Finn DeHavilland's legendary self-control goes out the window. His subsequent suspension from appearing in court leaves Finn with time on his hands. Desperate to continue working, and after regularly attending his mandatory psychiatric sessions, he accepts a delicate case involving a fraudulent Scotland Yard police detective.

Excited to be assigned to the case, DS Tommy Drummond, who has had a soft spot for Finn since Finn defended him during an internal investigation, and his partner, Stevie Fielding, begin uncovering evidence. A series of seemingly random occurrences muddle their investigation. Believing they’re on the right path, the team pushes forward, until Tommy’s apartment goes up in flames. Offering Tommy a guest room in his home turns up the heat on the growing feelings between Finn and Tommy. But Finn’s baggage may be too much to deal with, and paranoia threatens to tear them apart. As the net around the corrupt detective tightens, it becomes clear he must have had help from high places, and Finn and Tommy become pawns in the game.


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$6.99 $5.24

Amour…, numéro hors série

Renié par son père et chassé de chez lui, Stone Hillyard erre en plein hiver dans le Michigan quand il a la chance de trouver refuge dans la ferme équestre que dirigent Geoff Laughton et son partenaire Eli. Les deux hommes l’accueillent, lui offrent un toit et un emploi : s’occuper des chevaux et les aider dans leur programme d’équithérapie « Cheval… sans limite’.

Preston Harding est devenu infirme depuis un tragique accident de voiture provoqué par un ivrogne. Il a tout perdu : son amant, son indépendance, son avenir. Toujours en fauteuil roulant après des mois de rééducation acharnée, il devient désespéré. Son thérapeute lui recommande alors le programme de Geoff et Eli. Dès sa première leçon, Preston se montre si odieux et arrogant qu’il manque être expulsé. C’est Stone qui intervient en sa faveur, malgré les insultes reçues. Ce geste inattendu oblige Preston à faire un retour sur lui-même.

Stone et Preston se soutiendront mutuellement dans leur affrontement avec leurs familles respectives, malgré la désapprobation et les vieux secrets douloureux. Ils apprendront, parfois à leurs dépens, que l’amour peut représenter la liberté.


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$6.99 $5.24

Bruto conduce una vita solitaria in un mondo dove la magia è all’ordine del giorno. È un gigante di due metri e trenta di bruttezza e dai natali ignobili. Nessuno, incluso Bruto, si aspetta che lui sia più di un operaio. Ma gli eroi si presentano in tutte le forme e dimensioni e, dopo aver subito una mutilazione per salvare il principe, la vita di Bruto cambia bruscamente: è chiamato a servire al palazzo di Tellomer come guardia per un singolo detenuto. Sembra facile, ma si rivela essere la sfida della sua vita.

Le voci di palazzo dicono che il prigioniero, Gray Leynham, sia uno stregone e un traditore. Quel che è certo è che ha trascorso anni nello squallore: cieco, incatenato, reso quasi muto da una balbuzie estrema. Sogna la morte della gente, e quei sogni si avverano.

Mentre Bruto si abitua alla vita di palazzo e comincia a conoscere Gray, scopre anche il proprio valore, in primo luogo come amico e uomo, poi come amante. Ma Bruto impara anche che gli eroi, a volte, devono affrontare scelte difficili e che fare ciò che è giusto può portare nuovi pericoli.


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Horizontes | Volumen 2
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 2 de la serie "Horizontes"

Lo que debería haber sido un breve interlvalo de vacaciones se convierte en algo más profundo cuando Lil Lampert conoce a Grier Dilorio en la feria de Los sabores de Chicago. Lil está de paso en la ciudad visitando a sus buenos amigos, Jody Williams y Clark Stevens, sin ninguna intención de relacionarse con un hombre más joven y descubrir un amor mutuo por la arquitectura, el diseño de interiores y unas preferencias sexuales muy peculiares que lo tienen enganchado y con necesidad de más.

A todas luces, Grier es el clásico chico malo al que le encanta la velocidad, los tatuajes y el cuero, pero poco a poco Lil va descubriendo su otra faceta: desinteresado, responsable y tierno, especialmente con Luca, el hijo al que tuvo que negar. Con el amor y el apoyo de Lil, Grier tomará una decisión clave para abrir la puerta a un posible futuro juntos, uno que incluya la paternidad, algo con lo que Lil había soñado pero que nunca se había atrevido a explorar.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Beneath the Palisade Book

Despite a spirited inner debate pitting right against wrong, Owen Grady is lured off a forest trail by a handsome stranger. Just as he is about to surrender to an urgent desire, Owen realizes he is making a mistake and attempts to leave, but the rejected man wrestles Owen to the ground and discloses he is a cop. Wrongly accused of sexual misconduct, Owen seeks legal help.

Ambitious young lawyer Brent Burns is a junior partner at Burns & Callahan, a law firm located within the Men's Center in Two Harbors, Minnesota. He takes on Owen’s case, determined to prove him innocent. But Brent can't possibly predict the obstacles on the bumpy road to an acquittal—not the least of which is an ethical taboo involving his heart, which threatens to defeat him before he ever sets foot in the courtroom.


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Short-Circuit His Soul

Microchips and Purity | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Electrify His Heart
Microchips and Purity: Book Two

Noah wasn't born. He was created, a clone of Guiding Light Uriel, someone superior to him in every way. Noah is an instrument, and he knows it. He believes it, sees it in his mind and in his skin, breathes it every single day of his life—except for the moments he spends with Logan Maxfield. Logan makes him feel loved, makes him think he might have worth beyond being his brother's copy, and allows him to hope that his secrets and sins might not own him. Even if he knows he has no right to Logan's affection, he cannot help but seek refuge in Logan's arms. He cannot help but love Logan.

Against all odds, Logan feels the same. But when Noah's nightmares start to come true, when the images haunting his dreams invade his reality, their love threatens to be extinguished before it can fully flare into being. Noah is a clone, fading away like the imperfect copy he is. But Logan isn't about to give up so easily. He belongs to Noah, and he will do everything in his power to save his lover, even if it means short-circuiting his own soul.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Follow the burgeoning love of two teens during the worst year of their lives. Irish-born Declan David de Quirke II is the son of two ambassadors, one Irish and one American. He is ‘out’ to his parents but to no one else. French-born Jean Isidore de Sauveterre is also the son of two ambassadors, one Catalan and one Parisian. His four half brothers have been told to cure him of his homosexuality. Both teens have lost a parent in a London car bombing.

Declan and Isidore meet at the beginning of their senior year at a private academy in the United States. Declan is immediately smitten with Isidore and becomes his knight in shining armor. Isidore wants to keep what is left of his sanity and needs Declan’s love to do it. One is beaten, one is drugged, one is nearly raped, one has been raped. They are harassed by professors and police, and have fights at school, but none of it compares to running for their lives. When the headmaster’s popular son attempts suicide and someone tries to assassinate Declan’s mother, they are thrown headlong into chaos, betrayal, conspiracy, allegations of sexual coercion, even murder. And one of them carries a secret that may get them killed.


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Food for Thought

Tales of the Curious Cookbook
$3.99 $2.99

A Tale of the Curious Cookbook

Emmett Gant was planning to tell his father something really important one Sunday morning—but his father passed away first. Now, nearly three years later, Emmett can't seem to clear up who he should be with—the girl with the apple cheeks and the awesome family, or his snarky neighbor, Keegan, who never sees his family but who makes Emmett really happy just by coming over to chat.

Emmett needs clarity.

Fortunately for Emmett, his best friend’s mom has a cookbook that promises to give Emmett insight and good food, and Emmett is intrigued. After the cookbook follows him home, Emmett and Keegan decide to make the recipe “For Clarity,” and what ensues is both very clear—and a little surprising, especially to Emmett's girlfriend. Emmett is going to have to think hard about his past and the really important thing he forgot to tell his father if he wants to get the recipe for love just right.


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$5.99 $4.49

Dylan and Jax were typical best friends, until Dylan fell for Jax and kissed him the night before senior prom. Dylan had to move away before they could talk about it, so he has spent ten years thinking Jax hated him for that kiss.

Reconnecting on Facebook allows them to meet again, and they quickly become as close as ever, spending most of their free time together. Dylan falls for Jax a second time, even though Jax has a girlfriend and appears to be straight.

Important secrets about Jax may lie hidden in the books he's written, but Jax has asked Dylan not to read them, and Dylan refuses to break his promise. When the truth finally surfaces, their lives will never be the same.


$5.99 $4.49

Entre ciel et terre

Nuages et Pluie
$6.99 $5.24

Nuages et Pluie, numéro hors série

Hunter Krause sait mieux que personne que gérer un ranch demande beaucoup de travail. Les bons employés sont difficiles à trouver. Hunter a beau avoir un régisseur efficace et une grande famille prête à l’épauler, le ranch est constamment à court de main-d’œuvre. De plus, des poulains se mettent à disparaître mystérieusement et son beau-frère décide d’embaucher un homme que Hunter aurait préféré ne jamais revoir : Grant. Hunter ne peut pas lui pardonner d’avoir abandonné meilleur ami, Gabe, le propriétaire du ranch voisin, après un grave accident qui l’a laissé handicapé.

Grant Jarreau s’adapte rapidement à la vie du ranch, il se rend indispensable et s’entend bien avec Izzie, la sœur de Hunter. Quant à Hunter, malgré ses idées préconçues, il ne peut contrôler ses réactions physiques en présence du beau cowboy. Quand celui-ci sauve son jeune neveu de la noyade, les deux hommes échangent un baiser qui ouvre pour Hunter un monde nouveau et des perspectives dont il ignorait l’existence.

Pendant que Hunter et Grant entament une relation secrète, la famille se déchire et le ranch est en difficulté, parce que personne n’arrive à comprendre ce qui arrive aux chevaux. Pour couronner le tout, Grant cache un lourd secret.

Hunter apprendra-t-il à faire confiance à Grant ou bien l’orage familial fera-t-il une autre victime ?


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$6.99 $5.24

Ein Titel der Clouds and Rain Serie

Tim Conroy ist es gewohnt, geduldig zu sein. Er hat drei Jahre darauf gewartet, dass Rory McCown aus dem Gefängnis entlassen wird, nachdem er auf der Blue River Ranch Pferde gestohlen hatte. Doch nun, da Rory auf Bewährung entlassen wird, macht Tim es sich zur Aufgabe, seinen Chef Hunter Krause davon zu überzeugen, Rory eine zweite Chance zu geben.

Er bedauert es fast, als Hunter seinem Vorschlag zustimmt, denn Rory ist in einem Moment ein schlecht gelaunter Einzelgänger, nur um sich im nächsten arrogant und unnahbar zu geben. Die beiden fühlen sich trotzdem zueinander hingezogen, doch als sie sich endlich näherkommen, taucht ein alter Feind auf, um Unfrieden zu stiften. Wird ihre Beziehung stark genug sein, diesen Sturm zu überstehen?


$6.99 $5.24

Il nulla di Ben

Serie Storie di Austin | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Storie di Austin, Libro 1

Ben Walsh sta per diventare uno dei migliori avvocati di Manhattan; ha un fidanzato meraviglioso e amici nell’élite della città. La sua vita è perfetta, finché una telefonata non distrugge tutto: un incidente d’auto porta via tragicamente i suoi genitori e ora deve tornare a Austin per crescere tre fratelli adolescenti che conosce a malapena.

Durante il funerale, Ben incontra Travis Atwood, il vicino di casa dalla parlata texana e dal cuore d’oro. All’inizio, il loro rapporto passa momenti di alti e bassi, tra discussioni e flirt, ma quando il peso della responsabilità comincia a gravare su Ben, si appoggia immediatamente a Travis, e la pressione modella la loro amicizia in qualcosa che somiglia molto all’amore. Ben pensa di aver trovato una soluzione per riavere, oltre alla sua vecchia vita, la sua nuova vita e Travis, ma deve rendersi conto che l’amore non è sempre facile. Riuscirà a capire che un’esperienza orribile potrebbe farlo giungere alla meta a cui era destinato?


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When Kyle Champlain’s grandmother, Molly, passes away, he returns to Wetlake, Canada, to settle her estate. Kyle spent his summers in Wetlake as a child, and now he has the chance to renew his acquaintance with some old friends, including Ryan Summers, before going home to Chicago. But when Kyle tries to pressure Ryan into a business decision, their renewed friendship—and any possible attraction--is almost immediately on the rocks.

As Kyle begins to deliver the personalized bequests from Molly’s will, he meets an odd assortment of people from all walks of life and realizes he has a lot to learn about living and love. But he’ll have to fight his parents, suspicious beneficiaries, and Ryan’s fears if he plans to stay in Wetlake.


My Dumb Jock

Dumb Jock | Book Six
$6.99 $5.24

Dumb Jock: Book Six

The final book in the Dumb Jock series brings us back to Jeff and Brett thirty-plus years after their “happily ever after.” Jeff, now a university professor, and Brett, CEO of a sporting equipment company, prepare to celebrate Brett’s fiftieth birthday. Suddenly, a devastating emergency derails all plans. Fear and unknown questions force the couple to look back on a lifetime of struggles as an openly gay couple just starting out in the 1980s. My Dumb Jock chronicles their life together, beginning after the sports banquet at the conclusion of book one, continuing through their college years, engagement, wedding, and the birth of their children. Together they shoulder homophobia and rejection and build their own family in the face of many crippling losses and temptations. This final book of the series brings together an entire cast of characters from five books, all connected by one remarkable couple. A couple not quite ready to say good-bye.


$6.99 $5.24

Spring Break at the Villa Hermes

Brandt and Donnelly Capers | Case File Four
$6.99 $5.24

A Brandt and Donnelly Caper: Case File Four

Troopers Ethan Brandt and Gabriel Donnelly celebrate the one-year anniversary of their engagement by flying south for a week of calm relaxation at the Villa Hermes, a gay boutique hotel on the beach. But when the rest of the guests turn out to be college guys on spring break (unwittingly booked into a gay hotel by a passive-aggressive travel agent), their week turns out to be anything but calm.

Ted, one of the spring breakers, has harbored a crush on his roommate and best friend, Bark, since they met freshman year. Now, on their fourth and final spring break, Ted knows they must soon say good-bye. A lacrosse star and ladies’ man, Bark has no idea Ted has fallen for him—until a storm forces the entire group underground for twenty-four hours of stress and truth-telling. Bark doesn't want to say good-bye to Ted at graduation either. He just didn't know how to put his feelings into words or if he could face the consequences of speaking them. Brandt and Donnelly help the college guys through their crisis by showing them what love between best friends can grow into.

But Ted and Bark aren’t the only spring-breakers with secrets.


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$6.99 $5.24

Determined to help the war effort, Frankie Norris joins the US Air Force in 1943. Braving intimidating drill sergeants and unending marches, Frankie struggles to hide his secret—he’s queer. But having passed basic training, he’s not going to risk an undesirable discharge or any of his fellow recruits finding out. Then he receives word that he’s been granted a position flying the plane he loves, the P-51 Mustang.

But as Frankie finds his wings in the sky, feelings of isolation may keep him grounded. Slowly making friends among his squadron, Frankie realizes he may not be as alone or as abnormal as he thinks. Other queer men have formed a community in the Armed Forces to offer support. Then Frankie meets his crew chief, Jim Morrow. Initially antagonistic, they slowly become friends and a mutual attraction develops as they join the Eighth Air Force in Britain. Confessing their feelings, snatching what time they can together, and wary of discovery, Frankie and Jim are there for each other through dangerous missions and the loss of friends. It’s a long war with enemies on both sides. All they can hope for is to survive long enough for a chance at something more.


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Desert World Allegiances

Desert World | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Desert World: Book One

Livre once offered Planetary Alliance miners and workers a small fortune if they helped terraform the mineral rich planet. People flocked to the world, but then a civil war cut the desert planet off from all resources.  Half-terraformed and clinging to the edge of existence, Livre devolved into a world where death was accepted as part of life, water resources were scarce and constantly dwindling, and neighbors tried to help each other hold off the inevitable as the desert fought to take back the few terraformed spaces.

Temar Gazer claims to be the victim of water theft.  His claims could be a simple misdirection intended to help him escape a term of labor after his criminal prank caused irreparable damage to a watering system.  However as the only member of the council arguing against a short-term slavery sentence for Temar, Shan Polli can’t escape the fear that something darker is happening. The more he investigates Temar’s story, the more he finds that his world is not as free of politics or danger as he had assumed. Together, Shan and Temar must get to the bottom of the conspiracy before time runs out for the entire planet.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, September 2011.


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