

Noble Persuasion

The Halvarian Ruin Books

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to Noble Falling

Stripped of her noble status and exiled from the kingdom she called home, Aleana Melora searches desperately for answers about what is happening in her lands, and she won’t give up easily. A strange message summoning her to a nearby castle might shed some light on the mystery.

Aleana’s people need her help, and she discovers a way to relieve some of their misery. But new allies come with a new set of expectations, forcing Aleana to walk a fine line between their demands and her beliefs. Her choices will affect not only her subjects, but her relationship with the marked criminal, Kahira.


Rouge + Bleu

Contraires qui s’attirent

Contraires qui s’attirent, numéro hors série

Fraîchement débarqué du Minnesota, Ben Dutoit est fou de joie d’avoir décroché un travail au sein de Sydney Family Insurance, l’une des rares compagnies à offrir des contrats d’assurance-vie aux personnes à haut risque. Le fait de travailler à San Francisco, creuset de la culture homosexuelle, constituait juste la cerise sur un gâteau aux couleurs de l’arc-en-ciel. Ben s’est fixé trois buts : affirmer et se montrer suffisamment fier de son homosexualité pour participer à la Gay Pride ; profiter dans les boîtes de nuit de la compagnie de ses semblables et, s’il avait de la chance, tomber amoureux.

Mais les hommes que Ben rencontre sont tout ce qu’il n’est pas : charmants, sûrs d’eux, sophistiqués et sexy. Ils constituent l’élite de l’élite, tiennent une place importante dans la société, sont fortunés et endossent toutes les responsabilités qui vont de pair.

Ben se demande si le Rouge et le Bleu peuvent se mélanger quand il découvre la vraie signification du mot ‘risque’. L’économie mondiale vacille. Le travail sur lequel il comptait est remis en cause et tous les rêves qu’il avait faits sont menacés, et plus particulièrement celui concernant l’amour.


Saving Faithless Creek

2015 Award Winners

Blair Montague is sent to Newton, Montana, to purchase a ranch and some land for his father. It’s a trip he doesn't want to make. But his father paid for his college education in exchange for Blair working for him in his casinos, so Blair has no choice. When he finds out he’ll be dealing with Royal Masters, the man who bullied him in high school, he is shocked. Then Blair is surprised when he finds that Royal’s time in the Marines has changed him to the point where Blair could be attracted to him… if he’s willing to take that chance.

Royal’s life hasn’t been a bed of roses. He saw combat in the military that left him scarred, and not just on the outside. When he inherits his father’s ranch, he discovers his father wasn't a good manager and the ranch is in trouble. The sale of land would put them back on good footing, but he is suspicious of Blair’s father’s motives, and with good reason. The attraction between them is hard for either to ignore, but it could all evaporate once the land deal is sealed.


Sequel to Good Question
Q&A: Book Two

Two men from different worlds must realize they deserve to be loved and what they have together is real and worth fighting for.

Though Jamison Coburn and Lonnie Bellerose have been a couple for a month, each worries he’s not good enough for the other. Lonnie has always doubted his worth and right to be loved, despite a superb education and international upbringing. Jamison, an undereducated laborer, grew up in a loving family who never knew he was gay.

As Jamison struggles to find his way as an out gay man, he fears the occasional stumble will send Lonnie packing. Lonnie doesn't trust that anyone would choose him and worries that Jamison will see better options.

When Lonnie’s abusive ex returns, he’s determined to reclaim Lonnie. He works to exacerbate the new couple’s differences and doubts in the hopes of splitting them up, which is proving too easy.

For their love to last, Lonnie and Jamison will have to be brutally honest, not only with themselves, but with each other.


24-Karat Conspiracy

Precious Gems | Book Four
2015 Award Winners

Sequel to Jaded
Precious Gems: Book Four

Former Ranger turned FBI agent Reed Acton faces his biggest challenge yet: a Christmas visit from partner Trent Copeland’s parents. He’s less equipped to handle hugs and holidays than the Taliban or international art thieves. When he’s assigned to track down a set of gold Babylonian artifacts looted from the Iraqi National Museum after the fall of Baghdad, things start to look up.

This time, Trent’s part of the mission, which takes them to exotic Istanbul. The crowded streets and labyrinthine markets fascinate Trent, but soon murder is on their trail. The investigation continues as Reed goes undercover at a US Army base, with Trent masquerading as his spouse. Surprisingly, fastidious and ever-fashionable Trent fits into base life right away and soon takes one of the suspects’ wives under his wing when domestic abuse rears its head.

Their faux marriage leads Reed to appreciate Trent in ways he never expected, strengthening their bond—until Reed has to confront the worst demons from his past: his relationship with his estranged family.


Sequel to Conquer the Flames
Lang Downs: Book Five

Seth Simms never wanted to be a cowboy, although to listen to his best friend, Jason Thompson, tell it, he isn’t one. He just happens to have lucked out in coming to live on Lang Downs with his brother ten years ago. He found enough stability to finish high school and go off to university, but he never really believed Lang Downs would be the same haven for him that it had become for so many others. He’s too messed up in the head. No one would accept someone with his issues.

All his life, Jason has had one goal: to come home to Lang Downs as resident veterinarian when they need his skills and jackaroo when they don’t. And it means he gets to spend time with Seth during his occasional visits, even though his dream of going from friends to lovers is hopeless since Seth is straight.

When Seth unexpectedly comes home to stay, Jason takes it as the boon it is. But juggling a relationship with another jackaroo and his friendship with Seth isn’t easy, and that’s before Jason realizes how deep Seth’s issues run and how dangerously Seth chooses to cope with them.


Running with the Wind

Mermen of Ea Trilogy | Book Three

Sequel to Into the Wind
Mermen of Ea Trilogy: Book Three

With the final confrontation between the island and mainland Ea factions looming, Taren and Ian sail with Odhrán to investigate a lost colony of merfolk in the Eastern Lands. Upon their arrival, the King of Astenya welcomes them as friends. Odhrán, however, isn’t so quick to trust the descendent of the man who held him prisoner for nearly a decade, especially now that he has someone to cherish and protect—the mysterious winged boy he rescued from the depths.

Armed with the knowledge he believes will save the Ea, Taren returns to the mainland. With Ian at his side, Taren convinces Vurin that their people must unite with their island brethren before it’s too late. When Seria and his men attack, Taren must call upon the ancient power of the rune stone to protect his comrades. But using the stone’s immeasurable power commands a hefty price—and Ian fears that price is Taren’s life.


Murder and Mayhem

2015 Award Winners
Murder and Mayhem |

Murder and Mayhem: Book One

Dead women tell no tales.

Former cat burglar Rook Stevens stole many a priceless thing in the past, but he’s never been accused of taking a life—until now. It was one thing to find a former associate inside Potter’s Field, his pop culture memorabilia shop, but quite another to stumble across her dead body.

Detective Dante Montoya thought he’d never see Rook Stevens again—not after his former partner falsified evidence to entrap the jewelry thief and Stevens walked off scot-free. So when he tackled a fleeing murder suspect, Dante was shocked to discover the blood-covered man was none other than the thief he’d fought to put in prison and who still makes his blood sing.

Rook is determined to shake loose the murder charge against him, even if it means putting distance between him and the rugged Cuban-Mexican detective who brought him down. If one dead con artist wasn’t bad enough, others soon follow, and as the bodies pile up around Rook’s feet, he's forced to reach out to the last man he’d expect to believe in his innocence—and the only man who’s ever gotten under Rook’s skin.


Bachelors Party

Brandt and Donnelly Capers | Case File Five

A Brandt and Donnelly Caper: Case File Five

Med student Oliver Mitchell has discovered a way to make more tips as a bartender—put on ripped workout gear and serve drinks at the hip new gay club, Burn. The only catch is Oliver is straight. The staff and patrons don’t mind, though, and Oliver fits in well—until he meets James Buchanan Whitford, a local politician with a secret: he’s married. When James’s scheming wife attempts to catch him in flagrante with Oliver, they flee the city for the refuge of James’s cabin in the woods. There, Oliver faces a new challenge—he's starting to feel more for James than friendship. Their new relationship must survive political intrigue and small-town politics before they can be together.

With their wedding two months away, it's time for Troopers Ethan Brandt and Gabriel Donnelly to have a bachelor party. Ethan's older brothers are excited, but Ethan is not. As a straight guy who fell in love with another man, the whole ritual is fraught with complications, and he struggles to reconcile newly granted marriage equality with old traditions. Brandt and Donnelly work to help James and Oliver find their way to happiness while pulling off the bachelor party of the year.


De A à Z

Coda (Français)

Coda, numéro hors série

Zach Mitchell est enlisé dans sa routine. Ça fait dix ans que son petit ami de fac l’a quitté, pourtant Zach vit toujours dans le même appartement, conduit la même voiture et continue à nourrir la chatte ingrate de son ex. Son vidéo club de Denver, De A à Z, est en difficulté. Il a des clients ennuyeux, des voisins excentriques et vit une romance inintéressante avec son propriétaire, Tom.

Angelo Green, un insolent en bottes de combat, a grandi dans des familles d’accueil et se débrouille seul depuis qu’il a seize ans. Il n’a jamais appris à faire confiance ou à aimer. Il refuse aussi les relations sérieuses, alors quand il commence à travailler à De A à Z, il décide que Zach lui est strictement interdit.

Malgré leurs différences, Zach et Angelo se lient rapidement d’amitié. Quand la rupture de Zach et Tom met le vidéo club en péril, c’est Angelo qui trouve la solution. Avec l’aide de Jared et Matt, leurs amis de Coda dans le Colorado, Zach et Angelo trouveront le moyen de sauver De A à Z, mais pourront-ils aussi se sauver l’un l’autre ?


Fireworks & Wild Cards

The Wheel Mysteries | Book Three

Sequel to Devil's Own
The Wheel Mysteries: Book Three

When Gus Goodwin’s friend and mentor, Juliette Hayes, asks him to find out who’s stealing small sums from the cashbox of her Moonlight Haven Coven, Gus agrees. What’s the worst that could happen? They catch a small-time thief and, with any luck, retrieve a few bucks. Gus enlists the help of his boyfriend, PI Niall Valentine, and Niall’s retired police officer father, Owain, to go undercover and solve the mystery.

On the night of the next full moon ritual, however, the coven is struck with a fatal blow.

Now Gus and Niall face more than a murder mystery. The coven is torn apart, and along comes an eccentric psychic and Tarot master—plus a familiar face both Gus and Niall had hoped was long gone. As fireworks ignite and wild cards are spread, Gus and Niall have their work cut out for them.


I'll Still Be There

Unfinished Business | Book One

Unfinished Business: Book One

The summer after high school, Eli Dunn and Jess Early explore an abandoned brothel in the rural Florida Panhandle. They’ve always kept their mutual attraction unspoken, but in an upstairs room at the end of the hall, everything changes. Suddenly, all the longing Eli and Jess have tried so hard to conceal bursts free, and passion like they’ve never experienced comes to light, along with the ghosts of Clay Bailey and Silas Denton, murdered owners of the brothel. And Clay and Silas have no problem possessing Eli and Jess in order to express their love for each other, without thought for the living.

Deeply disturbed by the experience, Eli and Jess part and try to get on with life as best they can. But after several years, Eli returns to Florida, only to find that Jess has made some questionable choices. These eventually lead him back to the abandoned house and a confrontation with Eli. Old scores are settled and Eli and Jess reunite. But Clay and Silas’s ghosts aren’t finished yet, for they’ve always believed in the power of open and honest love.


The Wheel Mysteries

The Wheel Mysteries | Books One & Two

The Wheel Mysteries

Books 1 & 2


Sparks & Drops

Magic is in the air when Gus Goodwin, a pagan shopkeeper, meets a Niall Valentine, a mysterious PI investigating the disappearance of a local witch. What starts out as harmless flirting and information gathering soon turns into a partnership, with both men determined to solve the case.

Bodies pile up as someone uses fire and water to kill witches, and it is up to Niall and Gus to find out what’s going on. But when their friendship blossoms into something else, the unknown dangers ahead become even more frightening. If they can’t solve the murders soon, they’re going to get themselves killed.


Devil’s Own

PI Niall Valentine and his occult shopkeeper boyfriend, Gus Goodwin, are thrown into another murder mystery.

Niall’s client, Angelina Talbot, believes her husband attempted to kill her. Terrified, Angelina hit him with a lamp and ran. Florian Talbot lies dead in their bedroom, his head smashed in—but the door is locked from the inside. Is Angelina an unwitting murderer, or are more sinister forces at play?

With a family of eccentrics, borderline criminals, and Satanists, the killer could be any number of people wandering the mansion that night. The Talbot clan thrives in secrecy, and Niall and Gus must shed some light on the shadowy case.


Spell Bound

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge | Book One
2015 Award Winners

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge: Book One

Mason Blackmoor just can’t compete with his brothers, much less his father. They represent the epitome of black magic, strong, dark, and wicked, and though Mason tries to live up to his respected lineage, most of the spells he casts go awry. To make matters worse, his active power has yet to kick in. While his brothers wield lightning and harness the cold, Mason sits on the sidelines, waiting for the moment when he can finally enter the magical game.

When a dead body is discovered on the football field of his high school, Mason meets Drake Carpenter, the new kid in town. Drake’s confident demeanor and quick wit rub Mason the wrong way. Drake is far too self-assured for someone without an ounce of magical blood in his body, and Mason aims to teach him a lesson—like turn him into a roach. And if he’s lucky, maybe this time Mason won’t be the one turned into an insect.

Not surprisingly, the dislike is mutual, and Drake does nothing to dispel Mason’s suspicion that the sexy boy with a southern drawl is somehow connected to the murder.

If only Mason didn’t find himself inexplicably spell bound whenever they are together, they might actually find out what danger hides in the shadows.


Forbidden Monastery

Rage | Book One

Rage: Book One

Rage is a seasoned assassin, and he lives by his own rules. One of them forbids him to kill children, and at sixteen, his new target is definitely too young to die. Instead of breaking her neck, he kidnaps Lucinda of Babylon—and soon finds out the girl has the knack to annoy the hell out of him.

As if taking care of a stubborn girl isn’t enough of a burden, Lucinda’s best friend Keiran joins their escape. And falls in love with Rage. And totally ignores the fact that the man in black, who cannot and will not use magic even to save his own life, does not love him back.

Staying one step ahead of a madman who is desperate to end their lives, Rage and his unwilling companions travel to the Forbidden Monastery, a place where horrible magical experiments once took place. There are ghosts screaming for their blood and dangerous, wild magic is always ready to strike. At the end of the day, two people are dead, and Rage realizes with bitter clarity that his heart can break just as easily as it did when he was young.


A DIY Family Story

Back from summer basketball camp and starting at Hoosier State on an athletic scholarship, Billy is looking forward to playing basketball free of pressure from his overbearing, bigoted father. Too bad he’s trading one set of problems for another. His boyfriend Jonah dumps him, expecting he’ll want to spread his wings now that he’s away from home, and the basketball program at State proves harder to navigate than he imagined.

Despite his hurt at Jonah’s treatment, Billy is not ready to give up on a relationship with the out-and-proud musician. Their geographical distance isn’t Billy’s biggest problem, since it makes it easier for him to stay in the closet. In fact, when the press starts sniffing around the basketball team, it turns out he’s not the only one with a secret. Every member of the team must choose where, and with whom, they stand. The success of Billy’s season may depend as much on the depth of his character as his physical endurance.


Fire and Ice

Carlisle Cops | Book Two
2015 Award Winners

Carlisle Cops: Book Two

Carter Schunk is a dedicated police officer with a difficult past and a big heart. When he’s called to a domestic disturbance, he finds a fatally injured woman, and a child, Alex, who is in desperate need of care. Child Services is called, and the last man on earth Carter wants to see walks through the door. Carter had a fling with Donald a year ago and found him as cold as ice since it ended.

Donald (Ice) Ickle has had a hard life he shares with no one, and he’s closed his heart to all. It’s partly to keep himself from getting hurt and partly the way he deals with a job he’s good at, because he does what needs to be done without getting emotionally involved. When he meets Carter again, he maintains his usual distance, but Carter gets under his skin, and against his better judgment, Donald lets Carter guilt him into taking Alex when there isn’t other foster care available. Carter even offers to help care for the boy.

Donald has a past he doesn’t want to discuss with anyone, least of all Carter, who has his own past he’d just as soon keep to himself. But it’s Alex’s secrets that could either pull them together or rip them apart—secrets the boy isn’t able to tell them and yet could be the key to happiness for all of them.


Walking Wounded

Souls Reunited | Book One
Royal Navy Series |

A Souls Reunited Story
A companion to the Royal Navy Series

John Hanson joined the military because he wanted to serve his country. Lacking a home and family of his own, the idealistic young man longed to be a part of something bigger than himself. He didn’t expect to find love in officer’s training—so when an assignment took him away from Kevin Kendrick, the love of his life, he sacrificed personal happiness and did his duty.

Kevin has made his own sacrifices. Career came first, and the impressionable Army brat, tired of living in his father’s shadow, pledged his loyalty to his country and followed his ambition.

Now, seven years later, when the Army Kevin so faithfully served has made him the scapegoat for their latest Middle East snafu, he can only think of one place to go, one man who can provide solace and heal his wounds—John.

Reunited, the two war-weary lovers once again discover their passion for life, love, and one another. But Kevin’s past isn’t through with him yet, and when an old enemy surfaces, the two men realize that they must face the nightmares of the past together if they are to have the future they dream of.

3rd Edition
1st Edition published by Linden Bay Romance, 2007. 2nd Edition published by Cheyenne Publishing/Bristlecone Pine Press, 2009.