Romantic Comedy books


The course of true love can be a bumpy, up-and-down, and sideways ride, but the end-of-the-year holidays are perfect for happy endings! Whether they’re finding a new romance or rekindling an old one.

Welcome to the holiday world of Paul Richmond's Cheesecake Boys, pinups for a new generation where skin-baring wardrobe malfunctions take an equal opportunity approach. Grab your crayons, markers, or colored pencils because these fellows need your magic touch—all over! 


Single 8.5x11 printable PDF for your coloring enjoyment.


Santa's got a list, and he's checking it twice. Will you tell if your lover's been naughty or nice?

Welcome to the holiday world of Paul Richmond's Cheesecake Boys, pinups for a new generation where skin-baring wardrobe malfunctions take an equal opportunity approach. Grab your crayons, markers, or colored pencils because these fellows need your magic touch—all over! 


Single 8.5x11 printable PDF for your coloring enjoyment.


Sometimes it’s the little things that mean the most….

The holidays are a time when bigger often means better, and meals are huge, decorations are over-the-top, and elaborate gifts and grand gestures are one way to show affection. But beneath all the pomp and ceremony, after the grandiose presents have been unwrapped, the stocking stuffers are still waiting to add that final sparkle to the perfect celebration. Even the tiniest trinkets can be gems when they’re chosen with love, and like a good love story, they are held close to the heart and treasured for years to come. The festivities don’t have to end after the feasts and gift exchanges. Dig a little deeper for romantic stocking stuffers both naughty and nice.

Welcome to the holiday world of Paul Richmond's Cheesecake Boys, pinups for a new generation where skin-baring wardrobe malfunctions take an equal opportunity approach. Grab your crayons, markers, or colored pencils because these fellows need your magic touch—all over! 


Single 8.5x11 printable PDF for your coloring enjoyment.


Have a happy holiday season with this package full of frolicking mischief to hot kisses. 'Tis the season for romance and Christmas dreams!

Welcome to the holiday world of Paul Richmond's Cheesecake Boys, pinups for a new generation where skin-baring wardrobe malfunctions take an equal opportunity approach. Grab your crayons, markers, or colored pencils because these fellows need your magic touch—all over! 

Single 8.5x11 printable PDF for your coloring enjoyment.


When it comes to romance, ageless images are carried forever in your heart: A candle in the window burning bright. Warmth billowing from an old stone hearth. Snowflakes falling from the night sky under a full moon. Twinkle lights glinting in a lover’s eyes.

Welcome to the holiday world of Paul Richmond's Cheesecake Boys, pinups for a new generation where skin-baring wardrobe malfunctions take an equal opportunity approach. Grab your crayons, markers, or colored pencils because these fellows need your magic touch—all over! 

Single 8.5x11 printable PDF for your coloring enjoyment.


It's the most fervent dream of the holidays: to have a life full of blooming romance and enduring devotion with love, joy, and even a touch of lust to warm the cold winter nights. No matter what holidays are celebrated, the idiom holds true: home is where the heart is.

Welcome to the holiday world of Paul Richmond's Cheesecake Boys, pinups for a new generation where skin-baring wardrobe malfunctions take an equal opportunity approach. Grab your crayons, markers, or colored pencils because these fellows need your magic touch—all over! 

Single 8.5x11 printable PDF for your coloring enjoyment.


Ein Ständchen für Stanley

Belladonna Arms (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Ein Titel der Belladonna Arms Serie

Willkommen im Belladonna Arms, einem heruntergekommenen Mietshaus auf einem der Hügel in der Innenstadt von San Diego. Es ist das Heim der Verlorenen, der Liebeskranken und der Liebestollen.

Der schüchterne Archäologiestudent Stanley Sternbaum ist gerade erst hier eingezogen. Er verbringt seine Zeit damit, die exzentrischen Nachbarn zu beobachten, seinem Teufelsbraten von Mutter aus dem Weg zu gehen und ansonsten möglichst unbemerkt zu bleiben … Letzteres erweist sich als das größte Problem – jedenfalls soweit es Roger Jane angeht, der ebenfalls im Belladonna Arms wohnt. Der muskelbepackte Krankenpfleger mit den wunderschönen grünen Augen ist nämlich hoffnungslos in Stanley verknallt und macht ihm unbeirrt den Hof. Doch Stanley hat immer ein ruhiges, zurückgezogenes Leben geführt und ist nie das Risiko eingegangen, sich zu verlieben. Besonders nicht in einen Mann, der so umwerfend gut aussieht wie Roger Jane.

Während Roger versucht, die Mauern um Stanley einzureißen, wendet der sich an seine Nachbarn, um mehr über die Liebe zu lernen: An Ramon, der keine Angst davor hat, sein Herz dem falschen Mann zu schenken; an Sylvia, eine Transsexuelle, die sich nichts mehr wünscht, als endlich eine Frau zu werden; an deren heimlichen Verehrer, der sie so liebt, wie sie ist; an Arthur, die Dragqueen, die sie alle liebt und nie etwas dafür erwartet – und an Roger, dessen Herz schon einmal gebrochen wurde, der aber bereit ist, es für Stanley wieder zu riskieren. Wenn Stanley es nur endlich schaffen würde, seine eigenen Unsicherheiten zu überwinden und ihn einzulassen.


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Le prétendant volé

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Son  futur était fixé jusqu’à ce qu’un voleur subtilise son cœur. 

Tout le monde à Clyde’s Corner, dans le Montana, sait que le dandy local Chris Ramsey va épouser Trix Stubben, la jeune veuve et héritière du plus riche ranch de la région. Mais une femme n’est pas très enthousiasmée par cette idée. Mabe Crassen veut mettre la main sur ce ranch, alors elle charge son fils aîné de courtiser Trix, et son plus jeune fils, Jeremy, de distraire Chris et de l’écarter du droit chemin. 

Jeremy Crassen pense que le plan de sa mère est dingue. Mais il veut désespérément aller à l’université, ce que Mabe acceptera – s’il séduit Chris. Comment le timide Jeremy, puceau et secrètement gay arrivera-t-il à séduire Chris, qui semble déterminé à faire ce qui est juste en épousant Trix ? Jeremy ne peut pas rivaliser avec *une* riche veuve. Ou peut-être que si ?


$4.99 $3.74


Perchance to Dream
$6.99 $5.24

Friday, 23 January

The cat funeral.

Yeah, that happened today. I went and participated in—aided and abetted?—a cat funeral.

London life is tough on idealists. In an ideal world, after years of flirtation, Leo would be cosily settled down with Jack, his long-time crush. In an ideal world, Jack wouldn’t now be engaged to a woman. And in an ideal world, Leo would move on.

When handsome new neighbour Alex moves in opposite Leo, an opportunity to do so presents itself. But Alex is working class, poorer than Leo, and probably straight. While Jack’s engagement unravels, and Leo’s friendship with Alex deepens, will Leo manage to find happiness with the right man? Or will he succumb to his enemies: self-doubt, family expectations, and pride? 

Told in diary form, this is both the story of a love triangle in London and the chronicle of a man’s struggles to confront his self-image and overcome his insecurity.


$6.99 $5.24

Daniels Erleuchtung

Sex in Seattle (Deutsch) | Buch 2
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 2 in der Serie - Sex in Seattle

Der erfolgreiche Geschäftsmann Daniel Derenzo lebt nur für seine Arbeit. Doch dann wird er durch seinen sterbenden Vater daran erinnert, wie kurz das Leben ist. Daniel setzt seine Prioritäten neu und macht eine überraschende Entdeckung – er fühlt sich zu seinem Geschäftspartner und besten Freund Nick hingezogen, obwohl er immer davon ausgegangen war, ein absolut normaler, heterosexueller Mann zu sein. Auf seine typisch perfektionistische Art erkundet Daniel diese neue Entwicklung mit Hilfe der Experten von ‚Expanded Horizons‘, einer Sexklinik. Und anschließend geht er das Problem an, wie er es aus dem Geschäftsleben kennt – mit dem festen Entschluss, sich das Geschäft nicht durch die Finger rutschen zu lassen. 

Nick Ross war vor vielen Jahren in Daniel verliebt, als sie sich ein Zimmer im Studentenwohnheim teilten. Aber Nick wusste schon damals, dass Daniel nicht schwul ist. Er reparierte sein gebrochenes Herz durch eine Heirat mit Marcia. Vierzehn Jahre und zwei Kinder später gleicht ihre Ehe zwei Schiffen, die sich nachts begegnen. Da Nick seine Kinder über alles liebt, verzichtet er auf eine Scheidung. Er hat Angst davor, dass Marcia das alleinige Sorgerecht zugesprochen bekommt. Aber wenn er seinem eigenen Herzen und den Gefühlen, die in Daniel erwacht sind, vertrauen kann, gibt es vielleicht doch noch ein glückliches Ende für sie beide.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

It’s not easy breaking into show biz. Especially when you aren’t exactly loaded with talent. But Malcolm Fox won’t let a little thing like that hold him back.

Actually, it isn’t the show-business part of his life that bothers him as much as the romantic part—or the lack thereof. At twenty-six, Malcolm has never been in love. He lives in San Diego with his roommate, Beth, another struggling actor, and each of them is just as unsuccessful as the other. While Malcolm toddles off to this audition and that, he ponders the lack of excitement in his life. The lack of purpose. The lack of a man.

Then Beth’s brother moves in.

Freshly imported from Missouri of all places, Cory Williams is a towering hunk of muscles and innocence, and Malcolm is gobsmacked by the sexiness of his new roomie from the start. When infatuation enters the picture, Malcolm knows he’s really in trouble. After all, Cory is straight!

At least, that’s the general consensus.


$6.99 $5.24
$9.99 $7.49

Welcome to Jasper Lane, possibly the gayest suburb around. In SubSurditySuburbalicious, and SuburbaNights, meet the entire neighborhood and follow their misadventures with porn, dead bodies, parenthood, religious zealots, and romance, of course! No matter what problem they’re facing, they’ll do it with humor and style.

In Kid Christmas Rides Again, the Jolly Old Elf himself  has keeled over, and the Committee to Oversee the Christening of Kringle (COCK) must find a replacement. Kid Christmas is here to save Christmas as long as he can make it past the many traps and obstacles in his way.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49
$4.99 $3.74

Il suo futuro era deciso finché un ladro non gli ha rubato il cuore.

Tutta Clyde’s Corner, nel Montana, sa che l’elegantissimo Chris Ramsey sposerà Trix Stubben, giovane vedova ed erede del ranch più ricco della zona. Una donna, però, non è troppo entusiasta all’idea. Mabe Crassen vuole mettere le mani sul ranch, così assegna al figlio maggiore il compito di corteggiare Trix e al minore, Jeremy, quello di distrarre Chris e di portarlo su un’altra strada.

Jeremy Crassen pensa che il piano di sua madre sia folle, ma vuole andare al college a tutti i costi, e Mabe gli darà il permesso soltanto se sedurrà Chris. Come farà il timido e virginale gay non dichiarato Jeremy ad attrarre Chris, che sembra determinato a fare la cosa giusta e a sposare Trix? Jeremy non potrà mai competere con una ricca *donna* vedova. O forse sì?


$4.99 $3.74

Ben and Shiloh

The Belladonna Arms
$6.99 $5.24

A Belladonna Arms Novel

Shiloh Smart is alone and looking for a fresh start. Convinced he’s finished with love forever, he signs a lease at the Belladonna Arms, a tacky, run-down apartment building situated high on a hill in downtown San Diego.

Determined to turn his back on romance, Shiloh works hard at carving out a life for himself where love doesn’t stand a chance and staying single is all that matters.

Then his drag queen landlord’s nephew, Ben Moss, moves in. Thanks to a rumor Ben has heard since childhood of a fifty-year-old crime and a fortune in stolen money, he sets out to find the loot supposedly hidden decades ago in his uncle’s apartment building.

The minute Ben spots a kilted Shiloh toddling off to work at the Scottish restaurant up the street where he waits tables, he falls hard and fast for the aloof young redhead. Even a hidden treasure can’t compete in Ben’s eyes with the beautiful waiter with the fiery copper hair.

But even while he diligently works to break down Shiloh’s defenses, Ben doesn’t give up his quest for buried treasure. Soon, as their friendship deepens, the two young men join forces in a search for the stolen cash.

As the treasure hunt gathers steam and all the tenants get involved, Ben and Shiloh come to realize the greatest treasure isn’t buried in the Belladonna Arms at all. It’s buried far deeper—in each other’s hearts!


$6.99 $5.24

The Senator's Secret

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Politics, puppy dogs, and passion, oh my!

When his Republican opponent outs him with a photo in a Facebook post, Senator Samuel Dalton doesn’t have many options open to him. It doesn’t matter that the photo is totally innocent. He has no choice but to come clean… until his staff suggest putting a spin on it that leaves Sam reeling.

Sure, he’ll end up with a lot of sympathy, not to mention the possibility of more voters from the LGBT community, but it still seems a pretty drastic solution.

Now all they have to do is persuade Gary, the other man in the photo, to play along. It sounds so easy: convince the constituents of North Carolina that he and Sam are engaged.

No big deal, except for the fact that they’ve only just met….


$4.99 $3.74

Some Assembly Required

2016 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Everyone wishes they were dead when wandering the purgatory of a home furnishings store, but these guys actually are.

Benji Goss is the quintessential good guy. When his boyfriend dumps him and moves out, Benji obligingly keeps the cat—even though he’s allergic—because his ex’s new place doesn’t accept pets. He’s always joked the cat would be the death of him, but not in a way he expects when a feline mishap crushes him under a DEL TORO bookcase.

Snarky loner Patrick Bryant is in such a rut he barely remembers the life he used to lead. The last thing he recalls is being decapitated by a DEL TORO bookcase in a freak accident. As a spiritual CASA resident, he haunts the aisles of affordable Italian furniture, assisting fellow spirits in moving on to their final destinations.

When Benji appears in the CASA café, Patrick considers the naïve spirit just the man to cure his boredom. Benji’s relentless optimism chips away at Patrick’s sarcasm, making him question if there’s something beyond what he can see. But the heart is like CASA furniture—there’s always some assembly required.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Cinder, a poor and beautiful young man who designs clothing, makeup, and hair for his stepmother and stepsisters, offers his clothing and slippers to a naked stranger in the woods, who turns out to be none other than Prince Charming. Follow Cinder and Prince Charming in this twist on the classic Cinderella tale as they discover their inner strengths and find their very own happily ever after.

Enjoy The Naked Prince and three other reimagined tales from Fairyland, each with a unique spin on stories we all know and love, including The Golden Rule, where eighteen-year-old Gideon Golden, after being thrown out of his home in Fairyland by his homophobic parents, breaks into the cottage of three burly men on Bear Mountain.

In Whatever Happened To…?, friction ensues between a celebrity with a growing appendage and a reporter who has a thing for giants.

And in Ice Cold, young Gaelen must save his love, Kieran, after a handsome but evil prince freezes Kieran’s heart and bewitches him into being the prince’s slave.


$4.99 $3.74

No! Jocks Don't Date Guys

The JOCK Series | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

The JOCK Series: Book Two

What is a sexy soccer stud supposed to do when “following family tradition” falls 180 degrees opposite his closeted ideal?

From birth, Chris Jackson has been schooled on how to land a cheerleader. After all, his father married one, and his father’s father before him. Heck, even his older brother married a stereotypical cheerleader the summer before Chris went off to college. For two years, Chris dodges invasive questions about relationships by blaming his lack of female companionship on grueling practices and heavy course loads. But his lack of interest in girls should’ve given his family a clue. It isn’t until Chris mentions meeting a boy that his father’s synapses short-circuit.

Alonzo Martin is anything but a buxom blond. From his black hair, combat boots, and trench coat to his nail polish and guyliner, the mysterious introvert isn’t easily persuaded to date. Alonzo’s insecurities keep Chris at arm’s length, but Alonzo’s painful past might meet its match in the charismatic jock’s winning smile and sense of humor.

When opposites attract, only cheerleaders and gummy bears can help overcome fear and family tradition.


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