Romantic Comedy books

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Es fácil ser cínico cuando la vida no está de tu lado.

Cole Reid ha sido un excluido social desde los quince años, cuando el equipo de béisbol del instituto lo sacó del armario. Desde entonces, su comportamiento obsesivo-compulsivo y su naturaleza sarcástica lo han llevado a distanciarse de la mayoría de las personas, además todo el mundo lo odia por ser gay. Tal y como él lo ve, está destinado a repeler a cualquier amigo potencial y, por supuesto, a cualquier novio, así que, ¿para qué molestarse?

Cuando Cole entra en la universidad, ya es un solitario en su fase anal-retentiva más dura, pero eso no es un problema hasta que su compañero de piso se gradúa y el departamento de alojamiento le asigna otro, Ellis Montgomery. Ellis es desordenado, atractivo, heterosexual y lo peor de todo: ¡un atleta!

Durante un semestre lleno de compañeros de fraternidad, acampadas y padres entrometidos, Cole y Ellis desarrollarán una amistad que volverá del revés el vaso medio vacío de la cabeza de Cole. Tiene que haber algo más en Ellis que un divertido atleta; y quizá la renovada libido de Cole pueda reavivar su esperanza por algo más que una simple camaradería.


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$9.99 $7.49

Hit author John Inman presents five novels of romance, from tongue in cheek to seriously chic—Shy: Funny what a couple of guys can accomplish when they’re crazy about each other. Not even nine hundred chickens can stand in the way of true love.—Loving Hector: Hector’s evil ex is dead set on holding on—even if it means kidnapping Hector to keep him from Dill forever! Now Dill has to pull an army together to rescue Hector, and just where the hell is he supposed to find an army? Gads, if only Dill could write books this interesting!—Hobbled: Danny had plans to come out this summer—maybe even get laid! He doesn’t have time for ankle monitors and serial killers! Then ginger-haired Luke Jamison moves in next door. Gee. If Danny can survive it, this summer might not be so bad after all.—Serenading Stanley: Welcome to the Belladonna Arms, a rundown little apartment building perched atop a hill in downtown San Diego, home to the city’s lost and lovelorn. While Roger tries to batter down Stanley’s defenses, Stanley turns to his new neighbors to learn about love.—Spirit: Toss a murder, a hot young stud, an unexpected love affair, and a spooky-ass ghost with a weird sense of humor into Jason’s summer plans, and you’ve got the makings for one hell of a ride.


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Coming Back

The Belladonna Arms
$6.99 $5.24

A Belladonna Arms Novel

Barney Teegarden knows what it’s like to be alone. He knows what it’s like to have a romantic heart, yet no love in his life to unleash the romance on. With the help of a friend, he acquires a lease in a seedy apartment building perched high on a hill in downtown San Diego. The Belladonna Arms is not only filled with the quirkiest cast of characters imaginable, it is also famous for sprinkling love dust on even the loneliest of the lovelorn.

At the Arms, Barney finds friendship, acceptance, and an adopted family that lightens his lonely life. Hell, he even finds a cat. But still true love eludes him.

When his drag queen landlord, Arthur, takes it into his head to rescue a homeless former tenant, he enlists Barney’s help. It is Barney who shows this lost soul how to trust again—and in return Barney discovers love for the first time in his life.

It’s funny how even the hardest battles can be fought and won with laughter, hugs, friends, plus a little faith in the goodness of others. All it takes to begin the healing is the simple act of coming back.


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$6.99 $5.24

È facile diventare cinici quando la vita non rema mai dalla tua parte.

Cole Reid è un asociale recluso dall’età di quindici anni, quando uno spiacevole episodio negli spogliatoi della sua squadra di baseball del liceo ha rivelato la sua omosessualità. Da allora, il suo comportamento ossessivo-compulsivo e la sua natura sarcastica lo hanno tenuto lontano dalla maggior parte della gente; tutti gli altri invece lo odiano perché è gay. Per come la vede lui, è condannato ad allontanare qualsiasi potenziale amico, per non parlare dei fidanzati, quindi perché sforzarsi?

Quando Cole arriva al college, è ormai diventato un perfezionista solitario; la cosa diventa un problema quando il suo coinquilino si laurea e l’ufficio alloggi assegna Ellis Montgomery all’appartamento di Cole. Ellis è maldestro, magnifico, etero e, peggio di tutto, uno sportivo!

In un anno scolastico popolato di confratelli, escursioni in campeggio e genitori ficcanaso, tra Cole ed Ellis nasce un’amicizia che capovolge la mentalità da bicchiere-mezzo-vuoto di Cole. In Ellis c’è dell’altro oltre allo sportivo amante del divertimento, e forse la risvegliata libido di Cole ha riacceso in lui la speranza di sperimentare qualcosa di più del cameratismo.


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Shawn is single, twenty-nine, the full-time carer of his Alzheimer’s-stricken mother, and a frequent victim of Murphy’s Law—although his family calls it Shawn’s Law. Other than caring for mum, his day consists of painting nude men and spying on the guy who walks his dogs along the street every day at four o’clock. When Shawn takes a spectacular fall on his front steps, who is there to witness it other than the man of his dreams?

Harley doesn’t believe in Shawn’s Law—but he soon changes his mind.

The two men make it through a memorable first date and Shawn’s sexual insecurities to begin a relationship stumbling toward love. But when Shawn’s Law causes Harley to be injured, Shawn is determined to save Harley’s life the only way he knows how—by breaking up with him. Not once, but twice. Throw in a serial killer ex-boyfriend, several deadly Australian animals, two dogs called Bennie, a mother who forgets to wear clothes, an unforgiving Town Council, and a strawberry-flavored condom dolly, and Shawn’s Law is one for the books.


Tonys Therapie

Sex in Seattle (Deutsch) | Buch 1
$4.99 $3.74

Buch 1 in der Serie - Sex in Seattle

Privatdetektiv Tony DeMarco soll in Seattle den Mord an einer jungen Frau aufklären. Dazu meldet er sich als Patient in der Sexklinik von Dr. Jack Halloran an, der das Opfer vor ihrem Tod behandelt hat. Tony arbeitet nicht das erste Mal als verdeckter Ermittler, aber dieses Mal möchte er am liebsten mit einem seiner Verdächtigen unter eine Decke kriechen. Er kann es nicht ändern – Jack Halloran ist der Typ von stahlhartem Mann, auf den Tony steht. Aber bevor Tony den Romeo spielen kann, muss er erst Jacks Unschuld beweisen und gleichzeitig verhindern, dass der Arzt sein falsches Spiel herausfindet.

Dr. Halloran hat seine eigenen Probleme. Als Feldchirurg im Irakkrieg wurde er verwundet, ist seitdem am rechten Arm behindert und leidet unter PTSD. Der attraktive neue Patient, ein großer, amüsanter Italiener mit treuherzigem Blick, verwirrt ihn. Tonys Humor bringt Jacks kühle Fassade zum Wanken und weckt Gefühle in ihm, die er lange vergraben und vergessen glaubte. Können der Arzt und der Privatdetektiv trotz der trennenden Geheimnisse, die zwischen ihnen liegen, ihren Weg ins Glück finden?


$4.99 $3.74

Loving Jay

Loving You | Book One

Loving You: Book One

One thing Liam Turner knows for sure is that he's not gay—after all, his father makes it very clear he’ll allow no son of his to be gay. And Liam believes it, until a chance meeting with James “Jay” Bell turns Liam’s world upside-down. Jay is vivacious and unabashedly gay—from the tips of his bleached hair to the ends of his polished nails. With a flair for fashion, overreaction, and an inability to cork his verbal diarrhea, Liam believes drama queen Jay must have a screw loose.

An accident as a teenager left Liam with a limp and a fear of driving. He can’t play football anymore either, and that makes him feel like less of a man. But that’s no reason to question his sexuality... unless the accident broke something else inside him. When being with Jay causes Liam’s protective instincts to emerge, Liam starts to believe all he knew in life had been a convenient excuse to stay hidden. From intolerance to confrontations, Liam must learn to overcome his fears—and his father—before he can accept his sexuality and truly love Jay.


$4.99 $3.74

For Killian Marsden, werewolf romance is overrated. After all, he should know, since he’s a half-werewolf and an editor for a romance-publishing house. He’s tired of reading mate bond fairytales, because real life doesn’t work that way. In the real world, Alphas abandon their half-breed children. Not that Killian’s jaded or anything. Simply realistic. So when werewolf Alpha Brett comes knocking, demanding explanations on a rejected manuscript, Killian reels away, or at least tries to.

Brett is a walking, talking Alpha cliché: big, possessive, and growly. His last name is Wolfe, for crying out loud. But Brett is also trustworthy, devoted to his pack, and a little silly when in love. Soon, Killian discovers that maybe, just maybe, he might love Brett in return.

Unfortunately, Killian is not the only one who wants to claim Brett. He will have to set aside his beliefs about mate bonds and deadbeats if he wants his own happily ever after werewolf romance.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Trovare l’uomo giusto è già abbastanza difficile. Gettate nel calderone anche un chihuahua incontinente, un amore non corrisposto, un caso piuttosto grave di ansia sociale, un padre in fin di vita, un cinghiale carnivoro, e diventa quasi impossibile. Tuttavia, le vie del Signore sono infinite, e quando Tom Morgan, un mite bancario affetto da una timidezza debilitante, incontra Frank Wells, appena arrivato dalla sua fattoria in Indiana e ancora più timido di lui, la scintilla scocca all’istante.

Ma proprio quando la storia tra i due sembra decollare alla grande, Frank è costretto a tornare a casa per assistere il padre malato di cancro e occuparsi della fattoria. Tom lo segue e tutt’a un tratto si ritrova a dar da mangiare ai maiali, a mungere le mucche e a chiedersi che fine abbia fatto la sua tranquilla vita cittadina. E tutti quei polli? Tom detesta i polli.

Tuttavia, con l’aiuto di Frank, Tom stringe i denti e va avanti. Incredibile quello che due ragazzi innamorati riescono a fare quando sono pazzi l’uno dell’altro! Neanche novecento polli possono qualcosa contro il vero amore.


$6.99 $5.24

Work in Progress

The Belladonna Arms
$6.99 $5.24

A Belladonna Arms Novel

Dumped by his lover, Harlie Rose ducks for cover in the Belladonna Arms, a seedy apartment building perched high on a hill in downtown San Diego. What he doesn't know is that the Belladonna Arms has a reputation for romance—and Harlie is about to become its next victim.

Finding a job at a deli up the street, Harlie meets Milan, a gorgeous but cranky baker. Unaware that Milan is suffering the effects of a broken heart just as Harlie is, the two men circle around each other, manning the barricades, both unwilling to open themselves up to love yet again.

But even the most stubborn heart can be conquered.

With his new friends to back him up—Sylvia, on the verge of her final surgery to become a woman, Arthur, the aging drag queen who is about to discover a romance of his own, and Stanley and Roger, the handsome young couple in 5C who lead by example, Harlie soon learns that at the Belladonna Arms, love is always just around the corner waiting to pounce. Whether you want it to or not.

But tragedy also drops in now and then.


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$3.99 $2.99

At first glance, Carter Cross and Josh Lessard seem like an ordinary couple. They make love and fight, know each other's strengths and weaknesses, deal with the "in-laws," and share their life and home. They even work together. One day, they’ll probably die together – possibly a lot sooner than they’d prefer, given their profession as members of a paramilitary special unit formed to thwart a gory apocalypse. While Carter and Josh are used to cheating death on a daily basis, this time the odds are stacked against them. Between a deadly mission to complete and Josh's grandma coming for a visit, it’ll take a miracle to get them out as horror invades not only a major city but also their home.


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$6.99 $5.24

Es ist leicht, zynisch zu werden, wenn alles im Leben schiefläuft.

Cole Reid ist seit seinem fünfzehnten Lebensjahr Außenseiter, nachdem er unbeabsichtigt von seinem Mittelstufen-Baseballteam geoutet wurde. Seitdem haben seine obsessiven Zwänge und seine sarkastische Art die meisten Menschen auf Abstand gehalten, außerdem hasst ihn jeder, weil er schwul ist. Seiner Ansicht nach ist er dazu verdammt, jeden potentiellen Freund automatisch zu vergraulen, platonisch oder romantisch, wieso sollte er sich also bemühen?

Als er zu studieren beginnt, entwickelt er sich endgültig zum pedantischen Einzelgänger—kein Problem, zumindest bis sein vertrauter Mitbewohner auszieht und ihm Ellis Montgomery zugeteilt wird. Ellis ist unordentlich, hübsch, hetero, und zu allem Überfluss Sportler!

Während eines Semesters voller Verbindungskumpels, Campingausflügen und überengagierten Eltern, entwickeln Ellis und Cole eine Freundschaft, die Coles pessimistische Weltsicht auf den Kopf stellt. Ellis muss mehr sein als ein amüsierwütiger Sportler—und vielleicht kann Coles wiedererwachende Libido seine Hoffnung auf mehr als Kameradschaft in die Realität umsetzen.


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$4.99 $3.74

Sometimes Sonny Scrignoli forgets he’s Tim Mansfield’s ex. He waltzes in and out of Tim’s apartment like he still lives there, driving Tim crazy. Is it really so hard to remember they’ve broken up? Then again, maybe Tim should quit having sex with him.

When Sonny disappears for two weeks, Tim can’t help but be concerned. A strange phone call and a mysterious cry for help leads Tim on a desperate search for his ex.

Sonny’s in big trouble, and it’s Tim to the rescue! He’s the only one who can save his ex from a fate worse than death. Bumbling gangsters, a thick-headed former boyfriend, and secretive FBI agents lead Tim and Sonny on a merry chase full of laughs and quirks.


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$3.99 $2.99

Jordan Baldwin has a job at a popular coffee shop, a cool apartment downtown, and a charming hunk of a new neighbor who doesn’t mind taking a chance on him. Jordan’s also got a smartass mouth on him, just like his new boyfriend, Grant Heathman. Compatibility is definitely a plus.

Grant writes a review column called “Take A Look” for the local newspaper, which intrigues Jordan even more since Grant is blind. But Grant takes Jordan to a new Italian restaurant and shows him how it’s done, leaving the place with only a modest 4-star review. Just when Jordan doesn’t think Grant can impress him any further, the surprises keep on coming.

After a bad review, Jordan finds himself kidnapped, roughed up, and mistaken for Grant. Now Grant and Jordan must hide out before the next “look” they take is from a coffin.


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$6.99 $5.24

Jason Day, brilliant designer of video games, is not only a confirmed bachelor, but he’s as gay as a maypole. One wouldn’t think being saddled with his precocious four-year-old nephew for four weeks would be enough to throw him off-kilter.

Wrong. Timmy, Jason’s nephew, is a true handful.

But just when Timmy and Uncle Jason begin to bond, and Jason feels he’s getting a grip on this babysitting business once and for all, he’s thrown for a loop by a couple of visitors—one from Tucson, the other from beyond the grave.

I’m sorry. Say what?

Toss a murder, a hot young stud, an unexpected love affair, and a spooky-ass ghost with a weird sense of humor into Jason’s summer plans, and you’ve got the makings for one hell of a ride.


$6.99 $5.24


2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Will Lafferty and Kenny Scalia are both having sort of a day. Will gets fired for letting fifth graders read Harry Potter, and Kenny finds his boyfriend and his sex toys in bed with a complete stranger. When Will knocks over Kenny's trash can—and strews Kenny's personal business all over the street—it feels like the perfect craptastic climax to the sewage of suckage that has rained down on them both.

But ever-friendly, ever-kind Will asks snarky Kenny out for a beer—God knows they both need one—and two amazing things occur: Kenny discovers talking to Will might be the best form of intercourse ever, and Will discovers he's gay.

Their unlikely friendship seems like the perfect platonic match until Will reveals how very much more he’s been feeling for Kenny almost since the beginning. But Kenny’s worried. Will’s newfound sexuality is bright and glittery and shiny, but what happens when that wears off? Is Will's infatuation with Kenny strong enough to stay real?


$6.99 $5.24

Valentine Shower

A Valentine Rainbow
$2.99 $2.24

For Reuben, numbers are everything people are not: rational, predictable, and soothing. Outside of this family, his boss, Terry, is the one person he feels connected with. In the years they’ve worked together, listening to Terry’s jokes and stories over coffee has become a reliable part of his routine. But he’s missed having family nearby since his parents retired to Florida, and figures he’ll need a woman to correct the problem. He’s hurt and confused when Terry not only refuses to help, but announces he won’t be coming around much anymore. It’s up to Reuben’s no-nonsense sister Yaffa and his therapist, Dr. Greenberg, to help him understand Terry’s feelings—and his own.


$2.99 $2.24

Campfire Confessions

A Valentine Rainbow
$2.99 $2.24

Best friends Case and Mitchell are so inseparable everyone assumes they’re dating. Case’s dad even buys them a joint gift—a camping trip. Even though Case hates the woods, he wants Mitchell to have a good time. When they discover the trip is a couples’ retreat, they have to fake a relationship. Case can’t understand why the trust and intimacy exercises the other couples struggle with come so naturally to them. After all, they’re not really boyfriends….


$2.99 $2.24