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Jack Lawson grew up poor and can’t forget it. He’s a huge success in the business world, but it won’t be enough until the image of “poor little Jack” is completely wiped away. When Jack runs into his old friend, Noah Mercier, he decides that Noah’s sister, an up-and-coming movie star, would be the perfect evidence of glamorous success. If Jack can win Hayley, it will be clear to everyone, including himself, that he has truly arrived.

The problem with Jack’s grand plan is that he’s more attracted to Noah. Jack’s never worried about the gender of his conquests, but Noah just isn’t flashy enough for Jack’s scheme to set the world on fire...  unless Jack realizes he has practically no control over deciding who he wants—and even less choice in who he needs.


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Josh Tucker lives a blessed life—great job, great family, perfect husband, and two wonderful children—but a mysterious man named Adam who haunts his dreams and soon his waking life threatens everything when he stirs doubt as to whether any of it is real. Adam makes Josh question the world he’s taken for granted—as well as the origins of Adam himself.

Even if Adam's claims are true, Josh has nothing to live for beyond his fabricated life—except the possibility of a real man out there somewhere who can love him. Josh is left with an impossible choice: stay in his delusion where he's assured some happiness or take a great leap of faith for a chance to make a life with Adam.


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Grandir dans des familles d’accueil a privé Kerry Grey de confiance en soi et lui a laissé peu d’espoir en ce qui concerne son avenir. Ayant dû abandonner ses études à l’université, Kerry occupe un emploi à temps partiel dans une pépinière. Son amitié avec sa patronne et l’attention qu’il porte aux plantes constituent les seuls moments importants de sa vie. Il couche avec l’homme qui l’humiliait lorsqu’ils étaient ensemble à l’école, et le jour où son petit ami l’abandonne à une fête, Kerry erre sur la plage pour noyer son chagrin dans une bouteille de scotch.

Malcolm Holmes et Charlie Stone sont ensemble depuis quinze ans. Malgré la volonté de Charlie d’accepter tacitement la domination de Malcolm dans leur lit, quelque chose manque à leur couple. Tôt un matin, ils secourent un Kerry évanoui, manquant d’être emporté par la marée, et Charlie reconnaît immédiatement une âme sœur en ce jeune homme perdu.

Lorsque le colocataire de Kerry le jette à la rue, les deux hommes l’invitent dans leur maison. Alors que Charlie et Kerry tissent des liens autour de leur passion pour le jardinage, Malcolm voit en Kerry celui qu’ils cherchaient pour compléter leur couple. Tout ce qu’ils ont à faire c’est de se dévoiler au jeune homme et d’espérer que les penchants de Kerry pour la soumission vont s’adapter à leur dynamique.

Seulement, quelqu’un cherche la moindre occasion de nuire à Kerry. Et tandis qu’il cherche le coupable, il s’inquiète pour la sécurité de ses nouveaux amis. Et si Malcolm et Charlie ne peuvent pas l’aider, leur recherche assidue du parfait troisième pourrait ne pas se terminer par la fin heureuse qu’ils avaient imaginé.


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Ice and Embers

Blessed Epoch | Book Two
Blessed Epoch Universe
$6.99 $5.24

Book Two of the Blessed Epoch

Despite their disparate natures, Yarrow, Duncan, and Sasha united against overwhelming odds to save Prince Garith’s life. Now Garith is king and the three friends may be facing their undoing.

Distraught over Yarrow’s departure to find the cure to his magical affliction, Duncan struggles with his new role as Bairn of Windwake, a realm left bankrupt and in turmoil by his predecessor. Many of Duncan’s vassals conspire against him, and Sasha’s unorthodox solutions to Duncan’s problem have earned them the contempt of Garith’s nobles.

When word reaches Duncan and Sasha that Yarrow is in danger, they want nothing more than to rush to his aid. But Duncan’s absence could tip Windwake into the hands of his enemies. In addition, a near-mythic order of assassins wants Sasha dead. Without Yarrow, Duncan and Sasha can’t take the fight to the assassins. They are stuck, entangled in a political world they don’t understand. But finding Yarrow may cause more problems, and with his court divided, King Garith must strike a balance between supporting his friends and assuaging the nobles who want Duncan punished—and Sasha executed.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, March 2013.


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$6.99 $5.24

Xander Karcek ha sempre voluto due sole cose dalla vita: Christian Edwards e il basket, l’uomo che ama e lo sport che lo ha aiutato a fuggire da un’infanzia che preferirebbe dimenticare. Le sue due ossessioni gli sono state d’aiuto. Lui e Chris hanno battuto ogni record riuscendo a giocare insieme alle superiori, all’università e dritti nell’NBA.

Ma vivere sotto la lente d’ingrandimento della fama non è facile, soprattutto quando due uomini fingono di essere amici fraterni affinché il mondo non scopra che sono praticamente sposati. La loro relazione sopravvive ai sacrifici che devono fare e alle menzogne che raccontano per rimanere insieme, ma quando il loro segreto è svelato, le conseguenze rischiano di distruggerli come nient’altro potrebbe fare.

Chris e il basket sono le due cose che tengono Xander in piedi. Ora il mondo chiede a Xander di fare una scelta. Esiste un’opzione che comprenda un futuro con l’uomo che ama?


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Unvergessene Versprechen

Keeping Promise Rock (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Keeping Promise Rock

Carrick Francis besaß schon immer die zweifelhafte Gabe, Ärger und Probleme jeder Art wie ein Magnet anzuziehen. Das einzige, was ihn vor Haftstrafen oder Schlimmerem bewahrte, ist seine unverbrüchliche Freundschaft zu Deacon Winters. Deacon war seine Rettung undhalf ihm, seine unglückliche Kindheit und die Misshandlungen durch seinen Vaterzu überstehen. Crick würde alles tun, um für immer bei Deacon bleiben zukönnen. Deshalb schiebt er seine Studienpläne auf als Deacons Vater stirbt. Erspringt ein und hilft seinem Freund, so wie der ihm geholfen hat.

Deacon wünscht sich nichts mehr, als dass Crick seinen schlechten Erinnerungen und ihrer kleinen Stadt entflieht und eine strahlende Zukunft findet. Aber nach zwei Jahren, indenen seine Gefühle für seinen Freund immer tiefer werden, kann er derVersuchung nicht mehr widerstehen und gibt Cricks Annäherungsversuchen nach.Der schüchterne Deacon gibt endlich zu, dass er ein Teil von Cricks Lebenwerden möchte.

Aber Crick wartet nur darauf, von Deacon wieder verstoßen zu werden – so wie er in der Vergangenheit von seiner Familie verstoßen wurde. Eine seiner typischen, spontanen Fehlentscheidungen lässt ihn weit weg von zuhause enden. Deacon bleibt allein zurück. Er ist am Boden zerstört und muss hart kämpfen, bis er sein gebrochenes Herz wieder heilen und er in einer Welt überleben kann, in der Cricks Liebe einewiges Versprechen ist, das vielleicht niemals in Erfüllung gehen wird.


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$6.99 $3.15

Brighton McKenzie inherited one of the last pieces of farmland in suburban Baltimore. It has been in his family since Maryland was a colony, though it has lain fallow for years. Selling it for development would be easy, but Brighton wants to honor his grandfather's wishes and work it again. Unfortunately, an accident left him relying on a cane, so he’ll need help. Tanner Houghton used to work on a ranch in Montana until a vengeful ex got him fired because of his sexuality. He comes to Maryland at the invitation of his cousin and is thrilled to have a chance to get back to the kind of work he loves.

Brighton is instantly drawn to the intensely handsome and huge Tanner—he’s everything Brighton likes in a man, though he holds back because Tanner is an employee, and because he can’t understand why a man as virile as Tanner would be interested in him. But that isn’t the worst of their problems. They have to face the machinations of Brighton's aunt, Tanner’s ex suddenly wanting him back, and the need to find a way to make the farm financially viable before they lose Brighton’s family legacy.


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$6.99 $5.24

What if youth wasn't wasted on the young?

On the eve of his fortieth birthday, Ian Parker is looking for a reboot. He may be the proud owner of a trendy coffee shop in Austin called La Tazza Magica, but his love life has been MIA for years. During a trip to Denver with his best friend, Mark, Ian buys an enchanted chocolate from a mysterious candy store—then wakes up from a nap two decades younger. After the initial shock, Ian realizes a quirk of the universe has given him a second chance and, with Mark’s help, he devises a plan to start over.

With a new lease on life, Ian sets his sights on handsome architect Bartley James, a regular customer at La Tazza. He pursues Bartley as Ian’s twenty-one-year-old alter ego, Ryan, with decidedly unexpected results. Joining Ryan on his adventures are Matthew, the dreamy new barista, Jeremy, the geeky high-school math teacher, and Sam, the pizza delivery boy. Even as misunderstandings and expectations collide, Ian remains determined to right his past mistakes and find his off-ramp to happiness.


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The severe bullying he suffered as a teenager left Jack Flemming scarred both physically and emotionally. Now an adult, he has carved out a life for himself as co-owner of the Mechanic Shop. He enjoys his volunteer work with the throwaway boys and has a supportive best friend. When the past resurfaces in a phone call from Zachariah Durban, Jack discovers that while living is easy, forgiveness is much harder.

Zachariah Durban did a bad thing when he was a young punk of a teenager. But right after he did it, he knew it wasn’t right. Still, he ran away and made something of himself as a big shot author. Now, living in the south of France with writer’s block hitting him hard, Zachariah knows something has to change—starting with earning Jack Flemming’s forgiveness.


Fighting Instinct

L'Ange | Book Two

Only a privileged few know L’Ange’s head of security Arman de Soto is a shifter, and even fewer know he’s been systematically killing off a pack of werewolves. The reason for this vengeance is a secret Arman trusts with no one, quite the opposite of his obvious longtime pursuit of the château’s overseer, Linus Hobbes. Despite Arman’s reputation as a loner, the only thing he needs to complete his life is Linus. Predator and prey just don’t mix—but Arman won’t give him up.

Linus has lived alone for more than seven years, sheltered at L’Ange under an assumed name and hiding secrets of his own, including his terrifying attraction to the most dangerous man he’s ever met. Arman knows Linus should be afraid of the predator stalking him, but Linus is still drawn to him like a moth to a flame, no matter how much he tries to deny his instincts. It’s not until Linus’s past and Arman’s crusade exposes their secrets and opens L’Ange to attack that Arman realizes waiting any longer is a risk he just can’t take. So he’ll have to take his quest to the source of the threat in a gamble to protect L’Ange, Linus, and any future they might have together.


The Grim Life

The Grim Life | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Grim Life: Book One

Max Shaw is dead.

Well, sort of.

After dying on prom night, Max was recruited by a mysterious tattooed angel named Slade to join a group of teenage reapers. Cocky and sarcastic, Max thinks he has his afterlife together, but the moment Slade assigns him to his first suicide case, everything changes.

Christian college student Kody Michaels is struggling to make sense of his life and his faith. After a failed suicide attempt at an antigay camp, Kody is determined not to fail again. Tired of disappointing his family and God, he is going to end his life once and for all.

But in a split-second decision, Max saves Kody—defying the rules of a reaper.

Max believes his only concern is convincing Kody that God loves him just the way he is, so he can save him from a hellish afterlife as a shade. Little does Max know, some shades have found a way to walk among the living as wraiths. These evil wraiths know Kody has been slated for death, and they have another, darker purpose for him.

Max has only one night to save Kody before one of Slade's team finishes the job Max lacked the courage to complete.


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$6.99 $5.24

Two guys insist on complicating Dylan O’Connor’s life: one, his bully, and the other, his best friend.

It started out simple enough. Step one, outsmart Adam with wit and flair, goad him into doing something stupid, and land him in detention. Step two, play video games with Kai all night and laugh about it. Go to bed. Repeat tomorrow. Only, Adam and Kai are about to change the rules on him.

First, Adam's bullying turns suddenly violent, leaving Dylan to wonder if his bully really needs a friend. Then, Kai makes an unexpected move Dylan has only imagined in his most secret fantasies. Only he'd never dreamed it might come at a price.

While Adam opens up, coming closer to revealing a secret he’s kept his entire life, Kai pulls away—even as they get closer than ever.

With everything he thought he understood turned upside down, Dylan must decide what he really wants from the men in his life—before inaction loses him the very relationships he's always relied on.

No pressure, Dylan. You got this. It's just love. How hard could it be?


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$6.99 $5.24

When Liam's best friend has to leave town on business, he asks for a favor—be an emergency contact for his cousin who is new in town. Liam doesn’t think twice before he accepts. He's great with numbers and confidently plays the odds, because nobody ever uses those emergency contacts, right? Wrong. The very next Sunday, cousin Garrett shows up at Liam’s apartment, fresh-faced, devastatingly gorgeous, and nothing like Liam had dismissively assumed.

Garrett arrived in New York City hoping to make it in the modeling world, and Liam isn't sure what to do with him. While he eventually warms to welcome the distraction, he’s not prepared to have his steady, predictable world overturned. Liam is sure Garrett will soon tire of him and find someone closer in age and less eager for the quiet, settled life Liam prefers. But Garrett is too sweet-natured and naïve to recognize Liam’s dismissal, and he’s not as shallow as Liam presumes.

Although Garrett sees a future for the two of them, Liam manages to push him away. It is only then Liam sees the Garrett-shaped hole in his life.


$6.99 $5.24

I'll Always Miss You

2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Isa Zaman might forgive his parents for taking in a friend’s son if only he wasn't the most boring teenager in the universe. Macklin “Mackie” Cormack’s only interests are reading and the outdoors. Yeah, right. Isa's convinced Mackie is either a pyro or a klepto. Plus, as a white kid, Mackie looks ridiculous in the Zamans' Arab American household. Forced to share a bedroom, the boys keep butting heads until an absurd fight finally breaks the tension between them.

Isa’s just starting to figure life out: this new houseguest, his cultural identity, school, and even girls, when the entire family is uprooted from their home for reasons Isa can't understand. They move from their tiny city apartment to a giant, old house in a small town, hours away from everything he's ever known. Oh, and the new house? It's probably haunted, or so says the blank-faced ten-year-old next door. As if things weren't weird enough, Isa's friendship with Mackie suddenly takes a strange turn down a path Isa's not sure he’s ready to follow. It turns out Mackie Cormack isn’t nearly as boring as Isa once imagined.


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Ben und das Glück im Unglück

Die Austin-Trilogie | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Die Austin-Trilogie

Ben Walsh ist auf dem besten Weg, einer von Manhattans besten Strafverteidigern zu werden. Er hat einen tollen Partner an seiner Seite und Freunde in den besten Kreisen. Sein Leben ist perfekt, bis ein Anruf alles auf den Kopf stellt: Seine Eltern wurden bei einem Autounfall getötet und er muss nach Austin zurückkehren, um sich um seine drei halbwüchsigen Brüder zu kümmern, die er kaum kennt.

Während der Beerdigung lernt er Travis Atwood kennen, den Nachbarn mit dem großen Herzen. Ihre Beziehung beginnt in einem Wechselbad der Gefühle, sie streiten und flirten. Doch als Ben unter dem Gewicht der Verantwortung zu zerbrechen droht, wendet er sich an Travis, und der Druck, der auf ihnen lastet, formt aus ihrer Freundschaft etwas, das sich ganz nach großer Liebe anfühlt. Ben glaubt jetzt zu wissen, wie er alles auf einmal haben kann: sein altes Leben, sein neues Leben und Travis noch dazu, aber Liebe ist eben nicht immer so einfach. Wird er erkennen, dass man manchmal erst durch die Hölle gehen muss, um seinen vorbestimmten Platz im Leben zu finden?


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Il y a six ans, Noah Wheeler est allé à la rencontre de son petit ami, Dante Cerreto, à l'aéroport et son monde s’est écroulé. Dante embrassait quelqu'un dont il prétendait être amoureux. Noah avait repris son chagrin d’amour et les échographies de leur enfant et fermé la porte sur l’image de ce qu'il pensait être sa vie future, se concentrant plutôt sur le morceau de rêve qu’il avait réussi à sauvegarder : devenir père.

En vacances à Las Vegas, Noah rencontre accidentellement la famille Cerreto, puis l'homme en question, et apprend que non seulement il avait été trompé, mais que Dante l’avait été également. Maintenant Dante veut rattraper le temps perdu, l'équivalent de six années, et pour ce faire, il a besoin que Noah, le seul homme qu'il ait jamais aimé, et que Grace, la fille dont il ne connaissait pas l’existence, lui laissent une chance pour trouver le bonheur. Mais Dante va devoir prendre un cours accéléré de communication et de séduction. Parce que Noah ne va pas tomber amoureux juste pour être à nouveau anéanti.


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Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Little Goddess: Book One

Working graveyards in a gas station seems a small price for Cory to pay to get her degree and get the hell out of her tiny town. She's terrified of disappearing into the aimless masses of the lost and the young who haunt her neck of the woods. Until the night she actually stops looking at her books and looks up. What awaits her is a world she has only read about—one filled with fantastical creatures that she's sure she could never be.

And then Adrian walks in, bearing a wealth of pain, an agonizing secret, and a hundred and fifty years with a lover he's afraid she won't understand. In one breathless kiss, her entire understanding of her own worth and destiny is turned completely upside down. When her newfound world explodes into violence and Adrian's lover—and prince—walks into the picture, she's forced to explore feelings and abilities she's never dreamed of. The first thing she discovers is that love doesn't fit into nice neat little boxes. The second thing is that risking your life is nothing compared to facing who you really are—and who you'll kill to protect.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by iUniverse, February 2005.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Shane Martinelli and William Houghton come from very different backgrounds. They meet at a high-end summer camp in the Adirondacks, where Shane works as a lifeguard to earn some money and begin saving for college. William is one of the guests, and he doesn’t want to be there. As far as William knows, his father only dumped him at the camp so he could spend time with his latest mistress. When Shane figures out William can’t swim, he offers to teach him. William enthusiastically responds, but when an unexpected storm blows in, William is caught in the water and Shane comes to his rescue. They barely reach shore before lightning strikes the dock—close enough to damage Shane’s hearing.

The following summer both boys return to the camp. Shane doesn’t let his use of hearing aids stand in his way. William is now a counselor-in-training. The attraction between them is undeniable, but how can they possibly make it work? Once camp is over, a week at William’s family home in the Hamptons will determine if the love that bloomed at the lake can survive in the real world.


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