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Joel Martinez, ein praktisch denkender und gut organisierter Computerprogrammierer, ist der Mitbewohner von Ian Cooper, einem zertifizierten, IQ-in-der-Stratosphäre Mathegenie, das im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes in seinem alltäglichen Chaos seine Unterwäsche nicht finden kann. Als er über die Feiertage seine Mutter besucht, lässt er Ian mit einem unguten Gefühl zurück. Um sich abzulenken, erzählt er seiner Schwester Geschichten über den Alltag mit Ian und stellt fest, dass er weit mehr für Ian empfindet, als ihm bewusst war. Als Ian ihn verstört anruft, weil die einzige, die ihn liebt (eine halb verwilderte Katze namens Elender Bastard) eingeschläfert werden muss, eilt Joel nach Hause und hofft, dass sich Gegensätze tatsächlich anziehen.


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A Night Never Forgotten

2014 Advent Calendar | Celebrate!
$1.99 $1.49

After a one night whirlwind romance, Braylon returns to Toronto on the first of December every year in the hopes of seeing the man of his dreams again. Instead Braylon meets a strange man who tells him Christmas is a magical time, and one never knows what unexpected gifts he’ll receive. Braylon takes a chance and makes a Christmas wish, but instead of getting what he wants, he contracts an infection, leaving him dependent on dialysis and unable to make the journey the following year. But the stranger just might be right; an unexpected gift may be the miracle Braylon needs most of all.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2014 Advent Calendar package "Celebrate!".


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Coming of Age

2014 Advent Calendar | Celebrate!
$1.99 $1.49

Akiyoshi ‘Aero’ Kurokuma, author of the wildly popular manga, Ecos, lost his assistant when his best friend retired. After Aero collapses from exhaustion four years later, he is forced to run a contest for an assistant. Placing impossible rules on the contest, Aero is sure no one can win. But a winner emerges: a young man from America, Daniel Beck. The first time he lays eyes on Daniel, Aero realizes he’ll have a hard time hiding his attraction. Daniel is a perfect assistant, but it doesn’t help Aero see past the twenty-year age difference between them. It will take all of Daniel's charm and the prayers offered at the shrine to make Aero take a chance on the romance they both want.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2014 Advent Calendar package "Celebrate!".


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Home for Chirappu

2014 Advent Calendar | Celebrate!
$3.99 $2.99

Nikhilesh (Nik) Sharma hasn’t been home to Alappuzha, India, since he came out to his family ten years ago. Now that his relationship with them is less strained, he’s bringing his boyfriend Trent along to celebrate the winter holidays. As excited as he is to see everyone again, he worries the foreign culture, religious differences, and disapproval might shock Trent. At the same time, Trent worries Nik’s big, close-knit family won’t accept an American—much less a man—as Nik’s partner and that his presence will impede the otherwise happy reunion. Whether the trip leads to misunderstandings that will drive them apart or to a new understanding that will draw them closer than ever, it’s sure to be an experience they’ll never forget.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2014 Advent Calendar package "Celebrate!".


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Hummingbird House

2014 Advent Calendar | Celebrate!
$3.99 $2.99

To honor his grandmother's final request, Trenton Appleton drops everything to visit the family’s ancestral home: Hummingbird House, where he experienced his first kiss and first heartbreak with Callum Eason.

Eight years ago, confused by his attraction to Trent, Callum reacted badly. But with help he never expected, Callum found himself and learned to accept who he was.

Now Trent is back at Hummingbird House, and Callum has his opportunity to salvage their friendship, at least. But Trent is less receptive than he was all those years ago. Still, Callum is determined to show Trent he has changed and keep his promise to Trent’s grandmother. When past mistakes repeat themselves, Callum must break the cycle before his last chance with Trent passes him by.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2014 Advent Calendar package "Celebrate!".


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Love Light

Nick and Ben
2014 Advent Calendar | Celebrate!
$1.99 $1.49

A Nick and Ben Story

Nick, a bartender, and Ben, a hotel reviewer, have been together two years. Though he hates the paperwork involved, Nick agrees to accompany Ben to a beautiful lodge on the Mozambican side of Lake Malawi. Over a bottle of wine, they trade Christmas horror stories from their pasts. But memories of hurt and loss only serve to remind them how lucky they are to have found each other. It might be time to try out the showerhead built into the tree outside….


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2014 Advent Calendar package "Celebrate!".


$1.99 $1.49

Saint Martin's Day

2014 Advent Calendar | Celebrate!
$1.99 $1.49

Five years ago, Neno Kovač fled California, graduate school, and his lover, Toby Cowan, to return to his native Croatia. Since then, he’s led a quiet life as a librarian—until one November afternoon when Toby, who has never stopped loving Neno, shows up in Zagreb. When he left the United States, Neno wasn’t ready to give up his home and family to take a chance on a long-distance relationship. But Saint Martin’s Day has arrived, the day pressed grapes turn to wine and autumn turns to winter. Perhaps it will be a day when other changes are possible as well.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2014 Advent Calendar package "Celebrate!".


$1.99 $1.49


2014 Advent Calendar | Celebrate!
$3.99 $2.99

Duncan is an ocean from home over the holidays and expects to spend them alone. To his pleasant surprise, one of his European co-workers, Georg, befriends him and includes Duncan in the holiday traditions of his homeland: cutting a Christmas tree under starry skies at Georg’s country estate, decorating it at the family’s city home, and shopping at the Christmas market in Munich. Both men are lonely and realize they have much in common. But Georg’s life is in Germany and Duncan’s is in Boston. With the project they’re working on nearing completion, any chance for more than a holiday fling seems as elusive as stardust.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2014 Advent Calendar package "Celebrate!".


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Three Wise Men

2014 Advent Calendar | Celebrate!
$1.99 $1.49

College friends Joon, Tae, and Sangsun parted ways after an aborted attempt at a threesome. Ten years later, life has carried them down very different paths, but Joon misses his friends and decides to invite them to his home in South Korea for Christmas. He believes they belong together, but convincing the others to defy tradition and try again will take faith, hope, and a lot of talking—especially since all three of them are still in the closet.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2014 Advent Calendar package "Celebrate!".


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Under a New Star

2014 Advent Calendar | Celebrate!
$3.99 $2.99

In the 26th Century, mankind has breached the light speed barrier and begun to colonize other planets. They've also learned to Design human beings, known as Morphs, for specialized colony missions. Adrian is an Aerial Morph, on his way to colonize the low-gravity planet Eridani VI with his scientist Partner, Michael. In violation of the rules of the Morph Projects, they've been lovers for months. Michael cares more about his work than anything, while Adrian doesn’t take anything seriously except Michael. Before they arrive at their new home, they need to curtail their relationship before it destroys their professional Partnership.

The colony ship is scheduled to arrive at their destination on Christmas Eve. Some old holiday traditions persist, but when Adrian and Michael have differing ideas about what's best for their relationship and their careers, holiday gifts and ideas for new beginnings lead to crossed signals.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2014 Advent Calendar package "Celebrate!".


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Fadeaway: Book One
From the Tales from Foster High Universe

Looking like the perfect all-American boy—tall, handsome, and athletic—makes it easy for Danny Monroe to blend in with the in-crowd of a new high school. It’s a trick he picked up moving with his father from one Marine base to the next. When you aren’t going to be around long, it’s better to give people what they want. And what they want are his quick hands and fast feet on the basketball court.

On court, he can be himself and ignore certain strange developing urges. Everyone knows you can’t like boys and be a jock, but for Danny his growing attraction is becoming overwhelming. At the thought of losing the only thing that matters, Danny starts to panic and realizes he has a choice to make: happiness or basketball.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Basta una sola notte con Ash Gallagher perché Eli Hollister si convinca di aver finalmente trovato l’uomo giusto al momento giusto; fortuna che non ci ha scommesso sopra, perché Ash si rivela uno studente della sua classe al college locale. Eli non può negare la sua attrazione, ma adesso le cose si complicano; inoltre ha già abbastanza problemi col preside del suo dipartimento, un uomo gretto e meschino che aspetta solo l’occasione propizia per poterlo licenziare.

Dal canto suo, Ash non vede l’ora di dare una svolta alla sua vita. Dopo aver prestato servizio nel corpo dei Marines e successivamente nella Riserva, è pronto a lasciarsi la vita militare alle spalle. L’ultima cosa che aveva programmato però era intrecciare una relazione col suo professore di letteratura inglese e più Eli resiste, più Ash è determinato ad averlo. Poi scopre che Eli ha intenzioni serie, mentre lui cerca solo un’avventura… oppure no? Su questi due, che si tratti di vita o di amore, non si possono fare scommesse.


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$6.99 $5.24

Depuis l’enfance, Jake, Adam, Kyle, et Brendan ont toujours été amis, coéquipiers, presque frères. Mais un jour, quand ils avaient vingt-cinq ans, Adam a disparu sans un mot. Ses amis ont été dévastés, particulièrement Jake, qui aimait secrètement Adam depuis l’adolescence.

Aujourd’hui, après cinq ans d’absence, Adam est de retour et il est déterminé à conquérir Jake. Mais toutes les années de colère, de souffrance et de doute que Jake a endurées sont difficiles à oublier. Pardonner n’est pas si simple. Jake n’est pas sûr qu’Adam et lui puissent retrouver la même harmonie que dans le passé. Jake, Kyle, et Brendan ont continué à vivre leur vie sans Adam. Quant à Adam, sa carrière brillante l’empêche d’afficher publiquement son orientation. Il vit dans le secret, comme il l’a toujours fait. Mais malgré ce qui s’est passé, les excuses d’Adam semblent sincères, et l’attirance entre Jake et lui est toujours aussi forte. Jake veut vraiment lui laisser une seconde chance, mais avant, il veut comprendre pourquoi Adam a disparu du jour au lendemain, et s’assurer qu’il a l’intention de restera à ses côtés pour de bon.


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$4.99 $3.74

Los delirios de grandeza de Weber Yates, están a punto de quedar reducidos a un duro trabajo en un rancho de Texas, y su amor ideal es un hombre que está tan lejos de sus aspiraciones, que bien podría estar en la luna… o en San Francisco, donde Weber hace una última parada para verlo una vez más, antes de dedicarse a la humilde y solitaria vida que una “rana” como él se merece. 

Cyrus Benning es un exitoso neurocirujano, así que ningún detalle escapa a su mirada. Vio a su príncipe azul en un rancho, vestido con un viejo mono de jinete de rodeos y desde el primer momento lo supo. Pero cada vez que este vuelve a marcharse se le hace más duro, y no está seguro de cuánto más podrá soportarlo. Cyrus tiene la última oportunidad para demostrarle a Weber que no es su trabajo de vaquero lo que lo convierte en el hombre perfecto para Cy, sino el propio Weber. 

Con la ayuda de la recién desestructurada familia de su hermana, Cyrus está listo para mostrarle a Weber que el hogar que siempre ha buscado ha estado delante de él desde el día en que se conocieron. Es posible que Cyrus ya le haya dado un ultimátum una vez, pero ahora se ha convertido en una promesa: no va a permitir que Weber salga de su vida de nuevo.


$4.99 $3.74

Ara Costas has it all—riches, power, and the kind of beauty that attracts all the right people. He’s flying high and loves his life, until a serious car accident leaves him horribly scarred. Ara becomes an angry recluse, hiding away in his Chicago high-rise apartment, running his multimillion-dollar business from behind a computer screen.

Ilias Adams is a quiet farm boy who keeps his nose buried in books. A great education and stellar resume land him a job as Ara's assistant and liaison to the board of directors. Little did he know when he signed up for this dream job that he’d end up working for the world's moodiest, most uptight boss.

Ilias is scared of Ara at times, but he recognizes the challenge he faces when he meets Ara and sees the reason for the man’s anger. Ara is guarded and suspicious, since he can’t believe anyone can bear to look at him. Despite all this, Ilias is determined to turn the beast into a beauty again, at least on the inside, and tear down the walls Ara has so carefully constructed around him.


$4.99 $3.74

One rainy night, bike-shop owner Kenton Palmer finds an injured dog on the road and takes him to the nearest vet clinic, only to discover he’s actually a wolf. Undeterred, he wants to nurse the injured animal following a necessary surgery. The handsome Dr. Will Barclay’s interest and his own brand of animal attraction overwhelm Kenton, who’s been doubting himself after a failed romance.

Gray Fowler is a wolf-shifter and pack alpha. After Kenton rescues him and takes him home to heal, he’s forced to remain in wolf form. But that doesn't prevent him from falling hard for Kenton. It begins as jealousy, but Gray soon discovers Will, Kenton’s new admirer, is caught up in something sinister. However, he's forced to wait until he’s healthy before he can shift and enter Kenton's life as a man. Then Gray must discover how Will’s shady activities are linked to the men who ran him down and expose the scheme before Kenton gets too involved with Will.

2nd Edition


$4.99 $3.74

If You Knew Jack

The Center | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to You Don't Know Jack

Jack Carlisle has returned to the Center after an assignment designed to push him to the edge of his limits—and beyond. He is given just a few short days to get used to a new identity and a new team. He’s been trained to assume a new identity, but working with a new team is more difficult, especially since it throws him back in the path of Leo McCormack, the boy who stole Jack’s heart and handed it back broken into tiny pieces.

With “Jack Carlisle” dead and “Jack Cross” reborn comes a new mission. Jack Cross and his team are sent undercover to Forbes Academy, an elite boys’ school in rural Connecticut. Here they must protect Adam and Sam North, whose lives are threatened by an unknown source.

Jack’s training never prepared him to deal with the animosity he still feels toward Leo, but he knows the only way to figure out the cause of the danger in time to save Adam and Sam is to work together.


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$5.99 $4.49

For Scotty Riesen, hiding his sexuality in Ma's Trick, Louisiana hasn't been easy, given his secret relationship with his next-door neighbor, football star, and fellow closet case, Jean Lafitte. One night he decides that living in the closet is no way to go through life. He comes out, but he isn’t prepared for the backlash from his parents and friends.

Scotty takes a bus to New Orleans to make a new life for himself. Playing janitor and dancing boy at the gay bar Burnt Reflections is a lot better than living on the street, but he can’t forget Jean Lafitte no matter how many men throw themselves at him.

Despite everything, Jean Lafitte may yet prove just how far he’s willing to go to make a relationship with Scotty work. Traveling down to New Orleans to find Scotty is just the start of a courtship that won’t be stopped by anything less than a Louisiana hurricane.


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