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Secondo libro della serie La Volta

Terrence Moss. Conrad Harris. Gold Team Leader. Darius Hawthorne. La Volta. Fare il giocoliere con tutti questi nomi per alcuni potrebbe essere un problema, ma per Darius è la quotidianità. Quando un capitolo della sua vita si chiude, lui si lascia alle spalle un nome e le persone a esso collegate. In oltre quarant’anni è riuscito a tenersi alcuni colleghi, perfino qualche amico, ma nessun compagno. Qualcosa però sta cambiando.

Il più recente capitolo della sua esistenza si apre su uno scenario completamente diverso: una casa stabile, un’identità recuperata, una famiglia improbabile, e adesso la possibilità di incontrare di nuovo il solo uomo che Darius abbia mai amato, Efrem Lahm. I motivi della loro separazione sono ancora validi e sembra impossibile che i due possano fidarsi l’uno dell’altro. Ma Efrem ha già deciso che non lo lascerà andare… e Darius dovrà decidere se vuole mettere a rischio il suo cuore, prima che cali il giorno.


$6.99 $5.24

Vertrauen in Thomas

Collars & Cuffs (Deutsch) | Buch 2
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 2 in der Serie - Collars & Cuffs

Weihnachten ist das Fest des Schenkens und der Nächstenliebe, doch Thomas Williams, Mitinhaber des BDSM-Clubs Collars&Cuffs, bekommt ein unerwartetes Geschenk, bei dem ihm angst und bange wird. Ein befreundeter Dom aus einem anderen Club in Manchester bittet Thomas um Hilfe bei der Rettung eines misshandelten Submissiven, Peter Nicholson. Seinem Freund zuliebe erklärt Thomas sich bereit, den jungen Mann bei sich aufzunehmen und sich um ihn zu kümmern, bis er sich wieder erholt hat. Doch er stellt klar, dass er noch nie einen Sub hatte und auch keinen will.

Peter findet sein neues Leben bei Thomas ruhig und friedlich, doch seine Vergangenheit macht es ihm schwer, wieder einem Dom sein Vertrauen zu schenken. Als Thomas sich jedoch nicht so verhält, wie Peter es erwartet, verblassen die Alpträume allmählich und er beschließt, dass er mehr über das D/s-Leben erfahren möchte. Thomas, der in der Szene als Ausbilder für Subs bekannt ist, beginnt Peter zu unterrichten. Doch als der unerfahrene Sub sich ihm öffnet, stellt Thomas fest, dass er mehr für Peter empfindet, als er sollte. Gerade, als er sich dazu entschlossen hat, Peter endlich einen festen Dom zu suchen, müssen sie erkennen, dass Peters Peiniger immer noch eine ernste Bedrohung darstellt. Angesichts der Gefahr, in der sie beide schweben, kann Thomas seine Gefühle für Peter nicht mehr verleugnen. Die Frage ist jetzt nur, ob Peter lebendig aus der Höhle des Löwen entkommen wird, sodass Thomas seinem Boy sagen kann, dass er ihn liebt.


$6.99 $5.24
$5.99 $4.49

Happiness might be waiting at the end of the rainbow, but will it come with a price?

Devon’s down on his luck—he’s lost his job and discovered his boyfriend is cheating on him. His neighbor, Johnny, is not only cute, he also has a big secret: he’s a leprechaun with a pot of gold… and the ability to grant wishes.

Can Devon wish his way out of the hole he’s found himself in? He’d like a new job, some revenge on his lying ex, and maybe even love. Johnny can give him what he wants, but it won’t come for free… or in the ways Devon expects. Can he trust a sexy leprechaun to help him make a new start and wish himself into the arms of the man of his dreams?


$5.99 $4.49
$6.99 $5.24

Robin, the recipient of a brand-new heart, knows he can’t give it to just anyone….

Robin’s been through his share of upsets recently, from heart transplant surgery to a brutal breakup. But his experiences have taught him life is short, and he’s ready to seize the day and start anew. A job at Euro Pride Tours is just the kind of adventure he’s looking for. He gets to see the world and live a little, but love isn’t on his radar screen. He isn’t sure his heart can endure that again.

Johan might’ve disappointed his family by striking out on his own, but when he meets Robin, he has no intention of letting him down. Each man is just what the other needs to feel whole again, and while Johan might not be the man Robin originally thought he was, he’s exactly what the doctor ordered to make Robin’s borrowed heart beat faster. As the tour through Germany progresses, they grow closer, but when Robin’s ex joins the tour, he could bring their blossoming love to a dramatic halt. 


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Robin, der Empfänger eines neuen Herzens, weiß, dass er es nicht einfach an den Erstbesten verschenken darf …

Robin hat in letzter Zeit viel erlebt, von einer Herztransplantation bis hin zu einer sehr schmerzhaften Trennung. Doch seine Erfahrungen haben ihn gelehrt, dass das Leben kurz ist, und er ist bereit, jeden Tag zu nutzen und einen Neuanfang zu machen. Ein Job bei Euro Pride Tours ist genau die Art von Abenteuer, die er sucht. Dabei lernt er die Welt kennen und kann sein Leben genießen, aber an Liebe denkt er überhaupt nicht. Er ist sich nicht sicher, dass sein Herz das ein weiteres Mal verkraften könnte.

Johan mag seine Familie enttäuscht haben, indem er seinen eigenen Weg geht, aber als er Robin kennenlernt, hat er nicht vor, ihn im Stich zu lassen. Die beiden Männer sind für den anderen genau das, was ihm gefehlt hat, um sich wieder vollständig zu fühlen. Auch ist Johan nicht der Mann, für den Robin ihn ursprünglich gehalten hat, sondern er ist der Richtige, um Robins geborgtes Herz schneller schlagen zu lassen. Während einer Rundreise durch Süddeutschland kommen sie sich näher, aber als Robins Ex sich der Reisegruppe anschließt, könnte er ihrer aufkeimenden Liebe ein jähes Ende bereiten.


$6.99 $5.24

Guardia e ladri

Delitti e disastri
$1.99 $1.49

Un racconto della serie Delitti e disastri

Si ride e si scherza finché non ci si imbatte nel corpo di un uomo morto.

La vita di Alex Martin è piuttosto ordinaria. Dal Planet X Comics, il suo negozio di fumetti, passano i geek e gli strambi, ma ormai lui non fa più caso alle loro stranezze. Tutto cambia il giorno in cui apre il negozio e trova un cadavere sul pavimento.

A indagare viene chiamato il detective James Castillo. Alex non sa se vorrebbe abbarbicarsi all’uomo oppure stargli alla larga ma, per fortuna, anche il detective si mostra interessato ad Alex… perché sospetta proprio di lui.

Edizione precedente: antologia Grand Adventures, Dreamspinner Press, marzo 2015.


$1.99 $1.49
$5.99 $4.49

Small dogs can make big changes… if you open your heart.

Carter Embree always hoped someone might rescue him from his productive, tragically boring, and (slightly) ethically compromised life. But when an urchin at a grocery store shoves a bundle of fluff into his hands, Carter goes from rescuee to rescuer—and he needs a little help.

Sandy Corrigan, the vet tech who eases Carter into the world of dog ownership, first assumes Carter is a crazy-pants client who just needs to relax. But as Sandy gets a glimpse of the funny, kind, sexy man under Carter’s mild-mannered exterior, he sees that with a little care and feeding, Carter might be “Super Pet Owner”—and decent boyfriend material to boot.

But Carter needs to see himself as a hero first. As he says goodbye to his pristine house and hello to carpet treatments and dog walkers, he finds there really is more to himself than a researching drudge without a backbone. A Carter Embree can rate a Sandy Corrigan. He can be supportive. He can be a man who stands up for his principles!

He can be the owner of a small dog.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Riptide Publishing, November 2016


$5.99 $4.49

A Second Harvest

2016 Award Winners
Men of Lancaster County

A Men of Lancaster County Novel

David Fisher has lived by the rules all his life. Born to a Mennonite family, he obeyed his father and took over the family farm, married, and had two children. Now with both his kids in college and his wife deceased, he runs his farm alone and without joy, counting off the days of a life half-lived.

Christie Landon, graphic designer, Manhattanite, and fierce gay party boy, needs a change. Now thirty, he figures it’s time to grow up and think about his future. When his best friend overdoses, Christie resolves to take a break from the city. He heads to a small house in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, to rest, recoup, and reflect.

But life in the country is boring despite glimpses of the hunky silver fox next door. When Christie’s creativity latches on to cooking, he decides to approach his widower neighbor with a plan to share meals and grocery expenses. David agrees, and soon the odd couple finds they really enjoy spending time together.

Christie challenges the boundaries of David’s closed world and brings out feelings he buried long ago. If he can break free of the past, he might find a second chance at happiness.


Black Dog Blues

The Kai Gracen Series | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

The Kai Gracen Series: Book One

Ever since being part of the pot in a high-stakes poker game, elfin outcast Kai Gracen figures he used up his good karma when Dempsey, a human Stalker, won the hand and took him in. Following the violent merge of Earth and Underhill, the human and elfin races are left with a messy, monster-ridden world, and Stalkers are the only cavalry willing to ride to someone’s rescue when something shadowy appears.

It’s a hard life but one Kai likes—filled with bounty, a few friends, and most importantly, no other elfin around to remind him of his past. And killing monsters is easy. Especially since he’s one himself.

But when a sidhe lord named Ryder arrives in San Diego, Kai is conscripted to do a job for Ryder’s fledgling Dawn Court. It’s supposed to be a simple run up the coast during dragon-mating season to retrieve a pregnant human woman seeking sanctuary. Easy, quick, and best of all, profitable. But Kai ends up in the middle of a deadly bloodline feud he has no hope of escaping.

No one ever got rich being a Stalker. But then few of them got old, either, and it doesn’t look like Kai will be the exception.

Third Edition

First Edition published by Rhys Ford, June 2013
Second Edition published by DSP Publications, February 2015


$6.99 $5.24

Delitti e disastri

Delitti e disastri | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Delitti e disastri, Libro 1

I morti tengono la bocca chiusa.

L’ex topo d’appartamento Rook Stevens ha rubato molti oggetti preziosi in passato, ma mai prima d’ora era stato accusato di aver sottratto una vita. Una cosa è trovare una vecchia complice ad aspettarlo dentro al Potter’s Field, il suo negozio di cimeli della cultura pop, un’altra è inciampare nel suo cadavere.

Il detective Dante Montoya era convinto di aver chiuso per sempre con Rook Stevens, dopo che il suo precedente partner aveva falsificato delle prove per incastrare il ladro di gioielli che invece se l’era cavata impunemente. Così, quando interrompe la fuga di un sospettato di omicidio coperto di sangue, rimane senza parole nello scoprire che si tratta proprio dell’uomo che aveva giurato di mettere dietro le sbarre e che continua a fargli ribollire il sangue nelle vene anche a distanza di anni.

Rook è determinato a scrollarsi di dosso l’accusa di omicidio, anche se ciò significa prendere le distanze dal duro detective messico-cubano che lo ha arrestato. Ma come se un’artista della truffa morta non fosse abbastanza, presto se ne aggiungo altre e, mentre i cadaveri si ammucchiano ai suoi piedi, Rook è costretto a chiedere aiuto proprio all’ultima persona che in teoria dovrebbe credere alla sua innocenza… e l’unico uomo che non è mai riuscito a dimenticare.


$6.99 $5.24

Exploring Limits

Exploring Limits
$6.99 $5.24

Exploring Limits: Book One

We could always share him….

After failing to capture the attention of their bicurious costar singlehandedly, Kit and Devon team up to seduce Jonathan, who plays King Arthur in the new miniseries Camelot

The chemistry between the three actors is off the charts, and it brings out the adventurous side in all of them. Things heat up in the bedroom as the trio explores the pleasures of dominance, submission, bondage, toys, and anything else they can find to get the most out of their secret time together. 

But a gay ménage presents problems without easy solutions—especially as they work closely together on set. For their threesome to survive and evolve into a true committed relationship, they’ll all have to test their physical and emotional limits.


This volume includes newly edited and expanded versions of the novellas:

Exploring Limits

Stretching Limits

Refining Limits

First Edition
Second Editions: Exploring Limits, Stretching Limits, Refining Limits previously published individually by Dreamspinner Press, respectively: January 2010, March 2010, May 2010.


$6.99 $5.24

Feu et glace

Les flics de Carlisle | Tome 2
$6.99 $5.24

Les flics de Carlisle, tome 2

Carter Schunk est un agent de police dévoué avec un passé difficile et un grand cœur. Lorsqu’il est appelé pour une dispute conjugale, il trouve une femme mortellement blessée et un enfant, Alex, qui a désespérément besoin de soin. Les services sociaux sont appelés, et le dernier homme sur terre que Carter voulait voir passe la porte. Carter avait eu une aventure avec Donald un an auparavant et l’avait découvert aussi froid que la glace depuis que c’était fini.

Donald (le Glaçon) Ickle a eu une vie difficile qu’il ne partage avec personne, et il a fermé son cœur à tout le monde. C’est en partie pour se préserver lui-même d’être blessé et en partie la manière dont il gère son travail auquel il excelle, parce qu’il fait ce qui doit être fait sans être émotionnellement impliqué. Lorsqu’il rencontre à nouveau Carter, il maintient son habituelle distance, mais Carter arrive à se frayer un chemin sous sa peau, et contre son meilleur jugement, Donald laisse Carter le convaincre de prendre Alex quand il n’y a pas d’autre foyer d’accueil disponible. Carter propose même son aide pour s’occuper de l’enfant.

Donald a un passé dont il ne veut parler avec personne, surtout pas avec Carter qui a également le sien et qu’il garde aussi pour lui. Mais c’est le secret d’Alex qui pourrait les attirer ensemble ou les séparer, des secrets que le garçon n’est pas capable de leur dire et qui pourtant pourraient être la clé de leur bonheur à tous.


$6.99 $5.24

Jacked Cat Jive

The Kai Gracen Series | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

The Kai Gracen Series: Book Three

Stalker Kai Gracen knew his human upbringing would eventually clash with his elfin heritage, but not so soon. Between Ryder, a pain-in-his-neck sidhe lord coaxing him to join San Diego’s Southern Rise Court, and picking up bounties for SoCalGov, he has more than enough to deal with. With his loyalties divided between the humans who raised him and the sidhe lord he’s befriended and sworn to protect, Kai finds himself standing at a crossroads.

When a friend begs Kai to rescue a small group of elfin refugees fleeing the Dusk Court, he’s pulled into a dangerous mission with Ryder through San Diego’s understreets and the wilderness beyond. Things go from bad to downright treacherous when Kerrick, Ryder’s cousin, insists on joining them, staking a claim on Southern Rise and Kai.

Burdened by his painful past, Kai must stand with Ryder against Kerrick while facing down the very court he fears and loathes. Dying while on a run is expected for a Stalker, but Kai wonders if embracing his elfin blood also means losing his heart, soul, and humanity along the way.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Die aufstrebenden Kochtalente Beck Douglas und Duncan Walters befinden sich seit Jahren auf dem Radar der Gourmetpaparazzi, da ihr Status als Erben der beiden größten Kochimperien weit und breit sie zu Kochkönigen macht. Beck ist durch seinen Charme und seine klassischen Gerichte als Co-Moderator in der beliebten Fernseh-Kochshow seines Onkels bekannt geworden. Duncan dagegen hat sich durch seine Weigerung, im Restaurant seines Vaters zu arbeiten, und seine avantgardistischen Methoden einen Ruf als Bad Boy in der Kochszene erworben. 

Außerdem haben sie eine Kochrivalität geerbt, die die berühmte Familienfehde der Hatfields und McCoys harmlos erscheinen lässt. Als sie mitten in einer hitzigen Diskussion fotografiert werden, überschlägt sich die Presse mit wilden Spekulationen. Zur Schadensbegrenzung fädeln Freunde aus dem PR-Bereich eine Scheinfreundschaft ein. Schnell wünschen sich beide aber insgeheim mehr.

Die Gängelungen seines Onkels reiben Beck auf und Duncans Verhältnis zu seinem homophoben Vater spitzt sich noch mehr zu, als sich Beck und Duncan näherkommen. Als Duncan in Becks Kochshow einsteigt, fällt es ihnen schwer, im überregionalen Fernsehen die Chemie zwischen ihnen zu verbergen. Ganz ohne Scherben wird sich ihre Beziehung – oder ihre Karriere – jedoch nicht auf die nächste Stufe heben lassen.


$6.99 $5.24

Mad Lizard Mambo

The Kai Gracen Series | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

The Kai Gracen Series: Book Two

Kai Gracen has no intention of being anyone’s pawn. A pity Fate and SoCalGov have a different opinion on the matter.

Licensed Stalkers make their living hunting down monsters and dangerous criminals… and their lives are usually brief, brutal, and thankless. Despite being elfin and cursed with a nearly immortal lifespan, Kai didn’t expect to be any different. Then Ryder, the High Lord of the Southern Rise Court, arrived in San Diego, and Kai’s not-so-mundane life went from mild mayhem to full-throttle chaos.

Now an official liaison between the growing Sidhe court and the human populace, Kai is at Ryder’s beck and call for anything a High Lord might need a Stalker to do. Unfortunately for Kai, this means chasing down a flimsy rumor about an ancient lost court somewhere in the Nevada desert—a court with powerful magics that might save Ryder’s—and Kai’s—people from becoming a bloody memory in their merged world’s violent history.

The race for the elfin people’s salvation opens unwelcome windows into Kai’s murky past, and it could also slam the door on any future he might have with his own kind and Ryder.

Second Edition
1st Edition published by DSP Publications, September 2016


$6.99 $5.24

Stealing His Heart

Connoll Pack
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

Connoll Pack

Love sneaks in like a thief in the night.

Danny’s parents raised him to believe his wolf was a curse. He’s part of the wealthy and powerful Connoll Pack, but only nominally. He abandoned that world to volunteer with supernatural kids, and he isn’t looking for a mate….

Max is a shifter who is also a detective. He’s working a case that could make or break his career. Danny’s caught up in the case he’s on, and he’s also irresistible. They’re a bad match—Max, an Alpha having trouble with his new powers and Danny, who trusts Alphas as far as he could throw one. But they can’t get enough of each other, and they might bond before they even see it coming.

They could be amazing together, but they have to get past a few obstacles—especially since someone close to Danny might be involved in the thefts Max is investigating.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie L'inverno dei lupi

Il mondo non finisce con uno schianto, ma con un diluvio. I tornado invadono il cuore di Londra, New York soffoca sotto un’ondata di calore che fa sciogliere persino l’asfalto, mentre la Russia congela sotto uno spesso strato di permafrost. All’inizio le persone si uniscono, paracadutando aiuti dal cielo e facendo evacuare la popolazione, ma il clima non fa che peggiorare.

A Durham, il mite professore universitario Danny Fennick si prepara ad affrontare la tempesta. È cresciuto nelle Highlands scozzesi, perciò ha già vissuto inverni rigidi in passato. Inoltre, ha un vantaggio. È un lupo mutaforma. O, per essere precisi, un cane mutaforma. Meno impressionante, ma sempre utile. 

Tuttavia gli altri lupi mutaforma non credono che quello sia un inverno qualsiasi e stanno attraversando il Vallo per marcare il loro nuovo territorio. Tra loro ci sono l’ex di Danny, Jack, Principe Ereditario del branco del Numitor, inseguito dal fratello che vuole ucciderlo. 

L’inverno dei lupi non è bianco. È rosso come il sangue.


$6.99 $5.24

Frat House Troopers (Manga)

Brandt and Donnelly Capers


Black & white interior illustrations with a color paperback cover.

State trooper Brandt’s new assignment to infiltrate a sex-cam operation puts him in a very uncomfortable position, especially since he’ll have to perform naked on camera for his audition. Fortunately his partner and best friend, Donnelly, has his back—whether that means helping Brandt shop gay boutiques for sexy underwear or offering Jäger and encouragement while he researches porn.

Despite his mortification, Brandt gives the audition his best “shot”—and becomes an overnight sensation. But to meet the man behind the operation, he'll have to give a repeat performance, this time live on webcam opposite the highest bidder. Donnelly makes sure to win that auction for his partner’s sake, but their plan has a flaw: faking it is not an option.

In the aftermath, Brandt is a humiliated mess trying desperately to come to terms with what he’s had to do for the job and his own mixed feelings. But Donnelly has been on a journey of discovery of his own. Suddenly everything the two men thought they knew about themselves and each other gets turned inside out. Meanwhile, they still have a case to solve… but it may not be the case they thought it was.