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Beneath These Fields

World of Love | Brazil
$5.99 $4.49

Sometimes true worth is well hidden.

Ellis Campos is a successful divorce lawyer with little to no time for a personal life. His predictable routine is disrupted when he inherits a coffee farm from an estranged aunt. There’s no room in his life for all the complications that come with managing a farm in another state. But his plans to quickly sell it and go back to the big city fall apart when he’s manipulated into spending a week on the estate.

Adding to the unexpected surprises, he meets Rudá, a native Brazilian who works on the farm, and while teaching him about his aunt’s home and family, also tempts Ellis like no one ever has.

He doesn’t expect his life to change in such a short time, but as he finds value and comfort in the farm’s routine, Ellis quickly realizes that, like the land itself, Rudá has secrets that could send him running back to Rio.

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


$5.99 $4.49

Love You So Special

The Love You So Stories

A Love You So Story

Can a man’s secret yearnings be revealed in a tank full of fish?

Artie Haynes knows he’s nothing special, with just-your-regular-brown hair, a solid plumber’s job, not much education, and a family that can barely get off the couch. But Artie has quirks—like his love of tropical fish, a landlord who’s a professor of existentialism, a passion for the amazing piano music he hears at a concert hall while he’s fixing the bathrooms—and the fact that he’s never come out as gay and probably never will. But when he’s hired to build a guesthouse for the pianist whose music enchanted him, Artie is swept up into an unimaginable world.

François Desmarais may be famous, rich, and revered as one of the world’s great classical composers and pianists, but he’s soothed and challenged by the inquisitive, stalwart, protective man in his back yard. When François’s terrible fear of crowds turns into a dangerous plot, Artie can stay in the closet or prove just how special he is.


Abaddon's Locusts

BJ Vinson Mysteries
$6.99 $5.24

A BJ Vinson Mystery

When B.J. Vinson, confidential investigator, learns his young friend, Jazz Penrod, has disappeared and has not been heard from in a month, he discovers some ominous emails. Jazz has been corresponding with a “Juan” through a dating site, and that single clue draws BJ and his significant other, Paul Barton, into the brutal but lucrative world of human trafficking.

Their trail leads to a mysterious Albuquerquean known only as Silver Wings, who protects the Bulgarian cartel that moves people—mostly the young and vulnerable—around the state to be sold into modern-day slavery, sexual and otherwise. Can BJ and Paul locate and expose Silver Wings without putting Jazz’s life in jeopardy? Hell, can they do so without putting themselves at risk? People start dying as BJ, Paul, and Henry Secatero, Jazz's Navajo half-brother, get too close. To find the answer, bring down the ring, and save Jazz, they’ll need to locate the place where human trafficking ties into the Navajo Nation and the gay underground.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Empires rivaux du monde de la gastronomie, les noms de Douglas et Walters se disputent la couronne depuis des temps immémoriaux. La presse s’arrache le moindre scoop sur les deux talentueux héritiers de ces magnats de la restauration, les jeunes Beck Douglas et Duncan Walters. Beck, qui anime une émission de cuisine à succès avec son oncle, est réputé pour son charme et sa cuisine traditionnelle. Duncan, quant à lui, n’a pas peur de sortir des sentiers battus et s’est construit une réputation de rebelle en refusant de travailler pour son père.

Lorsqu’un cliché d’eux en train de se disputer violemment commence à circuler, les médias s’enflamment. Afin de contrôler les dommages qu’une rixe entre les deux familles pourrait porter à leur réputation, leurs chargés de communication respectifs orchestrent une réconciliation factice. Au cours de cette mascarade, et malgré les projecteurs et la mise en scène, une étincelle naît secrètement entre les deux jeunes hommes. 

Beck ploie sous la pression continuelle que lui inflige son oncle, et les relations déjà tendues de Duncan avec son père se détériorent encore davantage lorsqu’il commence à soupçonner un rapprochement entre Duncan et Beck. Il faut dire qu’il est difficile d’ignorer l’alchimie qui brûle entre eux à l’écran, lorsque Duncan rejoint Beck sur le plateau de son émission. Une chose est sûre, au travail comme en amour, c’est un parcours semé d’embûches qui les attend, et comme le dit le dicton, on ne fait pas d’omelette sans casser des œufs…


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Il mondo di scrittori, lettori e recensori è una famiglia unita e intrecciata di amici, appassionati e fanatici della narrativa. È questo il mondo di Milo Cook e Logan Hunter, che vivono per gli scambi creativi e la condivisione di storie e idee e vanno fieri del loro sconfinato amore per i libri e le parole che li animano.

Ma certe volte le parole possono ferire. E quando succede, è inevitabile doverne pagare il prezzo.

Con ogni nuova tenera scoperta romantica, l’amore tra Milo e Logan cresce. Ma prima di placarsi, ciò che accade nel loro mondo trasforma la loro vita in una folle corsa per salvare se stessi e le persone che hanno vicino.

Chi avrebbe mai sospettato che qualcosa di meraviglioso come la parola scritta potesse diventare un catalizzatore di vendetta e, infine, di omicidio?


$6.99 $5.24
$5.99 $4.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

When she was a child, Joey Kinkaid, assigned as a boy at birth—wearing Mom’s purple sundress and an imaginary crown—ruled the Baker Street neighborhood with a flair and imagination that kept the other kids captivated. Day after day, she led them on fantastic after-school adventures, but those innocent childhood days are over, and the magic is gone. The princess is alone.

Even Eric Sinclair, the Prince Eric to Joey’s Princess Ariel, has turned his back on his former friend, watching in silence as Joey is tormented at school. Eric isn’t proud of it, but their enchanted youth is over, and they’ve been thrust into a dog-eat-dog world where those who conform survive and those who don’t… well, they don’t. Eric has enough to deal with at home, where his mother has abandoned him to live in isolation and poverty.

But Eric can’t stay on the sidelines forever. When Joey finally accepts her female gender and comes to school wearing lip gloss, leggings, and a silky pink scarf, the bullies readily take the opportunity she hands them, driving Joey to attempt suicide and leaving Eric at a crossroads—one that will influence both their lives in not just the present, but the future.

Is there a chance the two teens can be friends again, and maybe even more?


$5.99 $4.49

Place Setting

States of Love
$3.99 $2.99

Cameron Dunlop has lived in the Lowcountry town of Summer Corners, South Carolina, his whole life. He loves his home, but his little town in the Deep South doesn’t offer much in the way of dating options.

Chef Gray Callahan has enjoyed success in the kitchen, but his last relationship sunk like a bad soufflé. When plans for his sister’s wedding go awry, it provides the perfect excuse to pack up and go home, where he can help out as he decides how to start his life over.

Gray’s path crosses Cameron’s, and he realizes together they might have all the ingredients to save the day—with maybe enough left over for something sweet just for the two of them.

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


$3.99 $2.99

Boules de feu

La balle au bond
$4.99 $3.74

La balle au bond, numéro hors série

Rodney Mansfield est un artiste renommé et un homme d’un mètre soixante-sept, ceinture noire de karaté, qui affiche des cheveux roses, six boucles d’oreilles, et cache un désir inavoué pour Hunter Fallon, un pompier local. Cependant, le Nain de jardin, comme on l’appelle, sait que jamais il ne parviendrait à charmer cet homme gay aux allures d’hétéro, alors il rassemble tout son altruisme et aide Jerry, son ami plus viril, à l’attirer. Comme si son cœur brisé ne suffisait pas, il sauve Hunter d’un homophobe de sa caserne, l’humiliant ainsi devant son père !

Hunter vit une vie de rêve – celui de son père, justement. Alors qu’il aimerait enseigner la littérature à la faculté, lire des poèmes sous le soleil ou se trouver un homme fort pour le dominer, il lutte contre les incendies pour faire plaisir à son géniteur. Hunter déteste les hommes extravagants comme Rodney. Pourtant, pourquoi n’arrive-t-il pas à lui résister ? Peut-être est-il temps d’avouer que cette flamme-là, il ne souhaite pas l’éteindre.


$4.99 $3.74

The Spirit Key

Lock and Key | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Lock and Key: Book One

When he was eight years old, Scott Fogel died. Paramedics revived him, but he came back changed. Ghosts and spirits tormented Scott for over a decade until, thinking he was going mad, he did the only thing he could.

He ran—leaving behind his best friend, Tim Jennesee.

Scott’s had five normal, ghost-free years in Chicago, when the spirit of Tim’s mother comes to him and begs him to go home because Tim’s in trouble and needs him.

He isn’t prepared for what he finds when he goes home—a taller and sexier Tim, but a Tim who hasn’t forgiven Scott for abandoning him… a Tim whose body is no longer his own. The ghost of a serial murderer has attached itself to Tim, and it’s whispering dark and evil things. It wants Tim to kill, and it’s becoming harder for Tim to resist. To free the man who has always meant so much to him, Scott must unravel the mystery of the destiny he shares with Tim.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Seventeen-year-old orphan Jayla lives in NORCC, or the New Orleans Rehabilitation Center for Children, where all the children of morphoid-addicted Addis go to wait for a clean family to adopt them. When Jayla’s long-lost sister, Jo, arrives from the dome where the Addis are kept and tells her about the Authority’s plan to gas all the domes across the country, Jayla decides that she’s been in NORCC long enough.

With the help of her NORCC crew of girls, including her almost-girlfriend, Arla, and a new love interest, Riley, Jayla must take down the Authority while discovering powers she never knew she had. Unfortunately, the plot to kill the Addis is not the only secret their leaders are keeping. Jayla must fight both the Authority and her own demons in order to stop the annihilation of her people. 


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Il pompiere californiano Hayden Hurst inizia a rendersi conto che la vita non è tutta combattere incendi e bere con gli amici. Nella sua casa e nella sua vita c’è posto per qualcuno, ma non ha ancora trovato quella persona speciale. E sebbene abbia dichiarato la propria omosessualità al lavoro, sa che presentarsi a un evento sociale con un uomo al braccio è tutta un’altra cosa. Teme che questo possa essere troppo per i suoi poco tolleranti “amici”.

Jez Bouchet, ballerino di Broadway, non passa per etero fin da quando, all’età di diciassette anni, è stato picchiato perché gay. Dopo aver ricevuto una redditizia offerta di lavoro a Hollywood, abbandona la sua vita a New York e raggiunge Los Angeles in auto. Il fratello gli trova in fretta un posto dove dormire a casa del suo migliore amico, Hayden. 

L’attrazione fra Hayden e Jez è inaspettata ma ardente, e i due vi si abbandonano ancor prima di essere sicuri di piacersi. Tuttavia Jez detesta gli amici omofobi di Hayden e Hayden sa che Jez è troppo esuberante per passare inosservato. Il fratello di Jez rappresenta un’ulteriore complicazione.

Nonostante gli ostacoli, i due si gettano a capofitto in una relazione. Ma Jez ha dei segreti: un minuscolo cane viziato e uno stalker testardo. Se non racconterà tutto a Hayden, rischia di soffocare la loro storia prima che questa riesca a sbocciare.


$6.99 $5.24

Second Hand

Tucker Springs
$6.99 $5.24

A Tucker Springs Novel

Paul Hannon flunked out of vet school. His fiancée left him. He can barely afford his rent, and he hates his house. About the only things he has left are a pantry full of his ex’s kitchen gadgets and a lot of emotional baggage. He could really use a win—and that’s when he meets El.

Pawnbroker El Rozal is a cynic. His own family’s dysfunction has taught him that love and relationships lead to misery. Despite that belief, he keeps making up excuses to see Paul again. Paul, who doesn’t seem to realize that he’s talented and kind and worthy. Paul, who’s not over his ex-fiancée and is probably straight anyway. Paul, who’s so blind to El’s growing attraction, even asking him out on dates doesn’t seem to tip him off.

El may not do relationships, but something has to give. If he wants to keep Paul, he’ll have to convince him he’s worthy of love—and he’ll have to admit that attachment might not be so bad after all.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Riptide Publishing, September 2012.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

With the pressures of the job bearing down on him, police officer Garrett Wreckley needs a vacation—in fact, he isn’t given a choice in the matter. Since the water has always soothed Garrett’s soul, he heads to the Caribbean, hoping some time alone sailing on the open water will help him pull himself together.

But even though he’s taking a break from law enforcement, Garrett can’t get rid of his cop’s instinct so easily.

He meets Nigel, a young man as innocent as he is beautiful, who grew up sheltered from the world, exploring the beaches and tropical forests with only the company of his aunt, his brother, and the wildlife and sea creatures he befriended.

As sweet, passionate love blooms, their time in paradise feels too good to be true… and Garrett’s gut and training tell him that might be the case. As he investigates, he quickly realizes everything is not as it seems. Will his snooping destroy not only their romance, but everything Nigel believes about his life?


$6.99 $5.24

Un manny si innocent

Les mannies
Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Les mannies

Grandir et tomber amoureux.

La famille, c’est parfois une bénédiction et parfois une malédiction. Surtout une malédiction se dit Tino Robbins lorsqu’il se fait enrôler par sa sœur pour l’aider à livrer ses plats italiens tout prêts alors qu’il devrait étudier, pour ses partiels. Mais une seule livraison peut tout changer.

La vie bienheureuse de Channing Lowell change brutalement lorsque sa sœur décède en lui laissant la garde de son neveu de sept ans. Channing s’engage à faire ce qu’il y a de mieux pour Sammy… mais il va avoir besoin d’aide. De beaucoup d’aide. Lorsque Tino apparaît sur son perron, Channing est déterminé à le faire intégrer la Team Sammy.

Tino ne veut pas perdre le bénéfice de son diplôme – même si cela signifie renoncer à avoir une relation –, mais plus il tombe amoureux de son patron, plus il commence à se demander s’il doit laisser derrière lui sa toute nouvelle famille au profit d’une carrière prometteuse.


$4.99 $3.74

A Whole Latte Sass

Geek Life | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Geek Life: Book Two

It’s no secret cosplayer Felipe Suero is looking for his happily ever after—in his love life as well as his career. He’s getting his degree so he can quit his miserable job and start his own costume business. Now he just needs to land the sexiest silver fox to ever attend a con.

Trask Briscoe’s life revolves around staying clean and sober, running the Magick Den, and attending local cons. His rules haven’t left much room for romance. But he can’t deny Felipe has caught his complete attention. He’s just not sure what he can offer a man so full of joy and sass.

When Trask finally accepts Felipe’s offer for a cup of coffee, he soon finds himself on a second date and a third. Between cosplay projects and roleplaying games, they discover a deeper connection than either of them expected. And Trask realizes that sometimes rules are made to be broken.

Now Felipe just has to convince his family—and Trask—that Trask has more love to offer than he ever dreamed.


$6.99 $5.24

Salve d'honneur

Tout vient à point...
$6.99 $5.24

Tout vient à point..., numéro hors série

La vie de Duncan Stiel n’a jamais été facile. Son enfance a été un vrai cauchemar, et son boulot d’agent de police infiltré l’oblige à cacher sa véritable identité et le fait atterrir de temps à autre à l’hôpital. Puis, quand il rencontre enfin l’homme idéal, il n’est pas surpris de voir tout s’effondrer autour de lui. Mais Duncan ne s’attend pas à ce que l’obstacle le plus difficile à surmonter avant de pouvoir faire sa vie avec Aaron Sutter soit celui qu’il porte en lui.

Tout le monde pense qu’Aaron a tout pour lui – la beauté, l’argent, la renommée et un succès démesuré. Tout le monde, sauf Aaron. À la fin de ses journées, les flashes des appareils photo s’éteignent, ses amis retournent à leur propre vie, les affaires de sa société sont gérées et Aaron se retrouve toujours seul. Dès l’instant où il rencontre Duncan Stiel, Aaron sait qu’il fera tout pour garder cet inspecteur hors du commun. Mais, quand il se rend compte que l’argent ne lui achètera pas le bonheur ultime, Aaron doit avoir la force d’offrir à Duncan quelque chose de bien plus important : son cœur.


$6.99 $5.24

Forever & Ever - A Collection of Stories

Faith, Love, & Devotion | Book Seven
$6.99 $5.24

A Faith, Love & Devotion Anthology

What happens after the story ends?

Join Matt, Evan, Jim, Griffin, and their friends and families for a glimpse of what happens after happily ever after. Between growing up and growing pains, weddings and retirement, changing careers and changing diapers, life is never boring. Changes, decisions, tears, and joy await as the years march on.


$6.99 $5.24

Bad Attitude

Bad in Baltimore | Book Three

A Bad in Baltimore Story
Bad in Baltimore: Book Three

Saving lives never used to be this complicated.

Gavin Montgomery does what’s expected of him by his wealthy and powerful family—look good in a tuxedo and don’t make waves. When a friend takes a leap off a bridge, Gavin tries to save him, only to fall in with him. At least at the bottom of the river he won’t feel like such a disappointment to his family. But he’s pulled from the water by a man with an iron grip, a sexy mouth, and a chip on his shoulder the size of the national deficit.

Jamie Donnigan likes his life the way it is—though he could have done without losing his father and giving up smoking. But at least he’s managed to avoid his own ball and chain as he’s watched all his friends pair off. When Montgomery fame turns a simple rescue into a media circus, Jamie decides if he’s being punished for his good deed, he might as well treat himself to a hot and sweaty good time. It’s not like the elegant and charming Gavin is going to lure Jamie away from his bachelor lifestyle. Nobody’s that charming. Not even a Montgomery….

Second Edition
First Edition published by Samhain Publishers Inc. April 2013.