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$6.99 $5.24

When young Danny Crawford’s father and a priest conspire to subject him to conversion therapy, Danny only sees one way out. But little does Danny know he’ll soon have a sentinel watching from the darkness, a guardian angel in the most unlikely form imaginable.

Damien, a vampire, is inexplicably moved by Danny’s plight. He takes it upon himself to make sure Danny’s father and the priest can never hurt him again, giving Danny a chance at a normal life. As Danny grows up, Damien struggles to keep the boy—and later the young man—from harm. He does not dare go any further, no matter how much he wants to. To do so would ruin everything he’s tried to do for Danny. He doesn’t realize that as Danny embarks on a successful modeling career and begins dating, Danny feels empty, longing for something—or someone—just beyond his reach: a shadow, a presence he despairingly believes forever lost to him. 

When brutality and violence threaten Danny again, Damien must make a decision—risk revealing himself to Danny, or leave Danny to his fate.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Master Captain Theodore Gourdin has always loved the ocean. But his devotion to maritime life left little possibility for a long-term relationship. After two failed marriages, Theo gave up on finding the person who completed him and decided the sea was his soul mate. When offered the opportunity to captain the newly launched megayacht Eternity, Theo jumped at the chance. With Eternity’s maiden voyage looming, Theo focused all his energies on hiring his crew and readying his ship. The last thing he expected was to finally lose his heart in the process.

After twelve years at sea, First Officer Heath Rawlins was restless and in need of a change. A gay seaman’s life could be a lonely one, but to Heath the positives far outweighed the negatives. With excellent recommendations and an impressive résumé, he was quickly offered a position on the private megayacht Eternity. Heath’s heart skipped several beats when he finally met the ship’s captain. He was handsome and charming. And… familiar? Had they met somewhere before? Highly unlikely. But as smitten as Heath was with the gorgeous captain, everything inside him screamed, Abandon ship! Rough seas ahead!


$4.99 $3.74


Ennek Trilogy | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Ennek Trilogy: Book Three

Ennek, the son of the Chief, and Miner, a former slave, have escaped the totalitarian city-state of Praesidium and remain fugitives. Having defeated two mighty wizards, they begin to realize complete freedom can be as dangerous as absolute power. Now Ennek and Miner must face battles, corruption, and further journeys through lands both new and familiar.

As they grow more secure in their relationship, they learn the greatest challenges sometimes come from very close to the heart and everything of value has a price. With the help of a few allies, they seek equipoise—a balance for themselves and for their world.

Second Edition
First Edition published by CreateSpace, 2012.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $2.25

Il suo futuro era deciso finché un ladro non gli ha rubato il cuore.

Tutta Clyde’s Corner, nel Montana, sa che l’elegantissimo Chris Ramsey sposerà Trix Stubben, giovane vedova ed erede del ranch più ricco della zona. Una donna, però, non è troppo entusiasta all’idea. Mabe Crassen vuole mettere le mani sul ranch, così assegna al figlio maggiore il compito di corteggiare Trix e al minore, Jeremy, quello di distrarre Chris e di portarlo su un’altra strada.

Jeremy Crassen pensa che il piano di sua madre sia folle, ma vuole andare al college a tutti i costi, e Mabe gli darà il permesso soltanto se sedurrà Chris. Come farà il timido e virginale gay non dichiarato Jeremy ad attrarre Chris, che sembra determinato a fare la cosa giusta e a sposare Trix? Jeremy non potrà mai competere con una ricca *donna* vedova. O forse sì?


$4.99 $2.25


All for Love | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

All for Love: Book Three

“Are you surprised that strength is drawn to strength?”

For the last six years, the gypsy healer Raúl has lived a life he never dreamed possible. Gerrard Hawkins has stood at his side, his love a source of silent strength like nothing Raúl has ever known.

When a letter from Gerrard’s estranged father forces them in separate directions—Gerrard back to England to make peace with his family and Raúl to Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer for his annual pilgrimage—Raúl expects to suffer for their parting, but he holds on to their plans to meet again in France when Gerrard has satisfied his father’s demands.

Gerrard left England never expecting to return, especially after he pledged his life and love to Raúl. Yet he cannot dismiss his father’s offer of peace without some acknowledgment. When he arrives in England to find tragedy, his sense of duty toward his family’s tenants wars with his promises to Raúl.

As tensions mount and illness spreads in France, Raúl stands as a bastion of hope, but his strength is not limitless. Gerrard is the rock he leans on, and without that strength, Gerrard’s arrival in France may come too late.


$6.99 $5.24

Summer Lessons

Winter Ball
$6.99 $5.24

a Winter Ball novel

Mason Hayes’s love life has a long history of losers who don’t see that Mason’s heart is as deep and tender as his mouth is awkward. He wants kindness, he wants love—and he wants someone who thinks sex is as fantastic as he does. When Terry Jefferson first asks him out, Mason thinks it’s a fluke: Mason is too old, too boring, and too blurty to interest someone as young and hot as his friend’s soccer teammate.

The truth is much more painful: Mason and Terry are perfectly compatible, and they totally get each other. But Terry is still living with his toxic, suffocating parent and Mason doesn’t want to be a sugar daddy. Watching Terry struggle to find himself is a long lesson in patience, but Mason needs to trust that the end result will be worth it, because finally, he’s found a man worth sharing his heart with.


$6.99 $5.24

Family Ties and Family Lies

Rose and Thorne | Book Three
$5.99 $4.49

Rose and Thorne: Book Three

Secrets is a dirty word when it comes to relationships. What you don’t say can not only hurt you, it can bite you in the butt.

After almost five years together, Vinnie and Ethan have a policy of don’t ask, don’t tell. But unspoken questions between them are a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode. An innocent remark by a friend starts an insecure Vinnie wondering about things he never considered before… such as why he hasn’t met Ethan’s family. Is he the love of Ethan’s life or just his dirty little secret? And what hasn’t he told Ethan about his own past?

An emergency phone call from Ethan’s twin sister sends them rushing to Georgia. In order to be with Ethan, Vinnie conforms to what Ethan’s family expects by being something he is not. Not everything is what it seems as Vinnie and Ethan work to redefine what family means to each of them.

Sometimes the ties that bind are the ones that might just break you.

The author is donating 10% of the royalties from this book to No Kid Hungry. Visit for more information about this organization.


$5.99 $4.49

Il tocco dell'amore

Serie Sensi e Sentimenti
$4.99 $3.74

Un libro della Serie Sensi e Sentimenti

Una  sera d’inverno, dopo aver appena staccato dal lavoro, il paramedico Jack Waters incappa in un edificio in fiamme e si appresta a fare il suo dovere. Il giorno dopo si risveglia in ospedale, coperto di gravi ustioni. Per un uomo che dà grande valore alla propria bellezza è un colpo devastante.

Ma Jack ha a malapena il tempo per assimilare quanto è accaduto. Accanto al suo letto ci sono il suo ex, il poliziotto Kevin Thompson, e Luke Kennard, il pompiere che gli ha salvato la vita. Entrambi sembrano determinati a competere per attirare la sua attenzione, ustioni o meno. Jack respinge Kevin, temendo che ora l’uomo non vorrà avere nulla a che fare con lui, e sembra vedere confermate le proprie paure quando questi se ne va senza obiettare. È il momento perfetto per il seducente e vivace Luke di iniziare a flirtare con Jack, appellandosi al suo ego fragile.

Quando in città scoppia una serie di nuovi incendi che prendono di mira il personale di soccorso, gli indizi puntano a qualcuno vicino a Jack. È sopravvissuto a un incendio, ma la prossima volta potrebbe non essere così fortunato. Sembra che qualcuno lo perseguiti, un nemico implacabile. Se non farà attenzione, il fuoco lo ridurrà in cenere… a meno che non sia l’amore di due uomini a farlo per primo.


$4.99 $3.74

Rampant, Vol. 2

Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book Four, Vol. 2
$6.99 $5.24

Little Goddess: Book Four
Vol. 2

Lady Cory has carved out a life for herself not just as a wife to three husbands but also as one of the rulers of the supernatural communities of Northern California—and a college student in search of that elusive degree. When a supernatural threat comes crashing into the hard-forged peace of Green's Hill, she and Green determine that they're the ones in charge of stopping the abomination that created it. To protect the people they love, Cory, Bracken, and Nicky travel to Redding to confront a tight-knit family of vampires guarding a terrible secret. It also leads them to a conflict of loyalties, as Nicky's parents threaten to tear Nicky away from the family he's come to love more than his own life.

Cory has to work hard to hold on to her temper and her life as she tries to prove that she and Green are not only leaders who will bind people to their hearts, but also protectors who will keep danger from running rampant.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as Rampant: The Fourth Book of the Little Goddess Series by iUniverse, 2010.


$6.99 $5.24

Timing: Nach Sonnenuntergang

Timing (Deutsch) | Buch 2
$5.99 $2.70

Buch 2 in der Serie - Timing

Zwei Jahre, nachdem Stefan Joss mit Ranchbesitzer Rand Holloway in den Sonnenuntergang geritten ist, hat er sich mit seinem neuen Leben angefreundet und unterrichtet an einem Community College. Aber wahre Liebe hat es oft schwer. Rand will, dass er auf der Ranch bleibt, Stef will sich ein Hintertürchen offenhalten, falls Rand ihn irgendwann rauswerfen sollte. Nachdem er endlich erkannt hat, dass er sich Rand gegenüber unfair verhält, legt Stef sich fest und sein Partner ist überglücklich.

Als Stef die Gelegenheit bekommt, seine Hingabe zu beweisen, zögert er nicht - auch wenn er dabei seinen Hals riskiert - und Rand nutzt die Gelegenheit, um allen zu zeigen, dass die besten Überraschungen des Lebens nach Sonnenuntergang passieren.


$5.99 $2.70
$6.99 $5.24

Professional football player Hunter Davis is learning that saying he’s gay is very different from actively being in a relationship with another man—especially in the eyes of his teammates and fans. So when Hunter needs a personal assistant to keep him organized, he asks for a woman in order to prevent tongues from wagging.

Montgomery Willis badly needs to find work before he loses everything. There’s just one position at the agency where he applies, but the problem is, he’s not a woman. And he knows nothing about football. Still, Hunter gives him a chance, but only because Monty’s desperate. 

Monty soon proves his worth by saving Hunter’s bacon on an important promotional shoot, and Hunter realizes he might have someone special working for him—in more ways than one. Monty’s feelings come to the surface during an outing in the park when Hunter decides to teach Monty a bit about the game, and pictures surface of them in some questionable positions. Hunter is reminded that knowing he’s gay and seeing evidence in the papers are two very different things for the other players, and he might have to choose between two loves: football and Monty.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Sheriff Sam Daly, a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, and his husband, Michael Bellomo, have made a life for themselves in sparsely populated Pine County in the Colorado mountains. Sam oversees the small sheriff’s department, and Michael sells his paintings and tourist items out of his shop, Needful Things. From the beginning, Sam has known Michael possessed gifts: the ability to see and hear things Sam cannot.

When a report of a body in a massive snow-filled depression up a mountainside sends Sam and his deputy, Digger, to investigate, Sam struggles to reconcile the existence of skinwalkers in Pine County with the world he’s familiar with. Michael, though, deals with this reality through his art, and through the mysticism he’s been gifted. Sam’s effort to discover what is happening causes him to examine his life with Michael from the time they first met. The inevitable conclusion might be that he’ll never understand the mysteries of the mountains, but for the sake of Michael and their love, he’ll have to embrace them.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2015.


$6.99 $5.24

Dirty Kiss (Deutsch)

Ein Cole-McGinnis-Krimi
$6.99 $5.24

Ein Titel der Ein Cole-McGinnis-Krimi Serie

Der ehemalige Polizist und Privatdetektiv Cole Kenjiro McGinnis kämpft noch damit, über die Ermordung seines Liebsten hinwegzukommen, als er mit einem scheinbar alltäglichen Fall beauftragt wird. Der Selbstmord des Sohnes eines erfolgreichen koreanischen Geschäftsmannes entpuppt sich als ganz und gar nicht gewöhnlich, vor allem, als Cole bei seinen Nachforschungen Jae-Min kennenlernt, den gut aussehenden Cousin des Toten.

Jae-Mins Cousin hatte ein schmutziges Geheimnis der Art, mit der Cole sich bestens auskennt und die Jae-Min selbst vor seiner Familie geheim hält. Die Ermittlungen führen Cole von geschmackvollen Villen zu zwielichtigen Begegnungen im Dirty Kiss, wo die Reichen und Verschwiegenen ihr Verlangen abseits ihrer konservativen Familien stillen.

Sie führen ihn außerdem in Jae-Mins Arme, was Probleme mit sich bringt. Der Selbstmord sieht mehr und mehr wie ein Mord aus, während Jae-Min das nächste Ziel zu sein scheint. Cole hat bereits einen geliebten Menschen auf diese Weise verloren – bei Jae-Min wird er es mit allen Mitteln verhindern.


$6.99 $5.24

The Zozobra Incident

BJ Vinson Mysteries
$6.99 $5.24

A BJ Vinson Mystery

B. J. Vinson is a former Marine and ex-Albuquerque PD detective turned confidential investigator. Against his better judgment, BJ agrees to find the gay gigolo who was responsible for his breakup with prominent Albuquerque lawyer Del Dahlman and recover some racy photographs from the handsome bastard. The assignment should be fast and simple.

But it quickly becomes clear the hustler isn’t the one making the anonymous demands, and things turn deadly with a high-profile murder at the burning of Zozobra on the first night of the Santa Fe Fiesta. BJ’s search takes him through virtually every stratum of Albuquerque and Santa Fe society, both straight and gay. Before it is over, BJ is uncertain whether Paul Barton, the young man quickly insinuating himself in BJ’s life, is friend or foe. But he knows he’s stepped into something much more serious than a modest blackmail scheme. With Paul and BJ next on the killer’s list, BJ must find a way to put a stop to the death threats once and for all.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as The Zozobra Incident & The Bisti Business by Martin Brown Publishers, LLC, 2012.


$6.99 $5.24

A Chance for Us

New Vampire Justice | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

New Vampire Justice: Book Two

Love between a young man with a broken mind and the jaded New Vampire Justice officer who cares for him might be the last hope to stop a human-vampire war….

Justin Masters is stuck in a nightmare. Waking after seven years in a catatonic state, he falls desperately in love with the straight NVJ officer who saved him. Between that and dreams of being tortured and taking pleasure in the pain, which bleed into his waking hours, Justin’s sure he’s starting to crack.

The growing unrest in the vampire world should be Max Kincaid’s focus, but Justin’s struggle, along with Max’s confusing feelings for his ward, have him reeling. When Justin’s attacked, his resulting needs might be more than Max can fulfill, but he’ll be damned if anyone else will touch Justin.

As the NVJ investigates humans missing from a high-end bite club, they uncover a deeper plot that traces back to Justin. If those who want him have their way, there will be bloodshed. Justin and Max are in a fight to save Justin not only from those who would use him, but from his own mind.


$6.99 $5.24

Dare to Hope

Dare | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Dare: Book Two

Christophori Romanoff is an expert at being the perfect son for his homophobic father. But maintaining the facade comes with a heavy price, and when he swears off anonymous sex and getting drunk every night, he needs his friends more than ever. Only he’s convinced they’re busy with their own lives and better off without his interference. On the surface Chris is fine, but underneath the expensive suit and the law degree he got only to please his father, he’s breaking apart from the pressure, and he falls back on his oldest—and most dangerous—coping mechanism.

Samuel Mealamu hoped to hear from Chris soon after their last good-bye in Montana, but as the months go by without a word, he realizes what they started was one-sided. Still, he worries about the destructive path Chris was on and hopes the silence means he’s doing better. But nearly a year later, Chris finally calls, and it’s obvious he’s in trouble. Samuel thinks he’s seen Chris at his worst, but this new, far more broken man might be too much for even Samuel to help.


$6.99 $5.24

Un'insolita unione

Serie Un'insolita
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Un insolito corteggiamento

L’amministratore delegato della Kincaid International Corporation, Webber Kincaid, e il suo assistente, Tristan Moreau, sono appena rientrati da un viaggio di lavoro ai Caraibi che è andato incredibilmente bene. Dopo anni passati a nascondere l’amore che provano l’uno per l’altro, si sono finalmente dichiarati, ma hanno anche scoperto che il direttore finanziario della società è implicato in operazioni poco trasparenti. Al loro ritorno, Tristan e Webber devono denunciare gli illeciti del direttore finanziario e salvare la reputazione di Webber che, in quanto amministratore delegato, è responsabile delle azioni del suo sottoposto. Con Tristan al suo fianco, Webber affronta il consiglio di amministrazione della KIC e le indagini condotte dalla Commissione per i Titoli e gli Scambi e dal Dipartimento di Giustizia.

In un clima di incertezza, Webber e Tristan fanno affidamento sulla forza della loro unione. Insieme organizzano il loro matrimonio, riservato a pochi intimi, sull’isola di Martha’s Vineyard. Nonostante l’amore che li lega, però, presto si rendono conto degli ostacoli che devono superare prima di poter iniziare la loro nuova vita insieme.


$6.99 $5.24

Whiskey and Wry (Français)

Sinners (Français) | Tome 2
$6.99 $5.24

Il était mort. Et c’était le plus odieux des meurtres. Si effacer l’existence d’un homme pouvait être considéré comme un meurtre.

Lorsque Damien Mitchell reprend connaissance, il n’a plus de vie, plus de nom. Les médecins de l’asile du Montana lui affirment qu’il est délirant et que ses souvenirs ne sont que des mensonges : il est vraiment Stephen Thompson et il a basculé dans la folie, obsédé par une rock star morte dans un violent accident. Sa chance de pouvoir s’échapper pour retrouver sa vie survient quand sa prison brûle, mais un homme armé l’attend, déterminé à ce que, ni Stephen Thompson, ni Damien Mitchell n’y survivent.

Avec un assassin sur les talons, Damien s’enfuit jusqu’à la Ville sur la baie, où il fait profil bas, seule façon pour lui de survivre pendant qu’il cherche son meilleur ami, Miki St John, dans les rues de San Francisco. Retournant à ce qui lui permettait de se nourrir avant qu’il ne devienne connu, Damien chante devant le Finnegan, un pub irlandais sur la jetée, pour avoir de quoi manger, et il tombe bientôt sur le propriétaire, Sionn Murphy. Damien n’a pas besoin d’une complication tel que Sionn et, pour aggraver les choses, le tireur – qui ne se soucie pas de faire face à Sionn, ou à n’importe qui d’autre, si cela lui permet de tuer Damien – resurgit pour finir ce qu’il a commencé.


$6.99 $5.24