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Kyle Green is on top of the world. He and Matt have been together for ten years, and—as the voice of Ecos, the wildly popular anime character—Kyle is treated like a rock star in anime circles. But in an instant, a stroke leaves him blind. When photographer Matt gets the opportunity of a lifetime, Kyle reexamines their relationship, discovers it has been a safety net rather than a true romance, and sets Matt free to pursue his dream. Kyle’s life and career as he knew them are gone, and he must now find the courage and creativity to draft a new plan.

After being away for fifteen years, Seth Caplan comes home to Chicago to care for his mother and to partner with a small start-up tech company. He and Kyle meet after Kyle’s collision with a child’s sidewalk toy, and they hit it off. Kyle wants to get back into running, and Seth becomes his guide. As they get to know each other, they start seeing each other beyond their three-times-a-week runs. But Seth’s revelation of the dark reason why he left his career in California sends the relationship into a tailspin and leaves both men running blind.


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Granby Knitting Stories

Granby Knitting Series
$9.99 $7.49

Alpaca rancher and fiber mill owner Rance Crawford is instantly smitten with his brand-new neighbor Ben McCutcheon, in The Winter Courtship Rituals of Fur-Bearing Critters; he just has to find a good way to show his interest. Jeremy, an ex-con hanging on to his last bit of hope, thinks life might be looking up when Rance Crawford offers him a job, in How to Raise an Honest Rabbit, but when Jeremy meets Aiden and his past comes knocking, will Jeremy have the courage to stay and fight? Stanley is stuck in a rut, in Knitter in His Natural Habitat, unsure if he’s happy with his personal life or his professional life as a floor designer for craft stores; then Johnny into his life, trailing a dark past, and Stanley has to decide what he’s willing to give up to keep Johnny. In Blackbird Knitting in a Bunny’s Lair, Jeremy barely survives a horrific beating, and he’s left with the scars to prove it; between the Jeremy’s long road to recovery and a friend’s baby who needs special care, Aiden and Jeremy might find the common ground necessary to firm up their shaky relationship.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


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$6.99 $5.24

Jim Crawford was born wealthy, but he turned his back on it to become a police officer. Add that to his being gay, and he’s definitely the black sheep of the family.

Dr. Barty Halloran grew up with lessons instead of friends and toys and as a result, became a gifted psychologist… with only an academic understanding of people and emotions.

When Jim’s pursuit of a serial killer goes nowhere, he turns to Dr. Halloran for help, and Barty thinks he can get inside the shooter’s mind. In many ways, they’re two sides of the same coin, which both scares and intrigues him. Together, Jim and Barty make progress on the case—until the stakes shoot higher when the killer turns his attention toward Barty.

To protect Barty, Jim offers to let Barty stay with him, where he discovers the doctor has a heart to go along with his brilliant mind after all. But as they close in on their suspect, the killer becomes desperate, and he’ll do anything to elude capture—even threaten those closest to Jim.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Life changes for Marian Banner when she leaves the countryside for the big city of Nottingham with her father, Sir Erik the Fortunate, and Marian doesn’t think it’s an improvement. She must trade braids and leggings for jewelry and dresses, and hunting and wandering the woods for dancing and a life at court. But into Marian’s dull new world comes someone exciting—a girl named Robin Hood who is as courageous and dedicated as she is small. Robin is determined to become a knight, and she won’t let her gender stand in her way. The two girls quickly become inseparable.

Their friendship changes as time passes and becomes something much more serious—and more magical. When Marian’s father is killed and the king takes an interest in her, she’ll need Robin to prove she’s the hero she always wanted to be.


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$6.99 $5.24

À vingt-six ans, les jours de Gordon sont comptés. Du moins, il espère qu’ils le sont. Lassé de la culpabilité et des regrets qui découlent d’un horrible accident de voiture, deux ans auparavant, dans lequel un homme a perdu la vie, il se réveille chaque matin avec des pensées suicidaires. Alors que la loi l’oblige à travailler pour expier ses péchés, sa rédemption personnelle est beaucoup plus difficile à trouver. 

Puis Minus – un simple sans-abri qui a sa propre croix à porter – sauve Gordon d’un terrible destin. Une nuit, non seulement Gordon trouve une lumière à suivre, et peut-être même un but à sa vie, mais aussi la possibilité que l’amour l’attende au bout du tunnel. 

Il n’aurait jamais imaginé qu’il découvrirait un moyen de se pardonner et, qu’en le faisant, il ouvrirait suffisamment son cœur pour gagner l’acceptation et l’amour de la personne qu’il a le plus blessée.


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$6.99 $5.24

To free the kingdom from the depravity of Cardinal Aldrious, Prince Micah Helvendeere must take his rightful place as ruler.

Unfortunately, the prince has been dead for a year.

Billiam Grimhart, former page to the prince, knows Micah’s assumption of the throne is the last chance to purge Casperland of the cardinal’s corruption. And for that to happen, the prince must be revived. Only one person stands a chance of achieving the nearly impossible: exiled enchantress Shemmy DuBois, a raunchy bog witch with an affinity for corpses and a heart of gold. Billiam sets out to coax Shemmy to their cause, despite what wading through piles of bodies will do to his favorite shoes.

If he can accomplish it, Billiam might finally get to consummate his love for the prince—something Shemmy is keen to witness. But first, they’ll need to steal Micah’s body, brave a land inhabited by vicious faeries, and accept the help of accomplices as vile and perverse as their enemies. They might be far from typical heroes, but sometimes those are the only people who can get the job done.

If you like dark and edgy high-concept fantasy that’s not for those with delicate sensibilities, join Billiam, Shemmy, and their Faelock allies as they stage their revolution.


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$6.99 $5.24

Harmony Ink Press is delighted and honored to showcase the short fiction of some of the best up-and-coming authors working in the LGBT genre. The stories in this third volume of Harmonious Hearts represent the winners of our Young Author Challenge—a group of talented writers between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one. 

The stories in this anthology are as diverse as their creators and range from the speculative to snapshots of everyday life for people growing up in a society in flux. They confront many issues facing young adults, and they celebrate the joys of this sometimes rocky period of transition: friendship, loyalty, first love, and learning to feel comfortable in one’s own skin. These experiences are universal, and thanks to the courage and talent of authors such as these, young people of all gender identities, expressions, and orientations are starting to see themselves included. Everyone deserves a story that speaks to them, and in these pages, they’ll find that story.


Dani Anderson—To Lauren

Nick Anthony—Scrapyard Sunsets

Hilda Friday—A Progression of Love

Arbour Ames—You Saw Blue

Chloe Smith—Plenty of Fish

Caleb Andrews—I Am Logan

Sarah Caulfield—Make Mad the Guilty

Xoe Juliani—Loving You Through the Years

Irene Grant—Jordan and A.J.

Latitude Brown—Equinox

Anika Olivo—Melodimensional

Frisk Gillespie—Ten Words


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


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$3.99 $2.99

Massage therapist Joe Wells is in a little over his head with his first job at the posh Magic Touch Sports Spa. He’s also secretly falling for his friendly, sexy coworker, the top-notch masseur Andre Swift. All the clients clamor for Andre, and so far none have taken to Joe.

On the verge of being fired, Joe saves the life of a mysterious kitten belonging to a white witch, who grants him a wish: a magic touch that could save his job and maybe even win him Andre’s love and respect. As Joe’s stock at the spa rises to crazy and barely manageable levels of success, demand for Andre’s services drops off. Will Joe lose Andre to an out-of-control spell? Or worse—Andre’s love might prove to be only a result of the magic, just like Joe’s sudden talent.


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$3.99 $2.99

When layoffs hit Jim LaRue’s company, his first concern isn’t for his own job, it’s for his friend and coworker, Tommy Graves. Tommy’s going through a bitter divorce, and he’s closing on a new home. Losing his job would mean losing the house—and the fresh start he desperately needs. Jim can’t let that happen to the man he’s secretly in love with, so he proposes a swap: his job for Tommy’s.

Now out of work, Jim reluctantly agrees to help Tommy remodel. He needs the income, but he can’t stand being a charity case—especially not when things between them start heading in a direction he hardly dared hope for. The strain drives a wedge between them, and a confrontation might spell the end of their relationship.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Amber Quill Press/Amber Allure, 2010.


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Un libro della serie Coda

Il giovane Dominic Jacobsen sospetta di essere gay e ne ha la conferma quando un ricco ragazzo proveniente da fuori città sale sul sedile posteriore della sua GTO. Gli basta una serata con Lamar Franklin per convincersi di aver trovato l’uomo dei suoi sogni. Sfortunatamente, quella serata sarà l’unica cosa che avrà prima che l’altro lasci il Colorado.

Quindici anni dopo, Lamar torna a Coda, dopo aver messo fine all’ultima di una lunga serie di pessime relazioni. È solo, depresso e tormentato da telefonate notturne anonime. Ormai sul punto di arrendersi, si trova faccia a faccia con il passato.

Da quando aveva diciassette anni, Dominic sogna di incontrare di nuovo Lamar, ma questo non significa che sia pronto per vivere una storia. Affrontare i pettegolezzi tipici di una piccola città e i soliti drammi di una grande famiglia è già difficile, ma ciò che più lo preoccupa è perdere la custodia della figlia adolescente, Naomi. L’unica soluzione è assicurarsi che lui e Lamar rimangano amici e nulla più. Dovranno tenersi addosso i vestiti, qualsiasi cosa accada.

Semplice. Che si riveli un bene o un male, Lamar sembra però pensarla in altro modo.


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Gestählt im Feuer

im Feuer | Buch 2
$3.99 $2.99

Fortsetzung zu Erlösung im Feuer
Buch 2 in der Serie - im Feuer

Lee Stanton und Dirk Krause sind schon seit ein paar Monaten ein Paar. Doch dann erhalten sie schlechte Neuigkeiten: Die Feuerwache, auf der sie beide arbeiten, soll geschlossen werden, wenn sie es nicht schaffen, genug Geld für die überfälligen Reparaturen zusammenzukratzen. Die Union-Feuerwehr will sich gemeinsam dagegen wehren. Es gibt nur ein Problem: Die einzige Idee, wie sie an Geld kommen können, ist von Lee. Und Dirk hasst sie.

Unglücklicherweise finden alle anderen Lees Idee von einem „Dinner mit Aussicht“ – bei dem sie nur in Helmen, Stiefeln und Uniformhosen servieren sollen – großartig, und Lee wirft sich in die Vorbereitungen. Doch Widerstand aus der Verwaltung und ein schleppender Vorverkauf bringen Lees Event in Gefahr. Solange es Dirk nicht schafft, seinen Stolz und seinen Eigensinn einen Abend lang unter Kontrolle zu bringen, könnte es ihn und Lee ihre Jobs kosten – von ihrer Beziehung ganz zu schweigen.


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$6.99 $5.24

La  nuit avant son mariage, Zander Walsh, ses parents, et son futur mari se font tirer dessus en interrompant un mystérieux cambriolage alors qu’ils rentrent chez eux. Après trois semaines dans le coma, Zander se réveille pour apprendre qu’il est le seul survivant, et que sa vie parfaite s’est effondrée en un instant.

Le bel agent du FBI Jake Elliot enquête sur l’affaire, et il appréhende le tueur – , qui s’échappe rapidement. Après six mois de recherche, Zander et Jake réalisent que le FBI leur fait obstruction… et qu’ils ont lentement tissé un lien indissoluble qui commence à prendre encore davantage d’importance.

Une fois qu’ils s’embarquent dans une quête afin d’appréhender le tueur pour la seconde fois, ils découvrent que cette nuit épouvantable était bien plus qu’un simple cambriolage. Les grosses entreprises et les politiciens peuvent-ils cacher la vérité, ou les recherches de Zander et Jake pour découvrir ce qu’il s’est passé marqueront-elles la fin de leur nouvel amour et de leur vie ?


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$6.99 $5.24

Sebastian (Sen) Holt is an artist currently in New Orleans. He’s always been a wanderer, believing in fate and following signs to guide his destiny. Although he itches to pull up stakes, getting a painting into a gallery keeps him rooted. One morning his good friend calls him in desperate need of help with her cleaning business. Her regular cleaner flaked, she can’t lose her client, and there’s no one else.

The job is at a large and recently restored house—and the owner, Morgan Ballard, comes home unexpectedly. They are immediately drawn together, as if they know each other, but they’ve never met. As they grow closer, Morgan behaves like two people. Sometimes he’s friendly and casual, and other times intimate and demanding. Sen juggles his painting through bursts of vision-like inspiration, the cleaning job, and an unexpected commission—all while trying to unlock the growing mystery of the intense connection he feels to Morgan. He’s not sure which scares him more—the strangeness surrounding their growing bond or that he’s found someone to make him reconsider his lifelong wanderlust.


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The Disciple

The Wheel Mysteries | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Fireworks & Wild Cards
The Wheel Mysteries: Book Four

Gus Goodwin witnesses a young man acting strangely at his occult shop—and a day later the same youth is found brutally murdered at a secluded Radical Faerie sanctuary in the mountains. Gus and his private detective boyfriend, Niall Valentine, once again find themselves in the middle of a murder mystery.

First to cross their path is Professor Alex Kittridge, Gus’s ex-boyfriend. Then into the picture stumbles Autumnsong, the biggest enigma they’ve ever encountered, to complicate the already confusing case. As Gus and Niall try to decipher the meaning of the cryptic poems left at the murder scenes, their pasts not yet laid to rest put a strain on their relationship.

Gus and Niall must uncover a slew of secrets within a spiritual group of queer social rebels before the vile killer strikes again—or the investigation could very well end up being their last.


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What's in a Name?

Foothills Pride Stories

A Foothills Pride Story

Barista Jimmy Patterson thinks it's a good idea to get rip-roaring drunk on his birthday after he’s dumped by his boyfriend. When the burly owner of Stonewall’s Bar rescues Jimmy, the night starts to look up.

Now Jimmy just wants to know the bartender's first name since he's worn a different name tag every time Jimmy's seen him. "Guy" Stone gives Jimmy seven guesses, one for each night he takes Jimmy out on a date.

While Jimmy’s trying to come up with his name, he's distracted by the destruction of his coffee shop and what looks more and more like a hate crime.


Winter Heart

Seasons of Love | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Seasons of Love: Book Four

For over ten years, Wyatt Dolan defined himself as the lover of Howard Wallace. Howard made sure Wyatt’s self-worth depended on that role. So when Howard dumps him, he is lost at sea in a storm without a rudder. If it wasn’t for his supportive friends, he doesn’t know what he’d do. Finally, after a series of disasters, he escapes to Camp Sanctuary—a sacred place to him—where he can be alone, try to put his past behind him, and find a new direction for his life.

Kevin Owens is a lonely man. He is very intelligent—several apps he created have gone on to make him a comfortable living—but he is also quite shy and is uncomfortable making conversation. The death of his dear friend and former lover after a long illness leaves him grieving, confused, and adrift. Then a dream guides him to Camp Sanctuary, only to find that the one cabin with a wood-burning stove has already been reserved. And worse, by a man he’s had a secret crush on for years—Wyatt Dolan.

When a snowstorm knocks out power at the Camp, Wyatt and Kevin must share the same cabin to stay warm, and very soon, magickal things begin to happen.


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Timing | Book One

Timing: Book One

Stefan Joss just can't win. Not only does he have to go to Texas in the middle of summer to be the man of honor in his best friend Charlotte's wedding, but he's expected to negotiate a million-dollar business deal at the same time. Worst of all, he’s thrown for a loop when he arrives to see the one man Charlotte promised wouldn’t be there: her brother, Rand Holloway.

Stefan and Rand have been mortal enemies since the day they met, so Stefan is shocked when a temporary cease-fire sees the usual hostility replaced by instant chemistry. Though leery of the unexpected feelings, Stefan is swayed by a sincere revelation from Rand, and he decides to give Rand a chance.

But their budding romance is threatened when Stefan’s business deal goes wrong: the owner of the last ranch he needs to secure for the company is murdered. Stefan’s in for the surprise of his life as he finds himself in danger as well.


$6.99 $5.24

Avec  sa crête, ses tatouages et ses piercings, Ridley Corbin correspond à l’image du parfait bad boy – ce qui lui convient bien, puisqu’il se voit comme le défenseur des plus faibles. Mais ce qu’il veut par-dessus tout, c’est devenir le héros d’Alex Firestone.

Alex, bibliothécaire discret et délicat, vient de s’installer à Slater, paisible ville étudiante, dans l’espoir d’échapper à son passé. Solitaire, il se fait toutefois remarquer par la brute du campus. Mais les apparences sont parfois trompeuses. Le passé d’Alex le rattrape, et l’heure vient pour lui de devenir le héros.


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