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Crisol del destino

Cambio de actitud
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro de la saga Cambio de actitud

En la ciudad secreta de Sobek, Domin Thorne se está abriendo paso como el recién elegido semel-aten, el líder del mundo de los hombres pantera. Aspira a realizar cambios de gran alcance, ha establecido metas para él y para las personas que eligió llevar consigo y lidera su reinado según el ejemplo de su amigo, Logan Church. Pero quizá Domin se ha propuesto una meta idealista, ya que su estilo de liderazgo normal no está funcionando.

Mientras hace malabarismos con la nostalgia de Crane, el temperamento de Mikhail, el recurrente uso de látigos de Taj, sirvientes con intenciones asesinas, la visita de un ex, y una alma gemela en una peligrosa misión de buena voluntad, Domin tiene que descifrar solo su nuevo papel. Además, debe decidir cómo lidiar con una conspiración mientras cada día se enamora más de un hombre que, por primera vez en la vida de Domin, corresponde a ese amor. Esté Domin listo o no, el destino ha intervenido para enseñarle una lección: las amenazas internas son tan peligrosas como las externas.


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Guards of Folsom (Italiano) | Libro 3
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Guards of Folsom, Libro 3

Grant Maxwell si sveglia una mattina e scopre che la macchina del caffè è spirata durante la notte. Max, come lo conoscono tutti, non può iniziare la giornata senza la sua bevanda preferita, così si dirige al bar sotto casa, dove trova qualcosa che è ancora più eccitante della caffeina: un barista sexy di ventisei anni, Aiden James. Per la prima volta in vita sua questo Dom affermato, sicuro di sé e rispettato si trova a corto di parole di fronte al fascino del giovane.

Aiden vive con tre coinquilini, fa un lavoro senza nessuno sbocco per il futuro e non è sicuro di dove la vita lo stia portando. Fino a quando non incontra Max, che lo introduce a uno stile di vita a lui sconosciuto ma che lo intriga. Entrambi scopriranno presto che non è solo l’attrazione che li accomuna.

Condividere una piccola perversione è una cosa, ma le blande esperienze sessuali che Aiden ha avuto in passato, sommate alla paura di perdersi in Max, potrebbero impedirgli di vivere la sua fantasia. Anche Max ha il suo ostacolo da superare: deve aiutare Aiden a scoprire il suo lato da sottomesso pur essendo, per la prima volta in vita sua, innamorato perso di qualcuno.


$6.99 $5.24

At Your Service

At Your Service
$6.99 $5.24

An At Your Service Novel

When Anthony Mercer walked into Au cœur du terroir, he was looking for good food and a pleasant evening spent with a friend. He never expected to meet—and sleep with—Paul Delescluse, a waiter at the restaurant. After spending a magical week together in Paris, Anthony must return to his life in North Carolina, while Paul remains in France.

Despite the distance and the lack of promises between them—Paul wants sex, not a relationship—Paul and Anthony forge a solid friendship. Then Anthony’s job takes him back to Paris, this time to stay. Paul is thrilled to have him back, but Anthony has a harder choice: be another of Paul’s conquests or fight for the relationship he knows they could have, if only Paul would believe it.


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À votre service

Service compris
$6.99 $5.24

Service compris, numéro hors série

Lorsqu’Anthony Mercer est entré dans le restaurant Au cœur du terroir, il était à la recherche d'un bon repas et d'une soirée agréable passée avec une amie. Il ne s'attendait pas à rencontrer – et encore moins coucher avec – Paul Delescluse, un serveur du restaurant. Après avoir passé une semaine magique ensemble à Paris, Anthony doit retourner à sa vie en Caroline du Nord, tandis que Paul reste en France.

Malgré la distance et l'absence de promesses entre eux – Paul veut du sexe, pas une relation – Paul et Anthony forgent une amitié solide. Puis le travail d'Anthony le ramène à Paris, cette fois pour y rester. Paul est très heureux qu'il soit de retour, mais Anthony a un choix difficile à faire : être une autre des conquêtes de Paul, ou lutter pour obtenir la relation qu'ils pourraient avoir, si seulement Paul voulait bien y croire.


$6.99 $5.24


Guards of Folsom | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

Guards of Folsom: Book Five

Tek Cain & Jamie Ryan work at the Guards of Folsom BDSM club. After two years on the run from their old motorcycle club and the Feds, Tek & Jamie are finally able to relax and enjoy their new life in New York City. But the past won’t stay buried, and when the MC resurfaces, it’s Jamie who pays the price. Tek and the rest of the members at the Guards of Folsom must work together to get back one of their own.

In this, the final installment in the Guards of Folsom series, everyone must come together, bound as one in their quest to find Jamie and bring him home once and for all.


$6.99 $5.24

Russ Michaels has his whole life ahead of him but no plans beyond dropping out of school as soon as he turns eighteen. He’s been in and out of juvenile detention for the last four years and thoroughly expects to end up in an adult penitentiary at some point. He hates life and everyone in it, especially this latest community service that he earned in lieu of juvie yet again.

CJ Calhoun has big plans. He wants to bring joy and happiness to sick and injured children for as long as he can by performing as a clown. The problem is, he has stage-four cancer and a horrible prognosis.

When circumstances throw these two polar opposites together, they find they have more in common than they imagined. CJ discovers Russ’s talent for art and arranges for Russ to create a mural in the hospital foyer, which leads to a tentative scholarship to the Art Institute. As life changes in ways neither of them could have expected, Russ must work harder than ever to better himself as CJ struggles with his deteriorating health.


$9.99 $7.49

Immerse yourself in the best-selling Blue Notes universe, where music and romance are intrinsically intertwined. In Blue Notes, a struggling jazz violinist meets an attorney for a true journey of the heart; in The Melody Thief, a renowned cellist, sought after by conductors the world over, seeks hope and forgiveness from a lawyer; in Aria, rekindled lust blossoms into a true romance in world of opera; in Prelude, a world-renowned conductor clashes with a substitute violinist; in Symphony in Blue, revisit the couples of the Blue Notes series; in Encore, the cool kid violinist and the wannabe conductor dance in and out of a relationship and in Dissonance, a British noble on the run meets a busker in a subway.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


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$3.99 $2.99

Nate Pederowski is about as far down as he can go when he’s tipped to a job as a singer in a speakeasy. Dishonorably discharged for being queer, broke and homeless during the Great Depression, Nate is embittered and lonely. The club’s handsome owner, Rick Bellevue, and his sister Corinna are wowed by Nate’s voice and offer him the job.

But the Starlight Lounge is much more than an ordinary supper club, and Rick and his sister much more than just the owners. It’s not ’til Nate gets caught up in a gangster’s plot that he discovers just what secrets they’re hiding. Nate’s life is going to change in ways he can scarcely imagine, let alone believe.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2010, in the Myths and Magic: Legends of Love anthology.


$3.99 $2.99

Stuck away from home on business, all Ryan can do is talk with his lover, Scott, on the phone. But the conservative Ryan finds no comfort in phone sex—he's far too embarrassed. Fortunately, his playful lover has not only planned ahead, but he can think on his back as well. It turns out that the heart really is where good sex starts!

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2010.


$6.99 $5.24

Nach nur einer Nacht mit Ash Gallagher ist sich Eli Hollister sicher, dass er schließlich den richtigen Mann zum richtigen Zeitpunkt gefunden hat. Gut, dass er darauf nicht gewettet hat, denn wie sich herausstellt, ist Ash Student in einem seiner Kurse am örtlichen College. Eli kann die Anziehung nicht leugnen, doch jetzt wird es kompliziert. Er hat schon genug Probleme mit dem Leiter seiner Abteilung, dem es am liebsten wäre, Eli bekäme nicht die Festanstellung oder würde sogar gekündigt werden.

Ash freut sich darauf, seinem Leben eine neue Richtung zu geben. Nachdem er bei den Marines und in der Reserve gedient hat, möchte er nun sein militärisches Leben hinter sich lassen. Der Lust zu seinem Englisch-Professor zu verfallen, war das Letzte, womit er in diesem Semester gerechnet hat, doch je mehr Eli sich ihm widersetzt, desto hartnäckiger ist Ash. Als er feststellt, dass Eli auf der Suche nach einer festen Beziehung ist, wo er selbst doch nur an einer Affäre interessiert ist … oder etwa nicht? Alles ist möglich zwischen den beiden, wenn es um die Liebe und das Leben geht.


$6.99 $5.24

Cuir + Dentelle

Contraires qui s’attirent
$6.99 $5.24

Contraires qui s’attirent, numéro hors série

Drapé de mousseline et de dentelle, Steven Stanhope arpente la scène sous le pseudonyme de Stevie Tricks, mimant les chansons de la célèbre reine gitane, Stevie Nicks. Après avoir échappé à une relation abusive de Maître et d’esclave, le seul collier qu’il porte désormais autour de la nuque est en velours noir.

Après une absence de quatre années, Steve est prêt à revendiquer sa vie et à réclamer tout ce qu’il a été contraint de laisser derrière lui. Mais est-ce sans danger ? Certainement pas si son ex s’adonne toujours au fétichisme du cuir. Pour le découvrir, Steve se produit à un gala de charité pour la communauté locale de BDSM, se cachant derrière l’anonymat que lui procure son personnage.

Au lieu de se trouver confronté à son ancien Maître, Julius, Steve se retrouve englué dans un imbroglio impliquant Donato Rossi, un autre Maître du Cuir. Afin de se libérer du poids du passé, Steve et Don doivent trouver un terrain d’entente et accepter de travailler ensemble. Ils apprendront à cette occasion qu’il leur appartient de dicter leurs propres règles dès lors que l’amour est de la partie.


$6.99 $5.24


2016 Award Winners - DSP Publications
Haven Prime | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Haven Prime: Book One

The world is gone. All that’s left are the monsters.

The creatures attacked Haven VII with no warning. An AI named Kyrios, a nearly omnipotent being, should have protected the city during the Night of the Swarm.

Except It didn’t.

No one knows why It failed, or why It saved eight specific people: the Captain, the Seer, the Sentry, the Messenger, the Engineer, the Alchemist, the Medic, and the Stewardess. They have no idea of the meaning behind the titles they’ve been given, why they were selected and brought together, or what Kyrios expects from them. When they awake from stasis, they find their city in ruins and everyone long dead. They’re alone—or so they think. But then the creatures start pouring out from underground, looking for them. They don’t stand a chance in a fight, and with limited supplies, they can’t run forever. All they know is that the creatures aren’t their only enemies, and there’s only one place they can turn. Kyrios beckons them toward Its Portal, but can It be trusted? In Its isolated shrine in the desert, they might find the answers they need—if they can survive long enough to reach it.


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$6.99 $5.24

Gli eroi cadono.

Peter mette piede per la prima volta nella cittadina di Daisy, in California, quando è ancora un bambino ed è accompagnato da una sola certezza: suo cugino Michael si prenderà cura di lui. Poi Michael stringe amicizia col fragile e tormentato Bodi Kovacs e l’unica consolazione di Peter, dopo aver perso ogni possibilità di avere Bodi per sé, è che il cugino si occuperà anche di quest’ultimo. Ma la tragedia li colpisce e Michael si esilia dal loro mondo, gettando via l’affetto di chi l’ama di più.

Sei anni dopo, Michael sta per tornare a casa in una cassa. Per distruggere un eroe è bastata una città piena di bigottismo e odio. Per reclamarlo serve una forza d’animo che né Peter né Bodi avevano sei anni prima. Da quando Michael li ha abbandonati, Bodi è perso e solo. Peter cerca di farlo suo e assumere il ruolo che avrebbe dovuto essere del cugino, ma prima di tutto lui e Bodi devono affrontare il passato. Devono affrontare Michael, i suoi pregi e i suoi difetti, la bellezza e la tristezza, e ricordarlo per quello che è stato davvero e non per quello che avrebbe potuto essere. È un gesto semplice che potrebbe distruggerli entrambi: passare al setaccio le macerie in fiamme del paradiso è un sistema infallibile per annichilire un cuore mortale che soffre.


$6.99 $5.24

Taylor Maid

Dreamspun Desires

He'll marry the maid to get $50 million but a secret could queer the deal.

Taylor Fitzgerald needs a last-minute bride.

On the eve of his twenty-fifth birthday, the billionaire’s son discovers that despite being gay, he must marry a woman before midnight or lose a fifty-million-dollar inheritance. So he hightails it to Las Vegas… where he meets the beautiful maid Ally May.

There’s just one rather significant problem: Ally is actually Alessandro Macias, son of a tough Brazilian hotel magnate. But if Ally keeps pretending to be a girl for a little while longer, is there a chance they might discover this marriage is tailor-made?


$9.99 $7.49

Don't miss these greatest hits of historical romance by Rowan McAllister, collected in this exclusive bundle!

In A Promise of Tomorrow, Lord James Warren's routine is shattered when his niece and nephew ask him to help a beautiful young man they've only just met: Kyle Allen, alone and running from his abusive lover. Assistance and a future for Kyle might be secured, but then they would face a choice: stay apart and continue leading half-lives... or risk everything for love. In A Devil’s Own Luck, William devotes his days to the pursuit of empty pleasure until the night he meets a young man who ignites a spark in him he’d thought long extinguished. Stephen is fiery and passionate, handsome and mysterious—exactly what a fallen devil needs to stir the ashes of his heart. In Never a Road Without a Turning, unapologetic rake Phillip “Pip” Stubbs takes a position at Greer cottage, hoping for another distraction from the growing restlessness inside him. But when the new master arrives, Pip ends up more unsettled than ever. Major Astley McNalty has everything a common servant like Pip could ever wish for, and yet he spends his nights in drunken brooding and his days in solitary melancholy. Can they learn to trust one another enough to find a safe path to a future together?


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49
$5.99 $4.49

What happens when a powerful connection forms between two damaged strangers?

Found injured by the side of a road, Bill Ward suffers from retrograde amnesia. Having no recollection of his past, he feels like a nobody. Romance is definitely not an option for a nobody. Jazz singer and piano player Johnny Desmond, on the other hand, is emotionally dead from the ultimate betrayal. But from the moment their eyes meet, there’s no fighting it, and with their friends’ encouragement, Bill and Johnny decide to get to know each other.

Bill’s memories are hovering at the edge of his mind, tormenting him with fear and doubts about what he has to offer. Johnny also has a past—one that could endanger his life. It might have been love at first sight, but it will take courage and commitment to see it through to love that lasts forever.


$5.99 $4.49

Rules of Engagement

Rules of Engagement

Dustin Walker has no idea that avoiding the search for Mrs. Right could send him into the arms and bed of Mr. Right Now. According to Dustin's mother, he should be out looking for his next wife so he won't be the divorced black sheep of the family. Instead, he passes his free time at a local bar and pool hall, where he meets someone who's everything his ex-wife wasn't: funny, caring, faithful... and male.

Is Brandon Stewart just Dustin’s way of getting over a bitter divorce? Can Dustin really care for him, or is it simply that Brandon is the complete opposite of his ex-wife? Dustin keeps their affair as quiet as possible, because if it continues, he knows he'll eventually have to come out to his homophobic family or walk out on the man he's trying not to love.


$6.99 $5.24

A Lifting the Veil Story

Notorious master thief Finn Grayson is hired to break into a high-class skyscraper in New Shanghai and steal a priceless artifact known as the Shard. But someone’s gotten to the Shard first—and the penthouse suite turns out to be a dragon’s lair.

Cameron Feilong, Guardian of the Earth Shard, is ancient enough to realize that he and his unbidden guest are being used like puppets on a string. Forming a shaky alliance is the only way for them to survive and to stop their ruthless foes.

Unfortunately, Finn and Cam seem to be forever one step behind. To learn more about their clandestine enemy, they travel together from walled Asian cities, barren tundras, and underwater temples to secret paranormal clubs and legendary elvish cities rising high in the trees or buried deep under glaciers. Finn and Cam must learn to trust each other before it’s too late, for bringing together the five Elemental Shards will spell the end of the world.


$6.99 $5.24