d.j.brumb is a semiretired gentleman, a much-traveled artist who has lived in many different countries, and is now living and working in trendy South Beach, Florida in the winter, and in the woods of North Carolina in the summer. He lives with his well-read little black dog named Annie who loves classical music and all kinds of food. His books draw on all of his life experiences and from the countries he has lived and worked in including England, France, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand as well as visits to the Far East and to the Middle East. He writes his manuscripts in longhand and uses Dragon dictation to transcribe them onto the computer. He is trying to learn the Dvorak typing system and believes, incorrectly, that he is having some success. His main loves are painting, writing, reading, and good food. He once won a trophy and a free turkey for an original Thanksgiving essay at a local college. Some of his paintings may be seen at: davidjohnart.faso.com