Emily Reed has been training as a certified Cat Lady for twenty-two years, which is incidentally how old she is. She graduated from Agnes Scott College with the Foxes (class of 2014) and a B.A. in English Literature/Creative Writing. She knows two dead languages and enjoys video games, knitting, and electric blue eyeliner. Her favorite thing to write is young adult queer fantasy, but she writes poetry and nonfiction on the side. Her ideal Saturday includes playing with dogs and going to the aquarium before settling down with a bottle of wine and Netflix. She would like to remind you all that gender is fuzzy and her answer to “are you a boy or girl” is “yes.” Reed hails from Atlanta, Georgia, and believes that any city without a Waffle House is sorely missing out. Hash browns, y’all. She can often be found reading at events around Decatur, where it’s greater, or visiting her alma mater, but if you want to contact her directly, she has an author page on Facebook now. She regrets to inform you that her application for a Bat-Signal has been denied, so this is the best way to reach her (and her four cats).