Lee Ohlson

Lee Ohlson’s earliest literary memory is laying on her back in her bedroom listening to The Hobbit on audiotape while reading along in a mass market paperback to make sure she didn’t miss a word. Early forays into fanfiction – self-inserts into Lord of the Rings, of course – and an ongoing collaboration with a middle school friend introduced her to writing for fun. After twenty-five years of ups and downs, including an entire 300-page manuscript lost to flooding during Hurricane Ike, she has finally reached a point where she can start working on publishing romance novels for a wider audience.

Lee Ohlson grew up in Houston, Texas, before returning to her home country of Canada in her early twenties. Outside of writing, she thrives on hiking, gardening, and swimming, as well as spending time with her two cats and two pugs. Her favorite holiday is Halloween, and she is an avid reader.

Some of her favorite books include Pride and Prejudice, The Lord of the Rings, Lolita, and A Clockwork Orange. Her favorite movies are Fargo and The Thing, and her favorite television show of all time is Twin Peaks. This eclectic mixture of media informs her works, and her adoration of different genres ensures that her novels are always fresh and compelling.

Check out more at her website!