Sarah Black

Sarah Black is a writer and artist, a mom and a Navy veteran, and a family nurse practitioner. She is retired from the last but has kept all the other jobs.

Sarah’s mother says this: Sarah could have been an admiral. She could have married an admiral. She did neither. Instead, she did everything she wanted to do because she is too hard headed to listen to her mother.

 Sarah’s father says this: I just hope I can stay alive long enough to bail her out. Sarah is hopeless with money. When she was twenty-one, she cashed in her new IRA, took the money, and went to Paris!

Sarah’s son says this: When Mom starts on a new book, she packs the fridge with frozen burritos and hot dogs and I have to fix my own dinner. She tells a lot of stories too, like when she dipped my feet into the Mediterranean Sea when I was a week old and nearly dropped me.

Sarah’s dog says this: When I get scared, Mom tells me stories about all the rivers and seas she’s put her feet in, and she counts them down, starting with the Mighty Yukon, the Columbia, the Boise, the Colorado, the Green, the Pecos, the Rio Grande, the Mighty Mississippi, the James, then the Gulf of Mexico, and the Chesapeake Bay, and the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. Then she mentions rivers we still need to visit—the Nile, the Danube, the Mighty Yangtze, the Amazon—and by the time she is finished, I feel better.

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