T.A. Venedicktov is in reality two people.
Ariana is a full-time working single mother with a love of chai tea lattes. When Ariana is not working or raising two amazing children, she is plotting with her co-author. Ariana has been in the medical field for eighteen years and has a love of travel. She daydreams most of the plots of the T.A. novels—daily, hourly, nonstop, which drives TC nuts at times.
T.C. is a full-time cat mom with a background in theatrical carpentry. T.C. has traveled outside the USA to multiple countries & 47 states within the US. The main headliner in regards to editing and keeping their writing in order, as well as trying to untangle all of A’s random ideas. T.C. lives in Florida with her amazing parents & beloved kitties. She’s been battling Sjogren’s Disease while drinking coffee and kicking ass. She is always happy to speak to those who are also battling Sjogren’s Disease or those who have questions about the second most common autoimmune disease in the world. For those that have questions, need advice, or just need to talk to someone with the disease, you can contact T.C.