Books by "Amy Lane" (201)


Chase en las sombras

Johnnies (Español)
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 1 de la serie Johnnies

Chase Summers. La suerte le sonríe. Tiene una hermosa novia, buenos amigos y un futuro prometedor.

Nadie conoce al verdadero Chase.

Chase Summers tiene una hoja de afeitar apoyada en la muñeca y el olor del adiós de su amante aún en su piel. Hay una puerta en su corazón que se abre a algo tan aterrador que prefiere morir a abrirla, y las mentiras que ha utilizado para mantenerla cerrada están debilitándose con cada caricia prohibida. Ha pasado toda su vida intentando aclararse, y su decisión de liberar su sexualidad en secreto sólo ha servido para que su mente se destruya más deprisa…

Chase tiene una oportunidad de conseguir el amor verdadero y la salvación. Aunque haya conocido a Tommy Halloran en el mundo del porno gay, donde el número de amantes no importa mientras que la toma de la eyaculación sea buena, si quiere la curación que el amor de Tommy le brinda, necesitará tener el valor de pasar de las sombras a la luz del sol. Eso puede ser pedir demasiado a un hombre que se ha pasado la vida escondiendo su verdadero yo. Chase sabe muy bien que las únicas cosas que prosperan en la oscuridad del corazón son los implacables demonios personales a los que tanto les gusta vernos sangrar.


$6.99 $5.24

Candy Man

Candy Man
2015 Award Winners
$4.99 $3.74

Adam Macias has been thrown a few curve balls in his life, but losing his VA grant because his car broke down and he missed a class was the one that struck him out. One relative away from homelessness, he's taking the bus to Sacramento, where his cousin has offered a house-sitting job and a new start. He has one goal, and that's to get his life back on track. Friends, pets, lovers? Need not apply.

Finn Stewart takes one look at Adam as he's applying to Candy Heaven and decides he's much too fascinating to leave alone. Finn is bright and shiny—and has never been hurt. Adam is wary of his attention from the very beginning—Finn is dangerous to every sort of peace Adam is forging, and Adam may just be too damaged to let him in at all.

But Finn is tenacious, and Adam's new boss, Darrin, doesn't take bullshit for an answer. Adam is going to have to ask himself which is harder—letting Finn in or living without him? With the holidays approaching it seems like an easy question, but Adam knows from experience that life is seldom simple, and the world seldom cooperates with hope, faith, or the plans of cats and men.


$4.99 $3.74
$3.99 $2.99

Joel Martinez, ein praktisch denkender und gut organisierter Computerprogrammierer, ist der Mitbewohner von Ian Cooper, einem zertifizierten, IQ-in-der-Stratosphäre Mathegenie, das im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes in seinem alltäglichen Chaos seine Unterwäsche nicht finden kann. Als er über die Feiertage seine Mutter besucht, lässt er Ian mit einem unguten Gefühl zurück. Um sich abzulenken, erzählt er seiner Schwester Geschichten über den Alltag mit Ian und stellt fest, dass er weit mehr für Ian empfindet, als ihm bewusst war. Als Ian ihn verstört anruft, weil die einzige, die ihn liebt (eine halb verwilderte Katze namens Elender Bastard) eingeschläfert werden muss, eilt Joel nach Hause und hofft, dass sich Gegensätze tatsächlich anziehen.


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

Dieci anni dopo che Dorjan ha creduto alle parole di un ragazzino anziché a quelle del suo ufficiale, lui e il suo miglior amico, Areau, ne pagano ancora le conseguenze, e cercano di fermare l’uomo veramente responsabile. Bloccato in una meticolosa danza per far cadere un governo corrotto, Dorjan si sforza di bilanciare il suo dolore con la rabbia di Areau. Proprio quando raggiunge il limite della sopportazione, vede un volto familiare nell’ombra, e il ragazzo di cui si era fidato un decennio prima gli offre una gentilezza inaspettata.

Taern ricorda il soldato che lo ha trovato sotto ai giunchi e ha ascoltato le sue preghiere di salvare la sua famiglia. Quando Dorjan riappare nella sua vita, Taern è conquistato dal suo impegno per la giustizia, ma è anche terrorizzato dai rischi che si assume. Tutto ciò che vuole fare per lui è guarirlo, ma la distruzione imminente ha richiesto dieci anni di lavoro e Dorjan non vuole il suo aiuto. Non se questo lo mette in pericolo.

Gli scontri di potere e il destino del mondo sono in bilico tra la follia di Areau e la nobiltà di Dorjan. Mentre quest’ultimo combatte per salvare l’umanità, Taern si unisce alla battaglia solo per salvare lui, sapendo che tutto dipende dal cuore di un uomo in armatura e dalla forza dell’uomo che lo ama.


$6.99 $5.24

Beneath the Stain

2015 Award Winners
Beneath the Stain
$6.99 $5.24

A Beneath the Stain Novel

In a town as small as Tyson, CA, everybody knew the four brothers with the four different fathers—and their penchant for making good music when they weren't getting into trouble. For Mackey Sanders, playing in Outbreak Monkey with his brothers and their friends—especially Grant Adams—made Tyson bearable. But Grant has plans for getting Mackey and the Sanders boys out of Tyson, even if that means staying behind.

Between the heartbreak of leaving Grant and the terrifying, glamorous life of rock stardom, Mackey is adrift and sinking fast. When he's hit rock bottom, Trav Ford shows up, courtesy of their record company and a producer who wants to see what Mackey can do if he doesn't flame out first. But cleaning up his act means coming clean about Grant, and that's not easy to do or say. Mackey might make it with Trav's help—but Trav's not sure he's going to survive falling in love with Mackey.

Mackey James Sanders comes with a whole lot of messy, painful baggage, and law-and-order Trav doesn't do messy or painful. And just when Trav thinks they may have mastered every demon in Mackey's past, the biggest, baddest demon of all comes knocking.

1st edition


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Quent Jackson ha seguito ogni mossa di Jason Spade negli affari e nel poker fin da quando si sono conosciuti il primo giorno di college. Otto anni dopo, quando Jace decide che Quent è l’unico uomo di cui non può fare a meno, non vede come questo debba cambiare.

Ma se Jace crede che il poker sia la vita, nessuno ha dato a Quent gli stessi insegnamenti. Dopo la loro prima notte di passione, inizia il vero gioco dell’amore e della fiducia, ma Jace ha giocato da solo troppo a lungo per poter insegnare le regole facilmente. Jace parla solo due lingue: una è quella del sesso, l’altra quella del poker. Fra le due, deve trovare il modo di convincersi a dare una possibilità all’amore, e convincere Quent a dare una possibilità a lui. È un bene che entrambi sappiano correre il rischio, perché stanno giocando seriamente, e l’alta posta in gioco è la loro relazione, che senza dubbio vale l’azzardo.


$6.99 $5.24

La graduación de Talker

Talker (Español) | Volumen 3
$3.99 $2.99

La secuela de La Salvación de Talker
Volumen 3 de la Serie Talker

Cuando superas el conocimiento básico de la supervivencia, ¿qué viene a continuación? Brian Cooper se recuperó del ataque que casi lo mata y Tate Walker se enfrentó a sus propios demonios. Ahora lo que queda son… los dos. Crecer juntos y hacer que madure su amor es todo menos algo sencillo.

El eterno optimismo de Talker y la fe silenciosa de Brian pueden ser lo que les ayude a conquistar los grandes y pequeños obstáculos que no dejarán de atravesarse en su camino mientras superan las complicaciones que van surgiendo a medida que comienzan a cumplir sus sueños.


$3.99 $2.99

La laurea di Talker

Talker (Italiano)
$3.99 $2.99

Seguito di La guarigione di Talker
Serie Talker, Libro 3

Sei riuscito a sopravvivere... ma cosa fai dopo? Brian Cooper si è ripreso dall’assalto che l’ha quasi ucciso e Tate Walker ha affrontato i suoi demoni. Quello che rimane... sono loro due. Crescere insieme e far crescere il loro amore è tutto fuorché semplice.

L’eterno ottimismo di Talker e la fede silenziosa di Brian potrebbero essere sufficienti per affrontare ogni ostacolo, grande e piccolo, sulla loro strada, ma anche per affrontare le conseguenze dei loro sogni che diventano realtà.


$3.99 $2.99

Talker, la décision

Talker (Français) | Tome 3
$3.99 $2.99

Suite de Talker, la rédemption
Talker, tome 3

Une fois acquis le réflexe primaire de la survie, que faut-il d’autre ?

Brian Cooper s’est remis de l’agression ayant failli le tuer, Tate Walker a appris à affronter ses propres démons. Maintenant, chacun des garçons ne possède plus que son compagnon. Vivre ensemble – et vivre leur amour au jour le jour – n’a rien de facile.

D’une certaine façon, l’éternel optimisme de Talker associé à la foi tranquille de Brian s’avère capable d’aplanir tous les obstacles, grands et petits, de vaincre les épreuves et de réaliser leurs rêves respectifs.


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Knitter in His Natural Habitat
A Granby Knitting Novel

After three years of waiting for “rabbit” Jeremy to commit to a life in Granby—and a life together—Aiden Rhodes was appalled when Jeremy sustained a nearly fatal beating to keep a friend out of harm's way. How could Aiden’s bunny put himself in danger like that?

Aiden needs to get over himself, because Jeremy has a long road to recovery, and he's going to need Aiden's promise of love every step of the way. Jeremy has new scars on his face and body to deal with, and his heart can’t afford any more wounds.

When their friend’s baby needs some special care, the two men find common ground to firm up their shaky union. With Aiden’s support and his boss’s inspiration, Jeremy comes up with a plan to make sure Ariadne's little blackbird comes into this world with everything she needs. While Jeremy grows into his new role as protector, Aiden needs to ease back on his protectiveness over his once-timid lover. Aiden may be a wolf in student's clothing and Jeremy may be a rabbit of a man, but that doesn’t mean they can’t walk the wilds of Granby together.


$6.99 $5.24

The Granby Knitting Menagerie

Granby Knitting Series

Welcome to Granby, Colorado, a small town at the foot of the Rocky Mountains where it snows eight months out of the year and knitting is a mashup of art form, necessity, and religion. Here you will meet:

* Rance “Craw” Crawford, owner of the local alpaca farm and fiber mill, who courts tenderfoot Ben McCutcheon with awkwardness and the most lovingly handcrafted knitted garments known to man.

* Jeremy Stillson, ex-con and ex-grifter, who comes to work for Craw and learns the secrets to being honest are in both the yarn he learns to use and in Aiden Rhodes, his young co-worker, who has a very direct way of dealing with life and seducing Jeremy.

* Stanley Schulz, yarn buyer and Craw’s ex-lover, who discovers the joys of knitting alone—and then discovers the joys of knitting for Johnny, a delivery driver with a shady past. Join this menagerie of knitters as they craft to keep their toes toasty and their hearts warm.

Novellas in this anthology originally published as eBooks by Dreamspinner Press.


$6.99 $5.24

Conozcan a Patrick Cleary: parrandero, fracasado y tarado. Patrick ha estado intentando desesperadamente transformarse, y los resultados han sido espectaculares, casi lo han asesinado. Conozcan a Wes “Whiskey” Keenan: biólogo de campo que se pregunta si ya es tiempo de sentar cabeza. Cuando el peor día de la vida de Patrick concluye siendo rescatado por Whiskey, ambos acaban haciéndose compañía en un compartimento diminuto en la casa flotante más cutre del mundo.

Patrick necesita enderezar su vida, Whiskey quiere ayudar, pero Patrick no está completamente convencido de que eso sea factible. Está bastante seguro de ser un fenómeno de la naturaleza. Pero Whiskey, quien trabaja con verdaderos fenómenos de la naturaleza, piensa que lo único que necesita Patrick es un poco de ayuda para ver la verdadera belleza en su interior espástico, y se ofrece como voluntario. Entre ranas anómalas, un exnovio homicida, y los complejos de Patrick, Whiskey va a necesitar toda su paciencia, y Patrick va a necesitar encontrar lo mejor de sí, antes de que estos dos hombres puedan ver el agua clara.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Con un atto di eroismo e sacrificio, la sorella di Anderson Rawn lo salva dalla distruzione della loro piccola colonia mineraria, ma le sue azioni condannano il tredicenne a dieci anni di solitudine nell’iperspazio, nel viaggio alla ricerca di una nuova casa. Usando l’elettronica e la disperazione, Anderson si costruisce una famiglia per tenergli compagnia, ma la famiglia non sempre è una benedizione.

Quando finalmente Anderson arriva, C.J. Poulson lo accoglie con curiosità e stupore, perché chiunque sopravviva a un inferno e reinventi la scienza olografica è una leggenda e merita il rispetto di C.J. Ma più questi indaga su come Anderson sia sopravvissuto negli ultimi dieci anni, più si sente attratto da una fantasia davvero pericolosa, una fantasia che può offrire la chiave della salvezza di Anderson e della sua distruzione.

Nonostante le sue migliori intenzioni, C.J. non può resistere alla seduzione di Anderson. La loro attrazione rischia di distruggerli entrambi, perché il cuore di un uomo che riesce a sopravvivere alla distruzione del suo popolo e a rimanere consapevole di sé è il cuore di un vero uomo, e non potrà essere rinnegato.


$6.99 $5.24

Triane's Son Reigning

Bitter Moon Saga | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to Triane's Son Fighting
Bitter Moon Saga: Book Four

From the moment Torrant Shadow realized Consort Rath murdered his family, he’s lived a dual identity: a healer and poet by nature, a predator out of necessity. It’s not just exhausting, it’s perilous.

In the deadly city of Dueance, Torrant must succeed in both lives, because while the predator may save the Goddess’s folk from Rath’s brutal policies, it is the poet who will sway the minds of the people to revolt against the oppressive government. As his cause falters, Torrant finds his worst nightmares come to pass as the people he loves most—his family from Eiran, his former lovers, and his moon-destined, Yarri—all come to his aid, despite the danger.

They must succeed—there is no other option. If they fail, Rath will eliminate joy from the heart of the lands of the three moons, and all that Torrant and his family cherish will be lost. But success could exact devastating cost, one Triane’s Son was never prepared to pay.

2nd Edition
1st Edition published as Bitter Moon II: Triane's Son Reigning by iUniverse, 2009


$6.99 $5.24


2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Will Lafferty and Kenny Scalia are both having sort of a day. Will gets fired for letting fifth graders read Harry Potter, and Kenny finds his boyfriend and his sex toys in bed with a complete stranger. When Will knocks over Kenny's trash can—and strews Kenny's personal business all over the street—it feels like the perfect craptastic climax to the sewage of suckage that has rained down on them both.

But ever-friendly, ever-kind Will asks snarky Kenny out for a beer—God knows they both need one—and two amazing things occur: Kenny discovers talking to Will might be the best form of intercourse ever, and Will discovers he's gay.

Their unlikely friendship seems like the perfect platonic match until Will reveals how very much more he’s been feeling for Kenny almost since the beginning. But Kenny’s worried. Will’s newfound sexuality is bright and glittery and shiny, but what happens when that wears off? Is Will's infatuation with Kenny strong enough to stay real?


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

El profesor James Richards se encuentra atrapado por la rutina y ha empezado a notar el peso de la edad. Se siente perseguido por su fracaso sentimental y la humillación que ha sufrido, a pesar de haberse mudado al norte de California, donde lo único bueno que encuentra es su Boston Terrier, Marlowe.

Es en esos momentos cuando una de sus alumnas más difíciles, pero también brillante, decide presentarle a su mejor amigo. Rafael Ochoa se encuentra cronológica, cultural y filosóficamente a mundos de distancia de James, pero también es guapo, amable y todo un desafío para su corazón. Juntos, forjarán un puente entre la susceptibilidad de la costa Este de James y la informalidad de la costa Oeste de Rafael. Sin embargo, ¿podrá su encuentro sobrevivir a la pérdida de fe de James en los finales felices?


$4.99 $3.74

Triane's Son Fighting

Bitter Moon Saga | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to Triane's Son Learning
Bitter Moon Saga: Book Three

Outraged by the destruction of innocent lives and the threat to his family’s safety, Torrant Shadow and Aylan Stealth-Moon ride to Dueance, the capital of Clough, with a desperate plan: Torrant will impersonate Yarri’s dead brother, Ellyot Moon, and infiltrate the Regent’s council to help change to the government’s policy toward the Goddess’s chosen from the inside.

But from the very first night, Torrant and Aylan are pressed into service in the shadows of the ghettoes, fighting for the lives of the brutalized people within. It’s a bitter job, made more so by close scrutiny and mockery from Consort Rath, the ruler whose policies have created the discrimination and cruelty wreaking havoc in their country.

Torrant’s only bright moments come from Aylan, whose love and loyalty never falter, and the hungry, compassionate minds of the younger regents. Believing that all they need is a worthy song to follow, Torrant sets about leading them to accomplish the salvation of their country. But not even Torrant can be everywhere at once. When faced with one disaster too many, he realizes one man alone cannot right the wrongs of an entire government—not even Triane’s Son.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as Bitter Moon II: Triane's Son Reigning by iUniverse, 2009


$6.99 $5.24

Behind the Curtain

2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Dawson Barnes recognizes his world is very small and very charmed. Running his community college theater like a petty god, he and his best friend, Benji know they'll succeed as stage techs after graduation. His father adores him, Benji would die for him, and Dawson never doubted the safety net of his family, even when life hit him below the belt.

But nothing prepared him for falling on Jared Emory's head.

Aloof dance superstar Jared is a sweet, vulnerable man and Dawson's life suits him like a fitted ballet slipper. They forge a long-distance romance from their love of the theater and the magic of Denny's. At first it's perfect: Dawson gets periodic visits and nookie from a gorgeous man who “gets” him—and Jared gets respite from the ultra-competitive world of dancing that almost consumed him.

That is until Jared shows up sick and desperate and Dawson finally sees the distance between them concealed painful things Jared kept inside. If he doesn’t grow up—and fast—his "superstar" might not survive his own weaknesses. That would be a shame, because the real, fragile Jared that Dawson sees behind the curtain is the person he can see spending his life with.


$6.99 $5.24